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This paper attempts to modify financial portfolio theory for application in product portfolio decisions. The proposed multiperiod portfolio framework should help marketers in allocating scarce corporate resources to various competing products as well as contribute to developing a body of theory to solve an important problem in marketing management. Managerial and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   


The relative influence of four power bases was investigated in four decision-making contexts using data from forty successfully implemented decisions. The analysis suggests that position power decreases in influence while resource power and political power increase in influence as decision contexts vary from less to more uncertainty. Expert power derives its influence when organizational uncertainty is low and when technical uncertainty is reduced, whereas political power thrives when organizational uncertainty is high and when technical uncertainty remains high. Indexing the influence of power bases provides greater understanding of decision processes than the sociological or social-psychological approaches of studying participation.  相似文献   

Paul C. Nutt 《决策科学》1992,23(3):519-540
One hundred and seventy-seven cases profiling organizational decisions were analyzed to determine how managers carry out formulation as they initiate a decision-making process. Analysis revealed that formulation was carried out by applying problem, idea, target, and reframing tactics. Decision adoption rates, decision value, and time to carry out the decision-making process were used to determine the success of these tactics, controlling for situational effects of importance, urgency, resources, and management level. Reframing was found to be the most successful tactic under all conditions, but was the least frequently used by decision makers. Problem and idea tactics were the least successful and success did not improve with additional resources, but these tactics were used more often than the other tactics. Problem tactics were even less successful when applied to urgent and important decisions. Target tactics were surprisingly effective for crises and important decisions. Decision makers seem prone to use ineffective formulation tactics and give little consideration to the opportunities or constraints imposed by the situation as a tactic is selected.  相似文献   

The paper compares theories of organizational governance that explain delegation in decision making in terms of administrative rationality on the parts of top corporate officials with theories that emphasize lower-level actors mobilizing resources to gain control over organizational outcomes. These two alternative theories are developed and extended to apply to the relationship between manufacturing plants and parent companies. A general model is introduced to compare these theories which includes characteristics of parent companies and site environments, site resources, and delegation. The model is then tested on a sample of manufacturing plants.  相似文献   

Decision support systems continue to be very popular in business, despite mixed research evidence as to their effectiveness. We hypothesize that what-if analysis, a prominent feature of most decision support systems, creates an “illusion of control” causing users to overestimate its effectiveness. Two experiments involving a production planning task are reported which examine decision makers' perceptions of the effectiveness of what-if analysis relative to the alternatives of unaided decision making, and quantitative decision rules. Experiment 1 found that almost all subjects believed what-if analysis was superior to unaided decision making, although using what-if analysis had no significant effect on performance. Experiment 2 found that decision makers were indifferent between what-if analysis and a quantitative decision rule which, if used, would have led to significant cost savings. Thus, what-if analysis did create an illusion of control: decision makers perceived performance differences where none existed, and did not detect large differences when they were present. In both experiments, decision makers exhibited difficulty realizing that their positive beliefs about what-if analysis were exaggerated. Such misjudgments could lead people to continue using what-if analysis even when it is not beneficial and to avoid potentially superior decision support technologies.  相似文献   

Jean C. Wyer 《决策科学》1988,19(3):700-707
This paper describes a method for the valuation of personnel selection systems that is based on contributions from accounting, utility theory, psychometric techniques, Markov processes, labor economics, and present-value analysis. The model developed here can be used by managers to assess the usefulness of proposed selection procedures. It extends previous work in the area by including both the stochastic nature of the employment process and the time value of the associated costs and benefits.  相似文献   

A methodology for determining a von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function is outlined based on the axioms crucial to such a function. Reconciliation of inconsistent judgments is facilitated using the theory of reciprocal matrices. Numerical measures of the collective divergence of a set of judgments from perfect consistency or coherency are provided.  相似文献   

Motivated by the asset recovery process at IBM, we analyze the optimal disposition decision for product returns in electronic products industries. Returns may be either remanufactured for reselling or dismantled for spare parts. Reselling a remanufactured unit typically yields higher unit margins. However, demand is uncertain. A common policy in many firms is to rank disposition alternatives by unit margins. We propose a profit‐maximization approach that considers demand uncertainty. We develop single period and multiperiod stochastic optimization models for the disposition problem. Analyzing these models, we show that the optimal allocation balances expected marginal profits across the disposition alternatives. A detailed numerical study reveals that our approach to the disposition problem outperforms the current practice of focusing exclusively on high‐margin options, and we identify conditions under which this improvement is the highest. In addition, we show that a simple myopic heuristic in the multiperiod problem performs well.  相似文献   

This work considers the value of the flexibility offered by production facilities that can easily be configured to produce new products. We focus on technical uncertainty as the driver of this value, while prior works focused only on demand uncertainty. Specifically, we evaluate the use of process flexibility in the context of risky new product development in the pharmaceutical industry. Flexibility has value in this setting due to the time required to build dedicated capacity, the finite duration of patent protection, and the probability that the new product will not reach the market due to technical or regulatory reasons. Having flexible capacity generates real options, which enables firms to delay the decision about constructing product‐specific capacity until the technical uncertainty is resolved. In addition, initiating production in a flexible facility can enable the firm to optimize production processes in dedicated facilities. The stochastic dynamic optimization problem is formulated to analyze the optimal capacity and allocation decisions for a flexible facility, using data from existing literature. A solution to this problem is obtained using linear programming. The result of this analysis shows both the value of flexible capacity and the optimal capacity allocation. Due to the substantial costs involved with flexibility in this context, the optimal level of flexible capacity is relatively small, suggesting products be produced for only short periods before initiating construction of dedicated facilities.  相似文献   

A total of 411 subjects participated in two decision‐making experiments in order to examine the effectiveness of new product development project continuation decisions. Using escalation of commitment theory, in Study 1, individual versus face‐to‐face team decision‐making effectiveness was compared. Study 2, an extension of Study 1, compared the new product development decision‐making effectiveness of individuals, face‐to‐face teams, and virtual teams. A virtual team is a geographically and temporally dispersed and electronically communicating work group. In Study 2, the virtual teams communicated asynchronously via groupware technology. Our findings suggest that teams make more effective decisions than individuals, and virtual teams make the most effective decisions.  相似文献   

Choice among competing information systems is an important problem for both the providers and users of information. When the attributes of the decision makers and decision problems for which information is produced are unknown or heterogeneous, it is difficult to choose among alternative information sources. Three criteria for such comparisons of information systems are available in the theory of information economics. These criteria may be distinguished by the differing restrictions that they impose on the generality of the studies in which they are used. This note explicates the relationships among these criteria and discusses the various limitations that they impose on generality.  相似文献   

Subjective probability distributions constitute an important part of the input to decision analysis and other decision aids. The long list of persistent biases associated with human judgments under uncertainy [16] suggests, however, that these biases can be translated into the elicited probabilities which, in turn, may be reflected in the output of the decision aids, potentially leading to biased decisions. This experiment studies the effectiveness of three debiasing techniques in elicitation of subjective probability distributions. It is hypothesized that the Socratic procedure [18] and the devil's advocate approach [6] [7] [31] [32] [33] [34] will increase subjective uncertainty and thus help assessors overcome a persistent bias called “overconfidence.” Mental encoding of the frequency of the observed instances into prespecified intervals, however, is expected to decrease subjective uncertainty and to help assessors better capture, mentally, the location and skewness of the observed distribution. The assessors' ratings of uncertainty confirm these hypotheses related to subjective uncertainty but three other measures based on the dispersion of the elicited subjective probability distributions do not. Possible explanations are discussed. An intriguing explanation is that debiasing may affect what some have called “second order” uncertainty. While uncertainty ratings may include this second component, the measures based on the elicited distributions relate only to “first order” uncertainty.  相似文献   

Recently, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) reevaluated accounting for pension plans. The issue is emotional and highly political in nature. The FASB attempted to justify its approach on the basis of measuring economic activity, but it failed to provide much in the way of analytical support. This paper provides a managerial decision model and an economic basis for the existence of pension plans. A pension plan is described as a cost-saving, risk-sharing, incentive contract. The analysis is developed using agency theory. The model presented here meets three suggested objectives of an employer: 1. Maximization of utility through the maximization of profit 2. Ability to conform the risk characteristics of an employment contract to the risk characteristics of the employer 3. Diversification of the risk inherent in the employment contract Profit is maximized by producing cost savings associated with employee tenure and loyalty. Sharing cost savings with employees (i.e., offering a pension plan) meets the above objectives. The employer determines the optimal sharing rate for the expected cost savings. An examination of the employer's underlying decision process reveals implications for pension plan accounting which generally are consistent with and support the FASB's Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 87 [5].  相似文献   

The subject of this article is the simultaneous choice of product price and manufacturing capacity if demand is stochastic and service‐level sensitive. In this setting, capacity as well as price have an impact on demand because several aspects of service level depend on capacity. For example, delivery time will be reduced if capacity is increased given a constant demand rate. We illustrate the relationship between service level, capacity, and demand reaction by a stylized application problem from the after‐sales services industry. The reaction of customers to variations in service level and price is represented by a kinked price‐demand‐rate function. We first derive the optimal price‐capacity combination for the resulting decision problem under full information. Subsequently, we focus on a decision maker (DM) who lacks complete knowledge of the demand function. Hence the DM is unable to anticipate the service level and consequently cannot identify the optimal solution. However, the DM will acquire additional information during the sales process and use it in subsequent revisions of the price‐capacity decision. Thus, this decision making is adaptive and based on experience. In contrast to the literature, which assumes certain repetitive procedures somewhat ad hoc, we develop an adaptive decision process based on case‐based decision theory (CBDT) for the price‐capacity problem. Finally, we show that a CBDT DM in our setting eventually finds the optimal solution, if the DM sets the price based on absorption costs and adequately adjusts the capacity with respect to the observed demand.  相似文献   

Decision analysis was used to study negotiations in the health care context. This paper found that analytical methods could answer several important questions related to complex negotiations, including whether contracts promote the interest of both parties, whether a decision aid could better meet the priorities of both parties, and whether one negotiator is more successful than the other in repeated negotiations. The paper concluded that micro-health care negotiations can be traced and studied with existing mathematical theories of negotiation.  相似文献   

This study presents a framework for choosing between depreciation methods when future cash flows from operations are not assumed known with certainty but only in probabilistic terms. Specifically, the accelerated depreciation method and the straight-line depreciation method are compared and mathematical conditions are derived for the depreciation method that should be adopted in different circumstances and under different tax systems. It is shown that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the straight-line depreciation method is the preferred method for lowering the company's present value of tax liability in various realistic situations.  相似文献   

Screen/report design for output organization is still very much a common sense-driven activity. This paper identifies a preliminary set of factors beyond display format for examination as screen/report design variables. A laboratory experiment was conducted to assess the influence of one of these factors, spatial layout of information, along with display format in an information recall context. Individual imagery orientation (verbalizer/visualizer) was used as a moderating variable in the experimental design. The findings indicate that spatial layout of information significantly influenced performance when the recall task involved pattern detection. In fact, a central location of data in a document was the most conducive to pattern recall performance. Further, terminal items facilitated pattern recall better than early input items. With respect to display format, the results support previous findings that a tabular display enhances performance for point-value recall tasks while graphs exhibit an edge over tables for pattern types of recall tasks. Overall, the verbalizers demonstrated a complete supremacy in performance. Interaction between individual imagery orientation and display format indicates that, while the verbalizers and the mixed type were immune to display format variations, the graphical stimulus enhanced the pattern recall performance of the visualizers.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the dealership credit limit problem in terms of the valuation of a Markov process of cash flows with sequential credit decisions over an infinite planning horizon. The formulation distinguishes between the upper bound on credit applicable at the account formation stage and the upper bound applicable to periodic reorders. The result is a closed form solution to the problem which serves as a criterion function for approving or denying credit on a customer-by-customer basis. Data for a sample of manufacturing firms are employed to estimate typical ranges for criterion function parameters. Upper bounds on credit limits are then calculated and graphically presented for median parameter values as well as for values at the 5th and 95th percentiles for the sample data. Finally, an empirical study is conducted of actual trade credit extended by firms. The results support the hypothesis that the variables in the decision model are important determinants of the amount of trade credit outstanding.  相似文献   

A major restriction on the use of decision analysis in practice is the frequent difficulty of determining a decision maker's multiattribute utility function. The assessment process can be complex and tedious and generally involves: (1) identifying relevant independence conditions, (2) assessing conditional utility functions, (3) assessing scaling constants, and (4) checking for consistency. Some of the assessment and modeling complexities encountered include an assessor's inability to respond in a quantitatively meaningful and consistent way to hypothetical gambles and an analyst's problem in selecting an appropriate functional form that accurately characterizes the conditional utility assessments. A simplified procedure that mitigates these difficulties is proposed. This procedure facilitates the determination of scaling constants by obtaining (via mathematical programming) a multiattributed measurable value function which is converted to a multiattributed utility function. The methodology can be developed advantageously to produce an interactive software package for use as an assessment aid.  相似文献   

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