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现代社会是法制社会。每个人都应该按照法律准则规范自己的行为。也就是说。生活离不开法律。缺乏法制意识的人。不懂法律常识的人。私欲恶性膨胀的人。一味好胜逞强的人。难免会跌跟斗。吃苦头。  相似文献   

加入WTO后。全球化将更为深刻地影响中国城市。21世纪是城市世纪(确切地说是城市竞争世纪。也是城市管理者竞争的世纪)。知识经济时代是城市的时代。自从办奥运赢利并取得品牌效应以后。“奥运”争办台前幕后的惨烈是空前的。北京也经历过一次了。城市的发展是现代社会一切发展的中心与摇篮。但是。正像科学技术的发展是一把“双刃剑”一样。城市的发展也是把“双刃剑”。在她给人类带来多多福利的同时。也带来了种种棘手的甚至令人迷惘的问题。  相似文献   

有这样一个地方:地处北疆,亚欧大陆腹地。深藏于上阿勒泰山的褶皱里。是民族英雄纵马驰骋的战场,是雪莲花盛开的地方,它遥远而神秘,这地方叫青河。有这样一个家庭:祖孙三代,6个民族。183口人。如此庞大的家族堪称"中国之最",如此和睦的家庭世上稀有。有这样一位母亲:她生育了9个儿女,收养了10个孤儿。漫漫人生路。她用博大的母爱把1 9个孩子拉扯成人,成家立业。半个多世纪了。这无疆的大爱超越亲情。跨越民族,滋润着儿女们的心田。谱写了一支爱的金曲。在天山南北传唱。这位平凡而伟大的母亲名叫阿尼帕·阿里马洪,今年69岁,2009年2月获"新疆首届十大杰出母亲"荣誉称号。这个家是由维吾尔族老人阿比包和妻子阿尼帕用爱心支撑的大家庭。  相似文献   

正1.用苹果切片替代饼干和蛋糕。2.用普通蛋卷代替油炸蛋卷。3.用巧克力蛋糕代替巧克力冰激凌。4.吃苹果派的时候只吃馅。5.吃披萨的时候选择素的。6.吃海鲜的时候尽量选择清蒸的。  相似文献   

池莉 《中外书摘》2000,(6):62-63
喜欢画,却不懂画。自己的墙壁一个空白就是十几年。在长久的迷惘和疑惑中,不知道到底挂什么画或者什么字才算合适。古往今来,国内国外,书画界的大师名家层出不穷。数不胜数。但是。恕我不敬,我从来就没有觉得他们的字画挂在我斗室的墙壁上会合适。当然,我这样的心态也很有可能是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。  相似文献   

骆潇 《职业》2008,(4):4-6
“找工作像是追女孩子。写简历和写情书是一样的,一份通用化的情书给十个女孩子。结果如何可想而知。滥情的人找不到对象。滥发简历的人找不到工作。找到心仪的工作是必须要用心的,网络招聘只是一个平台。在网上投简历只是开始。……应聘中你还有好多事可做。”  相似文献   

随着我国公关实践活动的蓬勃开展,越来越多的新闻媒体及其从业人员参与其问。他们为自身形象筹谋擘画。或为其他社会组织的发展献策建言,从而使规模和影响不断扩大。然而就目前我国的情况看。关于新闻工作者涉足公关实践一项。理论上既无系统而严整的阐述,实际工作中也无明确的规定。这种认识上的模糊性和操作范式的不确定性。很容易导致此类机构及人员行动的盲目性和行为的不良后果。因而笔者认为有必要对新闻工作者在公关活动中的角色问题进行一番分析、探讨。以明确在此过程中他应充当什么角色而不应充当什么角色,应采取什么行为而不应采取什么行为。这个“角色”与“行为”应当受到何种制约等等。  相似文献   

一开始的时候.我是不喜欢莫莲的。她是我们男生宿舍冯冯的女友,据说美得邪恶。我想我是讨厌她的。因为。我讨厌冯冯。冯冯是我的下铺,他是有钱男子,刚进大学,就开红色跑车来报到,他老爸开一个古董公司,钱多得不得了。于是总有美女围绕在他身边,这很正常。但是,那天,她突然出现。  相似文献   

如今的上海。大街小巷无处不见穿着厚厚鞋底的“松糕鞋”行走的女孩。这种厚底鞋从去年夏天流行至今。其盛行趋势还将延续。由于它的鞋底特别厚,因而深受那些对自己身高不够满意的姑娘、女士们的青睐。  相似文献   

正9月,我换了一家公司。办公室是大间,都是隔断的,相互间看不见,但相邻格子间打电话却是听得一清二楚。我左边的同事石斛,是个很黏老婆的男人。"老婆,今天晚上我想吃红烧肉哦。""老婆,那件灰格子的衬衣熨了没有?明天我要穿哦。""老婆,我又馋你的葱油饼了。"刻意压低的声音竟然糯糯软软的。  相似文献   

The effects of discrepancies between preferred and perceived control among church members are investigated in terms of amount and distribution of control. For each dimension of control, three categories of respondents are identified: those who preferred a greater amount or wider distribution of control than they perceived to exist within their churches (deficit); those whose preferred and perceived control scores were identical (balance); and those who preferred a lesser amount or more concentrated distribution of control in their churches than they perceived to exist (surplus). For both amount and distribution of control, a perceived deficit is more common than a surplus. Respondents experiencing discrepancies in either direction are more dissatisfied and alienated than those with a balance in desired and perceived organizational control. A deficit is associated with more dissatisfaction (but not necessarily more alienation) than a surplus. Subsample comparisons show these findings hold for both officers and non-officers. Regression analyses show that discrepancies regarding organizational control are important even after other aspects of control have been introduced.  相似文献   

Eli Teram 《Human Relations》1999,52(2):263-278
Most discussions of interdisciplinary teamsassume that cross-functional teams are desirable.Critical analyses of the fundamental contradictionsinherent in bringing together professionals with diverse ideologies, interests, contingencies, andtechnologies are rare. Even less common are discussionsof the negative consequences of these contradictions forclients. Based on observations in an institution for youth-in-trouble, this paper argues thatthe control of clients is one key process underlyingconflicts and dilemmas in interdisciplinary teams; itbuilds a case against making the control of clients a negotiable contingency for teams. Given theuniversal nature of control mechanisms, those mostdirectly responsible for control have a superiorbargaining position because, in order to be effective,their control routines must be consistent. Althoughthese workers may yield to other treatment ideologiesregarding particular clients, the overall outcome is theenhancement of their interests. Moreover, the outcome of negotiations may generate confusionfor clients because of inconsistencies in theapplication of control mechanisms. Three strategies tominimize interprofessional negotiations regarding the control of clients are discussed: theformulation of clear boundaries between thoseresponsible for control and those who are not; theestablishment of policies to address conflicts betweencontrol and competing treatments; and, client determinationof differential levels of interprofessional coordinationand cooperation.  相似文献   

Previous work suggests that control and suffering are related to one another. Although it would be expected that within cultures which emphasize the importance of masculinity, as well as personal control, there would be greater suffering among individuals who lose their sense of masculinity or control, how these constructs relate to each other and are individually negotiated has been largely understudied. This paper takes a case study approach to further exploring how the constructs of control, masculinity, and suffering are related in the lived experience of an older European American man, Mr. Gregor. Analysis of this case shows that masculinity is related to control and that these constructs act as themes which interact over Mr. Gregor's lifetime in a variety of ways. The level of control maintained by Mr. Gregor in different aspects of his life affects his sense of suffering. In some instances his sense of masculinity helps to protect Mr. Gregor against suffering; in others, it contributes to his suffering. These findings support the notion that there are culturally dependent possibilities for how control and masculinity are related.  相似文献   

This article examines how mediation and control operate in cyberspace through a control narrative, or actors' awareness and expectation that symbolic meanings may be monitored and used by diverse audiences for various purposes. A control narrative is implicated in numerous attempts and logics to monitor and regulate Internet use. The control narrative is more explicit as fear and control are reflexively joined to virtual communication. The focus is on recent developments in surveillance, deception, and entrapment in “Internet stings” by formal agents of social control in the name of protecting children from predators and pedophiles and U.S. citizens from terrorism. Several implications of the control narrative for communication are offered, along with questions for further research.  相似文献   

This study examines neighborhood density and other social factors which limit environmental control. It is hypothesized that the combined effects of high density and low social control result in the least resident satisfaction. Lower and higher densities are thus considered in combination with differences in tenure status, income levels, and life cycle status. National survey items which evaluate the residence, social life, and well-being are analyzed. The results offer only limited evidence of interaction effects between dense neighborhoods and the predicted low social control dimensions of renting, low income, and having children. There is, however, support for the choice of these environmental control factors when the additive effects of neighborhood density and each social control variable on resident dissatisfaction are considered. The contributions to the crowding literature and suggestions for new research are outlined.  相似文献   

The present meta-analysis integrates research from 1,015 studies on associations of parenting dimensions and styles with internalizing symptoms in children and adolescents. Parental warmth, behavioral control, autonomy granting, and authoritative parenting showed very small to small negative concurrent and longitudinal associations with internalizing symptoms. In contrast, harsh control, psychological control, authoritarian, and, in part, neglectful parenting were associated with higher levels of internalizing symptoms. Parental warmth, behavioral control, harsh control, psychological control, autonomy granting, and authoritative parenting predicted change in internalizing symptoms over time, with associations of internalizing symptoms with parental warmth, psychological control, and authoritative parenting being bidirectional. Moderating effects of study characteristics are identified. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

分析交通拥挤下的控制理念,提出此时高架道路的控制目标,以此确定高架道路上的最佳车辆密度。结合地面拥挤对高架道路产生的影响分析,提出交通拥挤下出口匝道优先控制的理念及其控制策略。针对上海市高架道路存在的问题提出相关建议。  相似文献   

The consistent effect of education on volunteering has been explained in a number of ways. In this study we test the hypothesis that perceived control beliefs are partly responsible. Using two waves of panel data from National Survey of Midlife in the United States we estimated cross‐lagged structural equation models in which education is positioned as the exogenous variable and perceived control and volunteering are allowed to be reciprocally related across the two waves. We find that perceived control predicts volunteering, but there is no reciprocal effect: volunteering has no effect on sense of control. One reason, therefore, that educated people are more likely to volunteer is that they have stronger control beliefs. The findings enrich the theory of volunteering by introducing the idea of agency, showing one way in which resources influence the decision to volunteer.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence on CEO paypractices of four corporate control perspectives:managerial control, class hegemony, external control,and efficient market. The results indicate the influence of both market and extra-market controls on thedetermination of CEO pay levels and criteria.Implications for the governance of firms and the studyof corporate control are drawn.  相似文献   

During the last decade, a large amount of information has been collected concerning financial markets and financial institutions. Less is known about individual investors. This study relates a specific personality characteristics, locus of control, to portfolio risk as measured by beta; these two concepts are described below. Locus of control and beta are examined in combination with the sex, marital status, age, educational level, asset level and number and value of common stocks held by one group of investors. The relationship between locus of control and beta is also considered.This study is divided into four parts. The first part reviews the capital asset pricing model and the construct “locus of control” as well as previous research relating locus of control to risky decision-making. Then, the data used in this study are discussed. The third section presents the results of this study, and the final part provides a summary.  相似文献   

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