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学术界在研究创新导向和企业绩效间关系时结论出现了分歧,有学者认为创新导向对企业绩效有正向积极影响,有学者认为创新导向对企业绩效有负面影响。本研究在文献综述的基础上将突破性营销创新作为创新导向和企业绩效间关系的中介变量,将突破性营销创新划分为以技术为基础的突破性产品创新、以市场为基础的突破性产品创新和突破性价值网创新,构建了创新导向-突破性营销创新-企业绩效的连锁关系模型,并以湖北省236家企业为样本,对模型进行实证检验。研究发现:创新导向对以技术为基础的突破性产品创新、以市场为基础的突破性产品创新和突破性价值网创新有正向的积极影响,创新导向对企业绩效的正向影响不显著,但可以通过突破性营销创新间接对企业绩效施加正向积极影响。  相似文献   

顾客导向和创新导向对企业绩效的影响机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在市场导向相关研究的基础上.本文探索了顾客导向(Customer Orientation)以及创新导向(Innovation Orientation)经由组织学习(Organizational Learning)对公司绩效(Firm Performance)的影响.通过对欧洲的390家制造企业的调查.发现顾客导向和创新导向都对组织学习产生正向影响,组织学习提高了公司的新产品绩效(New Product Performance).最终提升了公司绩效.最后,文章讨论了本研究的理论和实践意义,以及未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

面对日益动荡的市场环境和迅速的技术发展,为保持企业持续竞争优势,成熟企业必须开展突破性创新。突破性创新代表了革命性的技术进步,渐进性创新则是对旧技术的微小改进或调整。突破性创新和渐进性创新的差异,主要体现在技术内容的新颖程度(即根植于创新中的新知识的程度)上,渐进性创新建立在成熟企业使用的既有知识上,持续地改进那些用来实现企业目标的方法和材料;因为突破性创  相似文献   

基于组织间学习过程的演化情境,从吸收能力和网络惯例在组织间的形成过程视角,研究吸收能力、网络惯例与突破性产品创新的关系.通过分析珠三角地区的161家科技型中小企业的样本数据,研究发现:吸收能力和网络惯例对突破性产品创新均有显著正向影响,而网络关系稳定度正向调节吸收能力与突破性产品创新的关系.此外,网络惯例的两个子维度对突破性产品创新的影响存在差异,即行业默契对突破性产品创新有显著的正向影响,而规范接受对突破性产品创新的负向影响不显著.  相似文献   

本文以武安钢铁公司为案例进行问卷调查与数据分析,探寻钢铁企业创新能力影响因素,并在创新理论基础之上参考国内外企业创新理论并加以实证分析研究。本文从产品创新、流程创新、市场定位创新和思维模式创新四个方面对国内外相关文献进行梳理基础上,首次进行了定量分析,提出了创新产品、改造产品生产流程方面内容,指出企业应该根据当前的市场经济发展形势,对产品进行再定位,同时明确产品创新发展模式,使之与企业经营管理理念相符。研究发现:流程创新以及思维范式创新和企业的创新能力在95%的置信水平上显著正相关。每增加1个单位的流程创新或思维范式的创新,企业的创新能力分别增加0.56和0.27个单位值;这说明市场定位创新并没有发挥出对企业创新能力的真正作用,企业创新没有建立在市场定位创新基础上。  相似文献   

近日,被称为"中国企业吉尼斯大全"的中国企业新纪录(第10批)在京揭晓,10项重大突破性创新成果被审定为重大创新项目,共有275家企业创造了578项中国企业新纪录.  相似文献   

整合资源基础理论和资源配置理论,考察关键资源对跨国公司在华突破性创新绩效的驱动机制,利用中国13个省165家在华跨国公司样本,识别出跨国公司在华突破性创新的两种关键驱动资源为营销资源和技术资源,构建驱动资源对突破性创新绩效的影响机理模型,采用路径分析和结构方程模型对研究假设进行检验。研究结果表明,营销资源和技术资源同时驱动跨国公司在华突破性产品创新和过程创新绩效,而过程创新对产品创新有正向影响。因此,要有效提高突破性创新绩效,在华跨国公司应将有限的要素优先投资于营销资源和技术资源的构建上,注重顾客关系管理和竞争者研究,并在突破性创新实践中加强过程导向,重视信息系统和工艺流程,突出过程创新的重要性。  相似文献   

多主体参与已经成为现代经济环境下企业创新活动的基本特征。为了明确各创新主体参对企业创新模式选择的影响。本文构建了一个包括供应商和顾客参与的创新模式选择博弈模型。对模型分析发现,根据企业选择的创新模式不同,可以形成三种竞争市场,采用演化博弈方法对模型均衡结果求解,得到以下结论:供应商和顾客参与能增加企业选择突破性技术创新模式的比重,减少选择渐进性技术创新比重,且这种影响随着市场中选择突破性技术创新比例增加而增加;当创新产品为价格弹性需求时,顾客参与更能促进突破性技术创新,当创新产品为价格非弹性需求时,供应商参与更能促进突破性技术创新,这与渐进性技术创新的结论截然相反。采用数值算例对结果进行分析,进一步验证了上述结论。本文的研究结论有助于揭示多主体参与对创新模式选择的影响,也对在多主体参与条件下,企业的创新资源配置这一创新的核心问题做出了一定的解释。  相似文献   

在未来的两年里,零售业将会加速进入一个重大的整合期。 弗朗西斯科哈维尔·坎,西班牙零售协会AECOC的主席声称,要想在此阶段立于不败之地,各公司需要通过创新来增强其产品的竞争力,并且要在本土之外寻找新的市场。  相似文献   

老企业的创新定律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文作者被称为硅谷最有影响力的思想家,在这篇新作中,他探讨了成熟企业进行创新的规律。要提高创新的有效性,首先要弄清创新有哪些类型。为此,作者归纳了8种形式:源于技术突变的破坏性创新,将现有技术带进新市场的应用创新,升级既有产品的产品创新,提高流程效率或效果的流程创新,改善顾客体验的体验创新,改进顾客接触流程的营销创新,重构顾客价值主张或  相似文献   

An effective business model is the core enabler of any company's performance. Business model innovation is not only becoming more and more important due to increasing and globalizing competition, but also an enormous challenge, both theoretically and practically. Although many managers are eager to consider more disruptive changes to their business model, they often do not know how to articulate their existing or desired business model and, even less so, understand the possibilities for innovating it. One of the steps toward developing more theoretical insight and practical guidelines is the identification of types and the development of a typology of business model innovations. Ten retrospective case studies of business model innovations undertaken by two industrial companies provide the empirical basis for this article. We analyzed the characteristics of these innovations as well as their success rates. The findings suggest that there are indeed various business model innovation types, each with its own characteristics and challenges.  相似文献   

The theory of disruptive innovation has had a profound effect on academic literature and management mindsets. Nevertheless, the processes that are required to develop disruptive innovations are not yet well understood. An essential part of creating disruptive innovations is gathering the right information on potential and current customers. The research questions that are addressed in this paper deal with the suitability of customer analysis methods for providing this information. The customer analysis model that is formulated in this paper summarizes the results of a literature review regarding the requirements of customer analysis for the success of disruptive innovations. With insights on context, customers, constraints and effects, the model reveals what information is needed to successfully shape the disruptive innovation process. Following the literature on disruptive and radical innovation, a group of eight customer analysis methods is selected and assessed. The analysis reveals that none of the existing methods can generate all of the required information. By combining and modifying the associated methods, the requirements of the proposed model and, by extension, the market can be met. Managers who follow the suggestions of this paper will develop a better understanding of current and potential customers and, therefore, unveil the potential of disruptive innovations.  相似文献   

Patent intermediaries have gained importance as non‐practicing entities in the innovation domain, buying innovations from an external provider and then licensing them to practicing firms. In this study, we analyze the competition between two identical incumbent firms and a patent intermediary for the acquisition and licensing of a cost‐reducing innovation developed by an external innovator. We show that the outcome of the IP acquisition and licensing game critically depends on the degree of the cost‐reducing innovation. Patent intermediaries win IP rights in patent markets if the innovation is incremental. They also win the IP rights when the innovation is moderate or radical, providing they have significant efficiency advantages over incumbent firms and the uncertainty about the degree of innovation is low. We also show that patent intermediaries serve to make markets more efficient. When the innovation is incremental or moderate, they help ensure a lower cost of production and a lower price for customers, and when the innovation is radical, they help increase the profits of the incumbent firms.  相似文献   

复杂情境下中国企业管理创新类型选择研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旨在解析我国企业在多因素综合作用的复杂情境下就突变型与渐进型管理创新选择的问题。基于扎根理论、使用多案例比较研究方法,首先采用开放式译码、轴向译码、以及选择性译码析出了大连三洋冷链有限公司管理创新案例中蕴含的关键概念、范畴和故事脉络,并对初始案例研究草案和研究样本进行了发展和补充;其次,在对其他9个案例分别进行概念、范畴和故事脉络分析的基础上,对10个案例进行了比较研究,得出了我国企业在组织规模、行业环境、企业家精神和组织文化的不同组合维度下对突变型和渐进型管理创新的选择模式及其中的机理。  相似文献   

Corporate enterprises must support its business units to adapt to changes that are increasingly dramatic and complex. In response, corporate entities must organize to embed a corporate entrepreneurial orientation (EO) that pervades the actions of its business units to create the radical innovations needed to thrive in these circumstances. By developing a global willingness–local ability framework, we test a multi-level model of corporate EO by conceptualizing its effects on business unit radical innovation and business unit financial performance, moderated by business unit R&D resourcing and business unit absorptive capacity. With data from 2820 business units of 1290 Taiwanese corporations from two separate surveys, we find support for our theoretical expectations and contribute much-needed knowledge of the multi-level effects of EO and the conditions to turn EO into actual innovation activity and profit from it.  相似文献   

An examination of 202 innovation projects in 42 firms revealed two approaches in how firms manage employees to explore new knowledge for radical innovations and to exploit existing knowledge for incremental innovations. The first is the system of organization-level management practices, whereby employees are recruited based primarily on prior work experience in other companies and developed interdepartmentally, and compensation is based primarily on joint performance without a specific innovation project in mind. The second is the system of team-level management practices, whereby employees are selected based mainly on overlapping knowledge with team members, and are trained and rewarded for a specific innovation project. Although both systems offer employees the necessary psychological safety for attaining radical innovations and the perspective-taking capability helpful for incremental innovations, each system is better for achieving one type of innovation than the other. The system of organization-level management practices better achieves radical innovations because it provides greater psychological safety, while the system of team-level management practices better achieves incremental innovations because it develops superior perspective-taking capability. Using both systems assists in incremental innovations but not radical innovations, because contradictory expectations are placed on the employees, diminishing psychological safety. The main implication of these findings is that companies should manage their employees differently depending on the type of innovation they wish to achieve.  相似文献   

Disruptive Innovation Theory has created a significant impact on management practices and aroused plenty of rich debate within academia. Copious as the studies are, the scattered and conflicting nature of the literature on disruptive innovation in the last decade may pose a state of ambiguity for future research, thus necessitating a comprehensive review at this juncture. This paper first clarifies the basic concept and potential misinterpretations of the theory. Believing in the predictive value of the theory on firm performance, the authors then summarize and critique the research on how to enable potential disruptive innovation from internal, external, marketing and technology perspectives. The different perspectives inspired the authors to identify a number of key research directions within the disruptive innovation research domain. Potential future research is also briefly discussed by integrating disruptive innovation with other research domains, such as open innovation. Finally, in addition to theoretical contributions, the authors make practical contributions by outlining a series of potential inhibitors and enablers of disruptive innovation as managerial ‘take‐aways’.  相似文献   

Interpretations related to the social construction of innovation, derived from data provided by managers in an IT company, are placed within a conceptual framework of 'sense-making', modified to take account of power relationships. The discussion in the body of the paper, illustrated and structured by reference to three case studies, deals with how innovators rely on experience in securing and shaping their identities in the face of disruptive events and how, from these origins, innovations are socially enacted within the organizational context, infused by power relations. In the concluding section it is proposed that the novelty of 'an innovation', and the degree of individual and social creativity required to achieve it, depend on the difficulty of making sense of disruptive events within the constraints of social relationships in their organizational context. It seems sensible, therefore, that a research agenda concerned with enhancing understanding of innovation processes should focus on the social construction of innovations, driven by the need individuals experience to make sense of disturbing stimuli in ways which protect and, preferably, enhance self-identity.  相似文献   

Considerable attention has been directed toward developing a more complete understanding of innovation adoption by Information Systems (IS) departments. Much of this research has focused on the adoption of technological innovations, and limited research has focused on the adoption of administrative innovations. This paper focuses on an administrative innovation that is increasingly becoming popular among IS departments, namely Total Quality Management (TQM) in systems development. A synthesis of the IS innovation and TQM literatures was conducted to identify environmental, organizational, and task‐related factors that should relate to both the swiftness and the intensity of TQM adoption. The relationships between the identified variables and TQM adoption were examined using data collected from 123 IS departments in Fortune 1000 firms and large government agencies in the U.S. The results indicate that TQM adoption in systems development is influenced by the host organization's quality orientation and factors internal to the IS department including IS management support for quality, the presence of a separate quality assurance function, and the structural complexity of the IS department. Implications of this study for theory, future research, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

In an increasingly service-centered economy, service innovation is crucial to maintaining a firm's competitive advantage. While service innovation has attracted much attention and has resulted in the development of several service innovation typologies, these attempts remain rooted in the goods-versus-services perspective. In addition, limited attention has been devoted to theoretically anchoring these typologies in the key determinants of service innovation. Our study aims to close these gaps by developing a service innovation typology that is embedded in the service-dominant logic (SDL) and anchored by contextually relevant dimensions—environmental uncertainty, strategic orientation, and market orientation. This article presents an eight-cell service innovation typology and discusses its managerial and research implications. It is our belief that framing the typology along three contextually important dimensions and embedding in the SDL provides a richer and more appropriately specified articulation that is theoretically robust and will be useful to managers responsible for service innovation.  相似文献   

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