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朱炳宇 《社科纵横》2007,22(12):91-92
李白是唐代伟大的浪漫主义爱国诗人,生活在唐王朝由鼎盛转入衰败时期。而干谒之风在盛唐时期最为风行,此时期的李白亦未能免俗,也走上积极的干谒之途。他胸怀"济苍生,安社稷"的远大志向,以大鹏自喻,坚信"天生我才必有用",他有着绝世的才华和强烈的报国之心且欣逢盛世,本能大有作为,实现自己的人生理想,但却屡屡失意,仕途极为不顺,最终未能如愿,失意而归。本文拟从李白走上干谒之途的原因、经历来探讨李白仕途失意的原因。  相似文献   

贾学清 《学术交流》2006,(7):150-152
马致远有着异乎寻常的功业欲望。但当抱负成空、在现实中碰壁后,他又淋漓尽致地抒发怀才不遇的牢骚,将自己的不幸归因于宿命。否定功名,讥笑圣贤;厕身青楼,放浪形骸。他否定传统价值观念、游戏人生,以极端的生活方式畸形地“独善其身”,而对自己的社会责任、历史使命漠然置之,将儒家文化中那种积极进取、忧国忧民等优秀的传统一概加以抛弃。他对这种生活愈是沉迷执著,其个体生命价值就愈显得晦暗,自我的丧失就愈严重。  相似文献   

付丽 《学习与探索》2005,(5):142-145
从媒介文化发展的视角看,网络出现泛娱乐文化倾向,张扬感官满足,悬置人文理性,忽略历史与社会意识,使网络文化缺少应有的理性深度、历史维度及超越精神。网络媒介技术以主体感官为主宰对象的功能偏失,使网络主体对技术效果尤其是感官满足效果产生依赖与迷恋,从而削弱了其文化反思能力、否定能力及超越能力。网络传媒强大的消费娱乐导向,集中体现了新媒介文化的商业化。网络泛娱乐倾向中的文化偏失提醒我们,网络文化亟须加强人文理性建设,走出娱乐至上的文化误区。  相似文献   

本文通过对郁达夫等作家的同性恋文本进行分析试图阐释体现在现代中国文学中同性恋叙事的文本意义和审美价值,考察作家的文学策略和审美倾向,以及隐含在文本背后的作家主体的文化心理。本文认为同性恋叙事的出现是作家的文化策略而非倾向,从这种策略中体现出现代民族国家的建立过程中现代知识分子所经受的灵与肉的双重考验。  相似文献   

洪耀辉 《学术交流》2005,(2):172-176
由于沈从文推崇超政治文学观,人们都愿意把他看成是一位远离政治的追求纯艺术的作家.而事实上,身处特殊政治文化语境的沈从文,同样会不时地显露出与当局对立的政治倾向,他的文学观也并非一味排斥文学的政治功用,其平静冲淡的艺术文本中一样隐藏着作家的政治意识.所以说,沈从文并未真正超脱现实政治.  相似文献   

本文通过选取受城市化影响程度不同的三个乡村社区,调查居民日常行为空间的变化过程以及对地方感的影响,发现地方感的差异不仅与空间重构导致的居民社区依附程度差异有关,同时还与社区"公共领域"有关。本文在此基础上提出强化地方感的措施,以更好地发挥农民建设新农村的主体作用,促进乡村建设。  相似文献   

共通感是对于形式的追求的一种质料性情感.审美愉悦感产生于想象力与知性在理性形式之内的自由和谐.崇高感的消极性方面体现在知性下的想象力综合活动无力把握对象;积极性体现在理性通过理念统摄了质料,想象力的失败也就是理性的成功.这是一个先抑后扬的过程,抑的是知性,扬的是理性.道德感与崇高感都是在排斥质料干扰后对于理性的敬重感.敬重感作为一种理性的情感成为道德动机,引发起道德行为.美感和崇高感作为面对具体事物自然而然生发出的对于理性形式的认同感,证明了道德感触发的道德行为自上而下施行的合法性.  相似文献   

目的 探索一般归属感对家政专业本科生创新能力的影响,及创新效能感在二者之间的中介作用.方法 采用创新能力问卷、创新自我效能感量表、一般归属感量表对249名家政专业学生进行了实测.结果 创新自我效能感、归属感与创新能力呈显著正相关(r=0.73,P<0.01;r=0.21,P<0.01);归属感与创新自我效能呈显著正相关(r=0.17,P<0.01);一般归属感显著正向预测创新能力(β=0.21,P<0.01);创新自我效能感显著正向预测创新能力(β=0.72,P<0.001).创新自我效能感在一般归属感和创新能力之间起部分中介作用.结论 一般归属感不仅直接作用于家政专业学生的创新能力,还通过创新自我效能感间接影响其创新能力.提升家政专业学生的归属感和创新自我效能感,有利于其创新能力的培养.  相似文献   


This study attempts to compare levels of depression, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation among elderly males and females, in reference to their living arrangement, i.e., community vs. nursing homes. For many elderly people, old age is characterized by various losses: physiological, functional, social, cognitive, financial, etc. The outcomes of such losses often include, more often than not, environmental isolation, a subjective feeling of loneliness, anxiety, depression, and frequently, loss of motivation to continue living. In light of the rise in life expectancy and the multitude of losses which can be associated with the aging process, it is probable that one out of five elderly persons will spend part of his/her life in a long term care institute. Such living arrangements may have negative effects on the mental health of its residents, because placement is often accompanied by feelings of lack of control over one's own life, and inability to make decisions regarding daily issues. Elderly persons living in the community (227: 78 men, 149 women) and 91 living in nursing homes (33 men, 58 women), in both independent and frail functional status (ADL), participated in the study. Findings show significantly more hopelessness, helplessness, and depression among residents of nursing homes compared to those living in the community, differences between men and women living in both environments, and a correlation between other demographic variables and the three dependent variables of the study. The conclusions of the study indicate a need to pay interdisciplinary attention to the mental health of elderly residents of nursing homes, particularly in the preliminary stages of placement and adjustment.  相似文献   

“双创”教育提出以来,掀起了一股创业热潮,而创业资源作为创业起步的重要因素之一,拥有不可忽视的重要地位,创业者若想在竞争中占据有利地势,就要有效识别创业资源,以便在企业成长过程中取得竞争优势,提高企业生存力。新创企业在创业过程中往往由于资源短缺或资源利用不合理而导致创业失败,对创业资源进行剖析分解,使创业者在创业过程中有效合理利用创业资源,为企业发展做好蓄力准备。  相似文献   

马克思认为,股份公司是资本主义生产力的增长和资本的个人所有制形式之间矛盾的产物,是社会化大生产的产物。它的出现,促进了资本集中和生产发展,是资本主义私有制的一种新的实现形式。由马克思的论述我们可以看出,股份制作为一种资本组织形式,只是在没有从根本上触及资本主义私有制本身的前提下,对资本主义生产关系从组织形式方面进行的一次内部自我调整。马克思虽然没有为我们准备现成的社会主义的股份制理论,但他所阐述的有关股份制的一般原理,对于我们创造性地利用股份制来为发展社会主义市场经济服务,对澄清国有企业改革中的理论误区,保证国有企业的股份制改造沿着社会主义方向发展,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

目前,新时期高校大学生自主创业已经成为社会大众广泛关注的问题.大学生的积极创业行为可以有效促进我国的经济发展,为我国青年人才的蓬勃发展创造一个良好的氛围.高校举办大学生创业活动可以在一定程度上提升学生的创业意愿.相关部门对大学生创业活动的实时关注,对大学生创业相关政策的进一步完善,在很大程度上有助于促进社会的和谐稳定发展.该文结合具体事例讨论大学生创业活动的开展对大学生创业意愿的影响,活动内容以多种方式进行,并根据活动结果给出相应建议.  相似文献   

This article is a case study of help provided by volunteers of a non-governmental organization, Bharatiya Stree Shakti (BSS), to people affected by floods in Santacruz, Mumbai, India. It demonstrates that post-disaster work needs to go beyond meeting basic needs (shelter, food, sanitation, and immunization) and address the psychosocial impact of the disaster on people.  相似文献   

The 1996 welfare reform bill set forth major changes in social welfare policies. In addition to federal work requirements and time limits, new state policies impose behavioral mandates that may be accompanied by financial sanctions for noncompliance. Analysis of a survey of state Child Protection Services (CPS) directors focuses on four major areas: effect of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) on CPS; interaction between the two agencies; role of TANF sanctions in referrals to CPS; and select special areas of concern. This research provides empirical insight into the interaction between these two agencies, specific TANF sanctions, and the potential conflicts between TANF policies and CPS concerns for the welfare of children and families under its charge.  相似文献   

《The Senses and Society》2013,8(3):321-340

From 2014 to 2015, I curated an exhibition entitled LOUD silence, which was held in two different venues in California: Grand Central Arts Center at California State University Fullerton, followed by gallery@Calit2 at the University of California, San Diego. The exhibition offered the opportunity for viewers to consider definitions of sound, voice, and notions of silence at the intersection of both deaf and hearing experiences. The exhibition displayed prints, drawings, sculptures, videos, and several film installations, and featured work by four artists who have different relationships to deafness and hearing, including Shary Boyle, Christine Sun Kim, Darrin Martin and Alison O’Daniel. These four artists explored how the binary of loudness and silence might be transformed in politicized ways through their own specificities, similarities and differences in relationship to communication and language. The stereotypical view of the deaf experience is that they live a life of total silence, where they retain little to no concept of sound. But on the contrary, deaf studies scholars Carol Padden and Tom Humphries state that deaf people actually know a lot about sound, and sound informs and inhabits their world just as much as the next person (Padden and Humphries 1998: 91).Through these artworks, the artists aimed to loudly explode the myth of a silent deaf world, and they troubled just how “inaudible” sound really is through their own visceral experiences of it. Ultimately, I argue that the work in LOUD silence offers an avenue for eradicating deaf oppression.  相似文献   

北京市独生子女生育意愿调查分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本研究结合 2 0 0 2年“北京市个人生育意愿问卷调查” ,推算目前我市累计出生的独生子女总量与结构 ,描述独生子女生育观念变化的现状 ,分析形成独生子女生育意愿的主要因素。探讨他们在生育子女数量、性别偏好、婚育时间上的选择倾向 ,以及将对北京市人口发展规模所构成的影响。  相似文献   

With a projected increase in the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related dementias, family caregiving is steadily increasing. Caring for an individual with AD is characterized as a “career,” and within this career are a number of key transitions, including the onset of caregiving. Research reveals a number of negative emotional health outcomes for AD caregivers, including depression and role overload, but less research has examined the influence of key transitions on the emotional adaptation of caregivers. The purpose of this study is to examine how different patterns of caregiving onset (gradual and abrupt) impact emotional health outcomes for AD caregivers. This study also explores how care-recipient cognitive impairment and behavioral problems moderate these relationships. Cross-sectional, quantitative data from 100 caregivers completing self-administered surveys were used. A series of one-way ANOVAs and multiple regression analyses were conducted to address study aims. Results indicate that care-recipient cognition and behavioral problems moderated the relationship between caregiving onset and emotional health outcomes for caregivers who experienced a more abrupt entry into the caregiving role. Results suggest the importance of considering different onset transitions and moderating factors within the caregiving career to target clinical interventions. Implications for social work practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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