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A bibliometric study of the public relations scholarly literature revealed the most cited authors and most cited published works for 1990-1995. Unlike other disciplines, public relations is typified by a concentration of scholars, institutions, and topics. J. E. Grunig is by far the most cited scholar, J. E. Grunig and Hunt (1984) is the most cited work, and public relations roles is the most co-cited category of works. Findings indicate that public relations is a young, but growing, social science discipline that might benefit from a certain amount of paradigmatic or topical diversity in the future.  相似文献   

From time to time, scholars in an academic or professional discipline need to assess the quality and stature of their field. Studies of citation patterns in journals—of who cites whom and of the nature of the citations—offer a method for taking stock of a discipline. This article reports the results of the first citation study of public relations. The results show that public relations has matured greatly as a discipline over the 15-year period studied. In articles published early in the period, most citations were to other fields, especially to the social sciences. In more recent articles, public relations scholars cite each other more often—showing that the discipline is coalescing around its own body of knowledge. We conclude that public relations developed a literature that is not only voluminous but also relevant during this period. The study also shows that public relations has become a scholarly discipline as well as a professional one. There was a dramatic increase in the relative number of educator-authors, and a relative decrease in the number of practitioners, contributing to the scholarly public relations literature over the 15-year period examined in this study.  相似文献   

Communication about places is typically termed place branding and is generally situated within the marketing discipline. However, in practice, place branding shares many commonalities with public relations. It involves relationships with a wide range of stakeholders, reputation management, and communication campaigns that involve no direct sale of a product. While some have noted the parallels between place branding and public relations, the intersection of these two fields has not been reviewed empirically. This study examines the relationship between public relations and place branding by exploring how scholars in each field have conceptualised and represented the other in their research publications. A systematic review of 378 journal articles, published from 1988 to 2018 in 18 selected journals from both fields, was conducted. This research shows that while there is a significant conceptual crossover between the two fields and they work together in practice, the place branding literature largely treats public relations as a promotional tactic rather than a disciplinary body of knowledge. Conversely, outside of public diplomacy research, public relations has shown little interest in places and place communication, and there is limited research applying public relations theories and concepts to places. This paper adds to current knowledge on the interdisciplinarity of public relations theories and concepts and how public relations is perceived outside its own field and suggests new possibilities for interdisciplinary research on place communication.  相似文献   

An examination of journal articles published from 1989 to 2007 reveals that although public relations scholars appear to have followed rigorous procedures, reporting on research protocols is inadequate in some quantitative and qualitative studies. Most areas of needed improvement concern sins of omission, not of commission.  相似文献   

The theme of this special section arose from the idea that interdisciplinary interactions, or the cross-fertilization of methods, philosophies, theories, and modes of practice across disciplines, can open out productive ways of addressing complex issues and wicked problems. Our call for papers reached out to public relations scholars and to researchers in other fields to submit articles at these generative intersections at different time. They were invited to reflect on traditional concerns, or current issues, or projected trends in public relations and elsewhere. As editors making a call to open boundaries, we invited participation along a spectrum of possible intersections whether of content, methods, pedagogy or technology. Taking different positions on that spectrum, the articles in the section examine the nature, engagement and evaluation of intersections. In writing this introduction, the editors took an overview of the articles in the light of three fundamental questions: “How and where does interdisciplinarity occur in public relations?”; “Are there indications of how public relations intersects with other fields to engage existing and potential future challenges?”; and “What principles might serve to evaluate answers to questions one and two?” In addition, we explore how each of the selected intersections in the articles might add value to public relations as a discipline and a practice.  相似文献   


This research reported and expanded on a 6-year citation study of published scholarly research in public relations that occurred between 2010 and 2015. This analysis built on the work of Pasadeos and his collaborators, who examined the literature’s most-cited works from the 2000s and 1990s, respectively, and studied the field’s research network. Moreover, this study expanded the scope of coverage by adding three international journals. Overall, this study found that public relations scholarship experienced quantitative and qualitative leaps during the last decade, and the areas of excellence theory, relationship management, and crisis communication were heavily researched across the journals examined, whereas stakeholder and corporate communication are major study areas in the international journals.  相似文献   

This paper uses the content analysis method to review the research papers on public relations published in the past 10 years, concludes the current situation and trend of public relations research, and reveals the variations and laws of public relations research in China. In addition, this paper also compares the public relations literatures published in Mainland China with those in Taiwan, which benefits the understanding of the research situation and trend on public relations across the Strait.  相似文献   

Sensory scholarship in the fields of sociology, anthropology, history and geography, among others, has proliferated in the last few decades. Sensory works in these disciplines argue for the senses as social, highlighting important insights that further our comprehension of selfhood, culture, and social relations. In this paper, I delineate five interrelated sections that inform how sensory works have developed over time. In the first section, I provide an adumbrated background with regard to the hierarchy of the senses, and call attention to the need to move beyond the hegemony of vision. The second section offers a discussion on how Sociology has contributed to sensory studies, addressed alongside other disciplines. Building upon these two sections, both theoretical directions and methodological issues will be deliberated in the third and fourth sections respectively. The last section locates the development of sensory research in organizational terms, by elucidating upon the various institutional efforts that have been pursued towards organizing sensory research and scholarly publications through different avenues. The article then concludes by putting forward the concept of sensory transnationalism as a suggestion for the next step forward towards broadening sensory research.  相似文献   

Even though the extant literature has pointed to the steady growth of public relations research in different contexts, the developing economy context continues to be marginalised in terms of scholarship, theory development and, consequently, the practice of the discipline. This has necessitated calls from scholars to document research in the discipline to trigger future research agendas. This study was therefore undertaken to scientifically synthesise and analyze 26 peer-reviewed public relations studies in Ghana, which were published over a period of 10 years (2012–2021) to document the dominant issues, gaps, and future research avenues. Through a systematic review, the study found that there is an over-concentration on themes such as CSR and CSR communication, public relations within higher education institutions, and dialogic public relations at the expense of other key subject areas within the discipline. Methodologically, 65% of the studies reviewed have employed the qualitative methodology as opposed to the quantitative and mixed-method approaches, thereby reducing the ability to extrapolate their findings to other populations. The study has thoroughly discussed the implications for public relations scholarship, theory development and practice within Ghana and other emerging contexts.  相似文献   

As inarguably one of the most influential theories in public relations scholarship, the symmetrical theory devalues the most common public relations objective, persuasion. This article deconstructs Grunig's work and re-constructs classic rhetoric to provide a post-symmetrical direction for public relations scholarship devoted to influencing behavior. By viewing the practice of persuasion from the perspectives of Aristotle, Plato, Isocrates, Burke, Nietzsche and others, this paper provides ethical and procedural guidelines on how today's public relations scholars can refocus the public relations agenda to focus more on real-world issues.  相似文献   

In the early 1990s, scholars from a variety of disciplines encouraged greater inclusion of qualitative research methodology in the mental health field. Moon, Dillon, and Sprenkle (1990) hoped their paper “Family therapy and qualitative research” would serve as a stimulus for further development of qualitative research in the field of family therapy. Ten years later, entering the new millennium, has the field been influenced by recommendations for an increase in use of qualitative methodology in family therapy? A content analysis was conducted on articles published in the marriage and family therapy literature from 1980 to 1999. Of the numerous articles examined in four journals, 131 articles were published using qualitative research methodology. Findings support the contention that qualitative research is increasing, but still accounts for a small number of research articles published in marriage and family therapy journals.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(1-2):457-486
This paper argues that the development of family research and theory in Great Britain has been strengthened by the fluidity of boundaries between various disciplines and methodolo- gies employed in the explanation of family life. Indeed, changes in the definition of family have been at the heart of the diversity and fluidity characteristic of the study of family. Studies of economic issues, gender and class distinctions, and family processes have involved vari- ous perspectives in research and theory building. Future directions for research suggest the need to explore linkages between British scholars and the wider community of family scholars, topics related to family morality or obligation, further development of qualitative and quantitative methods in family research, and continued exchanges between scholars and policy makers.  相似文献   

Articles in academic public relations journals often provide recommendations for public relations practitioners. The purpose of this study is to gain a practitioner perspective on that work and to determine if a potential disconnect between public relations practitioners and scholars exists. Through semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 22 public relations practitioners, this study examines knowledge, readership, and applicability of public relations scholarship in industry. Participants indicated they have a general awareness of and assigned value to academic scholarship; however, they do not actively consider it or use it in their professional lives due to issues of access, time, and relevance. Many appeals have been made within the academy to make scholars’ work more “public,” and these results reflect this need. Based on these findings, recommendations are made to increase the accessibility and relevance of scholarly work for professionals.  相似文献   

This qualitative content analysis used framing theory to examine how gender and diversity have been framed over the past decade in modern public relations industry publications. Findings revealed that diversity is most often set aside in its own issue or column and not integrated throughout the whole of the publications. Most articles about diverse populations mentioned primarily Hispanic or Latino populations and Blacks or African Americans. Diversity is framed as different, a journey or process, a language problem, a responsibility, inclusion, transforming workplace culture, enhancing the profession, resource intensive, power driven, needing to be justified, and impacting the bottom line. Disparities in public relations still exist among gender, racial, and ethnic groups with less power and must be addressed more fully in public relations professional publications.  相似文献   

《Public Relations Review》2005,31(2):159-173
Though public relations practice everywhere is suffering from low standards of professionalism, practitioners are hardly looking for support from public relations scholars. The question is why. This article argues that this is not because practitioners are reluctant to adopt the scholarly work that has been done, but because, in defining what professionalism is all about, practitioners and scholars live in different worlds. Coherence in views on professionalism can be seen as a prerequisite for development of practice. This article proposes a new model of professionalism in which certain values of previous views are adhered to and, where appropriate, partially integrated.  相似文献   

In a 2003 content analysis of scholarly public relations journal articles, Sallot, Lyon, Acosta-Alzura and Jones stated that, although no dominant paradigms had yet emerged, scholarship and theory building in public relations was well on its way. Entering into this project, the authors expected to see public relations at a stage where the majority of public relations research and scholarly journal articles were focusing on a centralized body of theory as the field entered the first decade of the 21st century. The results of the study presented in this article, however, suggest that this expectation was unduly optimistic. The evidence demonstrates that, after more than three decades of scholarly efforts, it is still not the case that public relations has enough of a central focus in its research and theory building to be deemed a mature discipline.  相似文献   

Although psychological approaches have been the mainstay of scholarly research on school climate, offering state-of-the-art measurements and methodologies, sociological perspectives remain essential perspectives because violence is essentially a social phenomenon. This paper offers a theoretical consideration of contributions to this field, focusing specifically on those that provide a critical historical lens. I suggest that while Foucault's approach to the disciplining of docile bodies and self-restraint offers crucial conceptual tools, Norbert Elias's work—which is scarce in scholarly research on school climate—provides a complementary but necessary framework for understanding emotional and relational aspects of peer harassment.  相似文献   

There is growing interest about the ways in which the public relations field can contribute to democratization and civil society initiatives. Some scholars see enormous potential for public relations by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to help get important social issues on the public agenda in transitional nations while other scholars have critiqued the practice of public relations in newly formed nations as a form of hegemony that privileges Western ideas, values, and standards of practice. One thing is certain: more scholarly attention is required if the field of public relations is to truly understand its evolving role in civil society. The purpose of this paper is to explore how the public relations–media relationship contributes to civil society development in Kosovo. The researcher interviewed media professionals, public relations/organizational spokespersons, and civil society experts about the opportunities and challenges of the public relations function in building civil society in Kosovo. The findings suggest that “protocol journalism” is the guiding metaphor for explaining and critiquing the public relations–media relationship in Kosovo. The implications of protocol journalism for media development and public relations credibility are discussed.  相似文献   

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