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汽车产业是国民经济的主导和支柱产业之一,汽车质量安全问题备受关注。现有研究主要探索汽车质量的召回制度、召回产生的影响以及缺陷产品的发现,未发现从大规模质量缺陷的文本中挖掘汽车召回主题并指导实践的研究。本文从消费者投诉和汽车召回两个角度研究合资背景下汽车质量差异及不同汽车品牌在汽车质量各个维度的优劣势。本研究使用潜在狄利克雷分配(latent Dirichlet allocation, LDA)模型对汽车召回文本进行分析,由于消费者投诉文本呈现出较强的序贯相关性,本文基于序贯潜在狄利克雷分配(sequential latent Dirichlet allocation, SeqLDA)模型研究该类文本。考虑到SeqLDA具有较多影响拟合效果的输入参数,本研究提出随机Kriging(SK)和SeqLDA相结合的主题优化模型(SK-SeqLDA)对消费者投诉文本进行分析。研究结果表明:LDA适合于汽车召回文本,而SeqLDA适合于消费者投诉文本,SK-SeqLDA能较大幅度地增强序贯主题模型的拟合效果。另外,消费者投诉中多个主题涉及车身附件及内饰,汽车召回中多个主题涉及制动问题;进口汽车品牌...  相似文献   

传统的模型驱动的决策范式正在演变成大数据驱动的决策新范式,国家自然科学基金委员会于2015年启动了“大数据驱动的管理与决策研究”重大研究计划,以推动我国管理学领域大数据的基础研究.本文以重大研究计划资助的114个项目的文本信息,及2012年~2019年在51种管理类重要国际期刊上发表的近6000篇论文为基础,利用文本挖掘与文献计量方法,从词粒度和主题粒度展开比较分析,并对部分以大数据作为关键词的文献按研究方向进行分类分析.对比分析结果清晰地呈现出大数据驱动的研究在管理学领域的研究态势和创新脉络;剖析国内学者与国际领域主流关注的焦点与异同;揭示出大数据驱动的管理与决策方向上研究热点及其演化趋势,以及未来值得深入研究的一些科学问题.  相似文献   

伍之昂  赵新元  黄宾  吴刚 《管理科学》2021,24(6):117-126
传统的模型驱动的决策范式正在演变成大数据驱动的决策新范式,国家自然科学基金委员会于2015年启动了“大数据驱动的管理与决策研究”重大研究计划,以推动我国管理学领域大数据的基础研究.本文以重大研究计划资助的14个项目的文本信息,及2012年~2019年在51种管理类重要国际期刊上发表的近6000篇论文为基础,利用文本挖掘与文献计量方法,从词粒度和主题粒度展开比较分析,并对部分以大数据作为关键词的文献按研究方向进行分类分析.对比分析结果清晰地呈现出大数据驱动的研究在管理学领域的研究态势和创新脉络;剖析国内学者与国际领域主流关注的焦点与异同;揭示出大数据驱动的管理与决策方向上研究热点及其演化趋势,以及未来值得深入研究的一些科学问题.  相似文献   

本论文研究智能招投标系统中针对供应商投标PDF电子文档的信息提取技术。研究内容包括PDF文本信息提取和表格提取中的表格结构还原和数据对齐问题。通过设计并实现相关功能和算法,包括软件架构、内容解析器类算法、文本提取模型和表格提取模型,实现了自动识别和提取关键信息并保存到数据库中。此外,将OCR技术与信息提取技术相结合,解决了扫描PDF文件的识别和提取问题,提高了文本和表格信息的完整性和准确性。本论文的研究成果对于存档历史投标文件的快速处理和专家评标过程中的信息提取具有重要意义,为智能招投标系统的进一步发展提供了支持。  相似文献   

和谐主题与和谐机制一致性关系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
和谐主题、和则、谐则是和谐管理理论的三个基本概念和构成要素.在变动环境中,围绕和谐主题的和则、谐则机制互动耦合、螺旋推进是和谐管理理论倡导的问题解决思路.本研究从和谐管理理论的三个基本假定出发,考察了和谐主题与和则、谐则机制及其绩效表现之间的关系,并通过来自112家企业数据的经验研究,验证了和谐主题与和谐机制之间存在着一致性匹配关系,而且这种匹配关系对绩效也有显著的影响.这一结论为和谐管理理论的深入研究奠定了基础,也为复杂多变环境下的管理问题求解提供了一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

和谐管理理论的数理表述及主要科学问题   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
席酉民  唐方成 《管理学报》2005,2(3):268-276
力图从基本假定到命题,对和谐管理理论给出一个量化分析框架,并对进一步的发展方向作出预示和展望.首先,通过总结已有的研究工作,界定了和谐这一基本的概念;然后,从企业家对和谐主题的搜索入手,根据企业战略实施的阶段性工作中面临的问题和任务,提炼并给出了辨析和谐主题的方法;最后,通过分析和则、谐则、和谐主题及其与组织、环境、领导和战略之间的一致性关系和动力学机制,得到了和谐管理理论发展和应用需要解决的几个基本问题.  相似文献   

本文研究管理者出于自利动机的年报文本信息复杂性披露策略。研究发现,相比于业绩较好公司,业绩较差公司年报文本信息的复杂性更高,且上述关系在盈余管理空间小、管理层持股比例大、两职合一和法律风险低的公司中更为显著;进一步地,年报文本信息复杂性越高,管理者获得的超额薪酬越高;相比业绩较好公司,业绩较差公司年报文本信息复杂性的短期、长期市场反应更积极。研究表明,出于自利动机,管理者会操纵年报文本信息复杂性;文本信息复杂性操纵对数字信息操纵有替代作用,且管理层持股及公司内、外部治理均会影响文本信息复杂性操纵;通过操纵年报文本信息复杂性,管理者能够获取更高超额薪酬,并提高公司市场估值。本文首次基于中文年报文本信息大样本分析,为已有文本信息复杂性披露策略研究提供了实证证据,验证了数字信息和文本信息操纵手段间的替代效应,拓展了机会主义披露研究。本文的研究结论对于完善公司年报文本信息披露监管法规具有重要启示。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术和应用的发展,越来越多的技术转移平台与互联网结合起来。由于线上技术转移平台的技术转移效率会影响科技成果转化的结果,使之成为学者和业界人士越来越关注的研究问题。 从网络平台的特点出发,选取技术供需文本匹配为指标,分析在线技术转移平台的效率问题。运用文本表示模型和相似度计算模型,以2013年至2015年中国技术交易信息服务平台的技术供需文本为样本,计算并评价技术供需文本匹配和语言差异。 研究结果表明,网络平台的供需文本匹配度较低,技术供需双方存在显著的语言差异,且语言差异与供需文本匹配存在显著的负相关关系。进一步分析显示,技术需求文本是造成供需语言差异的主要原因,大量的非技术信息削弱了文本内容的有效性。为提升在线技术转移平台效率,提出技术供需文本自动提纯和供需自动匹配优化方案,能够显著提升技术供需文本匹配的效率并降低语言差异。 研究结果为评价在线技术转移平台的效率提供了新的视角,有助于提升在线技术转移平台的转移效率,从而促进科技成果的转化。研究提出的优化方案对平台网站的管理实践有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

针对企业目前所面临的战略规划与执行难以统一的现实情况,提出在组织管理领域中愿景、战略与和谐主题中任何单一的概念,都无法圆满解决这一现实问题,因而需要澄清现有概念间的联系.本研究从三个概念的内容、作用、环境依赖性更迭特性和可替代性几个方面展开深入分析,提出三者并非截然分开或相互对立的,为了更好地指导管理实践有必要把它们整合在一个分析框架之中,并提出了愿景、战略与和谐主题的相互关系模型.文中最后还运用案例研究分析了一家集团公司发展历程,论证本文所提出的概念模型.  相似文献   

本文运用文本挖掘技术,对2008-2018年1297家上市公司年报的管理层讨论与分析(MD&A)进行文本分析。从文本质量特征、文本词汇特征和文本语调特征等角度量化计算文本相似度、文本情感值、文本可读性三个维度文本披露指标,采用Logistic模型、决策树模型、支持向量机和神经网络模型四种方法构建上市公司信用风险预警模型,实证检验加入MD&A文本信息披露指标后信用风险预警模型的预测能力。实证结果表明:(1)在加入文本信息披露指标后,信用风险预警模型的预测准确度得到显著提升,多维度文本信息披露指标比单维度文本信息披露指标对信用风险预警模型预测准确度提升效果更优;(2)Logistic回归模型的预测准确度在样本数量较低时要优于决策树、支持向量机与神经网络,随着样本数量的增加,支持向量机和神经网络的预测准确度会明显提升;(3)不同特征的文本信息内容与企业是否发生信用风险均显著相关。本文的研究结论为提高信用风险预警的预测准确性提供了方法和经验证据,对于投资者与相关学者研究市场有效性提供新的研究视角。  相似文献   


This paper discusses some of the major factual results and discussions of the effects of implementation of a cellular manufacturing environment on the productivity of people, management and facilities, as was experienced in this study. It is suggested that significant improvements at very low costs are possible at managerial, and other work force levels, by introduction of appropriate production management systems. This is based on analysis of the changes in production costs and more importantly the behaviour of employees brought about by a first time implementation of cellular manufacturing in a company.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of why many U.S. companies have had major problems implementing “programmable automation” technologies in a manner to exploit their full potential. Many competitors in Japan and Europe have been much more successful. The theme of the paper is that the real impediment to the effective use of this new manufacturing hardware lies in some deeply entrenched attitudes and ways of doing things that are incompatible with the requirements and unique capabilities of the new hardware. Barriers to successful implementation are explored and implications for managerial practice are discussed.  相似文献   

在企业经营管理实践中,如何提高员工的工作满意度是企业激励员工、进行有效的人力资源管理、保证企业长远发展的关键问题。针对这一问题,本文在回顾和分析现有关于工作满意度理论和实践的基础上,利用和谐管理理论提供的复杂管理问题的解决之道,即主题导向下的双规则互动耦合思路对于解决该问题的有益启示和帮助,结合某设计院提高员工工作满意度的实践,从优化完善相关制度与机制、营造能充分发挥员工能动性的工作氛围,以及围绕提高工作满意度这一主题的整合三个方面形成有机系统,从而构建了基于和谐管理理论的提高工作满意度的管理体系,为这一问题的解决提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a grounded theory study on the development of strategic ideas in a multinational organization. By drawing on the rich data generated from this longitudinal in‐depth field study, this paper provides a theoretical framework for the development of strategic ideas. The theoretical framework developed offers an interesting and useful way of understanding and explaining the complex process of the early steps of the strategic decision process. This research illustrates the development of strategic ideas through strategic debate, the key theme that emerged from the study and the interaction of its four constituent themes: strategic warriors, patterns of interaction, strategic language and strategic syntheses. Drawing on the empirical findings, this study also discusses some implications for developing strategic ideas in managerial practice.  相似文献   

Variety management has emerged as a crucial dimension of successful business practice. In this paper, I first provide a framework for managerial decisions about variety. Variety‐creation decisions determine the amount, type, and timing of end‐product variety, while variety‐implementation decisions focus on the design and operation of internal processes and a supply chain to support a firm's variety‐creation strategy. I organize variety‐related decisions into four key decision themes in variety creation: 1) dimensions of variety, 2) product architecture, 3) degree of customization, and 4) timing; and three key decision themes in variety implementation: 1) process capabilities, 2) points of variegation, and 3) day‐to‐day decisions. I describe each theme and review the relevant literature on each theme, with a focus on research that provides insight to problems faced in practice. Finally, I identify untapped avenues for future research that would be of value to the practicing manager, paying special attention to interdependencies among decision themes.  相似文献   

Over two decades ago, William Ocasio introduced the attention-based view (ABV) of the firm with a powerful argument: firm-level behaviour is the result of the situated distribution and allocation of managerial attention, embedded in broader organizational structures and the environmental context. ABV-based research has received substantial and increasing scholarly attention, resulting in a complex and incoherent body of research. In order to address this issue, this paper takes stock of extant research on the ABV and consolidates key debates. Based on a systematic review of 173 articles, we synthesize existing research into a unifying framework. Drawing on this framework, we propose situated attention as a central theme for future research. We elaborate on four situational factors (materiality, social dynamics, temporality and what we call framing of the strategic setting), which may influence how actors’ attention is situated in the particular context.  相似文献   

Our study uses qualitative and interpretative design to analyse what hybrid nurse middle managers do in their managerial practice, what affects this, and to what effect, focusing upon implementing policy‐driven guidelines on the clinical frontline. Examining two comparative hospital cases and drawing upon Scandinavian institutionalism, we conceive their role as one of ‘translation’. On the one hand, they exhibit strategic agency. On the other hand, their managerial role not only influences, but is influenced by, professional and managerial hierarchies. In both hospitals, in the short term we see how hybrid nurse middle managers are able to mediate professional and managerial hierarchies and implement clinical guidelines through translational work. However, in one case, they less effectively accommodate policy‐driven, managerial pressure towards compliance with government regulations and financial parsimony. In this case, the outcome of their translational work is not sustained in the longer term, as professional and managerial hierarchies reassert themselves. Drawing upon the example of their managerial role in healthcare, we highlight that hybrid middle managers enact a strategic translational role and outline situational constraints that impact this more strategic role.  相似文献   

针对近年来我国上市公司管理者薪酬逐渐增长的现象,本文采用地区市场化程度和行业竞争这两个外部治理机制变量,检验了管理者权力理论对我国上市公司行业薪酬基准使用的解释力,研究结果表明:我国的上市公司在制定管理者薪酬契约时采用了行业薪酬基准,并由此导致了管理者薪酬的逐渐增长;而且对处于市场化程度较低地区以及被保护性行业的上市公司,外部治理机制的弱化增强了管理者对于薪酬契约的影响,因此,这些公司的管理者越可能因为公司采用行业薪酬基准而获得薪酬的增长;进一步地研究发现,与民营上市公司相比,由于国有上市公司的治理结构更为弱化,由此导致国有上市公司的管理者更可能通过采用行业薪酬基准来谋求薪酬的增长。本文的研究意义不仅在于支持了管理者权力理论对我国上市公司行业薪酬基准使用的解释力,而且对我国国有上市公司管理者薪酬增长更快的原因提供了一定的解释。  相似文献   


Although the relationship between critical success factors (CSFs) and project performance is established, evidence regarding the dependence on the context of CSFs is patchy. To advance this field, we conduct two complementary studies. Study 1 examines contingency theory regarding managerial CSFs using survey responses (N?=?211) of project management professionals from the United Kingdom. Using survey data from projects (N?=?336) in the United Kingdom, Study 2 examines the contextual dependence of managerial CSFs in a moderated-moderation, theoretical framework whereby project technological uncertainty moderates the relationship between managerial CSFs and project execution and efficiency, and in-group collectivism culture of the executing organisation moderates the effect of technological uncertainty. Results confirm that external and internal contexts influence managerial CSFs. Managerial CSFs have a greater than expected influence on project execution and efficiency. The positive effect of managerial CSFs is weaker when technological uncertainty is high. When technological uncertainty is high, the effect of managerial CSFs strengthens as levels of in-group collectivism culture increase. However, when technological uncertainty is low, the effect of managerial CSFs weakens as levels of in-group collectivism culture increase. We discuss the managerial and theoretical implications.  相似文献   

In this article, we respond at length to recent critiques of research on implicit bias, especially studies using the Implicit Association Test (IAT). Tetlock and Mitchell (2009) claim that “there is no evidence that the IAT reliably predicts class-wide discrimination on tangible outcomes in any setting,” accuse their colleagues of violating “the injunction to separate factual from value judgments,” adhering blindly to a “statist interventionist” ideology, and of conducting a witch-hunt against implicit racists, sexists, and others. These and other charges are specious. Far from making “extraordinary claims” that “require extraordinary evidence,” researchers have identified the existence and consequences of implicit bias through well-established methods based upon principles of cognitive psychology that have been developed in nearly a century's worth of work. We challenge the blanket skepticism and organizational complacency advocated by Tetlock and Mitchell and summarize 10 recent studies that no manager (or managerial researcher) should ignore. These studies reveal that students, nurses, doctors, police officers, employment recruiters, and many others exhibit implicit biases with respect to race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, social status, and other distinctions. Furthermore—and contrary to the emphatic assertions of the critics—participants’ implicit associations do predict socially and organizationally significant behaviors, including employment, medical, and voting decisions made by working adults.  相似文献   

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