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酶工程课程是高校生物技术和生物工程专业的专业课。在教学质量工程的背景下,根据学科建设及专业发展的需要,结合酶工程课程的教学实践,对该课程的教学内容、教学方法以及考核方式等方面进行了改革和探索,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

服装本身是艺术与技术的结合,目前高校服装教育主要在对服装设计和工艺两方面进行服装教学。但高等院校的教育是为社会培养高级服装人才.仅仅教授服装设计和服装工艺课程是不够的。目前.中国服装业更缺乏设计策划、市场营销、供应链管理人才,而高校服装专业通常对这类涉及服装商务的教学不够重视.授课方式不专业。加强服装商务的教学是提高高校服装教育质量,完善高校服装教育结构的重要方面。  相似文献   

基于应用型本科高校的自我定位和土木工程测量是一门极强的实践课课程,故而其考核方式不能简单地像其他类学科一样只需结课考试或者撰写结课论文,并以其分数或者等级认定学生的学习效果,而应积极思考土木工程专业工程测量独有的实践考核及理论结课考核并举的考核方式。当然,此两者的权值的合理分配及实践考核具体方案的制订,有待进一步完善。基于此,探讨了实践考核和理论结课考核相结合的考核方案的合理性,并详细探讨了实践考核的具体方案,制定出合理、有效的工程测量实践考核方案,以培育出工程实际所需求的土木工程专业工程测量技术人才。  相似文献   

金工实习是高校工科专业的一门基础实践课,其教学改革符合新形势下经济发展需要,对高校学生的工程实践能力有着非常重要的意义。以山东华宇工学院金工实习课程现状为例,结合新工科的指导思想,从课程结构、实习项目、授课方案、教学方法及考核评价五方面阐述金工实习课程改革措施,并提出高校在学生学习氛围和师资力量方面应采取的制度措施,以保障改革成果。  相似文献   

结合高校市场营销专业学生的知识结构背景,对《财务管理》课程教学内容进行适当增减取舍,采用"模块化"和"任务化"的教学流程设计,并相应对教学方法、教学手段及考核方式等进行创新,能够提升学生的学习兴趣和实践应用能力。  相似文献   

张妍 《现代交际》2013,(11):216-216
《服装表演基础》是服装表演专业的必修课程。服装表演专业是我国的一个新兴专业,始于上个世纪80年代末,进入90年代,模特学校在中国大地上蓬勃发展,到目前为止全国已有百余所院校招生。高校培养能够适应市场需求的服装表演人才,提高服装表演专业学生的综合素质,需要从教学抓起,进一步深化教学改革并能研究出创新的教学方法。  相似文献   

陈莉 《职业时空》2014,(8):92-93
服装缝制工艺是服装专业的基础和入门课程,也是学习服装设计与工艺专业的一门主要课程。文章从实践角度分析了上好服装缝制工艺课的必要性和具体要求,以期通过上好服装缝制工艺课,培养和提高中职学生的动手操作能力。  相似文献   

高校服装设计专业大多组建于20世纪80年代末,一般设置在美术类院校或原纺织院校的艺术设计专业中.经过多年建设,现已经形成服装设计与工程专业下的服装设计、服装工程、服装表演多方向招生,硕、本、高职多层次办学的专业培养模式.服装设计教学的专业知识涉及艺、工、商等多种学科,是综合了各门类相关知识的边缘性学科.  相似文献   

关于《服装结构制图》教学的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何刚 《职业》2008,(35):76-77
<正>《服装结构制图》是服装专业的重要课程之一。学生对该课程的掌握程度决定了学生的就业层次及就业后的专业发展空间。但是,服装结构制图课程的教学内容、教学观念、  相似文献   

中职学校服装专业如何以市场和就业为导向,在加强专业建设的过程中实现最优化的课程设置,培养出具有市场学理论知识与服装专业技能的新型服装专业人才,这是中职服装专业教学改革的迫切任务。本文以德清职业中专服装专业建设实践为例,主要从改革人才培养模式和课程体系,校企合作、工学结合运行机制建设等方面对中职服装专业的建设进行分析探讨。  相似文献   

胡敏  黄旭伟 《职业时空》2012,(1):124-125,128
基于应用导向一体化项目教学的研究与实践,按照以应用为导向,结合地方经济,建设符合地方经济特色的专业和课程体系,课程建设以一体化项目教学为核心,搭建一体化课程教学平台;按照加强创新意识和创新能力培养的思路,改革课程体系和教学内容,构建一种以学生为本、以能力培养为取向、以探究为特征的教学模式、创建创新素质培养平台,拓宽创新培养渠道,在教学内容、教学方法、教学场所、教学过程、教学评价中实现一体,为高技能创新人才培养提供实践平台。  相似文献   

Approximately threefold increases in older age population groups (+65 years) are projected in the next 15 years. Demographic changes in society will mean greater numbers of older adults in proportion to the younger generation. In the current policy on older age groups, emphasis is placed on healthy aging warranting a multidisciplinary workforce to work with older people. Despite this need and increased demand in the aged care sector, a fewer social work students are willing to undertake aged care placements or to choose it as a career option.

An innovative teaching and learning pedagogy was used in designing the course curriculum titled ‘Social Work with Older People’, including the input of invited specialist guest speakers, an on-campus interactive workshop with older guests, and an assessment designed to evaluate the learning related to the workshop content. The paper reports changes in the attitudes of students studying gerontological social work after the course delivery, evaluated through an online survey with the purpose of improving the learning outcomes in the course and to gauge students’ interest, experiences, attitudes and motivation to work in the aged care sector. The paper contributes to building knowledge in addressing the needs of the changing social demographic.  相似文献   


In this article, our experiences as professor and students will form the basis of reflection on the use of innovative teaching methods in a community organizing course. Based on student evaluations and participant observation, we discuss the role of creativity in enhancing the learning experience in a case example of this one course. Findings indicate that reliance on innovative teaching methods provides students with the opportunity to exercise their creativity. In turn, this creativity has a potentially positive impact on community practice.  相似文献   

Most unattached older persons who would like an intimate partnership do not want to remarry or be in a marriage‐like relationship. A growing trend is to live apart together (LAT) in an ongoing intimate relationship that does not include a common home. We address the debate about whether LAT constitutes a new form of intimate relationship in a critical assessment of research on LAT relationships that applies ambivalence and concepts from the life course perspective. We conclude that among older but not younger adults, LAT relationships are generally a stable alternative to living with a partner, negotiated in the context of current social institutions and arrangements. We propose research questions that address later life living apart together as an innovative alternative intimate relationship. We encourage comparative work on the unique challenges of later life living apart together, their implications for other family ties, and their connection to social and cultural arrangements.  相似文献   

The goal of the present article is to compile a corpus of indicators of eHealth development evaluation that would essentially reflect stakeholder approaches and complement technical indicators of assessment of an eHealth system. Consequently, the assessment of the development of an eHealth system would reflect stakeholder approaches and become an innovative solution in attempting to improve productivity of IT projects in the field of health care. The compiled minimum set of indicators will be designed to monitor implementation of the national eHealth information system. To ensure reliability of the quality research, the respondents were grouped in accordance to the geographical distribution and diversity of the levels and types of the represented jobs and institutions. The applied analysis implies several managerial insights on the hierarchy of eHealth indicators. These insights may be helpful in recommending priority activities in implementation of an eHealth data system on the national or international level. The research is practically useful as it is the first to deal with the topic in Lithuania and its theoretical and practical aspect are particularly relevant in implementation of an eHealth data system in Lithuania. The eHealth assessment indicators presented in the article may be practically useful in two aspects: (1) as key implementation guidelines facilitating the general course of eHealth system development and (2) as a means to evaluate eHealth outcomes.  相似文献   

The relationship between a female's clothing choice, sexual motivation, hormone levels, and partnership status (single or not single, partner present or not present) was analyzed in 351 females attending Austrian discotheques. We digitally analyzed clothing choice to determine the amount of skin display, sheerness, and clothing tightness. Participants self-reported sexual motivation, and we assessed estradiol and testosterone levels through saliva sampling. Results show that females are aware of the social signal function of their clothing and that they in some cases alter their clothing style to match their courtship motivation. In particular, sheer clothing -although rare in the study- positively correlated with the motivation for sex. Hormone levels influenced clothing choice in many groups, with testosterone levels correlating positively with physique display. In females who had a partner but were at the disco unaccompanied by the partner, estradiol levels correlated positively with skin display and clothing tightness. Significant differences were not found, however, for clothing choice across the partnership-status groups.  相似文献   

从中职学生的培养目标出发,对《化工分析》课程一体化教学进行了探索,阐述了"知识+操作技能"的教学模式,并对具体实施作了详细论述。  相似文献   

职业教育的目标是培养既有专业理论知识,又熟练掌握专业技能的复合型、技术型的实用人才。作为一门新兴交叉学科,工程法学整合了法学与工程学的科际资源,不但促进了我国传统法律教育模式和教育方法的更新,而且有益于创新型、复合型人才的培养,为工程事业的繁荣发展与和谐社会的构建提供强大的智力支持和人才保证。更有意义的是,工程法学人才培养思路及其教育方法的实践,对高等职业教育法律专业的改革、建设与发展具有深刻的启发意义和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

职业技能大赛对国贸专业教学改革的影响及作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
职业技能大赛对国贸专业人才培养模式的定位、课程体系的设置、师资队伍的建设、课程内容的选取、教学方法与手段的选择、考核体系的评价产生了深远的影响,同时职业技能大赛培养了学生的竞争意识、团队协作能力、创新意识等综合素质。  相似文献   

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