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Using data from the “Pacific Islands Families: the first two years of life (PIF) study”, this paper explores the factors associated with the living arrangements of mothers with a one‐year‐old Pacific child. Three living arrangements are considered: (1) those children who live with immediate family members only; (2) children who live with extended family members including at least one of their grandparents; and (3) children who live with extended family members but do not live with any of their grandparents. Findings of interest include: mothers who were born in New Zealand are much more likely to live in an extended family with the child's grandparent(s) compared to those who came to New Zealand as an adult; and mothers with high New Zealand identity and low Pacific identity being more likely to live with extended family members other than the child's grandparent(s) relative to those with low New Zealand and high Pacific identity.  相似文献   

The living arrangements of young people in New Zealand are diverse and often complex. In this article we report the range of care and living arrangements of 209 15-year-old New Zealanders, 47 of whom identified as Māori. These young people were participants in the second generation of a cohort study. Data were collected from their parents via a life history calendar and analysed for variety and consistency of care arrangements, household membership and transitions. Few participants had a consistent pattern of parental care arrangements and most had experienced multiple changes in household composition and frequent changes of address. We conclude that the whānau/family lives of many young New Zealanders are complex and dynamic. These observations contrast with the conventional notions of family life that form the basis for New Zealand’s family policies. We argue that social policies and services impacting on young people need to reflect the lived reality of young people if they are to meet young people’s needs.  相似文献   

我国学界历来把发展中国家建立国际经济新秩序的斗争主要界定为诉求“特殊与差别待遇”之举。然而,晚近新兴国家不断崛起,与发达国家间经济实力差距趋于缩小。于是,中国等新兴国家开始向发达国家主张“平等与无差别待遇”。此等新路径的开辟,可能意味着正在推动继20世纪80年代初之后一度潮落的发展中国家建立国际经济新秩序的斗争将再掀高潮。有鉴于此,学界在继续研究传统路径的同时,应更加关注此等新路径的开辟对和平发展之中国的意义,从而完整、准确地把握中国参与重构更加公正之国际经济秩序斗争的基本态势。  相似文献   

太平洋岛屿国家的内涵及其数量一直是困扰人们认知甚至是学术研究的两大难题。问题的症结不仅在于太平洋岛屿国家的地位及其属性有着极其复杂的情形,而且还与人们缺乏独立思考的认知习惯、太平洋岛屿国家的学术研究尚处于起步阶段有关。界定太平洋岛屿国家概念的前提是要厘清与此相关的若干地理概念,并在此基础上统摄其他共同属性,如政治属性、历史文化属性、发展道路及其水平等。只有这样,太平洋岛屿国家概念的内涵和数量才能得以清晰地诠释和界定。  相似文献   


Data from the Parent Health Supplement of the 1991 interview wave of the Panel Studies of Income Dynamics were used to examine the changes in care arrangements for elderly parents (N = 1,028). Following the onset of their dependency, more than 60% of elderly parents experienced at least one form of institutionalization (hospital or nursing home). A majority of those who remained in the community also experienced changes in living/care arrangements, often moving in with someone or having someone move in with them. The findings confirm those of previous studies that health-related need factors and race are significant determinants of institutionalization immediately following the onset of dependency. But availability of caregivers and other enabling factors are also significant determinants of care settings used following hospitalization.  相似文献   

贺圣达 《创新》2011,5(5):9-14,127
中国周边五个大湄公河次区域国家政治、经济和对外关系(包括与美、印、日等区域外大国关系)的新发展对中国西南边疆稳定和发展存在着许多影响,周边大湄公河次区域国家与区域外大国关系的互动,使中国西南边疆面临的安全形势复杂化。在此基础上,中国要加强同东盟的全面合作,强化“周边是首要”,推进融合性外交,充分发挥滇桂两省的前沿和桥头堡作用,全面推进与周边太湄公河次区域国家的合作。  相似文献   


This article reports findings from a qualitative study of approaches to long-term care decision making used by older adults (N = 52) who continued to reside long-term in the community following nursing facility pre-admission screening. Older adults used different approaches to decision-making (autonomous, collaborative, and delegated) while seeking the most appropriate care setting. Factors such as mental capacity, the role of family caregivers, and self-advocacy skills influenced the choice of decision-making approach. Findings also illustrate how older adults moved through multiple pathways in order to reach their eventual long-term residence. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for clinical practice and research.  相似文献   

This study examines whether childless older Thais are more vulnerable to psychological distress relative to older adults with children. Drawing from the 2011 Survey of Older Persons in Thailand (n = 37,936), zero‐inflated negative binomial regression methods examine psychological distress of childless older adults relative to coresident and noncoresident parents. Analyses further explore how gender and marital status moderate this relationship. Results show that 40% of older Thais did not experience any symptoms of psychological distress in the past month. Compared to coresident parents, noncoresident parents showed a higher likelihood of experiencing psychological distress but being childless was associated with increased symptoms of psychological distress. While the relationship between parental status and psychological distress did not significantly differ by gender, marital status presents a significant moderating effect. Specifically, widowed childless older adults and widowed noncoresident parents experienced more symptoms of psychological distress relative to their married counterparts. In collectivistic societies, where the family unit is highly valued, and institutional support is weak, being childless and unmarried may negatively affect one's psychological well‐being in later life. Children and marriage are protective for older Thais’ psychological well‐being. The implications for social welfare policies are discussed.  相似文献   

Social isolation has serious negative public health impacts for older adults. Survey data were collected at three resident-managed elder intentional neighborhoods in the United States (n = 59), to determine if these neighborhoods, each based on the cohousing model, promote development of social resources for their residents. Social resources were measured on three dimensions: social networks, neighborly support, and satisfaction with the neighborhood community. Respondents were White, mean age of 73.3 (range = 63–91), primarily female (76.3%), and generally had high levels of education and self-reported health. Almost half (47%) were never married/divorced and 37% were childless. Inclusion of neighborhood ties ameliorated risk of social isolation. Satisfaction with support and a variety of neighboring behaviors were reported. These neighborhoods are meeting the needs of a potentially at-risk population as an avenue to promote social resources and reduce social isolation. The implications for gerontological social workers include a role in helping to mobilize and support these types of neighborhoods as a way to encourage mutual support among older adults. With the increase in the aging population, such models of proactive interdependence and communal coping have the potential to lessen or delay the demands that socially isolated elders place on social workers.  相似文献   

This article argues that the concept of the East Asian welfare regime can be further developed by examining the changing role of the family in welfare provision. Beginning with a brief literature review of the East Asian welfare model, the family has been regarded as the main welfare provider among East Asian societies. Nevertheless, from a policy‐centred perspective, the oversimplified picture of the East Asian welfare model does not reveal how families actually perform in welfare provision or how the dynamic change in the welfare mix for vulnerable groups under the welfare regime has been accommodated. This article presents a case study and shows that while most elderly people in Taiwan still live with their children, who are also their main means of support, a significant number of them are living alone and that much of the economic support they used to receive from nongovernmental organisation now comes from the state.  相似文献   

The article discusses strategies to extend social security cover-age in developing and newly industrialised countries. The three major options are to extend social insurance coverage , to rely on mutuals or micro-insurance or to bring in social assistance in one form or another. Social insurance usually covers small population segments. Insiders are seldom willing to extend coverage to poorer groups, as poorer groups are usually higher-risk groups. Micro-insurance and mutual societies work pri-marily among people with similar risk profiles. Discretionary social assistance targets poorer groups, but is open to patronage and misuse. However, some social assistance designs are less open to misuse than others. Demogrants, i.e. benefits given to people in vulnerable social categories, are easy to administer and difficult to misuse. Whether or not a developing country provides such benefits can be considered an indicator of the willingness of the ruling elite to alleviate hardship among 'unproductive' population groups.  相似文献   

Care of China's elderly population is of concern due to its projected growth as well as to changes in elder care patterns related to shifting social and economic conditions. Increases in life expectancy and, therefore, in the duration of widowhood, particularly for women, magnifies this concern. Studies that examine the living arrangements and life satisfaction of elderly widows in China are limited. This study of 147 elderly widows, both men and women, examined differences in the life satisfaction of those who live with their adult children and those who live alone. This study also examined whether the relationship between living arrangement and life satisfaction was moderated by levels of family and community support. According to study findings, elderly widows living alone have higher life satisfaction than those living with their adult children, and this effect remains with the introduction of controls for health status, family support, community support, gender, age, income and educational level. Further, neither family nor community support moderate the relationship between living arrangement and life satisfaction, although each exerts a direct effect on life satisfaction.  相似文献   

An empirical study reported that the economic crisis in European countries affected their suicide rates and described that an increase in social services expenditures of US$10 per person in labor market programs impacted the decrease in unemployment suicides by 0.038%. However, there has no study that the economic crisis in Asia countries affected their suicide rates. Since 2008, South Korea has been ranked first for suicide rate in the OECD countries. Many studies have blamed the economic crisis that followed from the US financial crisis in 2007 as the critical cause. However, in the case of Japan, the suicide rate decreased in the same time period (2008–2011) even though they faced the same financial crisis. The purpose of this study was to examine why the different situations in Korea and Japan occurred with the economic crisis through testing whether the government’s social service expenditure affects the people’s suicide rate in Asia countries. These efforts will contribute to understanding the critical role of social service.  相似文献   

For the past two decades, Nordic social policy has been subject to a range of serious challenges, among which economic problems and critiques by neo-classical economists have been most prominent. This article raises the question whether Nordic social policy has significantly changed during this period of challenges. Based on an empirical analysis of social expenditure data and three central social security programs, this article provides evidence that changes in Nordic social policy over this period have, in fact, been relatively minor. Indeed, the four welfare states of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden have shown remarkable resilience considering the harsh challenges that they have been exposed to since the early 1980s.  相似文献   

经济全球化与发展中国家可持续发展问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹群 《学术交流》2005,(6):83-86
贸易自由化进程日益加快,跨国公司的数量和规模不断扩大,金融全球化的影响日益加深,高科技的发展极大地拉近了经济全球化的进程。经济全球化趋势不可避免,它在促进发展中国家经济增长的同时,也影响到发展中国家的可持续发展。结合我国实际情况,应在国际政治经济秩序、能力建设、环保产业、技术创新和金融可持续发展方面采取相应的对策。  相似文献   

中国城市化模式的选择问题研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
中国过去在城市化问题上存在着认识误区 ,制约了城市化进程 ,致使中国现阶段的城市化水平还比较低。经过 2 0多年的改革开放 ,中国城市化水平目前正处于一个由低水平向中等水平过渡的快速发展时期。中国的城市化应该由控制大城市、积极发展中小城市和小城镇的模式 ,向以大城市为主导的城市化模式转变  相似文献   

费晟 《太平洋学报》2014,(11):55-62
南太平洋岛国的华人移民社会最初形成于19世纪中后期,主要是近代中国劳工输出的结果。"二战"后,华人移民基本实现了本土化;20世纪80年代中后期又出现新的移民潮,形成较大规模的华人移民群体。无论从历史还是从现实来看,华人移民都积极参与并推动了南太平洋岛国各项事业的发展,由此确立起较高的经济与政治影响力。不过,华人移民群体也不可避免地被当地社会内部冲突与矛盾所波及,并受到部分西方媒体及少数政客的借题炒作。本文认为,从我国发展对南太平洋岛国战略关系的角度看,岛国华人社会将扮演日益重要且积极的纽带角色。  相似文献   

黄安年 《求是学刊》2002,29(3):110-115
当代西方国家的社会保障制度类型不同 ,但是有着大致相同的发展进程 :从不断扩大到相对收缩态势 ;由单纯扶贫转向开发扶贫 ;兼顾丰裕社会进程中不同弱势集团的贫困 ;协调社会保障安全网的完善和过度保障带来的新问题  相似文献   

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