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分层随机抽样条件下缺失数据的多重插补方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍分层随机抽样条件下多重插补法处理缺失数据的基本思想,分析可忽略无回答的分层随机抽样建立多重插补的常用方法,并通过实例加以说明.  相似文献   

文章将抽样调查中由于项目无回答所形成的缺失数据作为研究着眼点,从矩阵运算的角度分析了此类缺失数据带来的危害,在此基础上,对缺失数据插补处理方法的基本问题进行了讨论,分析了各种单一插补方法特点及局限性,并介绍了简单随机抽样、分层随机抽样条件下缺失数据多重插补的抽样推断方法,在此基础上,对常用的单一插补和多重插补方法进行了比较,并对简单随机抽样、分层随机抽样条件下缺失数据单一插补与多重插补方法的效率进行了实证研究与比较。  相似文献   

插补法是对缺失数据的调整方法,多重插补弥补了单一插补的缺陷,采用一系列可能的数据集来填充每一个缺失数据值,反映了缺失数据的不确定性。本文介绍了多重插补程序的三种数据插补方法:回归预测法、倾向得分法和蒙特卡罗的马氏链方法,并且对多重插补的插补效果进行推断,指出多重插补存在的问题。  相似文献   

文章在简要介绍EM算法的基础上,对MCMC算法,特别是DA算法实现缺失数据补全做了深入探讨,介绍了DA算法迭代模拟过程,并对DA算法与EM算法进行了比较。  相似文献   

文章通过多重插补方法对不同缺失率和缺失模式的多变量缺失样本进行插补,研究了多重插补误差与缺失率和缺失模式的依赖关系。结果表明,当缺失率为0~15%时,多重插补误差与缺失率呈线性关系;当缺失率大于15%时,两者呈偏离线性关系。多重插补误差与缺失模式的方差均值比呈正相关性,当方差均值比越大时,误差也越大。  相似文献   

文章通过对样本数据缺失值问题的分析,在随机缺失模式下选择科学有效的插补法对数据缺失问题进行研究,然后以市场中顾客对商品的喜爱度作为调查对象,构建模型对其进行实证分析,并在与多重插补法结合运用的基础上研究不同缺失率下的插补效果。结果显示,随着缺失率的提高,调查中所获得的数据可用性减少,同时插补法的效果也随之降低。在四种插补法中,EM插补和多重插补的插补效果优于其余两种,同时运用模型与多重插补相结合的插补效果也不错。因此根据不同的缺失率,需要选择合适的插补法对数据进行插补。  相似文献   

缺失数据问题在抽样调查、社会科学、流行病等领域普遍存在,这一现象在高维情形下更为凸显;而与高维数据相伴的信息海量化、复杂化、异质化、缺失化等问题,给高维缺失数据理论建立及应用研究带来极大的挑战。如何建立一种稳健高效的高维缺失数据插补方法,已成为当今学者研究的焦点。为解决上述难题,创新性地将增强的逆概率加权(IPW)与加法模型融合,应用协变量平衡倾向评分法(CBPS)估计缺失概率,提出一种适用于高维缺失数据的可加协变量平衡倾向评分插补方法(CBPS-AM),期望对高维缺失问题提供更为有效的解决方案。CBPS-AM方法不仅具有多重稳健性,避免了模型误设带来的严重风险,还能够有效规避高维缺失数据具有厚尾分布而使得传统插补方法失效的问题,起到双重降维的作用,实现建模的灵活性与广泛适用性。其次借鉴广义矩估计方法和Backfitting算法给出了CBPS估计算法,该算法简洁有效,能够提高数据使用效率与插补精度,同时研究了估计量的理论性质,对比了所提方法与传统方法在数值模拟中的表现。最后将CBPS-AM方法分别应用于存在缺失的HIV临床试验数据和中国新冠病毒感染疫情数据中,建立科学的综合评价以及针对...  相似文献   

随着研究中对数据质量要求的提高,缺失数据相关问题也越来越受到重视.文章主要论述了处理缺失数据的方法之一——分数插补法的理论基础,并在此基础上研究了分数热卡插补法及其方差估计,同时使用模拟数据,对分数热卡插补法的实现过程做了模拟研究.通过对比实验,可以得到分数热卡插补法能够在保证原有数据分布的基础上,减少因插补造成的偏差,提供更加准确的插补结果.  相似文献   

文章讨论了基于多变量事后分层基础上的多重插补方法,分别就分层方法的选择、样本在各层的分配、插补模型的选择和参数估计进行了分析.  相似文献   

多重插补处理缺失数据方法的理论基础探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在比较单一插补法与多重插补法的基础上,对多重插补处理方法的理论基础做了深入探讨,并介绍了多重插补法处理缺失数据的基本思想.  相似文献   

基于随机森林模型的分类数据缺失值插补   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
缺失数据是影响调查问卷数据质量的重要因素,对调查问卷中的缺失值进行插补可以显著提高调查数据的质量。调查问卷的数据类型多以分类型数据为主,数据挖掘技术中的分类算法是处理属性分类问题的常用方法,随机森林模型是众多分类算法中精度较高的方法之一。将随机森林模型引入调查问卷缺失数据的插补研究中,提出了基于随机森林模型的分类数据缺失值插补方法,并根据不同的缺失模式探讨了相应的插补步骤。通过与其它方法的实证模拟比较,表明随机森林插补法得到的插补值准确度更优、可信度更高。  相似文献   

Data Augmentation(DA)插补法是最常用的MCMC多重插补法之一。利用模拟方法研究基于DA插补法的线性回归模型的系数估计值,分析估计值的统计性质受无回答机制、无回答率和插补重数的影响。模拟结果显示:在完全随机无回答机制下,选择较小插补重数常常会得到较好的回归系数估计值;在随机无回答机制下,随着无回答率增大而选择更大插补重数往往会得到更好的回归系数估计值;在非随机无回答机制下,选择更大插补重数并不一定总会得到更好的回归系数估计值。  相似文献   

基于链式方程的收入变量 缺失值的多重插补   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘凤芹 《统计研究》2009,26(1):71-77
 在经济计量分析中收入变量的缺失值是一个普遍而又较难处理的问题。传统的处理方法往往导致分析结果具有系统偏差。本文提出利用基于链式方程的多重插补方法来处理收入变量的缺失值问题。文章将此方法应用到一个实际数据集,然后通过分析插补后的数据集讨论了此方法的性质,并和其他多重插补方法进行了比较。结果表明:基于链式方程的多重插补能在一定程度上纠正推断结果的系统偏差,并且给出恰当的标准差估计。  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss graphical models for mixed types of continuous and discrete variables with incomplete data. We use a set of hyperedges to represent an observed data pattern. A hyperedge is a set of variables observed for a group of individuals. In a mixed graph with two types of vertices and two types of edges, dots and circles represent discrete and continuous variables respectively. A normal graph represents a graphical model and a hypergraph represents an observed data pattern. In terms of the mixed graph, we discuss decomposition of mixed graphical models with incomplete data, and we present a partial imputation method which can be used in the EM algorithm and the Gibbs sampler to speed their convergence. For a given mixed graphical model and an observed data pattern, we try to decompose a large graph into several small ones so that the original likelihood can be factored into a product of likelihoods with distinct parameters for small graphs. For the case that a graph cannot be decomposed due to its observed data pattern, we can impute missing data partially so that the graph can be decomposed.  相似文献   

We propose methods for Bayesian inference for missing covariate data with a novel class of semi-parametric survival models with a cure fraction. We allow the missing covariates to be either categorical or continuous and specify a parametric distribution for the covariates that is written as a sequence of one dimensional conditional distributions. We assume that the missing covariates are missing at random (MAR) throughout. We propose an informative class of joint prior distributions for the regression coefficients and the parameters arising from the covariate distributions. The proposed class of priors are shown to be useful in recovering information on the missing covariates especially in situations where the missing data fraction is large. Properties of the proposed prior and resulting posterior distributions are examined. Also, model checking techniques are proposed for sensitivity analyses and for checking the goodness of fit of a particular model. Specifically, we extend the Conditional Predictive Ordinate (CPO) statistic to assess goodness of fit in the presence of missing covariate data. Computational techniques using the Gibbs sampler are implemented. A real data set involving a melanoma cancer clinical trial is examined to demonstrate the methodology.  相似文献   

This article discusses regression analysis of current status data, which occur in many fields including cross-sectional studies, demographical investigations, and tumorigenicity experiments (Keiding, 1991 Keiding , N. ( 1991 ). Age-specific incidence and prevalence: a statistical perspective (with discussion) . J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. A 154 : 371412 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Sun 2006 Sun , J. ( 2006 ). The Statistical Analysis of Interval-Censored Failure Time Data . New York : Springer-Verlag . [Google Scholar]). For the problem, we focus on the situation where the survival time of interest can be described by the additive hazards model and a multiple imputation approach is presented for inference. A major advantage of the approach is its simplicity and it can be easily implemented by using the existing software packages for right-censored failure time data. Extensive simulation studies are conducted and indicate that the approach performs well for practical situations and is comparable to the existing methods. The methodology is applied to a set of current status data arising from a tumorigenicity experiment and the model checking is discussed.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of multiple imputation methods to deviations from their distributional assumptions is investigated using simulations, where the parameters of scientific interest are the coefficients of a linear regression model, and values in predictor variables are missing at random. The performance of a newly proposed imputation method based on generalized additive models for location, scale, and shape (GAMLSS) is investigated. Although imputation methods based on predictive mean matching are virtually unbiased, they suffer from mild to moderate under-coverage, even in the experiment where all variables are jointly normal distributed. The GAMLSS method features better coverage than currently available methods.  相似文献   

There are many methods for analyzing longitudinal ordinal response data with random dropout. These include maximum likelihood (ML), weighted estimating equations (WEEs), and multiple imputations (MI). In this article, using a Markov model where the effect of previous response on the current response is investigated as an ordinal variable, the likelihood is partitioned to simplify the use of existing software. Simulated data, generated to present a three-period longitudinal study with random dropout, are used to compare performance of ML, WEE, and MI methods in terms of standardized bias and coverage probabilities. These estimation methods are applied to a real medical data set.  相似文献   

文章在响应变量随机缺失下,基于分位数回归研究了半参数模型的稳健估计问题。首先基于B样条基函数近似技术,将模型非参数函数的估计问题转化为样条系数向量估计问题;其次,在响应变量随机缺失下,提出了一种新的插补方法,对缺失的响应变量进行多重插补;再次,基于插补后的数据集,构造出新的分位数目标函数,得到模型非参数函数以及参数向量的稳健估计;最后给出了有效算法计算多重插补估计量。通过模拟研究验证了所提方法的有效性和稳健性。  相似文献   

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