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Effects of perceived merchandise and service quality, relative to competition, on retail store performance are investigated using store traffic and revenue growth as outcome variables. A model is proposed and tested using aggregate customer data and store performance outcomes from a group of stores owned by a national retail organization. Results suggest that both service and merchandise quality exert significant influence on store performance, measured by sales growth and customer growth, and their impact is mediated by customer satisfaction. Implications of the results and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

服务质量、消费价值、旅客满意感与行为意向   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
作者对广东省三个旅行社进行了一次实证研究,探讨服务质量、消费价值和旅客满意程度对旅客行为意向的影响。统计分析结果表明,这三个因素都对旅客的行为意向有直接的影响。服务质量、消费价值、旅客满意程度和旅客的行为意向既是四个不同的概念,又是旅游服务消费经历的子概念。  相似文献   

服务公平性对储户与银行之间关系的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
作者在某银行广州地区的15个营业点对储户进行了一次问卷调查,探讨服务公平性对顾客与企业之间关系的影响。数据分析结果表明,结果公平性、程序公平性、交往公平性和储户感觉中的软、硬质量是同一个高阶因子的子因子,储户在正常服务环境中感知的服务公平性影响储户的消费情感和储户对本次消费经历的评估(服务质量、消费价值、储户的满意感),进而影响储户与银行之间的关系(信任感、储户与服务人员的人际关系纽带、储户与银行的感情纽带)和储户的行为意向(再购意向和口头宣传意向)。  相似文献   

Managing both the technologies and the personnel needed for providing high‐quality, multichannel customer support creates a complex and persistent operational challenge. Adding to this difficulty, it is still unclear how service personnel and these new communication technologies interact to influence the customer's perceptions of the service being provided. Motivated by both practical importance and inconsistent findings in the academic literature, this exploratory research examines the interaction of media richness, represented by three different technology contexts (telephone, e‐mail, and online chat), with six customer service representative (CSR) characteristics and their influences on customer satisfaction. Using a large‐sample customer survey data set, the article develops a multigroup structural equation model to analyze these interactions. Results suggest that CSR characteristics influence customer service satisfaction similarly across all three technology‐mediated contexts. Of the characteristics studied, service representatives contribute to customer satisfaction more when they exhibit the characteristics of thoroughness, knowledgeableness, and preparedness, regardless of the richness of the medium used. Surprisingly, while three other CSR characteristics studied (courtesy, professionalism, and attentiveness) are traditionally believed to be important in face‐to‐face encounters, they had no significant impact on customer satisfaction in the technology‐mediated contexts studied. Implications for both practitioners and researchers are drawn from the results and future research opportunities are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines how customer value may be affected by deploying radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies within service environments. Business articles promote operational cost savings and improved inventory management as key benefits of deploying RFID. In response, service firms are using RFID to reengineer service transactions and customer touchpoints. Customers may view these RFID applications to offer both benefits and drawbacks. This article demonstrates that individuals will recognize far more value from RFID service applications than just cost savings and inventory availability. The article analyzes qualitative survey responses on the value gained from RFID to identify a broad list of value objectives—benefits and drawbacks—associated with RFID service applications. The article contributes to academic literature by providing salient value dimensions for return on investment models of service RFID applications and for future empirical analyses of means‐ends and value‐profit chain models. Managers can use the list of dimensions to develop rich business cases for evaluating the benefits and costs from enhancing service operations with RFID. The identified drawbacks also provide managers with a resource for understanding potential risks of RFID applications.  相似文献   

顾客关系、信任与顾客对服务失败的反应   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
优异的服务质量是建立长期顾客关系的重要手段。本文通过实际调查,分析了服务质量的两个维度--结果质量和过程质量对顾客满意度和重购意愿的影响,并探讨了顾客关系和信任感在服务评价和顾客反应方面的作用。研究发现,服务过程和服务结果间存在交互作用,顾客关系对服务质量的影响发挥着调节功能,信任感经由服务结果而影响顾客的反应。  相似文献   

本文基于内部营销视角,揭示内部服务质量的各个组成因素之间的关系以及内部服务质量对关系质量的影响,进而探索内部服务质量、关系质量对内部顾客忠诚的影响机制。通过对某电信企业内部238份员工样本的采集分析,提出并验证内部服务质量(含实体环境质量、交互质量和结果质量)、关系质量(含内部顾客信任、满意)对内部顾客忠诚的影响机制整合模型。研究发现,内部服务质量的三个维度之间确实存在层级叠加作用,而服务质量则会通过信任这一中介变量影响内部顾客的满意、承诺。内部关系质量的三因素中,内部顾客的承诺水平对内部顾客的忠诚度有直接正向影响,提高对内部顾客的承诺水平是提高内部顾客忠诚度的关键。  相似文献   

本文研究了不确定性对服务质量评价的影响,建立了服务质量评价的均值—方差模型,并进行了实证分析和检验。这一模型被应用来对我国主要商业银行的服务质量和顾客满意度进行排序分析,其结果显示银行服务质量的提高应该从服务的平均水平和一致性两个方面来努力。  相似文献   

顾客体验驱动的服务品牌建设   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:38  
创建强势服务品牌是服务企业实现差别化竞争优势的重要手段。本文在对现有研究成果进行历史性回顾的基础上,从服务的过程属性出发,阐述了服务企业品牌建设的焦点应该是顾客体验的观点,然后探讨了通过塑造顾客体验来创建服务品牌的策略。  相似文献   

基于顾客感知价值的服务企业竞争力探析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
随着服务业在社会经济发展中的地位日益突出,服务企业竞争力问题开始引起学术界关注。本文将顾客感知价值嵌入传统的企业战略研究范式之中,阐述了顾客感知价值与企业竞争力的关系;在剖析了顾客感知价值概念及其决定因素的基础上,结合服务的基本特性提出了通过改善顾客感知价值提升服务企业竞争力的策略。  相似文献   

This research addresses the problem of scheduling technicians to travel from customer site to customer site to perform emergency maintenance on office machines, computers, robots, telecommunications equipment, medical equipment, heating/cooling equipment, household appliances, and other equipment. We call this the Traveling Technician Problem (TTP). In its simplest form, the TTP is a multiserver, sequence-dependent, tardiness minimization problem. This research frames the TTP as a service quality maximization problem in which service quality is defined in terms of mean tardiness, mean technician phone response time, mean promise time, and mean response time. Tardiness is defined with respect to contractually guaranteed response times. Industry practice is to use dispatching rules to assign service calls to technicians. This research proposes scheduling procedures to maximize field service quality in a dynamic environment. A simulation experiment was used to compare three dispatching rules and three scheduling procedures for the TTP. The scheduling procedures dominated the dispatching rules on all four service quality measures. The proposed scheduling procedures hold promise for improving service quality in a wide variety of field service organizations and in other scheduling environments as well.  相似文献   

服务企业的顾客忠诚及其决定因素研究   总被引:72,自引:0,他引:72  
忠诚的顾客是企业生存和发展的基础,服务业的迅速发展要求业界和学界深入了解服务业顾客忠诚的确切含义、构成及其决定因素。本文对西方学者在服务业顾客忠诚领域的相关研究进行了回顾和梳理,从直接影响和间接影响途径探讨了它的关键决定因素,并引入顾客价值概念诠释顾客忠诚的成因,最后提出若干基于顾客价值进行顾客忠诚管理的建议。  相似文献   

为维持现有顾客和创造新顾客,服务企业必须知道怎样实施服务质量战略来增加顾客满足和行动意图,因为服务质量、顾客满足和顾客行动意图之间存在着因果关系.本研究把整体服务质量分解为相互作用质量、物理环境质量、结果质量三个决定要因,并对服务质量决定要因对顾客满足和行动意图的影响进行了研究,实证检验在中国服务产业中进行.对研究模型的验证结果支持本研究提出的所有因果假设,即构成整体服务质量的三个决定要因对顾客满足具有显著的正向影响,顾客满足对行动意图具有显著的正向影响.而且,对于中国顾客来说,服务质量决定要因对顾客满足的相对影响力依次为"结果质量">"相互作用质量">"物理环境质量".  相似文献   

Customer service is a key component of a firm's value proposition and a fundamental driver of differentiation and competitive advantage in nearly every industry. Moreover, the relentless coevolution of service opportunities with novel and more powerful information technologies has made this area exciting for academic researchers who can contribute to shaping the design and management of future customer service systems. We engage in interdisciplinary research—across information systems, marketing, and computer science—in order to contribute to the service design and service management literature. Grounded in the design‐science perspective, our study leverages marketing theory on the service‐dominant logic and recent findings pertaining to the evolution of customer service systems. Our theorizing culminates with the articulation of four design principles. These design principles underlie the emerging class of customer service systems that, we believe, will enable firms to better compete in an environment characterized by an increase in customer centricity and in customers' ability to self‐serve and dynamically assemble the components of solutions that fit their needs. In this environment, customers retain control over their transactional data, as well as the timing and mode of their interactions with firms, as they increasingly gravitate toward integrated complete customer solutions rather than single products or services. Guided by these design principles, we iterated through, and evaluated, two instantiations of the class of systems we propose, before outlining implications and directions for further cross‐disciplinary scholarly research.  相似文献   

面向顾客投诉:服务补救和组织学习   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文结合国内外先进企业在售后服务上的经验,提出了面向顾客投诉的有效补救措施,并且指出,企业可以通过顾客投诉的数据资料,结合其它信息,促进企业内各个层面的不断改进,从而实现有效的组织学习。  相似文献   

基于交互模型的客户服务质量与关系质量的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,关系质量及其影响因素得到越来越多的关注,但客户服务对关系质量的影响机制尚未明确.本文从消费者与服务提供商交互的角度来探讨客户服务质量对关系质量的影响关系,构建了客户服务过程中两类交互质量与关系质量维度的影响模型,并分析了关系质量内部维度的作用机理.通过对295名零售企业顾客的问卷调查以及实证分析,本文得出了以下的结论:(1)顾客与环境的交互质量对关系质量中顾客满意、顾客信任维度存在直接正向影响,而顾客与服务人员的交互只对顾客满意有直接的正向影响;(2)顾客满意对于顾客信任和顾客承诺均存在直接的正向影响.  相似文献   

Evaluating marketing (external) and operations (internal) service quality performance in most organizations is a data-oriented management task that involves many variables for many different types of services. These two diverse sets of service quality information seldom “match up well” because the marketing and operations functions define and evaluate service quality “their way.” Management's interpretation of what the data “mean” often contributes to extra meetings, unnecessary disagreements within and between functional areas, and poor decision making. This situation can affect the quality and timing of decisions, and ultimately, the organization's profitability and market share. This paper quantitatively relates the customer's evaluation (perception) of service quality directly to the activities and performance criteria of the service delivery process for a credit card processing center. Basic statistical analyses and a recursive path analysis model define the relationships between marketing- and operations-based service quality information. The idea of a “service quality process map” is introduced. A service quality process map relates a flowchart of the service delivery process to the customer's perception of service using the power of multivariate data analysis. Management insights gained from an analysis of marketing (external) and operations (internal) measures of service quality performance can be used to allocate resources wisely. The objective is to gain the most improvement in the customer's perception of service for the least cost. Service quality with this type of evaluation capability can be used to gain competitive advantage in the marketplace.  相似文献   

Drawing from the new product development (NPD) literature, service quality literature (SERVQUAL), and empirically grounded research with 53 service innovation decision makers, we develop a staged service innovation model (SIM) for decision makers. We tested the model using empirical data from 329 firms across five industries. The empirical results show that integrating prelaunch service quality training into new service development process leads to successful service innovation. The model developed in this article can be used as a decision support tool and diagnostic model for assessing service innovation ideas, evaluating performance of ongoing service innovations, allocating resources, and improving success rate of service innovations. Decision makers can use the measures developed in this study as a checklist to identify their strengths in delivering service quality to their own customers as well as areas of improvement. This article extends service innovation research by combining NPD and service quality development into a single study and opens the door to further work that could help improve the success rate of service innovations. The model can serve as a base model for future research extensions in service innovation research. A major takeaway for the academic reader is that the SIM demonstrates the value of using the SERVQUAL literature to understand how best to provide excellent quality that results in more fully satisfied customers and, ultimately, improved service performance.  相似文献   

本文以银行业为研究对象,在国内外心理契约研究成果基础上,通过对营销情境下顾客心理契约的概念界定,建立了服务企业与顾客的心理契约模型,探索了服务企业与顾客之间的心理契约各结构维度的组成,实证结果对转型经济背景下中国服务企业客户关系管理的战略制定具有理论参考作用。  相似文献   

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