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A:I'm veryhappy today. 我今天很开心。B:Me,too. 我也一样。  相似文献   

在有些主从复合句中,英语使用否定词的位置与汉语不同。例如:汉语说“我想他今天不会来。”有些初学英语的人会把这句话直译为:I think he won't come here today.但是依照英语的习惯用法,应该把not放在主旬中,即:I don't think he will come here today.再如,"He did not come to work by bus.”这句话不说他没有来,而是说他来了,不过没有乘车而已。像:"Is he clever?(他聪叫  相似文献   

Perhaps the readers might wonder why the writer would like to choose the topic "The Teaching and Study of Scientific Prose" for his writing today. The rcason. for this is not far to seek. It is twofold: First, we are teachers of technical English or students majoring in science and  相似文献   

(一) A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night. They 1 the lights, pull up the covers and close their eyes. After they sleep for six or seven 2 , they wake up again. It sounds very strange, doesn't it?  相似文献   

"Okay,guys,today we are going to let you plan a trip in US.If you were the richest people in the world,where are you going to go?"(同学们,今天我们的作业是制订一个在美国国内的旅行计划。如果你  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION It is well - known that lsrael is very successful in developing agricultural production coopera-tives (hereinafter called APCs) in rural areas. China and lsrael differ enormously in almost all as-pects of the society. However, they used to have one common point in the history, i, e. both of themused to have or is having APEs. In lsrael, there are three major forms of APCs today and they play  相似文献   

1.活动以后的胸闷胸痛、左肩左臂疼痛,有时只需5到10分钟就可以缓解,这可能是劳累性心绞痛的典型症状。2.有些发于夜间的胸闷、胸痛,虽然也只持续5到10分钟,但很可能就是初发的心绞痛。3.偶尔的心脏难受、走路气喘、晚上睡觉平卧时有憋闷感等等,有可能是心脏病的前兆。4.出现嗓子干哑、喉头有梗阻感,以为  相似文献   

今天天气怎么样?A How's the weathertoday?晴天。B It's sunny.A It's fine today.今天天气真好。B Yes,itsure is.是啊。A Is that enough?够了吗?B Yes,it is.是的,够了。A Is it yours?这是你的吗?B Oh,No,it isn't.哦,不是。A Thank you verymuch.非常感谢!B You're welcome.没什么。英语读吧  相似文献   

“发愤说”中的“愤”在唐代以前专指作家创作前情感郁结于心的憋闷心理状态,这种状态既可由愤怒等否定性情感引起,也可由创作主体极度快乐的情绪造成;“发愤”则是指作家通过文学创作来解除郁积在内心的憋闷情绪。“发愤说”很好地解释了作家进入正式创作前创作动力之所由的问题。“发愤说”滥觞于先秦的屈原,历经汉代的《淮南子》;司马迁、王逸的发展,降及有唐,孔颖达、韩愈等对其进行了新的诠释,使之成为一种成熟的文学创作理论。  相似文献   

一一一一一一一一一,二~~ L00k!Wll之It’S A:What are 这些是什么? B:They are 这些是梨。A:Where’5 the tree? 树在哪? B:It’5 over there. 树在那边。A What are 那些是什么? They are 那些是苹果。those? B aPP 1 e 5. A:I’m very haPPy today. 我今天很开心。  相似文献   

A remote object may reveal surprisingly new features when observed at close range. So is the case of the English mentality, which has long been characterized as being humorous, reserved and conservative. When this longstanding assumption is scrutinized in the tight of the realities of present-day England, one finds that much of it is open to contention or in need of clarification.  相似文献   

According to the reform and opening-up policy to the outside world in our country,English has become a more common communication tool in today’s society.The schools at all levels also enhance the English teaching,even the kindergarden.It is important to improve the teaching quality.Teachers have to pay more attention to the research of language teaching.In English teaching classroom,teachers should not only use the oral language and written language to deliver the information,but also make use of the silent body language.Body language not only deepens the verbal language,but also takes an unsubstitutive effect on the verbal language.  相似文献   

张颖 《百姓生活》2010,(5):11-13
有一对夫妻,感情早已破裂,彼此都想早点离婚。可他们的女儿总是苦苦哀求,百般阻挠他们离婚。为了孩子,他们不得不憋闷地继续生活在一起。终于有一天,压抑许久的父亲为了求得解脱,向看守父母婚姻的女儿下了狠手……  相似文献   

Vietnam,a close neighbor of China,was influenced by the Chinese Culture for generations.In history,Vietnam had been under the administration and protection of ancient Chinese imperial court for a long period of time.The first Chinese emperor in Vietnam,who can be traced far back to Qin and Han dynasty,is referred to as the oldest emperor worldwide, His name was Zhao Tuo,  相似文献   

(Nine months before her trip to Beijing, Kristy was in a situation that most single girl's dream of. Recent events have made Ben decide that Kristy is the woman for him, and that now is the time to propose.) Kristy: This is a lovely dinner, Ben. Ben: Well, I have something important to tell you...My boss gave me a big promotion today. Kristy: That's fantastic news! You deserve it. (leans over and kisses him) Ben: The only problem is that he's sending me to China to be the manager of the …  相似文献   

消化不良心脏病引起的胃部不适很少会出现绞痛和剧痛,压痛也不常有,只是有一种憋闷、胀满的感觉,有时还伴有钝痛、火辣辣的灼热感及恶心欲吐感。大便后有一些缓解,但不适的感觉不会完全消失。  相似文献   

我今年81岁,患有冠心病和脑动脉硬化,老伴今年83岁了,同样也有冠心病、慢性心衰,我俩发病时主要是心前区疼痛、憋闷气短、自汗乏力,很是痛苦。这几年多方求医,但不见好,情绪十分低落。  相似文献   

问:早上在广场跳舞时,舞友老李告诉我,说他睡到半夜时,常突然咳醒,进而如大病临头,气短心慌,胸部憋闷得难以承受,不得不起身坐坐或在房间走会儿。奇怪的是,什么药也不吃,竟又慢慢恢复了正常,又能安然入睡,  相似文献   

春天,有一双轻柔的手。它轻轻地敲开了孵化的蛋壳,抚摩着雏鸟湿润的羽翼,抚摩着小鸡小鸭那蒲公英似的绒毛。它又打开了蜂箱,让憋闷了一冬的蜜蜂飞出家门,在金色的阳光下抖动着双双透明的翅膀。  相似文献   

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