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以往对高管支持信息化的研究通常把"高管"视为整体,既误解了CIO权力普遍不足的事实,也忽视了CEO作为"高管"中最具影响力的成员的作用,致使现有文献缺乏对这个重要现象的深入理解。本文从结构性权力视角研究CEO如何支持CIO才能使其更有效。通过对10家企业的多案例研究,我们发现,如果CEO认可信息化的价值、自发提出信息化战略、信任CIO并赋予其较高的管理职位,则CIO能有效发挥作用。同时,CEO如果能够补充CIO所缺乏的IT管理技能,则CIO的有效性会更高。此外,CEO把CIO放在组织的网络中心也能促进CIO的有效性。本文阐释了CEO支持CIO的作用机理,亦即协助CIO获得结构性权力。  相似文献   

单臣 《管理科学文摘》2010,(13):113-114
从教育存在问题出发,建立动态的自主管理机制,对建设和谐教育有着重要作用。结合学校、教师、学生不同从面,采取不同的步骤和措施,进行自主检测、荣誉自主申请、学校常规管理、教师教学常规管理、班级管理、团队管理等内容,探讨并建立自主管理机制。  相似文献   

基于组织支持理论和资源保存理论,构建了支持资源作用下的工作-家庭促进模型,通过对40家制造业企业员工的问卷调查,采用多元调节回归的方法进行统计分析。研究结果表明,支持资源作用下的工作-家庭促进对员工组织情感承诺、工作满意度和离职意向有显著影响;情感倾向对支持资源作用下的工作-家庭促进与结果变量之间的关系有调节作用。当个体的情感倾向处于积极时,由组织支持资源带来的工作-家庭促进会显著提高员工的工作满意度、组织情感承诺,降低离职意向。  相似文献   

我国的食品企业蓬勃发展,满足人民物质需求的同时也促进了社会的发展。但同时食品安全问题也开始出现,食品安全与百姓的生活甚至国家的发展密切相关,所以如何有效消除食品安全的隐患,促使食品企业积极履行社会责任,得到了越来越多的关注。本文在解释相关概念的基础上,阐述了我国食品企业社会责任履行中存在的问题及原因,最后提出了一系列行之有效的食品企业社会责任促进机制。  相似文献   

在中越两国之间贸易速度增长的同时,两国人力资源方面的开发由于种种而未能充分发展起来。本文认为,两国之间可以根据两国的具体国情,在政治、经济、社会和技术这四个方面积极合作开发人力资源,通过两国的优势互补,弥补本国人力资源的不足,获得经济的长期持续稳定的发展。  相似文献   

一直以来,商业道德管理似乎成企业管理中的鸡肋,实施严格的商业道德管理被一些管理层认为会减弱经营利润,而完全无视商业道德则冒有被投资人、顾客、政府、公众等指责或制约的风险,于是企业在这两难之间视乎情况或象征性地制定一些商业道德规范。然而惨痛的实际案例告诉我们,扭曲的商业道德是引发企业消亡的定时炸弹。实施规范的商业道德管理不仅可以阻止企业迈向深渊之路,同时可以强化企业的竞争优势。作为企业最高管理者的CEO对商业道德管理中负有主要责任。要想使企业获得持久的战略竞争力和超额利润,未来中国CEO必须改变传统的商业道德管理理念,实施规范的商业道德管理。  相似文献   

林正富 《决策与信息》2013,(12):118-120
本文着重分析当前的教师发展促进机制在教师专业培训、磨课和论文考核等方面存在的误区,并理性思考其整改对策。  相似文献   

以 2009 年 ~ 2016 年间 A 股上市公司为研究样本,采用双重差分法研究明星 CEO 成名后负面信息的披露策略. 以 CEO 是否登上媒体发布的榜单作为明星 CEO 的代理变量,研究结果表明: 明星 CEO 上榜将显著增加隐藏负面信息的可能性,验证了“名声俘获假说”; 明星CEO上榜后发生财务重述的概率显著增加,而一旦退出榜单其隐藏负面信息的可能性则显著降低,验证了名声的负面效应. 机制检验表明明星 CEO 通过管理层权力抑制负面信息披露. 另 外,上榜前盈余质量较低、代理问题较严重的公司,其明星 CEO 隐藏负面信息的可能性更高.文章丰富了 CEO 个人特质对信息披露行为的影响及其经济后果的研究,对于资本市场的健康发展具有一定的启示意义.  相似文献   

区别于以往高管信念对高管参与的影响研究,针对CEO与CIO特定代理关系,构建信念、关系、制度的高管支持细分模型,借鉴组织信任理论研究高管支持中信任的作用机制,运用偏最小二乘法和应用信息系统1年以上的118家企业数据对理论模型进行检验.实证结果表明,CEO对CIO的信任对CEO关系型参与有显著影响,但对CEO制度型参与的影响并不显著,且CEO制度型参与比CEO关系型参与对IT应用水平的提升效应更强,CEO对CIO信任的部分中介效应验证并强化了CEO信念作为高管支持行为来源的重要性.研究结果表明,并非高层的所有参与行为都会对企业信息化产生直接影响,只有高层管理者制度型参与才对企业信息化发展具有持续性影响,CEO信任CIO并未增强所有CEO参与行为,其仅对CEO关系型参与构成影响.  相似文献   

多方-多属性电子商务谈判支持系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尚维  李一军 《管理学报》2007,4(3):279-283
为了更好地对企业电子商务谈判提供支持,提高现有谈判支持系统实用性和可扩展性,建立了多方-多属性电子商务谈判系统。在对企业电子商务谈判支持需求分析的基础上,提出了基于通用多方谈判协议的多方-多属性谈判的过程支持和决策支持框架,建立了原型系统,并通过谈判实验的方式对该系统的实用性和易用性进行了检验。  相似文献   

How do planners compose plans that fit complex environmental systems? How do they align mismatched ecological and governance landscapes? We studied a small group of practitioners planning for groundwater sustainability to explore these questions. We recorded and transcribed their talk as they worked with geovisualization tools to diagnose and resolve future water shortages. Our findings showed how these planners crossed scales and levels as they reconsidered the relationships between groundwater supplies and consumers. While they recognized the urgency of aquifer overdraft, they complained about a lack of fine-grained hydrogeologic data, which they rely on for managing local water shortages.  相似文献   

经理信息系统   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
首先分析经理信息系统的应用不断增长的原因,然后讨论经理信息系统的定义和特点,最后研究经理信息系统与剐的类型的基于计算机的信息系统之问的区别.  相似文献   

首先分析经理信息系统的应用不断增长的原因,然后讨论经理信息系统的定义和特点,最后研究经理信息系统与剐的类型的基于计算机的信息系统之问的区别.  相似文献   

针对外包信息系统脆弱性评价问题,从技术脆弱性和管理脆弱性两个方面提出了信息系统脆弱评价指标体系。在此基础上,给出外包信息系统脆弱性评价流程,构建基于技术脆弱性和管理脆弱性的二维评价矩阵模型。最后通过一个制造企业的电子商务外包案例说明该评价模型的科学性和有效性。  相似文献   

地震的发生往往会对配电网产生较大破坏,影响供电质量。山区路网地形地貌的复杂性及受地震破坏等,增加了资源调度的困难,阻碍了山区配电网的恢复。因此,本文针对山区配电网震后恢复及资源调度集成优化问题,建立以恢复绩效最大为目标的非线性混合整数规划模型,并根据模型特点,引入A*算法求解各节点间的最优路径与所需时间,通过改进具有快速稳健特性的细菌群趋药性算法(BCCOA)对模型进行求解,得到山区配电网恢复及资源调度策略,并采用IEEE30,IEEE57和IEEE118节点系统,验证所述策略的可行性和有效性。结果表明:(1)改进的BCCOA相对于枚举法,在求解精度和计算时间上都有较好优势;(2)当资源调度能力一定,改变抢修能力时,配电网恢复绩效平均提升36.40%。而当抢修能力一定,改变资源调度能力时,由于受抢修能力的影响,配电网恢复绩效平均提升7.99%,但资源调度延迟率下降了61.71%,可提高配电网恢复绩效。而同时改变两者的能力时,配电网恢复绩效平均提升38.23%,提升了209.14%,表明资源调度在山区配电网震后恢复中的重要性,说明山区配电网震后恢复及资源调度集成优化研究符合实际决策需求;...  相似文献   

This study focuses on the organizational adoption of Executive Information Systems (EIS). A distinction is made between two related, complementary EIS capabilities—EIS for collaboration support (EISc) and EIS for decision support (EISd). EISc is relatively standardized and replicable, while EISd has to be developed in situ given the specific characteristics of the user and task. The adoption process is conceptualized as an initial transition from a state of nonadoption to adoption (adoption status) and subsequent internal propagation of the technology (adoption level). Data collected from a national survey are used to test hypotheses between identified contextual variables and the adoption status and adoption level of EISc and EISd. Adopters and nonadopters of both EISc and EISd do not differ in their organization size, suggesting that the traditional paradigm of “EIS as a technology for large firms” is no longer true. Environmental uncertainty is found to promote the transition from a state of nonadoption to adoption of both EISc and EISd while continuing to catalyze the internal propagation of EISd. While no differences are observed in IS department size between adopters and nonadopters of EISc, our results suggest that larger IS departments provide the resource base to explore the less standardized of the two capabilities, EISd. IS support is also found to be critical for the subsequent internal propagation of EISd. Furthermore, the adoption level of both EISc and EISd are found to be promoted by top management support. Implications of these results are discussed for the organizational adoption of EIS.  相似文献   

Management Information Systems and Corporate Planning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
If we accept the correlation between MIS and computer based systems then the corporate planner has to consider the impact on his own company of a major new function. In so far as computers and the associated highly paid staff are concerned, the planner is certainly threatened with a major cost growth area that develops a momentum of its own. He may need all his energy to contain this growth in highly expensive resources to a scale that matches the company's overall operations. On the other hand an emphasis on management information and redesigned systems may lead to radical redesign and improvement in profitability of a company's operations. These two aspects are different sides of the same coin and in the future the corporate planner will play a dominant part in determining whether a company enjoys the benefits as well as incurs the costs of a sophisticated MIS.  相似文献   

Growing recognition of the need for better management information system (MIS) theory and practice centers around problems with identifying the value of information and information systems in organizations. This paper addresses this issue by showing that existing theory in organizational economics and industrial organization directly relates to information problems in organizations (their nature, and their effects in terms of organization structure and performance). The paper categorizes these problems and associated theories into four distinct classes and shows that MIS research and practice can be mapped to information problems of each type. Because the economic theory pertinent to specific information problems includes the nature of the organizational response to information constraints, it also provides insight into the nature of the improvement to be realized if information constraints can be overcome. These improvements can then be interpreted as the value of the associated information systems which suggests using the resultant classification scheme to map between information problems and system value. The paper shows that this methodology provides a more appropriate level of focus than either traditional normative or business value methods, especially because many improvements have structural as well as performance consequences.  相似文献   

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