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女性饰品世界从来就是五彩缤纷的繁华之地,从仿古艺术风格到新时代的摩登设计,琳琅满目,绚丽多姿。如果说,衣着服装是女性人体美的外在包装,各类饰品则是点缀在服饰庄园里璀璨夺目的明珠。现代女性,每一个人所扮演的角角各不相同,对饰品的需求也不尽相同,不同的身...  相似文献   

巧除车身不干胶贴为了使自己爱车更具个性,很多车主都会选择在自己爱车漆面上贴些东西,随之留下的是很难去除的不干胶贴以及透明胶残留物,尤其是年审车过后贴在风挡玻璃上的各种证以及自己贴上去的车贴,而撕下来以后残余的胶更是影响车身美观,怎么办呢?红谷滩区的邓女士向我们介绍了如何轻松去除不干胶贴的妙招。这个妙招就是用风油精。在想要祛除的不干胶贴上面厚厚地涂上一层风油精,让风油精浸透不干胶贴,稍等一会儿,用干布用力擦拭,就会发现不干胶贴很容易就脱落了,而且还没有痕迹。  相似文献   

在感情上受过伤的女性总是抱怨命运的不公和男人的不忠,其实男人就是一部车,你不但要会开,还要会修。在很多情况下,女性只须针对自己男友或丈夫的弱点,“对症下药”,便可使自己在感情生活中立于不败之地。做爱情中的最佳女主角,从现在开始!  相似文献   

都已经成为大人的你,是不是还保留着卡通情结?如果在香车里恰到好处地点缀些卡通饰品,原本硬朗的车瞬间也会变得可爱起来了。  相似文献   

我从小就爱车,在新西兰留学两年后,我终于拿到了当地驾照,并利用放署假的机会,到一家五星级酒店当泊车BOY。短短3个月内,我开遍了几十款世界名车,过足了车瘾,可这毕竟不是一份能够长久干下去的、可以提高和锻炼我能力的工作,于是3个月后,我开始偷偷地寻找与车有关的新的工作机会。  相似文献   

爱车显示主人个性法国心理学家指出了一条基本规律:车身颜色较不起眼,说明车主多半是循规蹈矩、工作干劲十足的人;相反选择亮丽颜色的人,多半乐得享受眼前生活。而具体说来,以下8种常见的车色又能反映车  相似文献   

在埃及的任何大城市,都能找到金银珠宝饰品街,橱窗里金银法璨,珠光宝气,店堂后面或一侧是饰品加工场.据统计,埃及现有金银珠宝商店约4200余家,拥有黄金70吨.埃及政府对金银珠宝饰品市场的监管一直很严.“金银珠宝饰品印记局”是埃及金饰品市场唯一的权威监督机构,其主要职责是审核金、银、铂制品的成色,鉴定饰品印记,限定消费者的税额.正常情况下,全银珠宝饰品的最高税额为每公斤200埃镑.金银珠宝饰品印记局的监督范围还包括:检查与分析上市流通的金属饰品,取缔伪劣假冒饰品,打击投机倒卖活动,确保金饰品质量.埃及规范金银饰品业的第一部法律于1847年7月颁布,不过,未能严格执行,那时候的商家可以自己决定执行与否,随着经营全  相似文献   

自己做粘土饰品,搓搓涂涂好有趣哟!  相似文献   

车主们在驾驶爱车出行时,回到家时,都要面临将自己爱车停放的情况,那么关于停车位的保管或租赁的争议问题也走入了大众的视野之中。关于这些问题的讨论都是极富意义的。因为,这关系到当人民大众的权益受到损害时,向谁要求维权,怎样维权的问题。本文将针对上述问题展开论述。  相似文献   

黄鹂 《女性大世界》2006,(11):160-160
相信每一位驾驶者都贪恋速度带来的快感,女人也不例外。驾驶着自己的爱车“漂移”在无人的公路上,悦耳的音乐在耳边响起.还有什么比这更能让我们感到酣畅淋漓的吗?即使你不是专业赛车手,也可以在深秋的季节,开着你的爱车.去云淡风清的郊外,感受一次呼吸加速度,体验一下驾驶极限的冒险乐趣。  相似文献   

This article examines changing romantic relationships in contemporary Japanese society. It specifically investigates whether Japanese people in their twenties and thirties have become asexual; that is, whether they tend to have few sexual experiences or interests. Data were collected through an internet survey; this article uses a subsample of 9,940 respondents. The dependent variables were the number of lovers respondents had during and after junior high school; the independent variable was the respondents’ age. Regression analyses found a clear trend toward asexual behavior among young men (in their twenties and thirties). However, young women are not as asexual as the previous generation. This asexualization of men may have contributed to Japan’s sharply declining marriage and birth rates. If so, other Asian societies may learn lessons from Japan’s experiences in the future.  相似文献   

Clinicians and laypeople alike have assumed that lesbian identity is a unitary phenomenon, a central component of which included involved in a romantic or sexual relationship with another women. This paper is an empirical examination of the ways in which lesbian women construct their identities and the role of relationships in lesbian identity construction. Based on a sample of 94 lesbian and bisexual women, three identity accounts, or the meanings that women attach to their lesbian identity, are described. The first emphasized the public, political meanings of lesbian identity; the second emphasized the importance of social and romantic relationships with other women; and the third emphasized bisexuality and relationships with men. A Final section discusses practical implications of the diversity of lesbian identities.  相似文献   

Flowery women and the world is picturesque. The beautiful of women decorate the world and make the world become nice. However, the woman always be considered as the accessory of the man and the status of women cannot compare with men. There are variance cultures in different countries, and they make different influences to people's idea. This paper will analyze American female's view of love through two modes of America marriage family and two typical characteristics of American women. In America, parents always teaching their children try to make friends with the opposite sex when those children were young. Make children touch love very early is for that they can understand what love is and how to see it more clearly. So most American could keep calm when their love appear problems.  相似文献   

Data from a set of middle-aged working men and women from the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill metropolitan area are used to explore three different ways that individuals organize their self-concepts and infuse personal significance into their roles. Five sets of findings include the following: (1) both men and women identify many of their roles as personally significant, especially work and family roles; (2) men tend to attribute more importance and centrality to the role of worker than do women, while women tend to assign greater importance and centrality to most other roles; (3) different combinations of importance, centrality, and balance influence worker, spouse, and parent role satisfaction and identity meanings; (4) worker role centrality tends to have negative effects on spouse and parent role satisfaction and identity meanings; and (5) worker role importance and spouse centrality have a positive influence on self-esteem while worker centrality has a negative impact on self-esteem. The findings suggest that importance, centrality, and balance appear to be independent dimensions of personal significance that individuals ascribe to their roles.  相似文献   

Using a theoretical model we analyzed the decision of men and women to acquire human capital in the form of extra education. We found that women tend to seek higher levels of education than men in an attempt to reduce the wage gap between themselves and their male peers. We also showed that for women with strong abilities, this strategy is an effective one.  相似文献   

对于新世纪的时尚妈咪们来讲,有了孩子不是快乐生活的结束,而是时尚生活的开始。  相似文献   

Structural and ideational theories are adapted to explore the influence of women's resources and ideational exposures on their family power and gender preferences in Minya, Egypt. Data from a household survey of 2,226 married women aged 15–54 years show that residence with marital kin decreases women's family power. Women in endogamous marriages have greater family power than women in nonendogamous marriages but still tend to prefer sons. Educated women report weaker son preference and greater influence in decisions but still tend to prefer sons. The positive association of women's education, paid work, and urban residence with a variable measuring girl or equal preference and family power suggests that selected resources and ideational exposures may improve girls’ well‐being in Minya.  相似文献   

Based on the literature on divorce, this paper explores the distinct ways in which men mourn the losses inherent in the breakup of a marriage. It argues that men have a distinct way of mourning that differs from that of women. They start the mourning process later than women, mourn the loss of their home and children more than the loss of their wives, and tend to express their mourning through actions rather than in words or obvious emotional manifestations of grief. The paper considers possible reasons for these behaviors and their implications for practitioners.  相似文献   

Masochism, an enigmatic concept and clinical entity, has long posed one of the most difficult therapeutic challenges. Clinical observation supports the view that both men and women can exhibit masochistic traits. However, by virtue of their gender specific developmental paths, men and women may differ in their respective masochistic manifestations. Female patients often report a tendency to inhibit aggression which can lead to its somatic expression. Women also tend to be more prone to certain types of self-defeating behaviors and affective states, such as eating disorders, depression, and victimization. Factors contributing to the development of masochism in women include the influence of pre-oedipal and oedipal relations with the parents, narcissistic needs, and the internalization of societal attitudes toward women.  相似文献   

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