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王丽 《职业时空》2009,5(2):91-92
许多大学生存在着如何对待大学学习、如何进行大学学习的困惑,及时对学习心理进行调整,能帮助大学生更好地适应大学学习生活。首先要了解大学学习和中学学习的不同,其次是通过确立学习目标、培养学习兴趣、掌控时间、调整学习方法进行学习心理的调整。  相似文献   

大学新生存在厌学现象是一个不争的事实.大学新生厌学会带来一系列的问题.作者从心理学的角度出发,分析了大学新生出现厌学心理的主客观原因,并提出了相应的调适措施,对预防和解决大学新生的厌学问题有积极意义.  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查和分析,研究了朝鲜族大学生心理幸福感的现状及人口统计学变量对朝鲜族大学生心理幸福感的影响.  相似文献   

韩伟  范凯 《现代交际》2010,(7):183-183,182
通过对大学生心理状况的调查,分析了产生抑郁心理的原因,结合学生管理实践,提出预防和减少抑郁情绪出现的调试方法。  相似文献   

大学是大学生人生学习的一个重要时期,是青少年在生理和心理面对巨大转变的过程,这就要求大学生面对新生的环境和生活状态有所调整,才能更好的使自己得到全面的发展,以此适应大学的生活。但是面对复杂多变的大学环境和社会环境,部分学生产生了严重的不良影响。这严重影响了大学生的健康成长。因此,采取有效的措施来开展大学新生的心理适应能力的训练,是提高大学新生心理适应社会能力的基本要求。  相似文献   

大学新生处于高中向大学过渡时期,在面对全新的生活环境和学习要求时,难免出现各种不适状况,引发一定心理困扰.常见的新生心理困扰有想念家人、考试焦虑、人际交往困难等,笔者依托现实案例,分析困扰产生的原因,给出指导意见和解决方法.  相似文献   

随着当下社会的不断进步和发展,互联网技术和计算机的大规模使用,使人们的交往场所由真实的物质场所扩大到整个网络空间。人们可以根据自己的兴趣爱好等聚集在一起,形成一个可供人们进行交流与互动的虚拟社区,并从事不同的日常活动和网络行为。网络游戏目前已经发展成为当下最流行的网络娱乐方式和网民聚集的最为广泛的场所之一。经过调查研究发现,在众多的网民中当代大学生占了绝大多数,大学生网络消费,特别是虚拟网络消费存在较强的从众心理。本文就对当代大学生的网络虚拟消费从众心理进行了系统的研究。  相似文献   

马佳  张雪梅 《职业时空》2012,(5):130+132
总结大学新生心理适应不良的常见问题,分析其产生的原因,进而有针对性地引导学生进行调适,对促进大学生心理健康有着非常重要的意义,也是高校心理健康机构应给予充分重视的工作之一。  相似文献   

BBS的使用对大学生心理的影响:一个网上调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蓝劲松  咏鹏 《当代青年研究》2000,(4):20-23,,15,
科技的飞速发展 ,尤其是电脑网络的普及和发展使得现代人的生活发生了显著的变化。作为当代大学生 ,则更是这种变化的直接体验者。科技决定论认为随着科技的进步 ,人类社会将会变得更为美好。不可否认 ,信息技术的发展让我们的沟通跨越了旧有的限制 ,克服了距离上的障碍。它除了让已经认识的人达到联系、沟通的作用外 ,也让不认识的陌生人 ,经由电子传媒而取得交流。如通过BBS(BulletinBoardSystem:公告板系统)、聊天室、MUD等等 ,让原来并不认识的人得以交谈。但同时 ,它带来的社会问题也越来越引起了人们的重…  相似文献   


Objective: The present study aims to examine gender differences in attitudes toward professional psychological help–seeking behavior and how gender differences could be affected by other cultural factor such as race. Participants: The authors selected studies that involved undergraduate and graduate students as samples, making the total number of participants in this meta-analysis 5,713. Methods: Statistical procedures were administrated by the MIX (Meta-analysis with Interactive eXplanations) program, which does meta-analyses. Results and Conclusions: The results indicated that gender itself was a significant predictor on attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. In addition, individual's cultural background (eg, Western versus non-Western ethnicity) moderated the gender differences on attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. Practical implications for mental health professionals in college settings were discussed.  相似文献   


Objectives: This study sought to describe self-reported barriers to professional help seeking among college students who are at elevated suicide risk and determine if these barriers vary by demographic and clinical characteristics. Participants: Participants were 165 non–treatment seekers recruited as part of a Web-based treatment linkage intervention for college students at elevated suicide risk (from September 2010 through December 2011). Methods: Data were collected using Web-based questionnaires. Two coders coded students’ responses to an open-ended question about reasons for not seeking professional help. Results: The most commonly reported barriers included perception that treatment is not needed (66%), lack of time (26.8%), and preference for self-management (18%). Stigma was mentioned by only 12% of students. There were notable differences based on gender, race, and severity of depression and alcohol abuse. Conclusions: Efforts aimed at reaching students at elevated risk for suicidal behavior should be particularly sensitive to these commonly described barriers.  相似文献   


Four hundred ninety-nine ethnically diverse gay men, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people were surveyed regarding use of resources to stop same-sex relationship abuses. Just over half (54%) reported seeking help, and most resources, with the exception of police, shelter and crisis hotlines, were considered helpful. When asked about perceived services needed, most participants focused on intra-psychic solutions rather than use of community or macrosystem institutions. Perceived or actual homophobia is the biggest barrier to seeking help. Women and people of color expressed a statistically significant preference for caregivers of the same gender and ethnicity, respectively, but indicated that this would not stop them from seeking assistance.  相似文献   


Objectives: Many suicidal college students do not receive mental health treatment, and the reasons for this are not fully understood. This study examines how attitudes, beliefs, and social network factors relate to help seeking among suicidal students. Participants: A random sample of 8,487 undergraduate and graduate students from 15 US universities participated. Methods: A Web-based survey administered in spring 2009 examined correlates of mental health service utilization among students reporting serious thoughts of suicide in the previous year (n = 543). Results: Correlates of treatment use included perceived need, beliefs that treatment is effective, contact with service users, lower personal stigma, higher perceived stigma, fewer positive relationships, and sexual minority or Caucasian identity. Conclusions: Help seeking among suicidal students is associated with a range of personal and social network factors. Campus strategies to enhance help seeking should be tailored to address identified facilitators and barriers to treatment use among target populations.  相似文献   

Adolescents are reluctant to seek help, especially those at psychopathological risk. School may represent the ideal setting to intercept teens in trouble by reducing some barriers to help-seeking behavior; despite this, some obstacles remain difficult to overcome. The present study, involving a large sample (N?=?2235) of secondary school students, aims to investigate the effectiveness of a counseling service as part of a multifaceted school-based prevention program. The counseling service is assessed by comparing students who asked for help with their peers in terms of their psychosocial characteristics, risk profiles and perceptions of the strategies that professionals adopt in order to reduce the barriers to individual counseling. Our findings reveal the capacity of individual counseling to serve the most vulnerable adolescents, with the exception of students who might be at risk of school drop-out. The effectiveness of the program implementation theory and the strength of particular strategies used to reduce barriers are discussed.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between mere exposure, psychologicalreactance and attitude change, 115 college students receivedeither no exposure, moderate exposure or excessive exposureto a political message. Results indicated positive evaluationto the message under moderate exposure but negative evaluationunder excessive exposure. A delayed post-test indicated thatthe negative evaluation after excessive exposure improved overtime. Psychological reactance was suggested as a possible explanationfor the findings.  相似文献   

This literature review summarizes recent empirical research on obstacles preventing problem gamblers from seeking treatment for their gambling problems. Relevant databases and bibliographies were searched for English-language papers and reports published since 1998. The only methodological requirement was that gamblers themselves be asked about reasons for not seeking help. Nineteen studies conducted in five countries were identified. All except one targeted adults. Despite differences in methodology, many of the same barriers to treatment were identified. Most commonly reported barriers were: wish to handle problem by oneself; shame/embarrassment/stigma; unwillingness to admit problem; and issues with treatment itself. The authors of the review argue that unwillingness to admit to the problem may be even more prevalent than is typically indicated by the results of barriers studies. Other frequently reported barriers included lack of knowledge about treatment options and practical issues around attending treatment. More research is needed on barriers to treatment-seeking experienced by subgroups of gamblers defined by culture, ethnicity, gender, age. Open-ended questioning methods can help provide insights into what barrier categories mean to different groups and individuals. Input directly from gamblers can be combined with information from other kinds of studies to devise better ways of reaching problem gamblers, especially those in underserviced populations. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


Seven focus groups at a university campus were formed to identify college men's health concerns, barriers to seeking help, and recommendations to help college men adopt healthier lifestyles. Content analysis was used to identify and organize primary patterns in the focus-group data. Results of the study revealed that the college men were aware that they had important health needs but took little action to address them. The participants identified both physical and emotional health concerns. Alcohol and substance abuse were rated as the most important issues for men. The greatest barrier to seeking services was the men's socialization to be independent and conceal vulnerability. The most frequently mentioned suggestions for helping men adopt healthier lifestyles were offering health classes, providing health information call-in service, and developing a men's center. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生同居态度调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对武汉市七所大学570名大学生进行问卷调查,并辅以一定的个案访谈,研究发现,当今大学生对于同居行为趋向于认同;无论他们选择同居与否,主要考虑的都是两个人的感情;而同居生活的经历又重新塑造着他们的态度。性别、家乡、独生与否和所学学科对同居态度没有显著影响;在年级与认同的关系上,呈现独特的倒U形。笔者最终得出结论,性社会化的差异是影响其态度差异的最主要因素之一。  相似文献   

This qualitative study attempts to understand why older persons abused by their family members in India do not seek help. In-depth interviews over three visits were conducted with six adults aged 65 years and above who had been physically abused by their sons/daughters-in-law. The interviews were transcribed and themes identified using a thematic analysis method. The barriers preventing a person from seeking help were service-related (accessibility, lack of trust); religious (Karma); family (deleterious effects on family, family members’ responses to help seeking); and individual (socioeconomic dependency, self-blame). The unique findings that surfaced were fear of losing one's identity by losing one's family, attributing abuse to past sins, and concern over not attaining salvation if one's sons did not perform funeral rites. The authors propose a checklist to explore and assess the barriers to seeking help. Recommendations for geroprofessionals in overcoming barriers include implementing outreach programs and changing the misconceptions regarding Karma.  相似文献   

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