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How does the Chinese Government might attract more foreign expert talent toChina and how, mote generally, the Government might deepen, extend, and refine its use of foreign experts to further help Chin...  相似文献   

To attract outstanding graduates,China’s second-tier cities including Xi’an,capital city of Northwest China’s Shaanxi Province and Chengdu,capital city of Southwest China’s Sichuan Province,have stepped up efforts to lure more foreign talents with incentives and foreigner-friendly services.  相似文献   

On the eve of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the State Council and the State Bureau of Foreign Experts help a series of activities to acknowledge and thank the foreign experts for their outstanding contributions to China's socialist revolution and constrction. The events began on September 23 when Vice Premier Wu Xueqian awarded 29 senior foreign experts certificaties of honour signed by Premier Li Peng. Then, on the moring of  相似文献   

, 《国际人才交流》2013,(1):66-67
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Wednesday used his first meeting with foreign guests since his election to stress China’s commitment to peaceful development and opening-up policy.  相似文献   

Ravi Shankar Narasimhan,executive editor of China Daily's overseas editions,was one of 70-plus foreign experts invited to the Great Hall of the People on January 21 for a symposium and a Chinese New Year dinner with Premier Li Keqiang and senior State leaders.  相似文献   

I'm Ravi Shankar from India and I have been with China Daily for more than a decade; l'm currently executive editor of Overseas Editions. An American professor friend insists that only two things have shaped the world since the 1990s: the Internet; and the amazing growth of China. It is an enriching experience to be here at such a time and enjoy every moment of it. It has been a profound and rewarding journey for me in telling the China story around the world. We write on the real China and the Chinese -- the very people that embody the Chinese Drearn (zhongguo meng). China Daily is very much a part of communicating that China Dream, not just to those in China, but to people across the globe.  相似文献   

I am Richard Peto from University of Oxford, UK. I am honored to receive the prestigious Chinese Government Friendship Award. Ever since my early visits to China I have had the privilege of working closely with many distinguished medical scientists in China. This has been an exciting chapter in my academic life. My first visit to China was over 30 years ago, as economic reforms and the open door policy were just beginning. Beijing then was very different; streets were full of bicycles rather than cars, there were piles of winter  相似文献   

Ten Chinese cities loved by expats for their charm and eight more noted as potential challengers to the top ten.Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Kunming,Hangzhou, Nanjing, Tianjin, Xiamen and Qingdao are the 10 most attractive Chinese cities for foreigners working in China, according to the results of "2012 Amazing China"election.  相似文献   

正On the 22nd of May at a Foreign Experts Symposium in Shanghai,it was a great honour for me as a foreigner,to present to President XI some of my observations on how to attract foreigners to contribute to China’s innovation ambitions.It is also my honour to consider myself as one of the foreign experts,which President called"private ambassadors"and members of the Chinese family.It is my privilege to answer to  相似文献   

China's economy is still growing and there are plenty of opportunities for the right person to move up from a basic English teaching job to something more professional and better paid. Many expats find they have trouble breaking through into the higher level positions. Most of the better teaching jobs or professional positions require a face-to-face or telephone interview.  相似文献   

Chongqing is famous for having three hot things:weather,food and women.And if those aren’t good enough reasons to visit China’s most over-looked city,this war-time capital has a lot more to offer.If you include the whole of the greater municipality,Chongqing is one of,  相似文献   

2016 Amazing China - The Most Attractive Chi-nese Cities for Foreigners election were released. 1701 foreign experts participated in a survey along with the election. The survey is mainly about expats' working and living environment in china . Why they come to china? What factors af-fect their choice in cities? Are they satisifed with their salary? We will disclose the details for you.  相似文献   

The Big Red Fish     
In the last decade, I had the opportunity to come across and hear about incredible stories of brave founders of Chinese families companies. These companies have become more and more important in the national economy and society. Accord-ing to recent statics, they are estimated to be more than 80% of Chinese non-public ownership companies, reaching 90% in Zhejiang province. Most of them can out-perform over the no family firms around the world as they have a longer term strategy and they desire to build business for the next gen-erations.  相似文献   

Shanghai tops list of desirability for expats for the fourth time straight Shanghai has for the fourth time topped the list of the 10 most attractive Chinese cities for expats,according to a survey conducted on foreign professionals living in China nationwide.The financial hub scored highest in the ranking’s four important indexes for foreigners to evaluate cities,namely policies for  相似文献   

China is a paradise for travelers where people travel vastly and frequently,be it for business trips or vacations.And it is explainable due to the country’s developed touristic sector,the low cost of travel,accessibility,bullet trains that now connect the majority of cities in China and awe-inspiring scenery.In addition,China’s convenient geographical position in SouthEast Asia makes it easy to travel to other budget-friendly and amazing countries like Thailand,Vietnam or South Korea.  相似文献   

With an emphasis on hiring the best Chinese and foreign shipbuilding talent,Hangzhou’s Sino-Eagle Yacht Co.,Ltd.has worked its way up to become the world’s leading yacht manufacturer.  相似文献   

In both China and the UK,there are strong and common strategic objectives related to the creation of excellence in engineering and technology.This applies to basic and translational research,industrial innovation and the production of high-quality graduates and technicians by means of education and skills training.Through engineering and technological R&D.  相似文献   

<正>I came to China in 2005 and I have been teach ing in Beijing at Min zu Un iversit y of China for the past sixteen years.While I have taught a number of courses during my years in China, as faras my teaching goes, I am probably best known for teaching Chinese universit y students to do public speaking and to tell the world about China in English. A common lesson I teach my students is that, whenever they can,  相似文献   

The Hangzhou International Alliance and the International Talent Club formed on Nov.2020 to attract more talents and further push the internationalization of Hangzhou.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 is a very severe problem and it is crucial to view the case in the serious light that it is in and not underestimate it.However,it is also important to not overestimate the situation.Food safety as a global and severe problem In our personal understanding the key issue is the safety of the food,more than the accusations pointed to a specific population or criticism against particular culinary habits.  相似文献   

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