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河南农村留守妇女状况调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文利用我们在河南农村的调查数据对留守妇女的状况进行了研究。结果表明,人口流动改变了农村留守妇女的家庭地位。由于丈夫的外出,留守妻子承担了更多的家庭责任和义务,还要想办法对付各种困难。  相似文献   

许传新 《南方人口》2009,24(2):49-56
本文采用西部地区24个行政村千余名农村妇女的调查数据,探讨了农村留守妇女的身心健康及影响因素。研究发现,留守确实影响了农村妇女的身心健康,留守妇女比非留守妇女更担心自己的身体健康状况,更倾向认为自己的身体健康状况不及同龄女性和比以前更差了,更容易出现一些生理和心理不健康的症状;留守妇女的家庭压力、社会支持网络、当地医疗卫生状况等因素对其身心健康有不同程度的影响。文章最后提出建立夫妻间良好的沟通机制、构建社会支持网络、改善农村医疗卫生状况三点建议。  相似文献   

西部农村留守妇女家庭压力及其影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文采用西部地区24个行政村千余名农村妇女的调查数据,探讨了农村留守妇女的家庭压力及影响因素。研究发现,留守确实增强了农村妇女的家庭压力,留守妇女承受的精神压力、经济压力、抚养赡养压力都要大于非留守妇女;留守妇女的年龄、家庭特征、当初择偶时对般配的重视程度、夫妻异质性、与外出丈夫的沟通状况、社会支持等因素对其家庭压力有不同程度的影响。提出建立夫妻间良好的沟通机制和构建社会支持网络的建议。  相似文献   

许传新  张登国 《西北人口》2010,31(5):97-102
本文根据较大规模问卷抽样调查的结果,分析比较西部农村留守妇女与非留守妇女的社会性别观念。结果发现,留守妇女自身能力意识和事业价值观要强于非留守妇女,而非留守妇女在忠贞观、生育观方面要比留守妇女更加传统保守。回归分析结果表明,在对农村妇女自身特征如文化程度、年龄、家庭年收入等变量进行控制之后,留守对农村妇女的社会性别观念仍然有独立影响,这种影响主要表现在留守促进了农村妇女事业能力观、婚育贞节观以及总体社会性别观念从传统到现代的转变。  相似文献   

通过对“湖南省农村留守妇女调查”数据的分析,本研究探讨了农村留守妇女的婚姻稳定感及其影响因素。研究发现,农村留守妇女的婚姻稳定感处于较高的水平;就其影响因素而言,有无被欺凌的情况、与家里长辈的相处情况、家庭生活满意度、丈夫打工期间的联系频率、探亲频率、丈夫汇钱时是否直接汇给自己、是否担心婚姻感情会发生变化、丈夫外出打工后夫妻感情的变化等变量对农村留守妇女的婚姻稳定感都有显著的影响。  相似文献   

本研究基于安徽巢湖市农村妇女的调查数据,通过与非留守妇女和准留守妇女的对比,描述了留守妇女主观幸福感、 婚姻关系和生计策略状况,并进一步分析了婚姻关系和生计策略对农村留守妇女主观幸福感的影响.研究发现,代表"爱情"的婚姻关系和代表"面包"的生计策略对三类妇女的主观幸福感都存在影响,但三类妇女追求"爱情"和"面包"的侧重点和具体内容有所不同.对留守妇女而言,"爱情"和"面包"同等重要,二者对于主观幸福感的影响相互独立;对准留守妇女和非留守妇女而言,"爱情"和"面包"也都很重要,但同时"面包"是"爱情"的现实基础.  相似文献   

基于中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)连续三期面板数据,本文运用条件混合回归模型(CMP)考察数字技术对农村留守妇女心理健康的影响。研究表明:数字技术有助于改善留守妇女的心理健康。具体地,与未采纳数字技术的留守妇女相比,采纳数字技术的留守妇女自评健康和生活满意度分别高62.36%和21.88%,而生活孤独感低73.00%。进一步研究发现,以数字技术为媒介的在线学习、社交、娱乐和消费是改善农村留守妇女心理健康问题的重要途径,其中社交和娱乐的作用较大。异质性分析结果显示,数字技术的健康红利因个体和家庭差异表现出明显不同,因照料家庭而留守的妇女群体享受到的数字健康红利显著大于因务农而留守的妇女群体,学历较高和家庭收入较高的留守妇女群体享受到了更多的健康红利,可见数字技术的健康红利尚未被全体留守妇女公平共享。  相似文献   

王嘉顺 《南方人口》2008,23(4):50-57
本文基于广东留守妇女专项调查数据,通过对数偶值模型的筛选发现夫妻分居的空间距离、丈夫打工后收入增减情况、住房质量、子女教育负担、老人健康负担以及夫妻交流互动情况对留守妇女的婚姻幸福感有显著影响。文章建议相关部门应创造条件就近建立企业让夫妻双方打工,这或许是解决由于分居而导致的家庭婚姻问题的较好途径。  相似文献   

农村留守儿童问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
留守儿童问题是近年来一个突出的社会问题。随着我国社会政治经济的快速发展,越来越多的青壮年农民走入城市,在广大农村也随之产生了一个特殊的未成年人群体——农村留  相似文献   

为了解农村贫困地区妇女生活质量现状及其影响因素,随机抽取湖南农村贫困地区妇女540名作为研究对象,使用WHO生活质量简表(WHO-QOL-BREF)从生理、 心理、 社会支持和环境四个维度考察农村贫困地区妇女生活质量,同时采取自制一般问卷收集研究对象年龄、 文化程度、 经济收入等人口特征资料.在此基础上,构建二元Logit回归模型,考察社会支持变量和妇女人口特征对农村贫困地区妇女生活质量的影响.结果表明,农村贫困地区妇女生活质量低于全国常模,差异具有统计学意义;其中年龄、 文化程度、 夫妻关系、 是否有儿子、 家庭年人均收入以及获得的非正式、 正式支持等多个因素都对农村贫困地区妇女生活质量有影响.  相似文献   

农村留守儿童人格教育刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王东海 《西北人口》2008,29(5):107-110
少年儿童是人格形成的关键时期,农民工家庭由于亲子教育的缺失而对儿童人格的形成产生了不利影响。留守儿童的人格发展问题不仅关系农民工的下一代能否健康成长,而且关系到农村教育事业的和谐发展,加强农村留守儿童的人格教育具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Although there are many excellent published scales measuring social isolation, there is need for a short, user-friendly, stand alone scale measuring felt social isolation with good psychometric properties. This study reports the development and preliminary validation of a short, user-friendly scale, the Friendship Scale. The six items measure six of the seven important dimensions that contribute to social isolation and its opposite, social connection. The psychometric properties suggest that it has excellent internal structures as assessed by structural equation modelling (CFI = 0.99, RMSEA = 0.02), that it possesses reliability (Cronbach α = 0.83) and discrimination when assessed against two other short social relationship scales. Tests of concurrent discriminant validity suggest it is sensitive to the known correlates of social isolation. Although further work is needed to validate it in other populations, the results of this study suggest researchers may find the Friendship Scale particularly useful in epidemiology, population surveys or in health-related quality of life evaluation studies where a parsimonious measure of felt social support or social isolation is needed.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(9):1280-1296
Online networks have become a critical venue for bisexual males to communicate with each other and solicit social support. This study reports qualitative feedback gathered from 12 married Taiwanese bisexual men about online social support in their daily lives. The analysis of interviews reveal that online social support provides participants with opportunities to screen potential friends, participate in the bisexual virtual community, come out and release stress, and look for romance. Apparently, for married bisexual men in Taiwan, the Internet offers an opportunity to anonymously manage sexual identity and solicit social support among other bisexuals.  相似文献   

An extensive and coherent body of social and psychological research has identified social ties and supportive relationships as important predictors of well-being and quality of life. This paper examines the relationships between structural and functional indicators of supportive relations and well-being in Greece at different levels of analysis based on results from three studies: (a) the European Social Survey (Study 1); (b) a cross sectional community study in Greece (Study 2); and (c) a social interactions study in Greece and the UK using an event sampling methodology (Study 3). Structural indicators of social support and life satisfaction and happiness in the first study were moderately associated. This finding was partly supported by results from the second study which revealed connections between some structural aspects of social support and well-being (happiness, anxiety, irritability) but not others. Functional aspects of social support and psychological indicators of well-being (happiness, anxiety, mental health) at the individual (Study 2) and social interaction (Study 3) levels were not associated. Cross-cultural comparisons of structural indicators of social support in Studies 1 and 3 revealed low frequency of social interactions. Also functional aspects of social support in everyday social interactions in Greece showed significantly lower levels in comparison to the UK. These findings suggest that structural and functional aspects of social support in Greece may not have the same palliative role as usually observed in the international literature and are discussed with particular attention to the level of analysis, the method, and the aspect of well-being being assessed.  相似文献   


Limited research has been conducted on the needs and concerns of older lesbians in the American population. The purpose of this paper is to present findings from a qualitative study of older (aged 55 and older) lesbians' experiences of and perspectives on aging, with a focus on their discussions of social support. Through an in-depth qualitative study with 25 older lesbians, we found that aging lesbians may be less likely to access formal social services due to perceptions of bias within the services and a potential lack of connection with those who do use services. However, participants were creative at formulating informal networks of support. Four heuristic categories (empowered, secure, independent, and precarious) of informal social support were developed to characterize the various ways in which participants configured their support systems. Social support within each category was conceptualized both in terms of intentionality and degree of connectedness. Being partnered did not necessarily equate with a strong sense of social support. Further research needs to be conducted on older lesbians in order to better characterize and respond to their needs as they age.  相似文献   

社会资本与健康研究领域存在核心概念界定不清与理论解释欠缺两大不足。文章在社会网络的视角下对社会资本、社会凝聚和社会支持三个相互杂糅的概念进行辨析区分,并在此基础上以调查数据实证检验了社会资本对身心健康的作用效果与影响机制。结果显示,在控制社会凝聚和社会支持作用的条件下,社会资本依然对自评健康和心理健康存在显著的独立影响,但其对两种健康在影响因素和影响方向上呈现一些差异。其中,网络规模和网络顶端对自评健康和心理健康都具有显著的正向作用,而心理健康同时还受到网络差异的负向影响。从这个角度而言,社会资本对个体身心健康的影响并不必然是积极正向的。  相似文献   

杨春 《西北人口》2010,31(6):64-69
居家养老是为我国绝大多数老年人所选择和政府积极倡导的养老方式。本文在分析居家养老社会认同的经济社会背景和江苏居家养老有利条件和制约因素的基础上,着重就江苏居家养老可持续发展的思路与对策提出了以下建议:着力加强队伍、组织、制度、体制、机制等建设,加快基本养老公共服务均等化步伐,加大农村推进力度,正确处理好政府推动与社会兴办等五个关系。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a European socio-economic reporting system, consisting of different elements and constructed in a modular form. The main idea is to monitor the process of welfare production, conceived in the form of an input-throughput-output model. Actors of welfare production generate inputs, these are mediated and filtered by institutional arrangements and finally determine the outcomes, that is the individual welfare. For all of the three parts of the welfare production model available data sources, social reports, social surveys, databases with institutional information etc. are reviewed and analyzed with respect to their use for the monitoring of welfare production. The paper is divided into five sections: first, the state of socio-economic reporting is outlined; second, the use of the available material is discussed; third, new approaches and instruments in socio-economic reporting are described; fourth, a scenario of European socio-economic reporting is outlined; and fifth, the steps needed for implementation are delineated.  相似文献   

李晶 《人口学刊》2001,(5):58-62
近年来 ,广东省人口性别比例呈不断上升趋势 ,其原因主要是出生婴儿性别比不断升高和人口年龄结构不断老化 ,因此要适时调整人口结构就要从这两个方面入手 ,以达到人口性别结构的平衡。  相似文献   

从低保人员自身的角度,使用相关量表考察该群体社会支持系统的质量。结果显示:被调查者的社会支持水平明显偏低,个人支持系统是该群体的重要支柱;文化程度高、已婚对社会支持水平有积极作用;中年男子的社会支持水平显著下降。建议政府调整社会支持的价值观念,以社区为中心建立心理支持工作室,以提供专业化的职业服务,提高低保群体社会支持度。  相似文献   

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