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This study examines immigrants' identification with the host country. We use survey data of more than 1,700 Turkish and Moroccan immigrants and more than 2,200 natives in the Netherlands. We answer four main questions in this study. First, do immigrants have lower national identification than natives? Second, does the level of national identification differ between immigrant groups? Third, do economic and social integration similarly affect national identification among immigrants and natives? And fourth, what are important additional determinants of national identification among immigrants? The results show that, compared to Dutch natives, Turkish but not Moroccan immigrants have lower national identification. Being employed and socially integrated is associated with higher national identification among immigrants as well as natives, but only among immigrants is higher occupational status associated with higher national identification. For immigrants, Dutch language proficiency, perceived discrimination, and contact with natives proved to be important conditions for national identification.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of perceived Islamophobia on group identification and acculturation attitudes in a sample of Turkish Canadians. We tested the rejection‐identification model (RIM) and the rejection‐disidentification model (RDIM) to examine how perceived Islamophobia affects religious and national identification. The study also explores whether perceived Islamophobia, national identification, and religious identification have any impact on the acculturation attitudes of Turkish immigrants. All relationships were investigated using path analysis. The results suggest that perceived Islamophobia does not affect religious or national identification. Results also show that perceived Islamophobia positively predicts endorsement of marginalization as an acculturation strategy. National identification predicts higher levels of integration and assimilation and lower levels of separation. Those who report higher religious identification are more inclined to prefer separation.  相似文献   

Processes governing the ethnic identification of second and later generations of Mexican immigrant descendants are explored empirically using the Latino National Political Survey, 1989–1990. With multinomial logit regressions, I test hypotheses based on three contrasting perspectives, namely, that ethnic identification, or identification other than “American,” arises directly from: a) cultural continuity and a lower level of assimilation; b) an experience of ethnic competition; and c) both processes. The results from the LNPS support the view that both processes are at work. For example, consistent with the presence of an assimilation process, the chance of “Mexican” identification (as opposed to “American” identification) declines to half in the third generation and to one tenth in the fourth and later generations, relative to the chance in the second generation. Consistent with the presence of an ethnic competition process, (perceived) experience of discrimination doubles the respondent's chance of “Mexican” identification. Also, a level rise in the darkness of skin color is associated with a 60 percent increase in the chance of Mexican identification.  相似文献   

独立学院贫困生的准确认定是实现有效资助的前提和基础。因此,应认真分析独立学院贫困生认定工作中存在的问题,完善贫困生认定体系,构建科学、合理的贫困生救助体系。  相似文献   

The rebirth of class analysis in the last two decades is due, in large part, to a theoretical shift in the field regarding class identification. The notable absence or weakness of class identities has led many theorists to proclaim the death of class, divorce class locations from identification, or rethink class identification as a relative, hierarchical, and individual concept. In each case, assumptions of collective class identification are laid to rest. As a result, some have called for a break from older models of class. In this article, we reexamine the contributions of classical class theory to the debate on collective class identification. By taking a closer look at the works of Marx, Weber, Durkheim, and Veblen regarding class and collective identification, we suggest that not only are they still relevant to the current debate, but that taken together they form a diverse foundation from which many future directions are possible.  相似文献   

青年文化对大学生的政治认同有很大的影响。青年文化中的消费文化、网络文化、浅阅读文化潜伏着削弱大学生政治认同的因素。因此,要以社会主义核心价值引导青年文化建设,形成建设青年文化的合力,遵循青年文化建设中的客观规律,有效提升大学生的政治认同。  相似文献   

Longitudinal research designs involve data collection at multiple time points to measure change over time. Therefore, identification of the same respondents is essential at each time point so that data from the same respondents can be matched for comparison over time. Subject-generated identification codes permit an anonymous means to track respondents over multiple data collection points. This article describes the evolution of subject-generated identification codes, techniques to improve respondent match rates, and the authors' experience using this mechanism in a longitudinal study of staff registered nurses working in hospitals. Challenges, recommendations, and implications for using subject-generated identification codes are discussed.  相似文献   


A quasi-experimental study addressed the question of whether clinician identification with the client differs in therapeutic dyads in which clinician and client are from the same ethnic minority background than in therapeutic dyads in which clinician and client are from a different ethnic background. An availability sampling plan was used to obtain a sample of sixty Japanese American and sixty White social workers. Subjects watched one of two videotaped vignettes of either a Japanese American or White client. An identification inventory was used to measure range and intensity of identification. Findings demonstrated that match of ethnic minority background heightened range and intensity of identification. Additionally, match of generation, place of origin, and assimilation level also increased the respondent's identification with the client. Furthermore, feelings of vulnerability, a concern of overidentifying, and an added sense of investment occurred more frequently when the respondent and vignette client were from the same ethnic minority background.  相似文献   

Projective identification is a means by which clients unconsciously communicate their affective, and often intolerable, experiences. Being on the receiving end of a client’s projective identifications can be elusive, confusing, and intense; consequently, the information afforded by projective identification is often disregarded in the therapeutic process. This paper will provide a case example of the author’s personal affective and clinical experiences with a 19-year-old client to illustrate the process of recognizing and utilizing projective identification in brief psychodynamic psychotherapy. Implications and challenges for utilizing projective identification in brief therapy are discussed.This paper was presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 2004.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of ethnic minority adolescents' ethnic self‐identification (host country, dual, or heritage country) on friendship choices among ethnic majority and minority peers. Hypotheses were derived from similarity–attraction and social identity theory and tested using longitudinal social network data from 1,004 middle school students (five schools) in Germany. Results showed that ethnic minority adolescents' ethnic self‐identification affected friendship selection beyond ethnic homophily. While host country and dual identification was beneficial with respect to friendships with both ethnic majority and minority peers, heritage country identification was detrimental to relations with both of them.  相似文献   

Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) achieve desired outcomes by fostering organizational identification. However, little research has explored how identification with the cause or the recipients of support relates to identification with the NPO. This study developed the Identification with Social Causes Scale as a mechanism for distinguishing organizational identification from identification with a social group or cause. Data were collected using two groups: the homeless (n = 318) and HIV positive (n = 314) individuals. Exploratory factor analysis and multigroup confirmatory factor analysis yielded a 9-item scale measuring two dimensions: attachment and consubstantiality. Initial construct validity of the scale was established.  相似文献   

蚁族话题自2007年起开始登上中国社会的话语舞台,在社会学领域被称作是继农民、农民工、下岗职工之后社会群体的第四次大发现。通过对准蚁族群身份认同的研究.发现个体媒介素养对身份认同产生分化作用的同时,也发现学校教育及社会舆论引导方面的不足。在对该群体身份认同的步骤和原理作出解释的基础上,针对该群体提出有益于社会和群体本身的建议。  相似文献   

This study analyzed 111 e-mail action alerts from three activist groups on opposing ends of the political and religious ideological continuum for examples of Burke's three identification strategies. Findings show the organizations employed identification by antithesis with the greatest frequency, indicating that activist groups most often take a reactionary or confrontational approach to establishing identification with publics.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), a nationally representative sample of youth from 7th to 12th grades, we examined how racial and ethnic identification overlap among Hispanic adolescents. We evaluated the relative proximity between race and ethnic identifiers among Hispanics. Empirical analyses suggest that the racial identification of other students at school has a significant impact on the odds of choosing particular racial identifiers. Both Hispanic and non-Hispanic schoolmates' racial identification is related to the racial identification of Hispanic adolescents. We also find evidence that both ethnicity and race are distinct stratifiers among Hispanics. Overall, our findings support the notion that Hispanic may be a more meaningful "racial" identity than black, white, or other, but we also find that racial identification and ethnic background are still important and meaningful dividers among Hispanic youth.  相似文献   

In this study of U.S. public relations educators, previous research was confirmed that calling and identification influence work meaningfulness. The research highlights the discipline's division about importance of practical experience and research. Participants with an orientation to practical experience had significant positive correlations with calling, not to identification or meaningfulness. Those with a theory/research orientation had a significant positive correlation with organizational identification and meaningfulness, not with calling. This suggests that a practice orientation leads to a stronger public relations calling but not a calling to academia. Those with theory/research identification have less calling to the public relations profession.  相似文献   

This essay is concerned with a critical but under theorized practice of modern society – official identification. It makes two arguments about modern identification technologies: they develop within an archival problematization of identity, and secondly, they should be critically analyzed as practices of verification. Although the essay is historical in focus these two arguments are intended as an intervention in debates about contemporary practices of identification and surveillance. The essay examines the emergence of the passport in the US from the 1850s to the 1930s. The contested development of the conviction that the identity in a passport is in ‘fact’ someone's identity is the subject of this history of the passport. The passport is used to argue that official identification, as a modern problem was rethought as the collection, classification and circulation of information through new bureaucratic logics of objectivity. The subsequent assemblage of modern identification practices formed what is best understood as a documentary regime of verification that produced identity as a stable object critical to the governing practices of the modern state. The passport as a technology of verification foregrounds that the modern production of this ‘official identity’ through documents is collapsed into a truth claim, which presents that identity as self-evident.  相似文献   

Utilizing the integrative theory of communication and cross-cultural adaptation, the present study sought to examine the extent to which the length of study-abroad programs affects individuals' ethnic and cultural identification, willingness to engage in intercultural communication, intercultural communication competence, and cultural adaptation. The results of the study indicate that while length of study-abroad programs was not correlated to cultural adaptation, length of program was associated with changes in cultural and ethnic identification. Moreover, willingness to communicate with members of the host culture was associated with cultural identification as well as intercultural communication competence.  相似文献   

Oaxaca and Ransom (1999) show that a detailed decomposition of the coefficients effect is destined to suffer from an identification problem since the detailed coefficients effect attributed to dummy variables is not invariant to the choice of reference groups. It turns out that the identification problem in the decomposition equation is a disguised identification problem of constant and dummy variables in a regression equation. This article proposes a simple and natural remedy for this problem by using "normalized" regressions, which enable me to identify the constant and estimates of each dummy variable. (JEL C20 , J70 )  相似文献   

The red state-blue state characterization of American society geographically categorizes the U.S. into Republican and Democrat states, with the assumption that the gulf between the states is broad and deep in many issues and policies. Given this presumed division, this research examines three dimensions of environmentalism to determine if political party identification is indeed a useful predictor of environmentalism when taking into consideration a person's place of residence and several other social demographic influences. Data come from a 2003 phone survey of 606 residents in Nebraska. Nebraska provides a good test of how much political party identification matters in understanding environmentalism when the population is generally conservative, with traditional ties to extractive commodity production. The findings show that political party identification is significant in understanding environmentalism and that place of residence does not affect environmentalism. However, while the findings reveal that political party identification is an important predictor of environmentalism, both Republicans and Democrats show a relatively strong support for the environment.  相似文献   

This study addresses the conditions for the participation in protest activities. Starting from social psychological value expectancy theory and the theory of collective action, we study the effects of political discontent, perceived political influence (efficacy), norms to participate, identity, and membership in protest encouraging networks (“social incentives”) on protest. This study challenges the common assumption that these factors have additive effects only and provides a detailed analysis of interaction effects. Another contribution is the theoretical derivation of interaction effects. Our empirical analyses refer to the protests in Leipzig (East Germany) in 1989 under communist rule. Two‐way interactions are found between the following pairs of variables: discontent, influence, and norms. “Identity” (i.e., identification with West Germany) only interacts with discontent. Furthermore, identification is a surrogate for discontent: If identification is strong, discontent no longer influences protest. If identification is weak, increasing discontent raises protest.  相似文献   

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