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Over the last decade leadership has become a watchword in public service provision, especially in its association with the seemingly ubiquitous ‘delivery’ agenda. As leadership styles change in response to developments in the contemporary public service environment, it has become imperative for service providers to find ways to listen to service users. However, listening is itself widely recognized as an underdeveloped public sector competency. This article addresses the relationship between leadership and listening. Using findings from recent research, it identifies a ‘listening gap’ in public services, before pointing to ways in which this gap might be better understood and subsequently narrowed. In doing so, it seeks to present new ideas about the essential balance between ‘leadership’ and ‘listening’, and how this can be struck in today's public service environment. First, the nature of the user voice is examined. By talking to service users who have communicated their views in different ways in each of three different services (housing, social care and leisure), the article seeks to understand the nature of users' ‘projects’ in the expression of their views. These projects are compared with those of public service leaders. Second, the congruence (or incongruence) of these projects is considered through a comparison of the world views of both users and leaders. Finally, aspects of the context are considered in the discussion of the way public service organizations might go about defining the relationship between leadership and listening.  相似文献   

陈宇鹏 《社会工作》2008,(16):42-43
社区的发展离不开社区居民积极而广泛的参与,社区居民公共事务参与程度的高低是衡量社区建设成功与否的重要标志。义乌市作为一个国际化商贸城市,越来越多的外来人口和外国人生活在义乌。义乌外来建设者社区公共事务参与的状况如何,分析这种状况的原因并提出相应的对策,有利于社区资源整合,有利于义乌社区整体水平的提高。  相似文献   

This article analyses four cases of governance in Italian local welfare systems. Following Law 328/2000, the design and management of the social services system in Italy involve different public responsibility levels, mainly regional and municipal. In order to manage social policies, Italian municipalities have to join in new inter‐municipal groupings called ‘Piani di Zona’ (Area Plans). Moreover, the law provides for engaging in these Plans even local third‐sector organizations and citizens. The article attempts to highlight the implications of this complex system that is leading local authorities to open new governance arenas. We hereby present the results of a research project on two Piani di Zona in the Region of Lombardy (Northern Italy) and on two in the Region of Campania (Southern Italy), carried out by means of institutional analysis. We particularly focus on the dynamics of participation triggered by the Piani di Zona. Our hypothesis is that the role of public administration is a fundamental variable to understand the different ways of participating. In this sense, we discuss the dynamics of local governance by relaying them to four main questions: who participates in what, where and how?  相似文献   


This paper reports the findings of a study conducted in Hong Kong on the value position of the social service providers regarding user participation in service management. Using a survey instrument to collect data from 642 service providers in an elderly service organization, the study explored whether or not the value position had an effect on the views of the service providers on the structural set-up for user participation, and whether the value position of the professional staff was significantly different from that of the non-professional staff. Exploratory factor analyses (EFA), confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) were applied in the analysis. The findings identify that administrative buy-in needed to support shared decision-making with the welfare service users has not been achieved in the studied organization, owing to the absence of value commitment to the user participation cause. As the professional staff was more supportive of values favoring user participation, the paper calls for an acculturation process that would be stimulated and led by professionals to develop a participatory culture. The paper also recommends conducting similar study on a larger scale and qualitative inquiry into factors influencing the formation of values about user participation in future research.  相似文献   

改善社区公共服务,促进和谐社区建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改善社区公共服务,丰富社区公共服务产品,是建设和谐社区的重要内容之一。政府公共管理职能的不清晰与社会管理的不完善是社区公共服务供需矛盾的根本原因。现代社会的发展,国家权力将逐步向社会组织转移,改善社区公共服务就要建立“党委领导、政府负责、社会协同、公众参与”的社会管理格局。建立有效的社区公共服务供给体系,要求政府更加注重履行社会管理和公共服务的职能,科学地整合社会管理资源。因而,政府不断创新公共服务体制,改进公共服务方式,将促进社区公共服务的改善和和谐社区的建设。  相似文献   

Since the late 1960s social policy scholarship has been concerned with the distribution of the resources or benefits across social gradients. This article presents a review of the literature on one mechanism by which inequity might be produced – activism by middle‐class service‐users enabling them to capture a disproportionate share of resources. The review used the methodology of realist synthesis to bring together evidence from the UK, the USA and Scandinavian countries over the past 30 years. The aim was to construct a ‘middle‐theory’ to understand how and in which contexts collective and individual activity by middle‐class service‐users might produce inequitable resource allocation or rationing decisions that disproportionately benefit middle‐class service‐users. The article identifies four causal theories which nuance the view that it is the ‘sharp elbows’ of the middle‐classes which confer advantage on this group. It shows how advantage accrues via the interplay between service‐users, providers and the broader policy and social context.  相似文献   

In this article, we report on a qualitative and interpretative research project in which we gained in‐depth knowledge about dynamics in ten federal public policy units in Belgium where a service user with experience of poverty was employed. Starting from an institutional theory perspective, it was argued that these service users with experience of poverty can possibly feature as institutional entrepreneurs or agents of change who initiate a critical reflection in the mindset of fellow social administrators about taken‐for‐granted practices, routines and rationales. In order to fulfill this ambition, we equally stressed that service users with experience of poverty should be able to perform two other roles as well: to provide direct support to citizens, especially those living in poverty during their contacts with a public policy unit, and to formulate concrete propositions to change some of the policy units' internal procedures. Our research findings reveal that these two roles provide a necessary breeding ground for further interaction and (in)formal dialogue between service users with experience of poverty and fellow social administrators about the quality and accessibility of service delivery. However, installing this shared responsibility proves to be a valuable but also gradual process, and we argue that it is therefore undesirable when service users with experience of poverty act as so‐called ‘heroes’ in changing these taken‐for‐granted institutional practices, routines and rationales.  相似文献   

公众参与制度是环境法治中的支撑性制度这一逻辑推断,我国环境法治中公众参与制度亟需完善与法制化、规范化。对比分析实践证明具有比较欧美等发达国家成功的环境法治经验的值得借鉴,试图在转换公众参与理念的基础上从宪法中的公民环境参与权的保障、作为环境行政法代表的环境影响评价法中公民参与的制度化、环境行政诉讼中对于公民参与的事后救济等公法的视角提出解决问题的途径。  相似文献   

In addition to introducing markets and market‐like structures into public services, New Labour wished to promote the involvement of users and the public in decision‐making in other ways than as individual consumers. One way was to involve the public in the governance of organizations. This could be done by removing public services from state control, and transferring them to mutual ownership; or by increasing public involvement in the governance of public bodies. NHS foundation trusts (FTs) were presented as mutuals. Our study shows FTs are not mutuals, as they continue to be owned by the state. Moreover, staff of FTs were generally not engaging with the new governance structures. In general, there was mixed experience of the new structures enabling governors to increase accountability of the hospitals to the public. On the other hand, having a membership did enhance the legitimacy of FTs, as opposed to other NHS organizations. The findings of the study are of current interest as the coalition government is continuing with the policy of FTs, and also encouraging mutuals and other forms of public involvement.  相似文献   

While there is a great deal of interest in, and literature describing user influence in mental health and substance abuse services at the individual level, there are fewer studies of collective user influence at the organizational level. This article presents the findings of a study of the development of user advisory councils in regional organizations providing substance abuse services, which were part of a national implementation project in Sweden. A survey of both users and professionals involved in the local projects, in addition to interviews with key actors at the national level, were completed and analyzed with reference to the results of a literature review. The overall aim of the study was to identify obstacles and success factors related to the development of collective user influence at the programme and system levels. The results indicated that there was an overwhelmingly positive attitude towards experience‐based knowledge and the potential for developing formal, collective user influence in these organizations. Users and professionals had common viewpoints regarding the obstacles and success factors, which included: addressing power relations, establishing legitimacy, assigning resources, investing in sustainability and planning for real participation. They were also substantially in agreement as to the strategies that would be needed in the future in order to move from ideology to action. These factors form the basis for a model that might be used to support the systematic implementation of this type of organized user influence.  相似文献   

Children's services in England are undergoing their most radical transformation since 1948 following the passage of the Children Act 2004. A key part of these changes is the legal requirement to have an Integrated Inspection Framework to assess the extent to which the new Children's Services Authorities have succeeded in meeting five key outcomes—being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and achieving economic well‐being. To this end, up to ten national inspectorates have to coordinate their activities to a hitherto unparalleled extent. This article describes the nature and scale of the new remit and identifies a number of unresolved issues that could impede progress. It is argued that the policy has the hallmarks and accompanying limitations of a top–down exercise in policy formulation and implementation.  相似文献   

This paper examines parent participation in local Sure Start partnerships within the broader context of public involvement in policy‐making processes. Public participation is set against a background where an emphasis on participatory democracy is seen as a solution to shortcomings identified with policy‐making and implementation. However, the meaning of public participation is by no means straightforward and gives rise to problems at several levels. Many of these problems emanate from concerns with power and legitimation. While these concerns highlight important aspects of public participation in public and social administration, this paper, drawing on Foucault's concept of “pastoral power”, examines whether public participation is better viewed as a predictable part of governance in modern Western democracies where subjects need to be recruited to exercise power over themselves.  相似文献   

This article presents the results from an evaluation of a state-funded, prevention-based, pilot program called the Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Prevention Services that was designed to reduce the potential for child abuse and neglect. The program served 64 families of various races and ethnicities over two years. A quantitative pretest–posttest design was used to analyze existing program data related to client outcomes including parenting skills, parenting satisfaction, and the use of non-family resources to assist in improving skills and satisfaction. Means comparisons were used to assess the relationship between three standardized instruments (the Parenting Scale, the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory and the Kansas Parental Satisfaction Scale). Findings indicated a statistically significant improvement regarding resource engagement by families, parenting behaviors and perceptions, and involvement with Child Protective Services. The results from this study offer insight into how to improve parenting behaviors and increase child protective factors for youth who are at risk of maltreatment. In addition, these findings contribute to strengthen the legitimacy of Weiner's Attribution Theory while providing the social work profession with additional data in areas of research targeting the intersection of financially viable prevention programs, family stability, parental education, resources engagement, and the reduction of child abuse and neglect. If additional research supports the efficacy of prevention programs such as MAPS, funding similar programs could lead to improved parenting and decreases in child maltreatment.  相似文献   

广西地处西部少数民族地区,基本公共服务不均等现象较为突出,选择广西基本公共服务均等化问题进行研究具有典型意义。本文在探讨基本公共服务均等化内涵和意义基础上,分析广西基本公共服务均等化问题特征,并对实现广西城乡地区基本公共服务均等化途径提出政策建议。  相似文献   

我国公共气象服务理念在建国初期由以国防军事服务为中心向为国防、经济服务并重转变。文革期间重新强调气象服务以军事决策为中心。1978年至1999年气象服务领域从军事与经济并重向经济、国防、农业三位一体转变,公共气象服务成为气象服务的重要组成部分。2000年至今,人本气象理念逐渐在气象服务中得到体现。气象部门应坚持人本气象理念,发展人民满意的公共气象服务,为广大人民群众提供更加专业化、精确化的气象服务产品。  相似文献   

广西地处西部少数民族地区,基本公共服务不均等现象较为突出,选择广西基本公共服务均等化问题进行研究具有典型意义。本文在探讨基本公共服务均等化内涵和意义基础上,分析广西基本公共服务均等化问题特征,并对实现广西城乡地区基本公共服务均等化途径提出政策建议。  相似文献   

吴业苗 《阅江学刊》2011,3(5):71-77
乡镇政府是农村社会的"法人行动者",尽管它的组织形式一度为人民公社,其职能也曾表现为政治统治型和经济发展型,但它始终在农村公共服务与管理中扮演着重要角色。乡镇政府是新农村建设和城乡公共服务一体化的重要组织者,应该凸显公共服务型和治理型的功能。如此,为实现其与角色对称的功能,乡镇政府可以通过明确重点服务域、确立决策权威、增加服务资金投入等践行农村公共服务的供给与管理功能。  相似文献   

In the UK, current approaches to employment activation are primarily concerned with rapid labour market entry, with jobseekers compelled to engage in activities or be sanctioned. The Capability Approach (CA) has been proposed as an alternative framework to measure successful employment activation. It is concerned with what people can do rather than what they actually do, together with their substantive freedom of choice. In applying the CA, attention is drawn to the need for jobseekers to have a voice in the design and implementation of employment activation programmes. Drawing on in‐depth qualitative research, this article uses the CA to explore the voice and agency of unemployed young people (aged 16–24) in the development and implementation of employment activation policies. It analyses how far, and in what ways, young people's ideas, experiences and voices are included in policy development and implementation. Reflections and conclusions are made about how the policy discourse which has stressed the importance of centring services on the needs of users is reflected in employment activation policy.  相似文献   

The coordination of public services is an enduring challenge and an important policy priority. One way to achieve collaboration across organizational boundaries, which is being considered in public services such as the English National Health Service (NHS), is through the adoption of alliance contracting, prime provider contracting and outcome‐based contracting. This article reviews the cross‐sectoral literature concerning the characteristics of these new contractual models, how they function, their impact, and their relation to public sector governance objectives. These new contractual forms are characterized as models which, in line with the New Public Management (NPM)/post‐NPM agenda, seek to incentivize providers through the transfer of risk from the commissioners to the providers of services. Key findings are that the models are likely to incur high transaction costs relating to the negotiation and specification of outcomes and rely heavily on the relational aspects of contracting. There is also found to be a lack of convincing cross‐sectoral evidence of the impact of the models, particularly in relation to improving coordination across organizations. The article questions the reconciliation of the use of these new contractual models in settings such as the English NHS with the requirements of public sector governance for transparency and accountability. The models serve to highlight the problems inherent in the NPM/post‐NPM agenda of the transfer of risk away from commissioners of services in terms of transparency and accountability.  相似文献   

Public Participation in the New NHS: No Closer to Citizen Control?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the last decade support for increasing public participation in decisions regarding the planning and delivery of health services has become a familiar feature of the policy agenda for the UK National Health Service. This paper reviews current Labour policy towards public participation and reports on the response of primary care groups (PCGs) to recent Labour directives to make patient and public involvement an integral part of the way they work, presenting the findings of a survey conducted in one English health region. The experience of these PCGs suggests that, despite the diverse backgrounds of board members, there is marked consensus between local and central decision makers as to their understanding of public participation. Whilst academic debates have tended to conceptualize participation in dualist terms as a form of consumerism or of citizenship, the survey data suggest that in the context of local implementation public participation is framed within a new public management perspective which values it as an aid to organizational learning. The findings of this study highlight obstacles to securing effective public participation, including a lack of substantive guidance regarding policy implementation that produces uncertainty amongst local decision makers as to how best to proceed. The inherent limitations of public participation within the new public management paradigm suggest that democratic renewal, one of the goals of the government's modernization agenda, is unlikely to be achieved.  相似文献   

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