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Gender role attitudes and college students’ work and family expectations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Work and family issues are becoming increasingly important for both women and men. This study examines college students' plans and attitudes concerning work and family, gender differences in attitudes and expectations, and the effect of gender role attitudes on future expectations. Findings indicate that a majority of men and women expect to marry, have children, and work full-time. While men expect to work more hours at a job, there are no gender differences in ideal work hours. Women who hold more egalitarian gender role attitudes are less definitive in their plans to marry and have children. Egalitarian men expect to work fewer hours and are more willing to stay at home than their traditional counterparts. Her research interests include gender, family, demography, aging, and the life course. She is currently working on a study of fathers' experiences with work-family conflict and adaptive strategies for balancing the two domains, which is being funded by the American Sociological Association.  相似文献   

Accounts of law schools often report that women find law school a hostile atmosphere, although most studies do not compare male and female reactions. In this study of thirtyseven students at an elite law school, the author finds that the impact of a “women's” voice on professional knowledge is more complicated than a strict dichotomy between male and female reasoning proposes. While the process of “learning to think like a lawyer” retains traditionally male attributes, women students clearly learn this cognitive style competently. Many women do find the law school experience distancing and problematic, and are more likely to point out the inadequacies of legal thinking. Men, though far from universally positive about law school experiences, are more likely to describe the process as a game or a puzzle. Men and women's reactions are not essentialized, however; a few women thrive on the masculine style, while some men clearly do not like it. Debra Schleef is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, Virginia. She has published articles on socialist law and feminist jurisprudence, and the social responsibilities of business and law students. She is currently writing a book on law and business student socialization, “Elites in Training: Accommodation and Resistance to Professional Socialization in Law and Business School.” She has recently published in the Sociology of Education.  相似文献   

Conclusion  Although I find the analysis in this paper superior to earlier papers that simply attempt to measure wage differentials across occupations, the analysis still remains flawed and the underlying assumptions of the authors are not clearly stated and can be questioned. The authors assume that firms erect barriers that prevent women from entering certain occupations and that, therefore, also prevent women from taking advantage of higher relative pay. The idea that there might not be a sufficient number of women who want to work in or are qualified for any given occupation is not considered. The authors also do not give an adequate theoretical explanation for their finding of a positive correlation between profitability and smaller gender wage gaps. Economic theory sometimes suggests the opposite conclusion and therefore it is up to the authors to provide an alternative theoretical explanation. It is also assumed that all productivity factors have been “controlled for” in the analysis and that any wage gap that exists between men and women is due to “bad” discrimination. The conclusion of the paper therefore being that if affirmative action is having an effect on wage differentials between men and women (which their evidence indicates is the case for some industries) that this is a positive effect. However, if the assumptions upon which this conclusion is based are questionable, then the conclusion is questionable as well. Affirmative action legislation that decreases the wage gap between men and women may actually be counter-productive. Deborah Walker received her B.S. and MBA from Arizona State University and her Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University. She worked as an Associate Professor of Economics at Loyola University New Orleans from 1987 to 2000. She has also worked as a policy analyst in Washington, D.C. She is currently a part-time instructor at the University of Colorado at Denver and Metropolitan State College of Denver and has started her own business. She has published several journal articles and public policy analyses and has contributed to several books. Most of her publications have been in the area of the economics of women in labor markets.  相似文献   

This article uses data from a longitudinal survey of youth to examine the effects of gender on the occupational expectations and attitudes of youth in the 1990s. Twelve hundred youth from central and eastern Canada were surveyed in 1989 and 1994. Results show few gender differences in the status rankings in the youths' expected occupations, or in their intentions to enter the paid labour force. However, there were differences in the ways females and males saw themselves combining work and family responsibilities—especially pre-school aged children. The attitudes and experiences of the young women's mothers appeared to affect these plans—plans that were unrelated to social class background. The results are discussed in the context of McCall's notion on gendered dispositions. where she has been faculty since 1975. Her research interests include the sociology of education, youth and gender issues. She currently holds two research grants funded by Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, one as principal investigator, the other as a member of a research network on longitudinal studies of youth. Her research interests include sociology of education and work, youth and gender issues.  相似文献   

Studies in the last decades show that perception of role conflict has changed in advanced societies so that (1) multiple roles may be beneficial rather than conflictual and (2) men, too, are subject to incompatible role demands. This study examines whether the same shift may be observed in a less developed society (Israel), and how perceptions of role combination and work satisfaction influence the work concessions made by women and men who work in occupations that are typical or atypical for their gender. The main assumption is that multiple roles lead to role conflict only if individuals fail to make concessions that allow them to regulate time and energy in both spheres. The findings show that women still make more concessions than men; work satisfactions strengthens the perception that combining family and work is possible; and only for women, the perception that combining family and work is possible reduces the number of concessions they make.
Dahlia MooreEmail:

Dahlia Moore   is a Social Psychology Professor. Her research focuses on two main issues: gender (sex segregation, role conflict, the wage gap), and perceptions of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. She is the Head of Graduate Studies and served as the Head of the Undergraduate Honors Program at the College of Management, Israel. In addition, Dahlia Moore is an elected member of the Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunities (The Ministry of Industry and Commerce), and the representative of the Middle East in RC42 (Social Psychology) of the International Sociological Association.  相似文献   

女性创新人才的培养,在构建和谐社会,促进妇女发展和男女平等,提升自主创新能力中起着不可替代的作用。高校是国家创新教育的重要基地,应围绕创新人才培养目标,遵循女性成长规律和思维特征,以人为本,创新教育,提升教师与学生的创新素质,营造宽松的创新环境,培养女性创新人才,推动社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

This study examines informal professional networks (IPNs) and their role in the underrepresentation of women faculty in traditionally male-dominated science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. A mixed-methods design was taken in which interviews were conducted during the qualitative phase to gather information of faculty networking experiences and the importance of IPNs in their career development. An online survey was developed based on the findings from the interviews and used to gather data during the quantitative phase to further probe the patterns and functions of IPNs. Major findings are reported, including the meaningful impact of IPNs on the career development of faculty in STEM disciplines and some significant gender differences in networking patterns.  相似文献   

改善女性科学弱势的策略之一是培养女性科学兴趣,这一策略的实施,需要科学教育的参与.科学教育必须突破有关男女两性认知方式的传统认知,正面、客观地认识女性的认知方式,并在此基础上对其予以全纳.相关研究已经发现,女性拥有自己独特的认知方式,其中,理想的认知方式是联结建构型认知方式.因此,科学教育全纳女性认知方式,就是采取相应举措,引导女性认知方式向联结建构型认知方式发展.  相似文献   

建设一支高素质的大学生思想政治工作队伍,是在国际国内形势发生深刻变化、高等教育快速发展的背景下,加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作的重要组织保证.为适应形势的需要,高校学生思想政治工作干部必须具备六种意识,成为"六型"干部;必须处理好六对关系.同时高校必须高度重视思想政治工作干部的教育培养,为他们的成长创造必要的条件和良好的氛围.  相似文献   

Pink-collar medicine: Women and the future of medicine   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The number of women in medicine is increasing. There is evidence that women practice in different ways than men; are interested in different aspects of medicine; work fewer hours; and receive less pay for equivalent hours than men. Women are also less likely to be represented in the higher echelons of power within academic medicine. Women’s carrers are adversely affected by pregnancy, childcare, family responsibilities, and gender role conflict although there is evidence that this does not need to be the case. This article reviews the current literature on gender differences in medicine and makes recommendations to ensure women have a voice to determine their place in medicine in the future. The positive changes that women bring to medicine are highlighted and the barriers for women in the profession are outlined. She received her medical degree from Glasgow University and her psychiatric training in Edinburgh, Scotland; Kingston, Jamaica; and Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. She may be reached at aheru@butler.org.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the roles and statuses of women from a comparative perspective. The subject countries cover a broad cross-section of ethnic, economic, and political differences. The authors report data and discuss such issues as the demographic characteristics of women (i. e., age distribution, marital status, and fertility rates), level of education, work force participation, political activity, military service, and access to health care. Social class and ethnic and racial differences among the women in each of the societies are also considered. They offer a short historical review of the major legislative and social changes that have occurred in the status of women in many of the subject societies during the past 50 years. The authors describe the degree of relative social freedom that women enjoy in the different societies and how their statuses differ from those of men. She is a recipient of an Equal Justice America fellowship and the winner of two Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) Gold Circle, Awards. She is the author and editor of numerous books, including Global Perspectives on Social Issues: Juvenile Justice Systems (with Paola Zalkind, lexington Books, 2004), and Adoption Across Borders (with Howard Altstein, Rowman & Littlefield, 2000).  相似文献   

培植本国教师是西学东渐过程中近代中国新式高等学校独立自主发展的重要途径。民国时期高校公派教师出国制度发展的动因,最初来自高校学习欧美先进知识的需要,以及力图维持教师国际学术水准和激励教师研求学术的需要。此后,这一制度受到中华教育文化基金会培养中国本土科技领袖人才和国民政府培养中高级建设人才的目标的推动。因为高校教师在高深学术领域相比普通留学生具有明显优势和效益,因而公派高校教师出国制度不断拓展,并与普通公派留学构成互补互通之态势。在政府、高校、中华教育文化基金会的推动下,民国公派高校教师出国的路径逐渐多元化、分层化;公派教师的精英化程度增加,公派目标向更专业、更深入的项目研究演进,资助力度和方式逐渐区别于普通公派留学生;高校教师公派出国以研究学术的特质不断增强,促进民国高等学校学术质量的提升。  相似文献   

Drawing upon research on women in crime and justice, this study examines patterns of female crime and processing of female offenders in Israel over five decades. The data indicate that crime patterns of Israeli women and the criminal justice response to their transgressions show remarkable stability and are similar to those discerned in other Western countries. The article concludes that findings about women in crimed and justice in Israel are congruent with feminist insights and explanatory mechanisms offered to explain female crime. Edna Erez is Professor and Chair of the Justice Studies Department at Kent State University. She has also served as the editor of Justice Quarterly and is on the editorial board of several professional journals. Yael Hassin was a senior lecturer at the Institute of Criminology, Law Faculty of the Hebrew University. Dr. Hassin passed away in November 1996. She was the recipient of the grants from the Wexler Foundation and the Sacker Institute of the Law faculty, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which funded the data collection efforts of a previous version of this paper (Erez and Hassin, 1997). Giora Rahav has taught at Tel Aviv University, Florida State University, and the University of Michigan. His major area is criminology and the sociology of deviance.  相似文献   

Gender scholars have long argued that workplace culture is an important key to understanding how informal norms create, maintain, and sometimes undermine gender and sexual inequality at work. Although most studies have defined workplace culture as occupational culture, less emphasis has been placed on the importance of organizational culture. This article addresses the importance of both aspects of workplace culture by examining the occupational and organizational dress and appearance norms of men and women who work as editors and accountants at a heterosexual men's pornographic magazine and at a feminist magazine. This comparative case study demonstrates that workers face different expectations about the appropriate split between “personal” and work identities, depending on what they do and where they work. These informal, unwritten occupational and organizational norms play a large part in workers' definitions of appropriate and inappropriate expressions of gender and sexuality at work and should be attended to more carefully in attempts to achieve equality for men and women in all workplaces. Kirsten Dellinger is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Mississippi. Her research focuses on gender and sexuality in the workplace. She has published on organizational culture and sexual harassment (Social Problems, 2002), organizational sexuality (American Review of Sociology, 1999), and make-up at work (Gender & Society, 1997).  相似文献   

同女性在其他职场中所面临的困境一样,在高等教育领域女性职业生涯发展也需要跨过诸多障碍,如入职初期面临的尴尬、晋升过程中遭遇的瓶颈等。结合中国高等教育事业发展现状,探索女性在职业生涯发展中突破障碍的有效途径可以看出,扎实的学术功底是基础,卓越的领导能力是利刃,科学的晋升制度是保障,和谐的文化环境是根本。  相似文献   

高校教师聘任及晋升是高校发展的一项重要管理工作,事关学校的核心竞争力和人才培养质量。加州大学戴维斯分校作为美国一所典型的公立大学,其教师聘任管理理念及制度可以代表美国的主流做法。本文详细分析加州大学戴维斯分校的教师招聘流程、聘任制度、教师管理、考核及晋升体系,并对其中的理念及特点进行总结,即以提升教师素质为出发点,健全的人事制度为保障,明晰的管理和流程为支撑,责任负责制为监督。我国应该在立足国情的基础上,认真研究和总结国外教师聘任制的先进经验和特点,从中寻求借鉴和启示,建立和健全我国高校教师聘任新体制,使我国高等教育不断走向国际化。  相似文献   

Marital terminations are life transitions that may lead to changes in diet, activity, and body weight. This investigation examined how marital status was associated with relative body weight, underweight, overweight, and obesity among men and women in the United States using cross-sectional nationally representative data from the 1992 HRS cohort age 51–61 and the 1993 AHEAD cohort age 70 and older. Results in the HRS cohort revealed that even when adjusting for demographic and behavioral variables, widowed women were significantly more likely to be obese than married women, while men who were never married, divorced, or separated were more likely to be underweight. Results in the AHEAD cohort showed few significant associations between marital status and weight for either men or women when demographics were controlled. Clear gender variations appeared to exist in how marriage is related to body weight among unmarried older adults, with widows in their 50s being obese and divorced/separated/never married men being underweight. However, marital status differences in weight were not present among much older adults of either gender. Jeffery Sobal is a asociologist who is an associate professor at the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University. He has studied food systems, food choice, and is currently examining social aspects of body weight and obesity, particularly marriage and body weight. Barbara S. Rauschenbach is a sociologist who is a research associate in the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University. She has studied food insecurity and food assistance, and is currently examining marital status and body weight.  相似文献   

科学技术的迅猛发展,对人的素质提出了更新更高的要求。全面推进素质教育,是培养高素质人才的有效途径,也是高等师范教育改革与发展面临的重大问题。只有抢抓机遇,培养一支符合素质教育要求的新型师资队伍,才能实现我国素质教育所追求的目标。  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, women have been graduating from U.S. colleges at a much higher rate than men. Few studies have examined the second-generational benefits of this dramatic increase in college-educated women. The present study revisits the relationship between maternal education and children's college aspirations using nationally representative sample of 12-to 18-year-old adolescents. The results obtained are consistent with expectations that parental education plays a significant role in adolescents' aspirations. Unlike many of the previous studies, though, this research finds maternal education to be a significant predictor for the aspirations of children of both sexes, not just daughters. Although researchers may view as well established the relationship of parental education and children's colege aspirations, the present study suggests the need to revisit this relationship to better understand the effect increases in women's education have had on their children's aspirations as well as enrollment and persistence in post-secondary education. She holds a Ph.D. in criminal justice from the University of Albany and a J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Addington's research interests include the nature of violent crime and its impact on adolescent victims and the utilization of national crime statistics. Her recent work has appeared in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology and Homicide Studies.  相似文献   

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