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The family therapy field has witnessed a beneficial dedication to the study of the transmission of pathology (Mueller & Pope, 1977). Of late however, there is a concern that pathology has been overly stressed (Stachowiak, 1975). It is perhaps with this overemphasis in mind, and that the absence of pathology does not necessarily equal health (Kleiman, 1981), that researchers have recently pursued the study of family health (Olson, Russell & Sprenkle, 1983; Walsh, 1982). The concept of family health has particular significance when considering the family of origin. Bowen (1978) and Framo (1981), in particular, have described the transmission of pathology from one generation to the next. It is less clear, however, whether health follows a similar transmission process, although the notion seems appealingly logical. Anderson (1981) pointed to the dearth of investigations studying the consequences of health in the family of origin and offspring characteristics. This study addresses these concerns by investigating the extent to which subjects' rational thinking and perceptions of marriage are associated with their level of perceived health in their families of origin.  相似文献   

Wealth inequality, particularly in housing, has received increased attention in recent years for its importance to racial and ethnic stratification. Yet, while we know a fair amount about black-white wealth inequality, many questions remain regarding sources of Hispanic asset inequality. This article addresses this gap by examining racial and ethnic inequality in homeownership and housing equity among the pre-retirement population. Results support a stratification perspective of inequality for both blacks and Hispanics; even after accounting for numerous life-cycle, resource, and social-psychological considerations, blacks and Hispanics continue to lag significantly behind whites in housing wealth. While Hispanics initially appear better off than blacks with respect to housing, this is largely a function of their more favorable family structure. Important differences between blacks and Hispanics in the main contributors to housing inequality highlight the need to take a more multiethnic perspective on wealth stratification.  相似文献   

Cyberpunk's influence upon our understanding of the information revolution is indicated by the fact that its seminal novel, Neuromancer (Gibson 1984), is accredited with the coining of the now widespread non-fictional concept of cyberspace. Beyond providing this resonant concept, however,some of the genre's more recent work known as biopunk is shown to provide fresh insights into the cultural experience of a society increasingly transformed, not only by the extent of technological change in a new informational age, but also its unprecedented pace. This paper reviews cyberpunk to demonstrate the vivid ways in which it uses its fictional licence to catalogue and articulate imaginatively a profoundly ambivalent aspect of contemporary culture in the age of information. We find ourselves interacting more and more closely and rapidly with information, yet at the same time, we feel increasingly run down by the effort demanded of such close and rapid interaction: hence the title-phrases, informational intimacy and futuristic flu. Numerous examples are provided of cyberpunk'szeitgeist-capturing qualities in the face of a profound and rapid information-induced paradigm shift. A mismatch is shown to exist between the conceptual categories we have at our disposal and the qualitatively new scenarios created by the latest information technologies. This paper argues, however, that assuming one maintains a healthy sense of its various deliberate ironies, cyberpunk's fictional exaggerations are seen as potentially instructive elements for a society striving to avoid a bout of techno-influenza.  相似文献   

Visible expenditures which convey higher socioeconomic status may help individuals differentiate themselves in the marriage market when there is competition for partners and imperfect information. We examine a unique dataset of automobile purchasers in China to investigate the extent to which skewed sex ratios influence expenditure decisions for this highly visible commodity. Using a triple difference approach, we show that unmarried male consumers who face an unfavorable sex ratio purchase more expensive, luxury vehicles than their married peers. Lower income borrowers and those residing in regions with the worst sex ratios exhibit the largest relative degree of conspicuous consumption. In addition to the direct cost of consumption signaling, we demonstrate that this behavior generates negative externalities in the form of lower average fuel economy and higher average vehicle weight. As it has worsened sex ratios, status competition and the associated negative repercussions we identify represent unintended consequences of China's one child policy. (JEL O12, E21, J12)  相似文献   

The Present study investigated by effects of two sets of marital interventions taken from Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and Cognitive Marital Therapy (CMT) on level of marital intimacy, dyadic trust, and dyadic adjustment. It was hypothesized that both EFT and CMT would have a positive effect on levels of intimacy, trust, and adjustment as compared to a wait-list control group and that there would be a differential effect in favor of EFT as compared to CMT. Thirty-six couples free of marital distress and seeking to enhance theor intimate relationship were randomaly assigned to EFT, CMT, or a wai-list control group. Therapists' interventions were monitored and found to be faithfully implemented. Groups were equivalent on demographic variables and the quality of the therapeutic alliance. Both EFT and CMT group posttest means were found to be significantly higher than controls on the self-report measures of intimacy, Observational measures of intimacy revealed differential effects in favor of EFT as comopared to CMT at posttest. At a 10-week follow-up, EFT group means were significantly higher than CMT on self-reported intimacy and adjustment.  相似文献   

As frontline mental health care providers, social workers need to be prepared to confront and properly manage substance abuse issues in practice. This study examined predictors of recent master of social work (MSW) graduates' perceptions of preparedness to practice in the area of substance abuse. A cross-sectional design was used, and 232 recent MSW graduates completed a mail-in survey (65.7% response rate). Respondents were more likely to perceive themselves as prepared to work with substance abuse issues if they received more formal academic training in substance abuse and had higher knowledge of substance abuse concepts and models. The findings support the need to include substance abuse education in social work curricula.  相似文献   

The role of television in the increased candidate orientednessof voters in U.S. presidential elections was examined usingdata from eight National Election Studies conducted by the SurveyResearch Center at The University of Michigan. The importanceof candidate personal qualities and traits was estimated usingvoter responses to open-ended questions about the candidates.Candidate personal qualities became more important for televisiondependent voters during the 1960s, and in each post-1964 electionwere less important for voters who relied on newspapers thanfor those who relied on television. The differences did notappear to be a function of the higher level of education ofnewspaper readers.  相似文献   

The DSM has largely become the common language of behavioral health which its authors intended. Although family systems theory resulted in part from the study of major mental illness, it later became distanced from considerations of individual psychopathology. No studies have assessed current practices and views within the field of family therapy on teaching students the use of the DSM. Member training programs of the Education and Training Council of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy were surveyed regarding their practices in teaching the DSM. Seventy-nine of 177 surveys (45%) were returned. Ninety-one percent of these programs offered training in the DSM, and in 93% of those such training was mandatory. Written comments indicated that pragmatic concerns about students being able to speak a common language with other behavioral health providers were among the primary reasons for teaching the DSM.  相似文献   

Americans are spending 12-14% of their income on health care, and costs are rising about 11-12% per year. These increases are fueled by many social problems and are not limited strictly to health matters. Many alternatives have been examined to limit the rapidly increasing costs. The long-term results of these efforts are likely to be a reduction in health care benefits for many and the continued development of a two-tier system of health care. This article addresses the place of mental health care in general and marriage and family therapy in particular in the emerging system. Suggestions for training and practice for the new health care system are given.  相似文献   

This study examined gender and three aspects of marital intimacy using a method to establish both objective and subjective indices of intimacy. Fifty couples answered the Personal Assessment of Intimate Relationships (Schaefer & Olson, 1981) twice: once as a self-report and once to respond as they predicted their spouses would answer. Couples who were less accurate in predicting each other's responses also diverged in their experience of intimacy and reported lower intimacy. Results suggest that high intimacy is based on both understanding and similarity of intimate experience. Women reported significantly higher levels of intimacy and were also better than men in predicting their partners' feelings. These findings suggest that women may be more attuned to intimacy or that definitions and assessment of intimacy are gender biased or both.  相似文献   

Research results indicate that intimate contact can profoundly affect health and well-being. The capacity for intimacy, however, differs from person to person. Given its origin in the symbiotic phase of development and its being influenced by the separation-individuation process, the capacity for intimacy is subject to disruption by fear of object loss and fear of merger. In this article, I examine these and other fears as impediments to intimacy. Because of the affective engagement between patient and analyst, these impediments can best be studied, understood, and treated within the psychoanalytic relationship. This article is an expanded version of a paper presented as part of the “Love and Intimacy” panel at the conference of the National Membership Committee on Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work: “Psychoanalysis: Changing in a Changing World,” March 13, 2004.  相似文献   

The major clinical training experience for future psychologists is the one-year predoctoral internship. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of marriage and family therapy training available to predoctoral psychology interns. All identifiable internship programs were surveyed to determine training opportunities for doctoral psychology students interested in marriage and family therapy training. A questionnaire was developed and mailed to all predoctoral internshipslisted in the 1983–84 Internship Programs in Professional Psychology (IPPP) and 18 additional sites known to offer marriage and family therapy training. Results indicate that relatively few psychology internships offer substantial training in marriage and family therapy. A listing of internships offering significant levels of training was developed.  相似文献   

Although sociological research on family change has emphasized the importance of gender role attitudes for decades, relatively few empirical studies have demonstrated behavioral consequences of these attitudes. We formulate hypotheses predicting both an impact of gender role attitudes on early marriage behavior and a reciprocal impact of early marriage behavior on changes in gender role attitudes. We also investigate the role of cohabitation in these relationships. While previous research has found that women who believe that wives should be homemakers enter marriage more quickly, we find that under some conditions these attitudes delay marriage. We use multiwave panel data to show that the behavioral impact of gender role attitudes on early marriage depends on plans for attending school. Among young women who expect to complete a four-year college degree or more, believing that wives should be homemakers leads to lower rates of marriage; however, among young women with low educational expectations, believing that wives should be homemakers leads to higher rates of marriage. In addition, we show that experiencing a marriage in early adulthood leads to more agreement that wives should be homemakers.  相似文献   

Marriage role expectations of divorced men and women were compared to those of married men and women. Six dimensions of expectations were examined along the continuum of traditionalism versus equalitarianism in sex roles: (I) authority patterns. (2) household tasks, (3) childcare, (4) personal characteristics, (5) social participation, and (6) finances and employment. The data suggest that women, more than men, view marriage role responsibilities as evenly applying to both sexes. Divorce appears to have a liberalizing effect on men's perceptions of marriage roles, but divorced women express a significantly higher level of equalitarianism in their marriage role perceptions than any other comparison group. Differences in expectations regarding authority, finances, and employment appear to be broadened between men and women as a result of divorce.  相似文献   

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