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Use of methamphetamine, a potent central nervous system stimulant, increased in the early- to mid-1990s in the United States, concentrated in the west, midwest, and south. The use and trade of methamphetamine was facilitated by a fairly simple production process and the involvement of numerous small entrepreneurs as well as drug-trafficking syndicates. National data from the 1994 Drug Abuse Warning network revealed that for the period from 1991 to 1994 methamphetamine use among short-stay hospital patients more than tripled, and methamphetamine-related deaths reported by medical examiner offices nearly tripled. In addition, the Treatment Episode Data Set revealed a 43 percent increase in treatment-program admissions in which clients identified methamphetamine as the primary drug of abuse. Nonetheless, methamphetamine use did not become widespread in the U.S. population. Low-income and unemployed young white men continue to be the group most likely to use methamphetamine, but by the mid-1990s the drug had increased in popularity in more diverse populations and regions. Economic and social pressures experienced by a broad array of Americans may partially explain expanded methamphetamine use; for example, depressed economic conditions in rural and semi-rural areas have contributed to methamphetamine's appeal as a source of income. A "war against drugs" approach has characterized the policy response, with increased criminal justice penalties. A public health approach is recommended, including prevention campaigns, harm-reduction outreach and treatment approaches, and pharmacologic and abstinence-based drug treatment approaches.  相似文献   

The present article investigates the issue of whether and how moral commitment regarding violence conditions the relationship between a set of social environmental variables and violent delinquency. Three mutually exclusive hypotheses were evaluated using data from the National Youth Survey. The first, emanating from a purely environmental perspective, holds that moral commitment to non-violence does not condition the relationships of social variables to violent delinquency. The second hypothesis predicts that social factors have their greatest effect on violent behavior among those most strongly opposed to violence. The third hypothesis anticipates that social variables have their greatest impact on violent delinquency among those with violent attitudes. The results yielded strong support for the third hypothesis. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study is a secondary analysis of data gathered under the sponsorship of the Utah State Division of Alcoholism and Drugs in 1989. The researchers concluded that there is a difference in frequency of alcohol use, source of alcohol, and age of first alcohol use among LDS, Other Religions and No Religion subgroups. There is no significant difference found among the various religious subgroups for age of first marijuana use of quantity of alcohol use. For all religions except Jews, a lower percentage of Utahns used alcohol than their national counterparts. A theoretical model for LDS Drug use is presented.  相似文献   

A measurement model was analyzed to demonstrate a differential distribution and cumulative exposure to psychosocial risk and protective influences of adolescent drug use among ethnically-diverse adolescent samples. The sample included U.S.-born (US) Latino (N = 837), foreign-born (FB) Latino (N = 447), White (N = 632), and African American (N = 618) adolescent boys. Psychological Distress, Peer Drug Use, and Adolescent Drug Use were significantly positively correlated with Peer Drug Use and Adolescent Drug Use. In contrast, Family, School, law abidance, and guilt were significantly negatively correlated with Peer Drug Use and Adolescent Drug Use. Multiple group analyses indicated significant similarities and differences among US and FB Latinos, and Whites. Implications for early prevention, multi-level interventions, and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Social learning theory maintains that individuals model, learn and maintain behaviors that are observed, appealing and reinforcing. As such, parents and family members can often serve as significant models for gambling. Four hundred and seventy seven children between the ages of 9 and 14 completed a questionnaire inquiring about their gambling activities, including where and with whom gambling occurs, as well as information concerning their perceptions of their own gambling behavior. Results indicate that 86% of children who gamble regularly reported gambling with family members. Fifty-three percent of students who gambled within the previous 12 months reported gambling with their siblings, 40% gambled with their parents, 46% gambled with other relatives, and 75% gambled in their own homes. Students' responses also indicated gambling with their friends (75%), gambling alone (18%), and with strangers (8%). As children's age increases they tend to gamble more at friend's homes and at school. Prevalence rates indicated that 81% of the total sample had gambled at one point in their lives and 52% of those children reported gambling once a week or more. Eleven percent reported that gambling makes them feel important, 27% feel they gamble more than they desire to do so, and only 10% of the grade 8 students fear being caught gambling, suggesting gambling activities to be a socially acceptable behavior. Several clinical and research questions are addressed.  相似文献   

Following a survey of over 5,000 students in north central Idaho and southeast Washington, an interviewing strategy was implemented with 223 adolescents randomly selected by their principals. The strategy was designed to learn: 1) which sources have utility and credibility with youth in providing drug information; 2) whether different message content and delivery style have differential effects upon that group; and 3) whether widely held perceptions voiced by parents and teachers about their ineffectiveness as information sources were accurate. Double-blind interviews, arranged to protect respondent anonymity, were conducted by trained interviewers from a research methods class. No interview was held when either an interviewer or respondent knew the other. Among the important findings of the study were that: 1) parents and teachers are trusted, credible sources of drug information; 2) doctors, nurses, law officers, and clergy are also credible but not visible to youth; 3) the evil media and celebrity fears of parents and teachers are largely ungrounded in adolescent perception; and 4) factual information from credible sources emphasizing the range of types of negative consequences associated with drug use can exert powerful effects upon adolescents' reported personal use of drugs.  相似文献   

The influence of neighborhoods on adolescent behaviors has received increasing research attention. In the present study, we use structural equation models to specify pathways from neighborhoods to adolescent cigarette and alcohol use through parental closeness, parental monitoring, parent substance use, and peer substance use. We use a national sample with 959 adolescents 12 to 14 years of age whose residential addresses were matched with 1990 Census tracts to provide neighborhood characteristics. We found that for adolescent cigarette use low socioeconomic status (SES) neighborhoods were associated with increased parental monitoring, which was further associated with decreased adolescent cigarette use. For adolescent alcohol use, high SES neighborhoods were associated with increased parent drinking, which was further associated with increased adolescent alcohol use. Low SES neighborhoods were associated with increased parental monitoring and increased peer drinking, which were in turn associated with decreased and increased adolescent alcohol use, respectively.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study, the substance use/abuse histories were obtained on a community sample of 640, (mean age of 24.9 years) randomly selected from the 8,000 Philadelphia black subjects who had been studied comprehensively from birth to seven years of age in the National Collaborative Perinatal Project (NCPP). Among other conclusions, it is postulated from some of the many significant associations found between early life variables and substance use/abuse in early adulthood, that an infant is at risk who has the following combination of characteristics and family situation: outgoing, responsive, assertive or impulsive, or willful, and who is in an unfavorable family environment, with a mother who is generally negative toward the infant, has a larger number of small children and has had more fetal deaths, in a generally poor social environment.  相似文献   

Program fidelity to initial design is a critical measure in implementation research and often considered an important element of program success. This approach assumes that a program's initial design is immune to the influence of external forces and is based entirely on sound evidence, theory, and practice. Using a permanent supportive housing program for domestic violence victims as a case study, this research examines how external influences may affect program theory and design and evaluates whether such influences are perceived as opportunities or barriers by program administrators. Findings, based on document review, stakeholder interviews, and focus groups, reveal that funding and physical site characteristics, and to a lesser degree, community support and professional standards, were important external influences. Both opportunities and barriers affected program design, but these effects differed in timing and degree.  相似文献   

Three studies were done to examine the social effects of being a tobacco smoker. In Study 1, 135 subjects rated target persons as dating and marriage prospects. All else being equal, the nonsmoker subjects showed consistent preference for nonsmokers. The subjects' personal preference for nonsmokers was significantly greater than their estimates of the preference of people in general. In Study 2, thirty-five subjects who preferred nonsmokers for marriage provided their reasons. All together, they gave eleven different reasons. In Study 3, which involved sixty-two subjects, the belief underlying each of the eleven preference reasons was found to predict degree of preference for nonsmokers. The results of the three studies are discussed as providing potentially useful information for smoking prevention interventions.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate how alcohol marketing and peers may promote college students' alcohol use through social media. Participants: College students (N = 682) aged 18 to 22 years from a large Southern university completed paper surveys in April 2014. Methods: Structural equation modeling was used to investigate relationships among variables as well as moderation by gender and race. Results: Drinking behavior was directly related to perceived norms and attitudes toward alcohol that develop, in part, from direct and indirect interactions with their online and offline peers, as well as engagement with alcohol-related content on social media. Gender and ethnicity moderated some effects. Conclusions: College student drinking is influenced by friends' alcohol-related content posted on social networking sites and by greater engagement with traditional and online alcohol marketing. College campus alcohol misuse interventions should include components to counter peer influences and alcohol marketing on social media.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between drug preference, drug use, drug availability, and personality among individuals (n = 100) in treatment for substance abuse in an effort to replicate the results of an earlier study (Feldman, Kumar, Angelini, Pekala, & Porter, 2007) designed to test prediction derived from Eysenck's (1957, 1967) theories. Drug preference was measured by the method of paired-comparison and personality was measured with the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire-50 CC. Contrary to expectations, high compared with low scorers on Sociability and Impulsive-Sensation Seeking preferred depressants. Surprisingly, low compared with high scorers on neuroticism did not differ in preference for alcohol. As in the previous study, drug preference, use, and availability were highly correlated, although ease of availability was slightly more predictive of drug use than drug preference. Clinical and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Packaging and labeling play a crucial role awhile protecting medicaments and transmitting a range of crucial information to the users. Taking into account the scarcity of specific studies in this area, it was considered great the need for a comprehensive survey about customers' satisfaction when handling these containers.  相似文献   

This article discusses the life course perspective on drug use, including conceptual and analytic issues involved in developing the life course framework to explain how drug use trajectories develop during an individual's lifetime and how this knowledge can guide new research and approaches to management of drug dependence. Central concepts include trajectories marked by transitions and social capital and turning points influencing changes. The life course perspective offers an organizing framework for classifying varying drug use trajectories, identifying critical events and factors contributing to the persistence or change in drug use, analytically ordering events that occur during the life span, and determining contributory relationships.  相似文献   

Risk factors for drug use in rural adolescents.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study tested the relevance of a risk factor model for predicting drug use among rural adolescents. A questionnaire battery assessing drug use and the presence/absence of twenty risk factors derived from a previous study of urban adolescents was administered to a sample of seventh graders (N = 235) in the public school system of a rural community. All but one of these risk factors were found to be significantly related to at least one category of drug use. In addition, a risk factor index based on a subset of ten risk factors was significantly associated with the prevalence and frequency of use for cigarettes, beer and wine, hard liquor, marijuana, and other drugs. These findings support the generalizability of a risk factor approach to predicting drug use, and underscore the need for increased prevention and research efforts directed at rural adolescents.  相似文献   

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