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We investigate how apprenticeship training affects the early career mobility and earnings profiles of young apprentices in Germany. The heterogeneous quality and nature (whether general or firm specific) of training across firms is expected to be reflected in the post‐apprenticeship mobility and earning patterns of young workers. In this paper, we argue that a simple model of training and labour turnover can explain such patterns. Specifically, assuming that job changes are associated with a loss of accumulated firm‐specific skills, the model predicts that although movers initially experience a productivity loss, their earnings grow at a faster rate than those of stayers. As job changes become more costly the longer a worker stays with the training firm, later movers experience a larger reduction in their earnings compared with direct movers. Estimated selectivity‐corrected earnings equations for movers and stayers, based on data from the German Socioeconomic Panel (GSOEP), support the predictions of the model and highlight important differences in earnings profiles and mobility patterns by apprenticeship firm size.  相似文献   

Developing quality in the co-operation with volunteers. A report on a management experience The contribution of volunteers has changed on a structural level in Germany during the last two decades. Treffpunkt Hilfsbereitschaft, the volunteer agency of Berlin, has developed and supported this phase through a new kind of quality policy and by taking over the role of a cultural change agent. As a kick off served the working out of criteria of quality following the perspective of clients to construct the co-operation with volunteers in a new way. Two components followed: focussed counselling for organisations co-operating with volunteers and the leading role in developing qualified networks on the county as well as the national level where volunteer agencies could qualify and gain competent profiles as partners in this process of change. Treffpunkt Hilfsbereitschaft finally offered a further education for volunteer management? and thereby aspires to establish new professional fields within the volunteer sector.  相似文献   

物资采购综合评价指标体系质量控制模型应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文依据非序列多层次目标准则建立了物资采购综合评价指标体系,应用模型参考思想构建了物资采购综合评价指标体系的质量控制模型及其目标函数,按照采购项目管理的运作程序对各个阶段的采购质量做了相应的评价,最后运用实例对以上讨论进行了定量化的分析。通过计算得到的数量指标,我们可以有效评价和控制物资采购工作,以期提高采购质量、节省经费开支。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a tactical production‐planning problem for remanufacturing when returns have different quality levels. Remanufacturing cost increases as the quality level decreases, and any unused returns may be salvaged at a value that increases with their quality level. Decision variables include the amount to remanufacture each period for each return quality level and the amount of inventory to carry over for future periods for both returns (unremanufactured), and finished remanufactured products. Our model is grounded with data collected at Pitney‐Bowes from their mailing systems remanufacturing operations. We derive some analytic properties for the optimal solution in the general case, and provide a simple greedy heuristic to computing the optimal solution in the case of deterministic returns and demand. Under mild assumptions, we find that the firm always remanufactures the exact demand in each period. We also study the value of a nominal quality‐grading system in planning production. Based on common industry parameters, we analyze, via a numerical study, the increase in profits observed by the firm if it maintains separate inventories for each quality grade. The results show that a grading system increases profit by an average of 4% over a wide range of parameter values commonly found in the remanufacturing industry; this number increases as the returns volume increases. We also numerically explore the case where there are capacity constraints and find the average improvement of a grading system remains around 4%.  相似文献   

This study explored the career adaptability profiles and corresponding characteristics with a person-centered method as well as the correlation between career adaptability and various antecedents such as supervisor feedback setting and person-organization (P–O) fit, and outcomes such as psychological safety and self-efficacy. We employed a convenience sampling technique to invite more than 1000 employees from five provinces in China in 2 studies. There are 535 valid questionnaires in Study 1 and 377 valid questionnaires in Study 2. We performed latent profile analysis (LPA) using Mplus 7.31. For the antecedents, we ran the three-step estimation (R3STEP) command. In terms of outcomes, Binary Coded Hexadecimal (BCH) analysis was conducted. LPA identified four career adaptability profiles, namely, optimal, high, moderate, and low career adaptability. The four different profiles varied in the level, but not the shape. These profiles were predicted by antecedents of supervisor feedback environment and P–O fit, and these profiles impacted psychological safety and self-efficacy. We used a new approach to better understand career adaptability under the framework of career construction theory. A person-centered method, compared with a variable-centered approach, can elucidate the interactions among four dimensions of career adaptability in an employee. Thus, we demonstrated that (1) various career adaptability profiles at work generally do not consistently occur, and (2) latent profiles can distinguish antecedents from outcomes.  相似文献   

在市场监管领域全面推行“双随机、一公开”监管,是党中央、国务院作出的重大决策部署,是市场监管理念和方式的重大创新。本文首次构建“双随机、一公开”产品质量监管的理论模型,理清“双随机”与“一公开”及各参与主体之间的作用关系,分析市场主体名录库和执法检查人员名录库中抽查企业与检查人员的群体行为演化机理,得出针对“双随机、一公开”监管的激励机制。研究发现:通过“双随机”抽取检查人员和抽查企业并“公开”产品质量信息,需配以恰当的激励机制才能有效制约抽检企业的假冒伪劣行为和检查人员的无效抽检行为;当公开声誉较高时,对检查人员实施质检激励或对抽查企业实施质量激励均可以使得系统良性演化,但如果公开声誉较低,需同时对检查人员和抽查企业实施质检与质量双重激励;质检激励机制设计时需对标准质量和假冒伪劣对应的检查人员分别给予质检激励,质量激励机制设计时需对有效抽检和无效抽检对应的抽查企业分别给予质量激励;质检激励和质量激励下系统稳定点的演化轨迹存在很大差异,质检激励先使得检查人员演化到有效抽检,然后通过公开声誉带动抽查企业演化到标准质量,而质量激励先使抽查企业演化到标准质量,然后通过公开声誉带动检查人员演化到有效抽检,如果公开声誉较低,这种传动机制会被阻断导致系统不会演化到理想状态。最后本文为完善和创新“双随机、一公开”监管提出了针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

In many cases the quality of each item in a lot is checked. Speeding up the quality checking process increases the responsiveness of the system and saves cost. The percentage of defective items is a random variable and two models are proposed. In one of the models the system remains always at the same state, while in the other one after each order cycle, the state of the system may change, thus the percentage of defective items may be different in consecutive periods. In both cases the speed of the quality checking is a variable, and procedures are provided to find the optimal lot sizes and screening speed for general and specific investment cost functions. The characteristics of the two model settings will largely be different when the percentage of defective items is high. Among the important managerial insights gained is that a high unit backlogging cost, especially spurs the system to invest more intensively into improving the quality checking process.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency undertook a case study in the Detroit metropolitan area to test the viability of a new multipollutant risk‐based (MP/RB) approach to air quality management, informed by spatially resolved air quality, population, and baseline health data. The case study demonstrated that the MP/RB approach approximately doubled the human health benefits achieved by the traditional approach while increasing cost less than 20%—moving closer to the objective of Executive Order 12866 to maximize net benefits. Less well understood is how the distribution of health benefits from the MP/RB and traditional strategies affect the existing inequalities in air‐pollution‐related risks in Detroit. In this article, we identify Detroit populations that may be both most susceptible to air pollution health impacts (based on local‐scale baseline health data) and most vulnerable to air pollution (based on fine‐scale PM2.5 air quality modeling and socioeconomic characteristics). Using these susceptible/vulnerable subpopulation profiles, we assess the relative impacts of each control strategy on risk inequality, applying the Atkinson Index (AI) to quantify health risk inequality at baseline and with either risk management approach. We find that the MP/RB approach delivers greater air quality improvements among these subpopulations while also generating substantial benefits among lower‐risk populations. Applying the AI, we confirm that the MP/RB strategy yields less PM2.5 mortality and asthma hospitalization risk inequality than the traditional approach. We demonstrate the value of this approach to policymakers as they develop cost‐effective air quality management plans that maximize risk reduction while minimizing health inequality.  相似文献   

Managers and quality practitioners are familiar with the linkage of the words quality and systems to denote a systematic approach to quality, as in BS5750 Quality Systems, say. There is, however, a more specialized use of the word systems that indicates the application of systems thinking and which gives rise to the adjective systemic (of, or pertaining to a system) rather than systematic (carrying out in a planned and orderly fashion). This paper examines the potential for applying systems thinking to the management of quality with particular reference to one branch of systems work: the study of failures. The paper draws comparisons between quality and systems analysis of failures and points out that some failures could equally well be described as quality problems and vice versa. The paper argues that problems at the system level are frequently overlooked or avoided by those undertaking quality improvement programmes, partly because individuals within an organization may experience only different, smaller aspects of a systemic problem and partly because the problem solvers may lack the means or motivation to tackle complex, poorly defined problem messes. It then goes on to suggest that use of a meta–method for problem analysis would enable such problems to be addressed. One such method that has been widely applied in the study of failures, the failures method, is described in detail and its application to a failure/quality problem is outlined.  相似文献   


Risk and performance management are at the core of complex bespoke systems (CBSs). CBSs are developed to customer–specified requirements in terms of structure, functionality and conformance. This article examines how risk and performance management are integrated as essential systems in the successful development of projects across multi-organizational functions in complex bespoke system (CBS) organizations. The article argues for the development of a quality management system that consists of two sub-processes: quality control and quality development. Using three case studies from engineering companies, we provide evidence and insights of the way change control, quality development and quality performance are developed in innovating business solutions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a process model for assessing and managing e‐service quality based on the underlying components of the e‐service system and, in turn, address the growing need to look in more detail at the system component level for sources of poor quality. The proposed process model is comprised of a set of entities representing the e‐service system, a network defining the linking between all pairs of entities via transactions and product flows, and a set of outcomes of the processes in terms of quality dimensions. The process model is developed using Unified Modeling Language (UML), a pictorial language for specifying service designs that has achieved widespread acceptance among e‐service designers. Examples of applications of the process model are presented to illustrate how the model can be use to identify operational levers for managing and improving e‐service quality.  相似文献   


Six Sigma is a systematic methodology aiming at operational excellence. Under the general umbrella of Six Sigma, DMAIC and Design for Six Sigma are usually be implemented to improve product and process quality. Facing quality bottlenecks in traditional improvement projects, tools in Design for Six Sigma is an efficient way to achieve better results. In this paper, to meet the high-quality requirement of key clients, a telecom service system improvement project is illustrated by redesigning troubleshooting and service delivery processes in company Shanghai Telecom Co. Ltd. (ST) with the aid of some Design for Six Sigma tools. Company ST improved its service system performance and obtained significant economic benefits from this project implementation. Four key factors that affect the success of Design for Six Sigma tools application in improvement projects are discussed at last.  相似文献   

The value of acquisition price differentiation in reverse logistics   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The quality of returned products may vary greatly, depending on their previous usage. Since the remanufacturing of products in good condition is more economically rewarding for the remanufacturer—and since even for non-remanufacturable products the value that can be extracted from their parts or materials may depend on the products’ quality—it seems logical to acquire used products of different quality levels at different prices. However, acquisition price differentiation requires the product quality to be revealed, i.e. the products are graded before their actual acquisition. We observe two different approaches in current practice. The first one is a decentralized system with several collection sites to which the customers can bring their used products. After a short grading procedure, they receive a specific acquisition price offer for their products, which they can accept or decline directly. The second setting is a reverse logistics system with a centralized grading facility. The final grading is conducted after shipping the used products to this specific facility. Motivated by these empirical observations, we compare the two strategies with the help of a continuous approximation model. We derive analytical expressions for the optimal pricing and network density decision and show that, in addition to the other factors discussed in the literature, acquisition price differentiation can be a reason for decentralizing the reverse logistics network, if the product quality is uncertain. Furthermore, we illustrate our results with a numerical example.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper analyses the duration of unemployment spells and the possible incidence of unemployment insurance on job search behaviour and voluntary duration of unemployment in Spain. To do so, a longitudinal data set containing information on unemployment recipients during the period 1987-93 is used. Hazard rates and survival profiles are constructed for the cohorts of unemployed workers entering the benefit system at different points in time, and a logit model of the probability of leaving the system before exhausting entitlement period is presented. The results do not support the view that the unemployed tend to intensify their job search when benefits are near exhaustion.  相似文献   

Six Sigma concept depicts a ‘Triangle Relationship’ that integrates three attributes such as customer quality, science manners and team work. By employing this concept with the required survey and data collection to carry out the continuous improvement, a company can truly take advantage of the minimum set of operational variables and the lowest cost procedures, and hence, result in an increasing competitive value for/to the company. This research is conducted based on the Six Sigma methodology, DMAIC (definition, measurement, analysis, improvement and control) principle, and it deals with project-related issues to improve the efficiency of information technology (IT) help-desk service through an eHelp-desk system. It is the authors’ belief that the use of eHelp-desk system can help case company to improve its service quality and efficiency. In addition, managerial implications and research limitations are discussed at the end of this article.  相似文献   

Service quality improvement has become an imperative in today's service firms. In this paper, we present a modeling framework that combines marketing and operations viewpoints for resource allocation. The framework can be used to allocate resources to the different stages of a multistage service system, where the manager's goal is to improve customers' perceptions of service quality, given some budget. Optimal allocation guidelines are provided, and the interplay of three factors on the resulting allocation scheme is captured. These factors are the current level of customers' perceptions of service quality at each stage, the cost of implementing a service quality improvement at each stage, and the importance placed by customers at each stage. Sensitivity analysis to provide additional managerial insights is also performed. We demonstrate the applicability of the modeling framework, using data from a real life health care environment. Model limitations and future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Angus Jeang 《Omega》2012,40(6):774-781
The purpose of this study is to combine production-inventory management with process-quality design for determining production lot size and process parameters under the possibility of process deterioration and breakdown. The total cost of such an integrated model includes: the combined setup cost (production setup and process resetting), the costs of quality loss, tolerance and mean costs for processes established, a penalty cost for process breakdown and carrying costs for cumulated inventory. The quadratic quality loss function is introduced to assess quality loss within the system. Decision variables include the initial setting (process mean) and process tolerance for process parameters determination, and production lot size for production-inventory management. The cycle time for production-inventory management is assumed to be the same as the resetting cycle for the new process-quality system. The contribution of this study lies in its development of an integrated model that enables process parameters, production lot size, and cycle time to be determined concurrently for quality and economic considerations, and at an earlier time in the process design and production management stage. An example is presented to demonstrate the proposed model.  相似文献   

This paper describes an employee scheduling system for retail outlets; it is a constraint-based system that exploits forecasts and stochastic techniques to generate schedules meeting the demand for sales personnel. Uncertain scenarios due to fluctuating demand are taken into account to develop a stochastic operational optimization of staffing levels. Mathematically, the problem is stated as a mixed-integer linear programming problem. Simulations with store data belonging to a major Swiss retailer show the effective performance of the proposed approach. The schedule quality is assessed through comparison with a deterministic scheduling package, which has been used at several outlets in Switzerland.  相似文献   

Advances in information technology are helping clinicians to realize the promise of evidence-based medicine, which includes benchmarking, outcomes monitoring, predictive modeling, and clinical pathways. By integrating individual clinical expertise and the best available research, physicians can apply the disciplines and techniques of clinical research to their practice of medicine, one patient at a time. Evidence-based medicine also allows organizations to move forward with continuous clinical quality improvement programs. Standards, open systems, data warehouses, and evidence-based medicine help a health care delivery system obtain the technical infrastructure, decision-making processes, analytical skills, clinical databases, predictive models, and clinical pathways. With this information technology (1) physicians can practice evidence-based medicine and (2) the delivery system can profile clinicians' practice habits for managed care contracting and continuous clinical quality improvement.  相似文献   

The system adopted by Piaggio V.E. to run the production of 'Minivan' aims at conciliating the manufacturing philosophy 'just-in-time' JIT with the creation of a wide range of end-product codes. Some general assumptions for a JIT production, with small lot sizes, are described together with their implementation in the operationorganizing system adopted by Piaggio V.E. for the 'Minivan' assembly line. The strategy pursued by Piaggio V.E. for the Minivan focuses on the quality of the product and the level of service in the form of fast order cycle and a high number of options offered on catalogue. According to the logic of an ATO production system, the customer orders a customized product and the manufacturer does not keep any finished inventory, but aims at effective management of the information flows.  相似文献   

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