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以独特的唱腔和火热的舞步著称的CoCo,自出道以来就保持着极高的注目度。不过,刚入演艺圈的她是一个从头圆到脚的baby size妹,如今的魔鬼身材,可是CoCo花了两年时间健身得来的呢!这种长时间塑身的毅力,也只有在摩羯女身上才能体现得淋漓尽致。摩羯宫赋予了李玟极其能影响他人的特质,这就是CoCo堪称万人迷的原因。她还将于2010年3月27日举办《CoCo李玟East to West世界巡回演唱会》,从中国台北小巨蛋出发,跨越整个世界,继续她的光彩照人之旅。  相似文献   

狮子座人有着天生的王者之风,威严、宽厚而且高傲。他们内心沸腾着强烈的激情,充满自信且奋不顾身,走到哪里都是引人注目的焦点。纵观王菲曲折的感情经历,不管是与窦唯短短三年的婚姻、轰动一时的"锋菲恋"还是现在与李亚鹏组成的家庭,她面对感情总是不顾一切,即使被现实弄得遍体鳞伤,也依旧主动而坚强。这就是狮子座的魅力,不管在哪里,都永远站在最耀眼的地方。  相似文献   

一项与海有关的运动形式,一次国家主义的盛会,一桢壮观的城市记忆——题记2500多年前,孔子对他的学生们说"道不行,乘桴浮于海"。圣人的意思是:如果我的理想不能实现,那么我就乘着竹排去扬帆远航。这是关于帆船运动的最早广  相似文献   

人虽然不在故乡,但每每接触柳城、龙城、营州之名,都让我心旌摇荡,神想往之,深情难耐。一当这里还叫柳城的时候,雄才大略的曹操就北征乌桓来此。那是建安十二年(207年)的秋七月,曹操率大军登上白狼山,以张辽为先  相似文献   

林群 《报林》2022,(2):15-16
一、什么是质量提高质量是学校发展的永恒主题,是学校的生命线,这是一个不争的事实。然而,什么是质量?不同的人有不同的回答。《福建省国家级示范性高中评估细则(试行)》中给出了明确的答案。不妨摘录如下:  相似文献   

The concept of resilience — strengths forged through adversity — offers a valuable framework for working with a broad diversity of clients and life challenges. Grounded in a developmental systemic perspective on vulnerability, risk, and resilience, the author has drawn together clinical and research advances to develop a useful practice framework to identify and facilitate key processes for individual and relational resilience. This paper will describe and illustrate this strengths‐oriented approach for healing, transformation, and growth out of crisis, trauma, and loss, with a focus on belief systems that foster resilience through meaning‐making, a positive outlook, and transcendence/spirituality.  相似文献   

A half century of intensive educational propaganda has finally had its fitting effect: astrological notions are being assimilated these days in our country with striking ease and moreover above all by educated, so to speak enlightened, people. It has become good tone to listen on every occasion to the forecasts of fashionable astrologers, to interview them, and to print computer horoscopes. The traditional skepticism of our scientists barely suffices them to keep their own scientific view of the world intact. But if any understanding is to be achieved about the phenomenon of the present-day astrological renaissance, it can only be done in connection with science. For over two thousand years, astrology has endeavored to become a respectable science, and for this reason alone, any analytical approach to astrological material must, in any event initially, regard this material as scientific.  相似文献   

TheCambrtheHistoryofChina,Volume7:TheMngWnasty,1368-1644,Part1(hereafterreferredtoasTheCambridgeMingHistory),editedbythewdll-knownexpertsinChinesehistoryFrederickW.MoteandDenisTwitchett,wastranslatedintoChineseandpublishedbytheChinesesoialSciencesPublishi…  相似文献   


Using data from two waves of a short-term longitudinal study, the influences of mothers’ social support with respect to parenting from nonresident fathers and significant others on behavioral outcomes among poor and near-poor preschool-aged Black children were examined. The sample consisted of 99 single Black mothers—each with a preschool-aged child (ages 3 and 5 years old, respectively, at Time 1 and Time 2)—who were current and former welfare recipients. Results revealed protective effects of nonresident fathers’ presence in the context of mothers’ parenting stress and depressive symptoms at Time 1 that appeared to operate through decreases in the negative influences of these variables on the children's development of behavior problems 1.5 to 2 years later. Greater availability of instrumental support from significant others, including nonresident fathers, was associated with more adequate parenting at Time 1, and through the latter, with fewer child behavior problems at Time 2. Implications of these findings for program and policy interventions are discussed. Nonresident fathers are described in the Appendix.  相似文献   

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