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现代化城市的发展伴随着社会风险增长,而新冠肺炎疫情的发生使得社会风险研究重要性更加凸显,其中,社会风险感知对风险防范至关重要。运用SUNS数据分析都市青年对各类社会风险的感知状况,探讨社会经济地位在其中的作用。研究发现,青年对环境污染、食品安全和转基因食品风险感知程度位居前列,对于流行性疾病风险感知位列第四;社会经济地位对关注度高的风险类型呈现正效应,即社会经济地位水平越高越增加对环境污染、食品安全和转基因食品风险感知的程度;在媒介关注度高的社会风险类型中,高社会经济地位的群体风险感知度高。因此,都市青年对不同类型社会风险的感知呈现差异,社会经济地位的效应也有区别,但各阶层都不能降低对风险的合理感知度。  相似文献   

大学生是旅游活动和环境保护的双重主体,大学生环境意识有人类中心环境意识、自然中心环境意识、和谐共处环境意识;旅游环境责任行为意愿分为遵守型旅游环境责任行为意愿、主动型旅游环境责任行为意愿。对324名西部大学生的研究发现,自然中心环境意识对遵守型旅游环境责任行为意愿和主动型旅游环境责任行为意愿均有显著正向影响;和谐共处环境意识对遵守型旅游环境责任行为意愿有显著正向影响,但对主动型旅游环境责任行为意愿影响不显著;人类中心环境意识对主动型旅游环境责任行为意愿有显著正向影响,但对遵守型旅游环境责任行为意愿影响不显著。因此,要培养大学生以自然为中心的环境意识,保持伦理约束下的和谐共处环境意识,改变大学生以人类为中心的环境意识。  相似文献   

自从改革开放以来,我国经济得到了飞速的发展,但是同时环境安全问题也随之出现,经济发展与环境安全之间的矛盾日益突显。一旦有重大环境风险事件发生时,社会稳定就会受到严重的影响,很多时候甚至会对经济社会的正常发展带来巨大的阻碍。所以,为了让经济社会得到健康文明的发展,社会安定和谐,我们非常有必要对造成群体性环境风险的因素进行研究,因此本文从风险社会视角下,对环境风险的特质进行了分析,发现具有途径不明确、损失巨大、主观建构性和人为性的特点,但是针对重大环境风险,传统的方案已经无法适应当前的实际情况,所以应该针对当前环境风险的实际情况,以环境政策、公众参与、信息公开为内容,以程序为中心,构建全新的环境风险行政法治方案。  相似文献   

基于2010年在厦门大学的调查数据,本文分析了大学生的环境行为特征.并通过多元回归分析结合人口学特征和经济特征探讨了环境意识对环境行为的影响力。研究发现:大学生的环境行为具有选择性,其私人领域的环境行为明显多于公共领域的环境行为;环境意识是大学生私人领域环境行为最有力的预测因素.环境意识越高,私人领域的环境行为越积极,但环境意识对公共领域的环境行为不具有显著影响;可见大学生私人领域的环境行为具有自愿性,而公共领域的环境行为具有被动性。  相似文献   

通过了解大学生口腔健康知识及口腔保健行为,分析不同年级及性别大学生口腔健康认知与行为差异,为有针对性地进行口腔健康教育提供依据。不同特征的大学生口腔健康认知及行为存在差异,需有针对性地制定口腔健康教育计划,促进大学生良好口腔健康行为形成。  相似文献   

刘杰  张双芹 《职业时空》2009,5(2):181-182
采用问卷调查法、文献法、数理统计法等研究方法,对廊坊市中等职业学校的中专生健康知识、态度和行为进行了调查研究.较为准确地掌握了中专生有关健康知识和行为的详况,为我市中等职业学校体育与健康教育的开展以及促进中专生健康生活方式的形成提供理论依据。  相似文献   

消费是现代经济增长的核心动力,生活是消费的基本组成部分。低碳生活方式是转变经济发展方式的内在要求,青年群体是践行低碳生活的重要主体。青年低碳行为的影响因素包括:健全的低碳知识体系在低碳生活行为中起着基础性的作用;低碳价值观会通过低碳情感和低碳效能感来影响低碳生活行为;低碳情感、低碳价值观会对低碳生活行为产生重要影响。因此,普及低碳知识、引导青年树立正确的低碳生活价值观至关重要。  相似文献   

目的针对高等级生物安全实验室污染物泄漏的环境风险开展理论与技术研究,建立适用于高等级生物安全实验室发生感染性气溶胶泄漏的环境风险预测模型。方法以烟团扩散模型为基础,并结合病原微生物在空气中的传播特性和周边地形条件进行修正,建立了感染性气溶胶泄漏环境风险预测模型系统。结果与结论模拟案例分析表明,在发生极端风险泄漏事故时,实验室周边将出现短暂的高风险区。当大气环境为中性稳定度时,发生感染性气溶胶泄漏事故对环境浓度影响最大。  相似文献   

环境治理需要公民的环境意识提升和广泛参与。对846名大学生的环境意识进行问卷调查发现,大学生的环境知识、环境观念和环保行为得分情况均不理想,且三者之间不存在显著正相关。观念的改变往往不是外力强迫的结果,要提升大学生自发的环境意识,需要建立人性化的环保行为激励机制。政府应该鼓励大学生参与环境决策,制定严格的污染付费制度引导居民转变消费观念。高校应该开设系统的环境知识课程和系列讲座,鼓励大学生参与环保活动,强化环境意识。  相似文献   

Using data from Wave 1 (n = 5,070) and Wave 2 (n = 4,404) of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, we examined the relationship between cumulative risk exposure and youth problem behavior. Cross‐sectional analyses revealed a positive, linear association between cumulative risk and problem behaviors. The association between cumulative risk and externalizing problems was stronger for White youth than for Black youth. The association between cumulative risk and internalizing problems was stronger for girls than for boys, and stronger for White youth than for Black and Hispanic youth. Cumulative risk predicted change over time in internalizing problems. Findings support the theoretical notion that adolescents experience diminished psychological comfort when risk factors are present across several social domains.  相似文献   

In this article, the concept of lifestyle is traced to its early roots in personality psychology and in marketing. In the latter field, many commercial marketing firms have made strong claims as to the explanatory power of lifestyle dimensions, often based on procedures which have been kept secret, but researchers have seldom been able to verify such claims. In spite of this, the approach is very popular, has wide credibility and is often given very favorable media coverage. Probably because of this, it is often considered as a very important and promising approach by administrators working with the regulation of risk and risk communication. It may also be credible in some quarters because it affords a way of ‘explaining’ risk perception as being non-rational. In this paper, we give results from an empirical study of nuclear waste risk perception which is related to a basic risk perception model and three approaches to lifestyles: Kahle's List of Values, a Swedish adaptation of the ‘Agoramétrie’ approach suggested by a group of French researchers, and Dake and Wildavsky's Cultural Theory dimensions. It was found that nuclear waste risk perception could be modeled successfully with risk attitudes and perception data (basic model about 65% of the variance explained), but that lifestyle dimensions added virtually nothing to the explanatory power of the model. Lifestyle dimensions in isolation only explained a minor part of the variance.  相似文献   

The degree to which risk perceptions are socially constructed versus the result of actual exposure to risk is highly contested; how risk exposure and risk perception influence policy attitudes is also poorly understood. We examine how personal exposure to risk factors impacts risk perceptions and policy support related to air pollution and climate change. Our selection of risk exposure variables is informed by the “mental models” literature, and we employ an array of variables to capture subjective risk perceptions using novel survey data. We find that exposure to risk does little to predict risk perception and has a small influence on policy support. Overall, our findings lend support to a constructionist understanding of risk perception and support for policies related to environmental risks.  相似文献   

This study compares the attitudes, knowledge, and behavior of parents of 5- to 17-year-old children regarding youth gambling. This information was obtained through two telephone surveys conducted in 1995, and 5 years later in 2000, in the Québec City area. Survey 1, in 1995, was conducted on 279 respondents, while survey 2, in 2000, was carried out with 213 respondents. Results showed a number of changes in parents' attitudes, behavior, and knowledge concerning youth gambling: For example, parents' perception of the age of onset of gambling behavior had improved slightly at the end of the 5-year period. Furthermore, parents were more satisfied with government limitation of access to gambling, and more accurately informed about legal aspects of the sale of lottery tickets. However, the percentage of parents who failed to associate youth gambling with some of its correlates (arcade attendance, parental gambling problems, and friendship with gamblers) increased from 1995 to year 2000. The improvements that were observed suggested that parents had benefited from media-transmitted information during this period. However, the deterioration of some parental attitudes, and the stability of other variables, suggest that it is still important to educate parents about youth gambling, and to design interventions adapted to parents' needs.  相似文献   

Gamblers often gamble while experiencing fatigue due to sleep deprivation or cumulative sleep debt. Such fatigue has been shown to make decision makers behave more riskily. The present study aimed to test the role of two cognitive processes, risk perception and risk attraction, in this effect. Two hundred and two participants played twelve hands of a black-jack style card game while either fatigued or reasonably alert. Findings showed that both fatigued and alert participants rated higher risk bets as more risky than lower risk bets, suggesting risk perception was unaffected by fatigue. However, fatigued participants did not rate higher risk bets as less attractive than lower risk bets, and reduced the size of their wager to a lesser extent when objective risk increased. These findings are discussed in relation to the effects of fatigue on motivated tasks and the need for gamblers to be aware of the effects of fatigue.  相似文献   

The present study examines exposure to adversity as a predictor of psychological distress and risk behavior among 266 elementary students in 14 low income neighborhood schools in Chicago. Two indices of adversity exposure were created, reflecting neighborhood, school, and peer group risk (NSP) and the lack of protective resources within the family and neighborhood (LPR). Regression analyses investigated these indices as independent and potentially interacting predictors of self-reported symptoms of depression and anxiety, frequency of substance use, and involvement in violence-related behavior. The LPR index was found to be a linear predictor of greater reported anxiety and exhibited a significant curvilinear association with reports of depression, substance use, and violence-related behavior. Similarly, the NSP index was a linear predictor of greater reported levels of substance use and violence-related behavior. Significant interaction between the two indices was found. Implications for research and school clinicians (social workers and psychologists) are offered.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of racial discrimination, community violence, and stressful life events on internalizing problems among African American youth from high‐poverty neighborhoods (= 607; 293 boys; Mage = 16.0 years, SD = 1.44 years). Mediated effects via externalizing problems on these relations were also examined, given the high comorbidity rate between internalizing and externalizing problems. Externalizing problems partially mediated the effect of stressful life events on internalizing problems and fully mediated the effect of racial discrimination for boys but not for girls. Exposure to violence had a significant indirect effect on internalizing problems via externalizing problems. The findings call for greater attention to internalizing problems among African American youth and pathways to internalizing problems via externalizing problems.  相似文献   


This article presents the results of a study examining correlates of urban African American youth HIV knowledge. The influence of family level factors (e.g., family communication, parental AIDS knowledge and myths regarding HIV transmission, along with family composition and family income) are examined. In addition, the current study explores the influence of racial socialization processes, specifically the influence of religious/spiritual coping, extended family caring, cultural pride reinforcement and racial awareness teaching (Stevenson, 1994; 1995; 1997) on youth HIV knowledge. Multivariate analyses revealed a significant association between youth HIV knowledge and being reared in a single parent home. Further, in every model, controlling for all types of racial socialization processes, family communication was significantly associated with youth HIV knowledge. Implications are drawn regarding the development of culturally and contextually specific HIV prevention programming for African American youth and their families.  相似文献   

Despite the numerous efforts to curb substance use and abuse through legislation and interventions, marijuana consumption continues to be a major social problem, particularly among young adults in the United States. We provide new information on the relationship between cannabis use and antisocial behavior by analyzing a sample of young adults (aged 18–20) from the National Epidemiological Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). We examine a broad set of cannabis use patterns and multiple dimensions of antisocial behaviors and test the empirical importance of two prominent criminological theories—general strain and social bond—in explaining associations between cannabis use and antisocial behavior. We include important socioeconomic, demographic, health and health behaviors, and contextual information in all regressions to control for confounding factors. Our results imply that cannabis use is positively and significantly related to antisocial behavior among young adults, and general strain and social bond theories cannot fully explain our findings. As expected, the estimated association with antisocial behavior is stronger for more frequent cannabis users.  相似文献   

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