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《铁路信号电工技术应用》是铁道类高职院校铁道信号自动控制专业最重要的专业基础课程之一,课程所学内容是铁路电务人员必须掌握的基础知识和技能,这门课程的学习是学习好铁道信号专业后续的专业核心课的重要基础,本文对高职院校学生的学情、本门课程的特点进行了解析,对这门课程的教学方法,分别从理实结合、增加学习兴趣、建立微课以及建立微信互动平台等信息化教学手段进行了研究与探索。  相似文献   

肖丽珍 《现代交际》2013,(9):173-173
商务礼仪是高职院校提高学生个人道德修养、培养学生良好职业素养的一门基础课程。要把这门课程上好,必须选取合适的教学方法。本文根据商务礼仪课程的内容和目标,结合高职院校特点,联系教学实际,重点对任务驱动法在商务礼仪课程中的运用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

一、深化高职织物组织设计课程改革的必要性 织物组织设计是高职纺织类专业的一门重要课程,是集织物组织结构、设计及纹织CAD应用技术于一体,知识性与实践性都很强的一门课程,在高职纺织类专业课程体系中起着重要作用.而高职院校一方面,由于教育类型的不同和生源的差别,传统的教学方法已不适用.另一方面,在《织物组织设计》基础通用教材中很难找到适合高职院校现有学生基础知识和培养目标的教材,而且由于本课程具有知识面广、内容多和逻辑性强等特点,导致学生有一定的学习难度.  相似文献   

马静怡 《职业》2016,(24):53-53
高职院校的形势与政策课程是一门非常重要的课程,它对高职院校学生的思想政治教育起着关键性的作用。但是随着“互联网+”时代的到来,网络环境使高职院校的形势与政策课程教学面临着许多问题,本文在分析这些问题的基础上,对高职形势与政策课程教学的创新提出了建议,以期提高形势与政策课程的教学效果。  相似文献   

谭湘莲 《职业》2012,(23):79
公差配合与技术测量课程专业技术性、实用性强。而这门课程的教学偏重于理论方面,内容枯燥乏味,学生缺少感性认识,老师普遍反映难教,学生感到学习困难。如何提高这门课程的教学水平,激发学生学习兴趣,实现学以致用,是目前高职院校老师应重视的问题。一、精心、合理安排授课内容首先,备课是上好课的基础和前提。教师应熟悉课程的总目标和阶段目标,熟悉、钻研教材,认真做好每节课的教案,按照课程要求制订出教学进度计划,结合实际对教材进行分析和适当的处理,按照循序渐进的原则,深入浅出地将抽象的概念直观化,搞活课堂教学。其次,教材选择应遵循理论教学以应用为主的原则,加强内容的实用性,做到有针对性,表述通俗易懂。  相似文献   

近几年,平面广告设计课程在高职院校开展比较广泛,但是,从目前许多高职院校对此类课程开展的实际情况来看,效果并不太好,特别是培养学生实践技能的实训课程存在教学目标不突出、教学手段单一、教学内容与专业整体脱节等问题,因此如何对该门课程的日常教学工作进行改进,加强学生的实践培养,是值得探索和研究的问题。  相似文献   

周晓飞 《职业》2012,(9):137-138
随着计算机信息化的不断发展,为了适应时代的需求,我国各高职院校都开设了计算机文化基础课程。该课程是高职院校非计算机专业的学生进入大学校门后所接触到的第一门与计算机有关的课程,是以计算机基本知识和  相似文献   

建筑制图与房屋构造课程是面向工程管理类相关专业开设的一门专业基础课,在整个培养方案中起着至关重要的作用。立足于高职院校,针对高职学生的特点,信息化手段与课程教学有机结合,已成为高职院校课程改革的大趋势。与传统课堂相比,信息化课堂更容易让学生对课程产生浓厚兴趣,可以让学生更轻松、更深入地学习。  相似文献   

音乐欣赏是高职院校普遍开设的一门课程,对于促进高职院校学生心理健康具有重要的作用。目前我国高职院校音乐欣赏课程仍然存在着诸多的问题,本文对这些问题进行了梳理和分析,并就如何提高高职音乐欣赏课程教学成效提出了相关的对策建议。  相似文献   

范萍 《职业》2020,(12):80-81
随着核心素养目标的提出,高职数学课堂教学培育学生核心素养成为课程改革的方向和目标,成为专家学者及数学教师关注的问题。本文围绕高职数学核心素养培育,提出了以项目教学培养学生的有效实施策略,以期为高职院校提供具有理论与实践性的指导意见。  相似文献   

The Japanese vocational, or career, guidance movement dates back to 1915 and derives largely from advances and developments in the United States system of vocational guidance. Extracurricular or social welfare activities in the U.S. initially spawned vocational guidance efforts and programming in Japan. Subsequently, the Japanese Ministry of Education included vocational guidance in its primary curriculum as early as 1920. At that time, graduates of Japanese educational programs received placement guidance services. By the decade spanning 1930 to 1940, however, policies resulting from the war between Japan and China, as well as from World War II interrupted vocational guidance programming established in educational settings. In 1947, on the heels of the recently ended war, the Japanese Constitution, the Fundamental Law of Education, and the School Education Law were established to regularize the 6-3-3-4 school system. Specifically, the Japanese Constitution prescribed “freedom of vocational choice,” the Fundamental Law of Education advanced the “idea of personal accomplishment,” and the School of Education Law (Article 36, 42) decreed that a primary purpose of the secondary school concerned cultivating students' abilities to make career decisions. In support of this decree, the Ministry of Education published a Course of Study in 1949, which directly addressed vocational guidance in the schools. Moreover, by 1953 vocational guidance educators appeared in secondary schools and in 1958 the term career guidance replaced vocational guidance consequent to the School of Education Law.  相似文献   

职业教育吸引力不足的问题已然成为全球共同关注的话题。提升中等职业教育吸引力的着力点,最重要的方面还在于提高中等职业教育学校自身的办学质量。国家三部委在全国范围内建设一批中等职业教育改革发展示范学校,以此带动全国中等职业学校深化改革、加快发展、提高质量、办出特色,对提高中等职业教育社会吸引力,增强其服务经济社会发展的能力,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

高洁如 《职业时空》2012,(3):26-27,30
学分制和弹性学制在西方已经实施多年,在我国才刚刚起步。这种制度的优越性显而易见,以学生为主体,学制、课程设置都具有一定的灵活性,突出实践教学体系的重要性,现在各高职院校都在努力推行学分制和弹性学制,然而这种制度与我国一直实行的学年制相差甚远,教育部的相关措施也并未配套实施,有些高职院校将这一制度流于形式。文章从学分制和弹性学制的实施建议角度展开论述。  相似文献   

高职院校思想政治理论课教学要真正发挥育人的作用,必须坚持理论联系实际,加强实践教学环节,探索并构建一整套实践育人的体系。文章认为构建高职院校思想政治理论课实践育人体系必须确立以素质和能力为导向的实践教学目标、完善保障机制、丰富社会实践的内容和形式、建立多维评价机制。  相似文献   

周晓兰 《职业时空》2013,(9):107-109
阐述了张謇职教思想的精髓,以及对今天职业教育的启迪和指导作用,说明了构建张謇职教思想特色数据库建设的现实意义,介绍了张謇职教思想特色数据库的构建与框架内容,提出了建设特色数据库的原则。  相似文献   

For the past two years, the Department of Occupational Therapy at the University of Haifa has offered an online course to third year occupational therapists on the topic of Ergonomics for Health Care Professionals. The development and implementation of this course was funded by the Israeli Ministry of Education. Unique teaching materials, developed and uploaded to the University's server via "High Learn", included interactive and self-directed documents containing graphics, animations, and video clips. Extensive use was made of the discussion forum and survey tools, and students submitted all assignments online. For the final topic, an expert in ergonomics from Boston University delivered a lecture via two-way videoconferencing. The course site included comprehensive library listings in which all bibliographic materials were made available online. Students accessed course materials at the University in a computer classroom and at home via modem. In an accompanying research study, the frequency of student usage of the various online tools was tracked and extensive data were collected via questionnaires documenting students' demographic background, preferred learning style, prior usage of technology, satisfaction with the course and academic achievement. This paper focuses on the results of the research study that examined how the students responded to and coped with teaching material presented and accessed in this format.  相似文献   

通过高职教育考核方法的研究与实践,可以促进教学改革的深入,导向以"素质、能力本位"为核心的人才培养模式,树立素质教育的考试观;充分实践以"试"促教,以"考"促学,以"试"导"学"、"教""学"互动的课程考核理念,才能有效发挥考试的"检测、诊断、鉴定、评价以及导向、反馈和激励"等效能,引导教学内容和方法手段的改革,突出综合能力的培养,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

Higher education is in crisis, especially in the public sector. Over the past few years, tuition at state universities across the country has increased dramatically, their budgets have been slashed and federal funding for need-based financial aid has been reduced. The results are increased class sizes, fewer course offerings, more adjunct faculty and fewer working-class students at public colleges and universities. In Massachusetts, where we teach, these trends are particularly pronounced. In this paper, we describe “Crisis in Higher Education,” a critical experiential course we offered to raise student awareness about the crisis and to encourage them to work for change on our campus. This course is an example of critical experiential education because it integrates classroom learning with political activism. This article describes the context and rationale for teaching the course, reports on students’ responses to its form and content, and discusses what we learned from this experience.  相似文献   

陆峰 《职业时空》2012,(5):27-28,31
以江苏城市职业学院教育教学系统的教师、学生和教学过程为研究对象,通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法研究了当前高等数学在当前职业教育中的地位和作用,理清了数学知识与各个专业知识的联系,并探索了高等数学课程教学方法的改革。  相似文献   

胡延华 《职业时空》2013,(5):9-11,17
分析了高职物流教材编写中的五个“不匹配”现象,提出要编写出具有“工学结合”内涵、具有高职特色的教材,基本思路是组建开放的作者团队、开展深入的学习调研、进行系统的整体设计、打破传统的知识体系、抓住职业技能的主线、坚持项目成果的导向、形成形式生动的文本、加强资源的同步建设。  相似文献   

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