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China's First Data Base of Women's Documents Emerges IN order to greet the UN Fourth World Conference on Women and promote the academic exchange of women's studies at home and abroad, China's first data base of women's documents, which was developed by the Research Department of Women's Studies of the All-China Women's Federation opened to the public this March. China's women's studies programs started in the 1980s.  相似文献   

On January 28, 1991, the Chinese Government wrote to the United Nations, offering to host the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women. In March 1992, the 36th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women gratefully accepted the invitation of the Chinese government and decided to schedule the conference for September 4-15, 1995, in Beijing. The theme of the conference is to seek equality, development and peace through action. The secondary subjects include issues of employment, education and health. At that time, all the member countries of the United Nations will send the high-level gorernmental delegation to attend the conference. Meanwhile, the Non-Government Organizations Forum will be held as a subsidiary plenary to the conference. The year 1995 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, the 2Oth anniversary of the UN International Women's Year and the lOth anniversary of the adoption of the Nairobi Strategy. This conference is an important event in UN women's affairs and  相似文献   

The UN Fourth World Conference On Women (FWCW) was held from September4 to 15 1995, in Beijing. It was another United Nations grand gathering discussing women's issues after the Nairobi Conference which was held ten years ago. About 17,600 participants from 197 countries and regions engaged in meaningful discussions on women's issues. At the end of the conference, delegates reached unanimity after removing 438 different points, and adopted the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action.  相似文献   

Today, the Fourth World Conference on Women will have its grand opening in Beijing. Such a propitious assembly of outstanding women and distinguished guests from around the world has added  相似文献   

LIKE a giant, the Tiantai Mountain Range in Zhejiang Province holds Tiantai County in its arms. The natural beauty of this area is plentiful with talent and music. For years Tiantai County has nurtured groups of pipa players and is known as the "home of the pipa." Pipa is the traditional musical instrument of China, which prevailed in the Sui and Tang dynasties(A.D.581-907).  相似文献   

TWO and a half years after the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing once again embraced women from all over the world. This time, the mission was to exchange experiences on implementation of the "Beijing Declaration" and the "Platform for Action" formulated at the Conference; to see how the governments had put into action the commitments that they made then.  相似文献   

Before the 1995 World Conference on Women is held in Beijing, I'd like to introduce four women who played active roles in promoting SinoJapanese relationships after World War II. They are Bing Xin and Li Dequan from China, and Koya Tomi and Matsuyama Kiko from Japan.  相似文献   

EQUALITY was one of the themes of the Fourth World Conference on Women. The motto of the Conference was "Action for Equality, Development and Peace." But is there a real possibility for equality between men and women? Equality in employment remains an important concern. Recently, Zheng Yefu, research worker of the Beijing Academy of Social  相似文献   

Women's development is a process. It is also a process to await the Fourth World Conference on Women to be held in Beijing in 1995, a process to further mobilize women from various countries to gain equality between the sexes and to take a part in social development. The second international seminar on women's studies was held from November 23 to 26, 1993, at Beijing University in preparation for this day. Some 100 women researchers from Australia, Bangladesh', Canada, the United States, England, Malaysia and Japan, as well as Hong Kong and China participated in the event. It was one of the most lively and active seminars held during this process. To take prompt action in development was a common nderstanding of the participants.  相似文献   

At the Eighth Conference of the National Women Intellectuals' Association, members of the host city, Changzhou Women Intellectuals' Association, had a fashion show for over 100 members coming from other parts of the country.  相似文献   

WTTH women parliamentarians worldwide gathering in Beijing on 15 September 1996, China's capital city was once again in the spotlight as women gathered to promote gender equality. One year after the Fourth World Conference on Women and the NGO Forum, and one day before the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) held its 96th Conference, 150 women parliamentarians from more than 70 countries gathered in Beijing to attend the 96th Women  相似文献   

A very popular Chinese song goes, "the Great Wall is ten thousand li (one li=1/2 kilometer) long, and at the foot of it is my homeland...." It always moves the Chinese who live overseas to tears. In Chinese's hearts, the Great Wall is a symbol of the Chinese nation. The construction of the Great Wall can be dated back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in the 7th and 8th century (B.C), when different states in the empire  相似文献   

CHINA is in the midst of snowballing economic changes that are naturally affecting society deeply. Take bikes, for example, one of China's main modes of transportation. Chinese-made, cheap, heavy, black, steel, mass-produced bikes are being replaced by imported mountain bikes or tenspeeds. People are clearly making more money and are able to afford such fast, colorful imported products. Financial disparity is more apparent. One man who sells cigarettes and gum from a corrugated tin shack next to others who sell bike seats, fix shoes and make eys in a free market is now clad in a  相似文献   

The Dulong people, with a population of 5,816, live along the Dulong River in Gongshan Dulong Nationality Autonomous County of northwest Yunnan Province. The Dulong nationality has its own unwritten language. Since ancient times. the ancestors of the Dulong nationality have settled in the "mysterious valley" by the Dulong River. The Dulong nationality is called "Qiu People" in history books published in the Han language. After the founding of New China in 1949, it formally received its present name based on what they had called themselves. Believing that every creature has a soul, the Dulong people worship natural objects. The Dulong nationality still maintains the old social tradition "not to pick up things on the road and to close the door at night", When they go on a long journey. they hang their necessities in trees along the way until they return. No one takes the things away. During the day, even when the entire family goes out, their doors are kept unlocked. The Dulong people are good at weaving. The  相似文献   

THE art of installation is an art about concept," explains Qing Qing Chen. The artist wants her audience to look at the development of aesthetics from a pluralistic angle on life. Unlike the expressive format of "art in the frame," the art of installation belongs to the category of "non-framed art." The choice of materials used is as important to expression as the creator's ideas. Whereas only certain materials can be  相似文献   

IN his report to the United States State Department after he returned from a survey of the city of Tianjin, Dr. George Lee, the American Trade Councillor to China, said, "The Tianjin Economic Development Area (TEDA) has probably the most suitable investment environment in China. My deepest impression of TEDA is that the administrative officers are young and enlightened. Their slogan is: 'The investors are the sovereign and the project is the lifeline.' For Americans interested in investing in China, we suggest that they pay a visit to TEDA."  相似文献   

WUHAN University, at the foot of the Luojia Hill by the East Lake, is a key comprehensive university in China with a picturesque landscape and a history of 103 years. The university is strong in both teaching and scientific research. It has about 400 professors, 138 doctoral student instructors, five stations for flow of post-doctoral  相似文献   

Wide Support From People THE FWCW is drawing near. The whole country and all walks of life are making preparations for the conference. Ms Wu Wenying, President of the China National Textile Council, arranged a special knowledge contest to greet this conference, and many other kinds of recreational and sports activities to publicize the conference with office  相似文献   

THE Seventh World Webfoot Swimming Championships concluded with the women's 4x100-meter relay event. Chinese swimmers took all 12 gold medals in the women's events. China has taken part in four world championships and has won the team championship three times in eight years. Diving competitions began in 1959 in China. The Chinese Women's Diving Team impressed audiences with its fighting spirit in rivers, lakes and the sea. But the "cultural revolution" discontinued the development of diving as well as many other sports. It was not until 1975 that diving was resumed. In 1984, Yu Jianling, from Hubei Province, broke two world records three times  相似文献   

Avital new force in China's literature circle is the group of women writers who have come into prominence during the "new period," the years since 1978 when China entered a period of reform. These women writers brought their talents of creation into play and have made remarkable achievements. There are five generations of fine women writers. The first generation includes Bing Xin, a founding member of the New Cultural Movement, around the time of the May 4th Movement in  相似文献   

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