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戴悠悠 《现代妇女》2014,(3):I0059-I0059,I0064
中国企业在美国实施海外并购频繁遭遇法律风险,究其原因,法律体制及文化差异、中国企业并购行为易招致审查以及美国朝野对自由贸易的态度变化。本文在研究法律风险的同时,提出了相应的对策,如政府应构建并完善海外并购法律体系、应优化行政职能;企业应做好跨国并购战略与策略分析、完善公司治理结构等。期望这些对策能够给即将在进行海外并购的企业一些启迪,从而为中国企业海外并购能力的提升提供一些参考。  相似文献   

正全球汇率市场风起云涌,新一轮货币战争再次来袭,能源、矿产品等大宗商品价格一路飙升。我国作为资源需求大国,海外矿业并购显然是保障我国资源供应的必行之路。在此并购的浪潮中,中国矿业企业表现得过于激进。总是满怀激情"走出去",但却因"走得太远而忘记了为什么出发"!在诸多"走出去"的案例中,结果与目标背离的局面屡见不鲜。不管是中国海洋石油有限公司收购美国优尼科的失败,还是当前举世瞩目的中铝注资力拓遭毁  相似文献   

中钢集团暂停澳大利亚Weld Range铁矿石项目,中铝澳大利亚昆士兰奥鲁昆铝土矿资源开发项目失败,加上之前巨亏的中铁建沙特轻轨项目,以及遭遇巨大损失的中国在利比亚的巨额投资,都告诉我们,中国政府和企业要在“走出去”过程中,尽快学会在外走路。  相似文献   

庄群 《现代妇女》2014,(2):52-53
知识产权是当今知识经济时代重要的出资形式之一,然而知识产权作为一种无形资产,其自身所固有的属性决定了以其出资比以有形资产出资更复杂,更具风险性。为保障公司资本的安全运营,保护知识产权出资人的利益,应充分认识知识产权出资可能产生的法律风险,并在此基础上从意思自治和法律设计两个层面积极探索以知识产权出资的风险防范措施。  相似文献   

王倩 《职业时空》2012,(8):23-26
从世界范围内的发展趋势来看,社会保障基金进入资本市场已经势在必行。但是,社保基金在资本市场的投资运营,必然会面临各种类别的风险,为保证社会保障基金的安全性和收益性,实现社会保障基金的保障功能,对社会保障基金投资中所涉及到的风险加以识别和度量就十分必要。  相似文献   

随着我国资本市场的不断完善,更多的企业开始借助并购重组的方式来实现企业超常规发展,在此过程中,投资银行充当了重要的角色。投资银行在企业并购中发挥着降低信息成本、减少交易费用、充当理财顾问、筹集资金等方面的作用,需要引起相关管理部门的重视。文章通过简述投资银行与企业并购的内容,分析投资银行在企业并购中的作用,试图发现我国现有投资银行并购业务的不足,实现并购行为的谨慎实施。  相似文献   

邱爽  赵康 《现代交际》2014,(11):107-108
在大数据时代,人们认识客观世界的方式可能发生根本变化,以数据为基础、风险管理为核心的保险业将受到巨大影响。大数据带来的风险识别和定价能力的显著提高将增强保险公司的核心竞争力,不仅有利于风险控制、细分客户和精准定价,甚至会使整个保险业态发生深刻变化。  相似文献   

李一丹 《现代交际》2014,(2):178-178
2012年facebook宣布以10亿美元现金加股票的方式收购在线照片共享服务商Instagram,而facebook的创立者兼CEO Mark Zuckerber也随后在自己的主页上发文阐明了此桩收购对于facebook发展的重要性。  相似文献   

中国公司在美国本土扩张中国的尚德太阳能电力有限公司正在亚利桑那州的工厂中生产太阳能硅板。这家中国公司位于凤凰城以西20英里的固特伊小镇,不仅能方便美国的客户,而且还能获得一些要求必须买美国货的政府订单。尚德公司的战略似乎很有效,它计划在明年底的时候把现在75个人的雇员规模增加一倍。20年来,美国的制造业为了寻找便宜的劳动力而转移至中国,而现在越来越多的中国公司为了避开两国间的贸易摩擦,为了更好地在自己母国竞争而来美国本土开拓学习。在  相似文献   

上海知识产权发展迅速,保护体系较为完备,在上海建设亚太知识产权中心有着独特的优势。上海应建立与世界知识产权组织(WIPO)更紧密的联系,争取国家相关部门和国家知识产权保护局的支持,实施知识产权战略纲要推进战略、推动知识产权资源集聚,加大对侵犯知识产权行为的打击力度和做好知识产权保护等。通过提升知识产权创造、运用、保护和管理的能力,推进上海创新型国际城市和亚太知识产权中心建设,力争实现2020年亚太知识产权中心落户上海的目标。  相似文献   

This study investigates the moralities of intellectual property developed in the context of an underground network of Internet-based amateur translators in China. These translators are dedicated to unofficially subtitling and disseminating unauthorised US television programs and movies to Chinese audiences. I examine how translators have developed new moralities through their subtitling practices in the terrain of media technology. I explore how the subtitle community exists as a moral enterprise and how morality is constructed through subtitlers' disciplined practice, volunteer work and devotion to the media programs. I argue that regardless of their different opinions, subtitlers moralise their activities based on the conviction that Chinese youth and young adults want more knowledge, in spite of the state's media monopoly, and that fulfilling this need is a public good. Such a morality honours an unofficial moral code that is parallel to official state policy.  相似文献   

根据学缘网络理论建构分析在英、法、德三国的中国留学人员社团组织发展情况发现,与以往历史时期的留学人员社团组织相比较,新的社团组织受时代发展的影响,在组织形式、基本性质、组织目标等诸多方面都发生了巨大的变化。这就要求我国以全球化的视野和全新的方式方法处理留学人员社团组织问题,妥善加以引导,使其在留学人员权益保障、人才引进等方面充分发挥作用。  相似文献   

This work aims to explore the relationship between academic performance and voluntary Intellectual Capital (IC) disclosure in the context of Italian Public Universities. This study applies a content analysis to investigate the extent of voluntary Intellectual Capital disclosure (ICD) provided through performance reports by a sample of 59 Italian public universities. Four multivariate regression models are estimated to examine the associations between academic performance and the level of ICD and its sub-components, namely Human Capital, Structural Capital and Relational Capital. The content analysis findings show that Italian public universities place a high value on disclosing human capital information. The results based on the multivariate analysis confirm the view that, in the case of higher performance, Italian Public Universities tend to convey a greater extent of information on both IC and its sub-components. This study broadens the scope of mainstream ICD literature's actions by bringing new expertise about the interconnections between university performance and voluntary ICD provided via performance reports. Connecting university performance to ICD can enhance the practical and theoretical understanding of the role that ICD may exert for universities to signalling their excellence and explain to stakeholders how they create value and achieve superior performance, focusing on their strategic - IC-based resources.  相似文献   

This paper describes the re-migration and adjustment of Indonesian Chinese to living in Hong Kong and their cultural belonging to Hong Kong, China, and Indonesia. Known in China as guiqiao or ‘Returned Overseas Chinese’, these were Chinese who re-migrated from Indonesia to mainland China in the 1950s and 1960s. By the early 1970s, many were allowed to migrate to Hong Kong. Although arriving with very little money, many have succeeded in establishing a fairly good life in Hong Kong, although there are also many who survive on low incomes. This paper discusses the experiences of the Indonesian Chinese in relation to local and transnational belonging, the perception of homelands, and the re-establishment of a Southeast Asian lifestyle in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The repositioning of risk and resilience within the social work and mental health agenda is examined in this paper through a consideration of the social exclusion of vulnerable children and adults living in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). There is a pressing need in this region for the development of better conceptions and cultural adaptations of risk and resilience models. An important task is spelling out the implications for effective prevention and intervention programs, and for practitioners and service users in terms of an inclusive, person-centred, and emancipatory practice. The societies of the EECA region may be understood as comprising a distinctive form of risk society, distinguished from Western counterparts by their adverse risk levels, and by their emancipatory potential. Strategies based on user inclusion and participatory action require to be fashioned, along with the development of the social work profession, to facilitate the empowerment of users in the EECA region.  相似文献   

Reducing suicide rates is a national mental health priority as over 2,200 people die from suicide each year in Australia. Increasingly, nongovernment organisations (NGOs) provide services to people experiencing severe and persistent mental illnesses—a significant cohort at risk of suicide. While clinical services are generally seen as the arbiters of risk, little is known of how suicide risk assessments are undertaken in NGOs. This article reports the findings of a survey-based pilot study of 44 frontline workers in mental health-focused NGOs in Tasmania, Australia, with the aim of sketching a preliminary picture of this under-studied terrain. We identified the assessment practices utilised by workers, and the challenges and dilemmas they experienced in navigating issues of trust in suicide risk assessment in contexts where they often felt vulnerable and under-prepared. We argue that these early findings demonstrate the need for organisations to foster cultures of trust to facilitate both the activities of relationship building between practitioners and clients, and those of monitoring risk.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the impact of intellectual property laws on development in small island developing states. Much of the literature on intellectual property and development proceeds on the basis that there is only one model of each, namely the global model of intellectual property underpinned by the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and a neoliberal development framework. This paper argues, conversely, that there are multiple models of both. Exposing this plurality should enable a far more creative approach to intellectual property policy, particularly in countries whose levels of technological development and social structures are very different to those in the global North. This argument is explored through focusing on the example of sea transport.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines cognitive risk factors, anxiety sensitivity, and positive and negative affect, as related to the development of anxiety and depression. In a mailed survey, adolescents completed the Child Anxiety Sensitivity Index and the Positive and Negative Affectivity Scale. Previous research utilized the broad and unified variable of anxiety sensitivity as a predictor of anxiety. In this study, we separate and examine the four specific factors of anxiety sensitivity: mental incapacitation concerns, social concerns, disease concerns, and unsteady concerns, and relate it to specific anxiety disorders and depression. Results indicate good convergent validity and improved divergent validity when utilizing the four factors of anxiety sensitivity as compared to using it as one construct. Results also suggest: (1) OCD and GAD share numerous similarities and (2) the importance of the role of negative affectivity in anxiety and depression. Being aware of the components of anxiety sensitivity and how they relate to specific anxiety disorders can help a social worker when rendering a diagnosis. Part of the data presented in this article was from David A. Dia’s doctoral dissertation.  相似文献   

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