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Based on the responses of 291 Taiwanese adolescents living with single parents, this article examines the personal (gender and academic performance) and family (gender of parent living together and family type) correlates of resilience of the participants with reference to different psychosocial domains. Whereas girls displayed higher resilience in some dimensions of personal and school resilience domains than did boys, boys experienced higher family resilience than did girls. Better academic performance was positively related to effective coping, personal independence, global personal resilience, and parental expectation on academic performance. Adolescents living with single mothers displayed higher personal independence and family resilience than did adolescents living with single fathers. Compared with adolescents not living with any parent or those who lived with both parents after divorce, adolescents living in nuclear and stem families displayed higher positive orientation to older people and experienced higher family resilience.  相似文献   


Objective: This study investigates the prevalence, perpetrators, and factors associated with forced sexual acts. Methods: Pooled secondary data from the most recent Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) in 22 sub-Saharan African countries was used in this study. The individual woman components of the questionnaire involving 148,720 women of reproductive age (15-49?years) were analyzed. Percentages and graphs were used to present distribution of study variables. Multivariable logistic regression was used to examine factors associated with sexual coercion. Results: Forced sexual acts were prominent in Rwanda (15.7%), Gabon (12.3%) and Democratic Republic of Congo (10.9%). The lowest mean age at first forced sexual acts was recorded in Gabon (14.1?years), Comoros and Mali (14.9?years each), whereas the maximum was recorded in Namibia (25.9?years). Results from adjusted logistic regression models identified that factors such as high women decision making power, large spousal age difference, rural residence, Islamic religious beliefs and listening to radio were significantly associated with reduction in the odds of forced sexual acts. Conversely, high-risk partner’s behavior, older age at start of first marriage, early age at sexual debut, most disadvantaged community, education, and the use of newspapers were significantly associated with higher odds of forced sexual acts. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, policies should be reinforced to handle perpetrators of sexual violence especially non-intimate partners. Population-based preventive measures of sexual coercion are essential to complement justice system responses. Our findings also showed the importance of building gender equity as part of sexual violence prevention approach.  相似文献   


Using a sample of 238 African American adolescents living in public housing, this study assesses the prevalence of depressive symptoms and examines the relationship between depressive symptoms and neighborhood characteristics. The prevalence of depressive symptoms was 34. Males (M = 20) reported significantly higher depressive symptoms than females (M = 16). Results show a significant relationship between ambient risk and depressive symptoms. The relationship between ambient risk and depressive symptoms was exacerbated by exposure to delinquent peers. Parental factors and attitude towards deviance buffered the relationship between ambient risk and depressive symptoms. These findings may have important implications for social policy and suggest that interventions to prevent depression among African American adolescents, living in public housing developments, must not only focus on reducing neighborhood risk factors but also on enhancing the protective factors available to the youth.  相似文献   

Youth with sexually problematic behaviors are impacted by the reciprocal interplay between individual characteristics and the key social and ecological systems in which they are embedded. The paucity of research on protective factors mitigating risks within various socioecological systems is of concern, as the school is one such system that has been overlooked. This study retroactively investigated probation files among youth who were adjudicated of a sexual crime (N = 85) to determine how school-level variables are associated with treatment completion. A sequential logistical regression model revealed reduced odds for school-based risk factors and a greater proportion of variance explained when school-based protective factors were included. Implications and research considerations are discussed.  相似文献   


Objective: This study examined the prevalence of insomnia and its psychosocial correlates among college students in Hong Kong. Participants: A total of 529 Hong Kong college students participated in the study. Methods: Participants completed a self-reported questionnaire that included the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Revised Life Orientation Test, the Perceived Stress Scale, and the Beck Depression Inventory, and questions about sociodemographic and lifestyle factors. A PSQI global score equal to or greater than 5 indicated insomnia. Results: Results indicated that 68.6% of the participants were insomniacs. Adjusted regression analyses revealed that optimism, stress, and depression significantly predicted insomnia (p < .01). Conclusions: These results suggest that insomnia is very common among Hong Kong college students and associated with other psychosocial factors. This study provides preliminary data on sleep quality and risk factors for insomnia, which may be used to guide sleep hygiene promotion and intervention among college students.  相似文献   

Bisexual women experience higher rates of sexual victimization relative to heterosexual and lesbian women, and worse sexual health outcomes. Though these health disparities are well documented in the literature, few empirical data have been published on what factors are driving these disparities. Further, research documenting sexual victimization and health of plurisexual (i.e., attracted to more than one gender) women group all participants as bisexual. We do not know whether these experiences are similar across subgroups of plurisexual women. The current study reports on data from a cross-sectional survey, analyzing the relationships between bisexual-specific stigma and sexual violence, as well as other sexual health outcomes, across a sexually diverse group of plurisexual participants. Findings indicate that bisexual stigma is a significant predictor of lifetime sexual violence (odds ratio [OR] = 1.99, p = .015) and verbal coercion (OR = 2.60, p = .004), but not other outcomes. There are differences across sexual identity categories, with bisexual participants being less likely to report sexual violence and verbal coercion, and less likely to access sexually transmitted infection/human immunodeficiency syndrome testing, compared to other plurisexual groups. Our findings support that bisexual stigma is an important factor to consider in understanding sexual violence disparities experienced by bisexual and other plurisexual women.  相似文献   

Our research team used the nationally representative National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being II to explore the differences in mental health and behavioral outcomes between children who enter the child welfare system with substantiated sexual abuse and those who enter with exclusively nonsexual maltreatment. The sample included 380 children between the ages of 8 to 17.5 who were substantiated for maltreatment (sexual and nonsexual) and had the same caregivers at both wave 1 and 2 (n = 380). Results show that the average age of children in the sample was 11 years old, and the results corroborate literature that has indicated children and youth with histories of childhood sexual abuse experience significantly more post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms than children with histories of nonsexual maltreatment. This finding held after controlling for baseline trauma symptoms and all covariates, including race, age, placement type, and caregiver characteristics. Childhood sexual abuse was not significantly related to an increase in behavioral symptoms after controlling for covariates. Implications for research and practice are offered.  相似文献   

Objectives: To determine the socio-demographics, sexual practices, and HIV prevalence of male sex workers (MSWs), transwomen sex workers (TSWs), and their male clients in Lima, Peru. Methods: Following ethnographic mapping of sex work venues, the authors revisited randomly selected venues to survey MSWs, TSWs and their clients. Results: MSWs and TSW clients are more educated than MSW clients and TSWs. Only 50% of TSW clients have received HIV testing. Self-reported HIV positivity is highest among MSW clients and TSWs. Conclusion: Notable differences exist between MSWs and TSWs and their clients that can affect the health of these groups and warrant intervention.  相似文献   

Children and adolescents who suffer sexual abuse evidence symptoms that may persist into adulthood. Attachment theory may lend some insight into the psychological sequelae following sexual trauma. A clinical case series presents four sexually abused young adolescents from the first author's clinical caseload. Each case is rated regarding the quality of attachment, the severity of trauma, and the child's functioning at the time of follow-up. Ratings are made by the first author and qualified by a second clinician who is familiar with each case. Findings suggest that those youngsters who had the benefit of a strong and secure attachment evidence more positive outcome at follow-up.  相似文献   


This study examined the relationships of sexual, physical and emotional abuse to emotional (internalizing) and behavioral (externalizing) problems among incarcerated girls and boys. Participants were youth who were remanded to the correctional facilities within a statewide juvenile correctional system in a southern state in the United States of America. Each participant completed a structured interview regarding abuse history, emotional and behavioral difficulties, and demographic characteristics. Multiple regression analyses indicated that girls were more likely than boys to internalize their problems. The only abuse variable that was positively and significantly associated with emotional problems was emotional abuse. Greater behavioral problems were significantly related to youths being younger in age, white ethnicity, history of sexual abuse, and history of physical abuse. There were overall gender differences for internalizing problems, but not for externalizing problems among incarcerated adolescents. Furthermore, physical and sexual abuses were related to externalizing problems but not to internalizing problems. Thus, different types of abuse appear to have different effects on adolescent behavior. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Willingness to forgive depending on circumstances was assessed in a sample of 203 15- and 16-year-old adolescents from two different cultures: Western Europe and Maghreb. The material consisted of 48 cards depicting a fight between adolescents. Each story contained five items of information: (a) the origin of the offender (Christian surname versus Muslim surname), (b) the origin of the victim (Christian surname versus Muslim surname), (c) the degree of intent in the act (clear intent versus no intent), (d) apologies / contrition for the act (apologies versus no apologies), and (e) the degree of cancellation of consequences. The overall level of willingness to forgive was clearly different from zero, but was not very high: among adolescents, forgiveness is far from being unconditional. The apology factor appeared to be extremely important: when remorse and apologies are present,it is much easier to forgive. Willingness to forgive extends to the members of the other group. All these results hold true, irrespective of the respondent's origin.  相似文献   

Many have called for school-based student programs that teach skills related to self-care and caring for others. Here, such a program for peer-nominated adolescents was developed and piloted virtually at one high school during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results of a longitudinal, quasi-experimental evaluation of the program showed high-quality program implementation and promising program impacts. Effect sizes indicated moderate to large program impacts on improvements in adolescents' self-compassion, sense of interdependence, and perspective-taking, and female adolescents' interoceptive awareness, compared to controls. No group differences in compassion for others were found. The need for more research on programs that help adolescents balance compassion for the self and for others is discussed.  相似文献   


Objectives: As part of a larger Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration-funded project in South Texas, this study sought to understand adults’ needs with regard to engaging in sexual health conversations with youth and young adults.

Methods: A total of 223 participants were surveyed to assess comfort engaging in sexual health conversations. Data were analyzed using thematic coding. Stigma surrounding sexual health conversations underlined all themes.

Results: Differences by gender and sexual orientation in the data were noted. Stigma around sexual health topics reduced participants’ comfort.

Conclusions: To this end, interventions must go beyond psychosocial and educational programs and address societal factors that contribute to the stigma.  相似文献   

Anomie is a complex, dynamic concept that refers simultaneously to a social state and an individual state of mind. Generations of sociologists have attempted to clarify, extend, and measure the concept at various levels of analysis. This article summarizes these developments around the twin concepts of exteriority and constraint. Exteriority refers to experiencing the social world as an objective, predictable reality, while constraint refers to the extent to which one experiences a personal commitment to the demands and expectations of society. The Anomie Scale of Exteriority and Constraint (ASEC) is presented and tested across various psychological and social outcomes among adolescents in 18 European countries. Exteriority is found to be primarily associated with more depression and less self‐esteem, while constraint is associated with a lower probability of daily smoking, illicit drug use, truancy, and suicide attempts. Societal anomie is higher in eastern European countries and it has a strong negative correlation with GDP per capita and a marginally positive correlation with GDP growth. Societal anomie is also associated with higher baseline levels of depression, self‐esteem, and illicit drug use. These results lend strong support to the theoretical construct of anomie as exteriority and constraint.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Objectives: This study assessed depression and anxiety symptoms and their association with high-risk sexual and drug behaviors among male sex workers in 3 Vietnamese cities. Methods: Male sex workers ages 16 to 35 years old completed an interview that included the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale to assess depressive symptoms and the Beck Anxiety Inventory to assess anxiety symptoms, as well as questions assessing drug and sexual risk practices. Results: A majority of participants reported depressive symptomatology, although fewer reported symptoms of anxiety. Risky sexual and drug use practices predicted both types of symptoms. Conclusions: Mental distress is associated with drug and sexual risk among male sex workers.  相似文献   

Objective: Between November 2002 and March 2003, the authors assessed the prevalence and correlates of napping among Spanish university students. Participants: The sample comprised 1,276 first-year university students; the mean age was 18.74 ± 1.24 years, and 35.45% were men. Methods: The study was cross-sectional, and the students completed self-report, anonymous questionnaires provided during an in-class survey. Results: Almost half (44%) of the sample reported napping (90% did so after lunch for longer than 1 hour). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that experiencing an irregular sleep-wakefulness pattern, having a morning school schedule, and being male were significant predictor variables of napping. Further significant outcome variables related to napping were having excessive daytime sleepiness, missing classes because of tiredness, better ability to concentrate later in the afternoon, and a perception of deeper nighttime sleep. Conclusions: Habitual napping is common among Spanish university students and associated with an irregular sleep-wakefulness pattern. Taking long postlunch naps seems to be used by students to cope with insufficient sleep and daytime sleepiness.  相似文献   


There are two factors that limit our knowledge of the risk factors associated with homelessness among runaway adolescents, namely (1) the samples used are often composed of youth homeless service users and/or youths living on the streets (visible homelessness), whereas most adolescents in fact use “private” resources (hidden homelessness), and (2) failure to use an adequate control group to identify risk factors associated specifically with homelessness. Our study compares the characteristics of two groups of youths under the supervision oftheyouth protection system, according to the presence or absence of periods of homelessness. The results throw light on the factors underlying the shiftfrom “at risk” to “homeless”, showing that youths with experience of homelessness are more likely to have been placed in substitute home environments, have experienced significant relationship difficulties with one of their parents (deterioration ofthe parent/youth relationship and parental abuse) and to have been diagnosed with behavioral disorders. The findings suggest that the decision to place young people under supervision is based more on the dynamic between risk factors rather than on the existence of behavioral problems.  相似文献   


Sexual body image was examined in a population-based sample of 9,532 Finnish men and women, age 18 to 49 years. More than one half of women and men were satisfied with their genitals, one half of the women were satisfied with their breasts. Higher levels of genital satisfaction were related to higher frequencies of sexual behavior and better sexual function for both genders. For men, penis size satisfaction was associated with lower levels of premature ejaculation and better erectile function. Sexual body image was related to overall perceived attractiveness, for women a higher body mass index was related to satisfaction with breast size. Having children was negatively related to women's sexual body image, abortions and miscarriages likewise. Limitations of the study and clinical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Objectives: This study investigated relations between quality of relationships with mothers and communication with mothers about sex with contraceptive attitudes and sexual self-esteem among emerging adults. Methods: Undergraduate students (N = 176, Mage = 22 years 65% women) completed self-report measures of relationships with mothers, communication about sex, and sexual self-esteem. Results: Results indicated positive relations between quality of relationships with mothers and open, positive sex communication, for men and women, sexually and not sexually active; and between relationship quality with mothers, sex communication with mothers, and sexual self-esteem of women. Conclusions: Warm, supportive relationships with mothers in emerging adulthood include open, comfortable communications about sexuality, which were linked to features of sexual well-being of young adults.  相似文献   

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