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The corporate financial performance (CFP)–corporate social performance (CSP) relationship has been investigated many times over the past few decades, yet the notion of CSP has generally been understood to be a single, monolithic aspect of corporate strategy. This article examines the common CFP–CSP understanding in three distinct ways: (1) by extending the evaluation of CSP as a complex, multistakeholder notion; (2) by analyzing CSP's relationship with the firm's financial performance at a given point in time as a lead (independent) variable in the relationship and as a lag (dependent) variable in the relationship; and (3) for both positive and negative stakeholder relationships. The results indicate that the employee emerges as the stakeholder group most strongly linked to CFP, followed by the consumer stakeholder. The natural environment and the community stakeholder group are minimally associated with CFP. General support is found for a CFP–CSP relationship at a given point in time, with some support found for CSP as a lead (independent) variable. When used as a measure of financial performance, return on assets is more often correlated with CSP than is return on equity. These results and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

One of the characteristics of modern industrial development is the emergence of a new typology of accidents whose effects can be spread, in space as well as in time, well beyond the borders of the installations where they occur, sometimes impacting the local population and the environment in a catastrophic fashion. This is the result of a number of factors that have changed the risk profile of modern industrial activities. For a number of reasons, the developing countries have proved to be more vulnerable to industrial disasters. Three of the most catastrophic industrial accidents—Bhopal, San Juan de Ixhuatepec, and Cubatão—occurred in developing countries, claiming thousands of lives. During the 1970s and 1980s the higher degree of public visibility of industrial hazards as a result of serious accidents, led to the creation, especially in the more industrialized countries, of regulations for greater control over industrial activities, either by means of new laws or by updating existing legislation. Some of these regulations were designed to improve the response to accidents with potential impacts outside the industrial sites. This article attempts to describe the current status and identify the shortcomings of off‐site emergency planning for hazardous industrial areas in Brazil. The most important problems are the lack of specific legislation and the absence of awareness and active participation of public authorities. The experience of an off‐site emergency planning process for a Brazilian industrial area is presented. This experience illustrates how difficult it is to prepare and implement emergency planning processes in an industrializing country.  相似文献   

“携程旅行网”作为在线旅游服务业的代表引来了无数效仿者,但其成功地位始终未被撼动.在看似简单的商业模式背后蕴含的是难以模仿的价值共创与服务创新理念及能力,而网络环境下的价值共创与服务创新仍是一黑箱.本研究采用个案研究方法分析了携程的商业模式;并结合服务创新与价值共创理论,解析了网络环境下服务创新与价值共创的机制及要素,剖析了携程成功的奥秘,并进一步为服务型企业构建高效的服务价值网络提供了系统的范式,为其树立供应链管理战略提供了理论支持和政策建议.研究发现:①服务供应链上中下游间的两两互动及服务集成商的内外部整合是价值共创的重要组成,可分为三大模块十九个维度;②服务创新系统与价值共创系统是相互渗透紧密联系的整体,整个系统中必有一个扮演整合者角色的核心集成商存在;③价值共创过程中服务集成商与供应商的互动为服务创新创造了物质基础,服务集成商与顾客的互动为服务创新提供了动机和来源,而服务集成商内外部的整合则是服务创新产出的保障机制.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how planning experts understand the potential of integrating the concept of green infrastructure in planning practice in Germany. It develops a systematic approach for green infrastructure planning at the landscape scale. Research methods include a web-based survey among German planning experts and geographic information system analysis in the case study region of Hannover. Survey results suggest that the green infrastructure concept is not yet well known in planning practice, and that the potential benefits for planning lie primarily in communication purposes. An approach is developed here that sets priorities for green infrastructure development based on its potentials for creating synergies in the provision of ecosystem services.  相似文献   

民营企业普遍采用家族拥有的形式,家族在企业慈善捐赠中扮演非常重要的角色。本文基于全国私营企业调查数据,研究了家族涉入对企业慈善捐赠行为的影响,以及社会情感财富(传承意愿,包括企业主的交班意愿和子女的接班意愿)对这种影响的中介效应。结果显示,家族所有权比例、家族成员进入董事会和家族控制持续时间对企业慈善捐赠有显著正向影响,子女接班意愿对家族涉入与慈善捐赠间的正相关关系起到了部分中介作用。相比企业主的交班意愿,子女接班意愿对慈善捐赠的影响更大。研究表明家族涉入赋予的权力和保存社会情感财富的内在驱动力促使家族企业积极参与慈善捐赠。本研究具有较强的现实意义和理论价值。  相似文献   

从责任型领导的视角出发,采用案例研究方法探讨了责任型领导如何在考虑各利益相关者的不同需求的基础上,通过积极主动地履行各种社会责任,建立与各利益相关者之间互惠、互信的关系网络,从而形成社会资本,以促进公司的有序、稳定发展;最后,在案例研究的基础上,指出目前的责任型领导理论尚不能很好地解释一些客观现象,提出该理论的未来研究方向,以期对该理论的发展和完善起到一定促进作用.  相似文献   

成熟企业的公司创业活动作为中国转型期一个独特而普遍的现象,受到越来越多研究者的关注。面对快速变化的环境,企业如何在遏制核心能力快速丧失以防"崩盘"的同时,通过机会探索实现核心能力的更新?现有研究尚缺乏严谨的学术分析。本文通过海印商业运营公司创业的纵向案例研究发现:身处快速变化环境的企业,可以通过创业目标导向和手段导向的间断平衡,相机性兼顾市场机会探索、核心能力维系与更新。在此过程中,创业手段导向延续"手段导向的识别—手段导向的开发—手段导向的拓展"逻辑,目标导向遵循"目标导向的聚焦—目标导向的应用—目标导向的控制"路径。除此之外,创业企业通过关系网络和技术网络的相互嵌入,完成资源识别、转化和组合的过程,引导两种创业逻辑间断平衡的实现。通过案例研究,本文不仅清晰地呈现了快速变化环境中成熟企业的公司创业过程,厘清了公司创业中目标导向和手段导向的间断平衡机制,将公司创业研究扩展到环境快速变化的情景中,并且较好地回答了"核心能力快速丧失企业如何通过公司创业重构核心能力"这一重要问题。  相似文献   

The measurement of service quality is a theme of great importance to service providers, particularly public agencies. Over the years their role has been changing by providing more and more high quality services, away from basic ones. In this paper the service quality of a local government is analyzed through the measurement of customer satisfaction. The analysis, based on a questionnaire survey, identified and classified the most essential factors that make up the customer satisfaction with the services provided by the Demographic Department of Gioia del Colle, a town in southern Italy.
Rosanna GiannoccaroEmail:

This article presents a case study of a major technical innovation in the core activity of payment processing in a UK bank. In describing the strategic rationale for the change and the process of implementation, the degree of consistency between the operational and organizational dimensions of the new system are examined. As this system is widely regarded as the benchmark for future paper processing in the industry, the factors contributing to successful innovation are discussed and the management rather than the technological aspects of this are emphasized. Competitor responses to the innovation are explained by the influence of traditional assumptions about the basis of competitive advantage in banking.  相似文献   

公司治理的政府介入结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前我国股份公司治理机制的现状,本文构造了一个相应的模型,应用博弈论方法证明,政府过度介入公司治理将严重影响公司运行效率,认为国有资产应当尽快退出产业部门,以此消除国有企业改革的产权障碍,并且指出这应是当前最为急迫的一项任务。  相似文献   

现有文献对组织数字化转型的过程缺乏全局性、系统性和动态性的研究.本文提出了组织数字化转型的过程模型,包括决策、组织、数字化动员、数字化培训、实施、考评、取效和反馈八个阶段.本文使用该过程模型对北汽福田汽车股份有限公司的数字化转型的实践进行案例研究,阐述了其在各个阶段的具体行动,从而进一步说明了该过程模型的内涵.本文对数字化转型的过程研究有一定的理论贡献,并对组织实施数字化转型具有一定的实践价值.  相似文献   

以远东控股集团为例,通过对质性资料的三重译码分析,得到的研究结论是:远东品牌成长存在着“领导特质→企业文化→价值承诺→组织、制度和结构→管理行为与利益相关者价值创造→利益相关者满意度与积极合作→品牌成长”之间逐级影响的基本路径,并总结出远东品牌成长的五大机制,即建立价值承诺型企业文化、坚持员工是推动品牌成长的核心、导入“全面品牌管理”模式、建立品牌-利益相关者之间良好的互动关系以及努力为利益相关者创造价值.  相似文献   

An important part of responsible business practices is compliance with the law. This article details what actually happens when the laws of the host country fail to ensure adequate protection. The focus here is on land dispossession and loss of livelihood in relation to a gold mine project in central Ghana. How is it that a well‐known international company—Newmont—with its own corporate social responsibility (CSR) statements sets up a project in the year 2003 that displaces subsistence farmers from their land without compensating in cash or with replacement land? The analysis identifies the factors that lead the company to not compensate farmers for their lost land: cost‐cutting, strict adherence to the law, CSR commitment that was new and not internalized, complexities of the Ghanaian land tenure system, peer pressure to preserve the status quo, selection of an “old‐school” CSR manager, and the inadequacy of Ghanaian mining law to account for relatively novel, “open‐pit” mining techniques. However, the specter of famine raised by civil society activism, the involvement of the International Financial Corporation, and a better qualified CSR team constitute another set of factors that lead to a comprehensive package of livelihood improvement measures. There is a contrast between the complexity, long‐term, and advanced type of assistance Newmont currently envisages and the backward, short‐term, formalism, and brutality of denying compensation for land back in 2003. This research is based on the extensive documentation Newmont makes available on its web site, interviews conducted in Ghana, and literature research.  相似文献   

多项目人力资源调度实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对某公寓大修项目,建立有关人力资源约束下的多项目进度管理问题混合整数规划模型。其中考虑了多种约束,如项目对人员能力、水平的不同要求,而人员又具有多种能力及水平;目标为满足约束的条件下总成本最小化,其中包含按时间计费的工资,和福利等的固定费用。为了简化计算,采用列生成法把复杂的多项目模型分解为一个主问题和多个子问题并协调主问题和子问题求解。同时由于子问题的复杂性难以精确求解,采用启发式算法求解:首先由基于优先原则的启发式方法给出问题的初始解,再由遗传算法寻优。最后通过该实际案例的应用,表明此方法能够快速有效的解决实际问题,给决策者提供信息,帮助指导实践。  相似文献   

Recently, we developed a GIS-Integrated Integral Risk Index (IRI) to assess human health risks in areas with presence of environmental pollutants. Contaminants were previously ranked by applying a self-organizing map (SOM) to their characteristics of persistence, bioaccumulation, and toxicity in order to obtain the Hazard Index (HI). In the present study, the original IRI was substantially improved by allowing the entrance of probabilistic data. A neuroprobabilistic HI was developed by combining SOM and Monte Carlo analysis. In general terms, the deterministic and probabilistic HIs followed a similar pattern: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and light polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were the pollutants showing the highest and lowest values of HI, respectively. However, the bioaccumulation value of heavy metals notably increased after considering a probability density function to explain the bioaccumulation factor. To check its applicability, a case study was investigated. The probabilistic integral risk was calculated in the chemical/petrochemical industrial area of Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain), where an environmental program has been carried out since 2002. The risk change between 2002 and 2005 was evaluated on the basis of probabilistic data of the levels of various pollutants in soils. The results indicated that the risk of the chemicals under study did not follow a homogeneous tendency. However, the current levels of pollution do not mean a relevant source of health risks for the local population. Moreover, the neuroprobabilistic HI seems to be an adequate tool to be taken into account in risk assessment processes.  相似文献   

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