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School-based cigarette smoking prevention was initiated shortly after the first Surgeon General's Report in 1964. This article highlights a sequence of events by which school-based tobacco use prevention research developed as a science, and illustrates a pendulum effect, with confidence in tobacco use prevention increasing and decreasing at/different points in time. Suggestions are offered to advance school-based smoking prevention research.  相似文献   

Using data from a study on courtship through personal advertisements, I argue that Kai Erikson's classic case against disguised observation is flawed. Certain kinds of deception are necessary to gather certain data in certain settings. I placed bogus ads in a personal column to obtain and analyze responses. The data would have remained inaccessible—indeed, many of the responses would not have existed in the first place—without some measure of deception. While deception was used, no risk whatsoever was posed to respondents. I further argue that several of Erikson's criteria of risk do not separate ethical from empirical questions; informants use very different criteria in evaluating the risk of harm to them posed by social research that sociologists use. The question of exploitation is more complex, since it has to be weighed against how much of an effort my respondents made and hence, what it is exactly that I took from them. A “panel of judges” decided that most of my male (but not my female) respondents would not have gotten dates with my hypothetical ad placers, and that the research method I used was not especially unethical.  相似文献   

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, face masks were mandatory in many public spaces around the world. Since faces are the gateway to early social cognition, this raised major concerns about the effect face masks may have on infants' attention to faces as well as on their language and social development. The goal of the present study was to assess how face masks modulate infants' attention to faces over the course of the first year of life. We measured 3, 6, 9, and 12-month-olds’ looking behavior using a paired visual preference paradigm under two experimental conditions. First, we tested infants' preference for upright masked or unmasked faces of the same female individual. We found that regardless of age, infants looked equally long at the masked and unmasked faces. Second, we compared infants' attention to an upright masked versus an inverted masked face. Three- and 6-month-olds looked equally long to the masked faces when they were upright or inverted. However, 9- and 12-month-old infants showed a novelty preference for the inverted masked face. Our findings suggest that more experience with faces, including masked faces, leads to efficient adaptations of infants' visual system for processing impoverished social stimuli, such as partially occluded faces.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》2005,27(3):231-247
This paper investigates the stability of egocentric informal conversational networks in rural Malawi by analyzing reinterview data collected by a longitudinal survey. Contrary to the findings of test–retest studies carried out in developed countries, in rural Malawi geographically and socially close networks are found to exhibit a low level of stability even over short periods of time. This is mainly attributed to the specific structure of the networks considered, and it is therefore recommended that the importance of measurement bias should not be overemphasized. It is also found that, despite the significant changes in the named partners, network size and reported actions of network partners are quite stable, thus suggesting a negligible impact of network instability for further analyses of these data.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2005,21(3):297-312
The Dutch countryside forms the scene for pressing problems of management and allocation of land and water. These problems underscore the need for comprehensive rural policies. For that purpose, area-based rural policy has been initiated. This new policy is part of a larger policy shift, labelled in literature as ‘new rural governance’. Area-based rural policy co-ordinates the different interests of stakeholders and establishes consensus-based solutions. In this article we question this claim. We analyse the conflicts, rationalities and interests within a Dutch rural planning project. This project displays a power struggle in which actors try to (de)construct legitimacy. This observation contrasts sharply with the consensual rationality on which area-based policies are founded. Therefore, we conclude that a tension exists between ‘what should be done’ and ‘what is actually done’ in Dutch rural policy. Area-based policy does not guarantee the establishment of consensus among rural stakeholders. Therefore, Dutch area-based policies need to be contextualised to purposefully address spatial rural problems.  相似文献   

This study examines how two aspects of formalization of grievance procedures affect grievance procedure effectiveness: written versus oral presentation of grievance and the level of union and management authorized to resolve grievances at the first step. Several demographic variables were controlled for: size of bargaining unit, percentage of organization represented, number of grievances filed, and industry. A sample of 46 firms, representing a broad cross-section of unionized companies in the private sector, was obtained with the help of the American Arbitration Association. Results indicate that more formal grievance procedures (e.g., written presentation) are positively related to resolution rates at the first step. The number of grievances field and the size of the bargaining unit were positively related to total resolution rates prior to arbitration. We thank the American Arbitration Association for making this study possible.  相似文献   

The Survey and Statistical Analysis section (SSA) of the U.S. Senate Computer Center is analyzed as a case study of a unit that provides information to the U.S. Congress. Most information processed by the SSA is either gathered or analyzed using sociological research methods. This article discusses the activities of the SSA, uses of SSA information by the Senate, certain special issues affecting policy research for the Senate (the adversarial nature of the Senate, the unsuitability of Neyman-Pearson hypothesis testing, and the ethics of participating in the misinterpretation of data), and the place of sociology in the activities of the SSA. Some attention is given to the skills that are utilized by the SSA in conducting its research. His experience in Washington at the National Science Foundation as well as the U.S. Senate is enriching Buffalo State College’s new program in applied sociology.  相似文献   

This case study of the Improved Correctional Field Services Project describes the pre-implementation history of an action research project—in this case a project to improve probation services. That history encompasses a period of about five years (1974–1978). ICFS represented a major initiative in probation programming by the now defunct Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. It was intended to be a test of some of the principle ideas for making probation more effective. Its history illustrates the pitfalls that may confront a program developer and evaluator. Further, it illustrates how concepts and objectives can change within the life-time of a given project.  相似文献   

In 1989–90 a regressive local tax, the Community Charge or poll tax as it became known, was introduced by the Conservative government. Its implementation was met by widespread sometimes violent protest, and a systematic campaign of non-payment. In response the tax was replaced by the more progressive Council Tax. This paper considers the nature of the anti-poll tax protest. Its social base, forms of organisation and tactics are considered in relation to theoretical debates about new social movements and poor people's movements.  相似文献   

This study explores factors related to drug-exposed infants' case substantiation and subsequent child maltreatment. Child protective services computerized administrative data (from January 1998 to October 2001) were obtained from an urban Nevada county. The data included 457 drug-exposed infant cases. Chi-square, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and logistic regression were used to analyze the data. Results indicate that: (1) drug-exposed infant case substantiation was related to the type of drug exposure and the unit to which the case was assigned, but not to the mother's ethnicity; and (2) subsequent maltreatment among drug-exposed infants was related to the mother's age and prior parental alcohol abuse, but not to the type of drug exposure, nor to the initial drug-exposed infant status of case substantiation. Implications for child welfare practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Childhood and youth studies have seen the development of a range of innovative research methods over the past two decades. However, many studies have focused on the ideals of empowerment and ‘giving voice’ rather than developing understandings of the nuanced and complex experiences of children and youth. This paper argues that the development of an insightful sociology of childhood and youth necessitates an understanding of complex, fluid, and often political, processes of youth experience. It argues that the use of research methods characterized by a variety of power dynamics can generate situated knowledges of youth experience. Ongoing reflexive analysis of researcher and participant positionality in research encounters is posited as affording insightful and in-depth research perspectives. This is illustrated through discussion of qualitative research carried out with Muslim teens in the west of Ireland which involved the use of focus groups, visual narratives and an online blog site.  相似文献   

Refining Participatory Research with the methodology of Community Oriented Primary Care (COPC), sociologists, medical providers and other “professionals” were able to assist the people of a small, rural county in western Appalachian North Carolina create a “community health consortium.” The consortium grew out of a research process funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, which included some 40 interviews with community groups that articulated health problems and barriers to health care. The consortium then undertook action projects, which in turn enhanced networking between community groups and agencies while reducing mistrust between them. The consortium empowered people to articulate their realities, needs and became a force for change able to make demands on political office holders and decision makers. Despite its democratic origins and ideology, the consortium needs to do more to extend its outreach to include the marginal and disenfranchised.  相似文献   


In recent years, the Australian government has encouraged open access to administrative data, providing new opportunities for examining life course pathways and evaluating social policies. This paper demonstrates the importance of establishing partnerships in the use of administrative data for social research. In collaboration with the data custodian, we used administrative welfare data to investigate a policy-relevant topic: the association between income support receipt and relationship separation. Our results provided greater statistical power for detecting associations for minority groups than is possible with panel survey data, highlighting the benefits of administrative data for understanding the outcomes of population groups that are not well represented in surveys. The collaboration between university researchers and data custodians was critical to enable appropriate sharing of data for research and for accurate interpretation of the data and outcomes for relevance to policy.  相似文献   

This paper examines how public employee unions influence the allocation of public sector jobs. The empirical results indicate that vote maximizing public officials’ employment decisions are influenced by the political clout of highly-unionized employees. The political clout of public-sector unions influences the functional distribution of public-sector jobs by increasing demand for the relatively more organized functions. These results suggest that consideration should be given to the growth of public sector collective bargaining in the allocation of public sector resources. The author wishes to acknowledge the helpful suggestions of Bernard Lentz.  相似文献   

Mobile phone apps have become ubiquitous in health, but they often fail to demonstrate effectiveness in achieving behavior outcomes among intended users. A failure to conduct formative research on app content or functions may contribute to some of this shortfall. We describe simple research procedures we followed when building a nutrition app for low-income household cooks. Our studies improved the placement and design of key screen controls, helped select and guide an illustrator who created graphic support for textual content, and tested whether adding secondary users to the primary audience would attract additional app use.Whether because of these preliminary tests, or for other reasons, our app has generated heavy use by its intended market and has demonstrated desired effects on client behavior. We offer our experiences in formative evaluation as potential tools for other app developers to adapt to their circumstances.  相似文献   

Psychological researchers have become increasingly concerned with generalized accounts of human behavior based on narrow participant representation. This concern is particularly germane to infant research as findings from infant studies are often invoked to theorize broadly about the origins of human behavior. In this article, we examined participant diversity and representation in research published on infant development in four journals over the past decade. Sociodemographic data were coded for all articles reporting infant data published in Child Development, Developmental Science, Developmental Psychology, and Infancy between 2011 and 2022. Analyses of 1682 empirical articles, sampling approximately 1 million participants, revealed consistent under-reporting of sociodemographic information. For studies that reported sociodemographic characteristics, there was an unwavering skew toward White infants from North America/Western Europe. To address a lack of diversity in infant studies and its scientific impact, a set of principles and practices are proposed to advance toward a more globally representative science.  相似文献   

Transition in practice means that diverse organizations – from private foundations to citizen-led movements for “cities in transition” – are experiencing ways to bring about sustainable transitions at the system level. While academic thinking on sustainability transitions can efficiently inform transition in practice, these organizations' initiatives can enrich the analytic understanding of transitions. It is this mutually beneficial trade-off that became the purpose of the action research project with the French private foundation Fondaterra, and which led to the drafting of Fondaterra's own model in piloting eco-innovations towards transition. This paper outlines the main features of the Fondaterra model: the territorial perspective, the idea of piloting change, espousing prospective visions, creating new chains of value, implementing demonstrators and monitoring. The comparison of this model with the transition management model suggests that the latter may resonate with other intervention methodologies that have been developed with strong concern for governance strategies, and that many configurations of transition in practice led by intermediary organizations could achieve tangible results in triggering transitions.  相似文献   

In 2010 15.2% of the work force in the Netherlands works with a computer at another location than at the office or at the clients' location. 27% of the Dutch working population is not satisfied about the possibility to work at home and 18% is not satisfied on the possibility to plan your own working time. The case control study affirms what has been reported as effects of new ways of work: the experienced productivity by communication and the representativeness of the office interior are improved and attention is needed for workers that need concentration space and need to personalize their work environment. In implementing new ways of work these issues need attention.  相似文献   

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