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地铁作为一种广告的媒介在国内已经得到广泛的认可。作为一种新媒体,它为广告主提供了新的广告投放空间。地铁广告运用地铁车厢和周边的环境形成的综合性地铁媒体,由于空间的封闭性和流动人群的典型性特征,为未来地铁广告创造了一个全新的时代。本文着重介绍地铁广告中的平面广告,对其视觉传播形态、特征及趋势的总结与梳理,可以为我国地铁广告的发展提供一点思考。  相似文献   

地铁是城市发展现代化的一个重要标志。本文分析了国内外城市地铁的构建、运营以及地铁在城市化进程中的作用,进而系统阐释了地铁对广州城市发展、社会生活及生态环境的影响和意义。  相似文献   

我们知道,地铁发展为城市经济带来无限商机,孕育了地铁经济的形成和发展,而地铁经济又反过来繁荣发展了城市经济,成为城市经济的重要组成部分,也就是说,地铁经济是城市发展到一定阶段的产物,反过来又可带动城市经济的进一步发展。特别是地铁带来的高通达性提高了沿线土地的空间利用价值,日益影响着城市的商业空间结构和土地利用形态,可以这样说,正是因为地铁交通重塑和创新了高密度的城市空间,地铁经济也就应运而生了。  相似文献   

苗玉刚 《城市》2013,(6):77-79
随着经济的发展,城市拥堵现象日趋严重,为改善城市交通环境,国内掀起了地铁建设的热潮。根据初步统计,目前全国已有北京、上海、天津、深圳及广州等10多个城市具有地铁运营线路,运营里程超过1500公里,正在进行地铁建设的城市达20多个。然而,随着地铁建设规模的扩大,近些年地铁事故频发,其中不乏重大事故。安全风险管控问题逐渐成为地铁建设中的重点和难点之一,日益受到各方关注。各方普遍认识到仅依靠传统侧重于经验的  相似文献   

伦敦地铁交给了中国人管 伦敦地铁是全世界最古老的地铁,伦敦也是第一个吃“螃蟹”(建造地铁)的勇敢者,至今已有140多年的历史。1843年,英国人皮尔逊为伦敦市设计了世界上最早的城市地铁系统,由于种种原因,10年后英国议会才批准在法林顿和主教路之间修一条长不足6公里的地铁。  相似文献   

张小红 《城市》2011,(7):55-58
天津地铁一号线工程是惠及广大市民的重点工程,备受市委、市政府重视和广大市民关注。地铁一号线的通车运营给乘客带来了极大的便利。在地铁一号线工程竣工结算管理工作中,我们积累了一定的工作经验,并总结了工作中存在的问题,提出一些改进建议。  相似文献   

徐国祥  王芳 《科学发展》2011,(5):101-107
通过对上海市民地铁安全意识与安全评价快速调查发现,上海市民地铁安全意识良好,对地铁安全评价较高,但也存在一定的安全意识欠缺,同时地铁运营机构在安全维护与隐患防范方面也存在管理漏洞。要维护好上海市地铁的安全运行,需要乘客和地铁运营方的互相配合。为此,必须从提高市民地铁安全意识和提高地铁运营方自身安全防范能力两方面着手,并加强相关配套机制建设,强化地铁安全隐患的共同应对和整治。  相似文献   

民间有这样一句话:"地铁一通,黄金万两。"一方面,地铁为传统商业圈带来了巨大客流;另一方面,地铁也给人们带来更多的消费选择。当雄心勃勃而目光独到的品牌进驻地铁站时,当传统商业圈和地铁消费圈发生整合时,一个城市全新的商业格局便诞生了。全球各大城市的地铁商业形态各异,有的大力着力打造地下商圈;有的却将目光锁定到出入口外的周边环境,休闲、餐饮、广告、文艺……纷纷栖息到这块黄金码头。在这座正准备迎接地铁的城市里,南昌人也开始猜测、设想属于自己的地铁经济。  相似文献   

西安地铁这一品牌以其独特的时代化、当地化、现代化吸引着人们的注意,它是在特定的种族、时代和环境中形成和发展起来的。本文主要从种族、时代、环境三方面探讨对西安地铁品牌VI设计的影响。同时指出了西安地铁VI设计融入现代因素:添加了听觉需求和人性化设计,因此更显完善。  相似文献   

地铁商业是城市化过程中,随着地铁这一交通工具的兴起而出现的一种新兴商业。地铁商业的发育成长及发展不同于地面商业形态,有它自身的特点和规律,只有充分地重视和认识这种特殊性,才能有效地培育和推进地铁商业的发展,也才能充分发挥城市地铁的功能和作用。那么,地铁商业是如何起源。的?其发展定位是什么?有哪些特点?影响地铁商业发展的因素有哪些?地铁商业的发展有哪些规律?世界其他知名城市的地铁商业发展有哪些模式和经验启示?文章对此进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The patterns of family formation and fertility behavior of Turkish and Moroccan women in Belgium are changing rapidly. The census data (1991) indicate a fertility decline. The reasons are changes in the nuptiality patterns, contraceptive behavior, and migratory flows. The changes are not identical in both communities. Young cohorts postpone their marriage, but this is most prominent among Moroccan women. On the other hand, young Turkish women have a clear preference for smaller families. The changes also differentiate according to migrant "generation" and level of education. The changes are not restricted to Belgium but are also observed in the countries of origin.  相似文献   

A symbolic interactionist approach to the study of social organizations is specified. Materials are drawn from an on-going investigation of the American liquor industry, which is treated as a fragmented organization. The core actors, activities and interactional locales of the industry are identified. The problems of establishing a historical baseline for a case study are discussed, as are the problems of confronting archival data, locating informants, and establishing interactive linkages. The stages in writing a case history of an organization are presented and illustrated with examples drawn from the American liquor industry.  相似文献   

An analysis of the brain drain from the Andean countries of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru to the United States is presented. The data are from a survey of 62 persons from those countries who are currently residing in the United States and are listed in the current edition of "American Men and Women of Science". The reasons why they left their country of origin and are staying in the United States are considered. (summary in FRE, SPA)  相似文献   

Although the potential benefits are significant, few programs emphasize the vocational rehabilitation of the severely disturbed adolescent-young adult. The philosophical constructs as well as the major operational components of one such program are presented. The complex problems that impede this population's ability to work successfully in the community are explored. Emotionally disturbed adolescents-young adults are accustomed to failure and their behavior is frequently self-defeating. Community resistance and professional conservatism may limit their work options. The program's experience has demonstrated that if disturbed youths are provided the opportunity to work in a natural community setting, they will frequently surpass formal diagnostic evaluations of their capacities. The therapeutic gains realized by the disturbed individual who works successfully in his or her community are considered.  相似文献   


The brains of heterosexual males and heterosexual females are different. Moreover, the brains of gay men are similar to those in heterosexual females, whereas the brains of lesbians are similar to those in heterosexual males. Gender-atypical features in gays and lesbians are not limited to brain structures but extend to other physical features (auditory function, finger print patterns, relative size of index and ring fingers) and interest patterns and behaviors. The research supporting these postulates is reviewed. The gestational processes that might explain the differences in brain structure and function corresponding with sexual orientation are reviewed. A discussion of the physiological bases for the expression of gender-related traits and a discussion of factors contributing to sexual identity are provided. Throughout the article, alternative ways to think about gender are suggested. The importance of integrating the information presented in this article into the curriculum of social work education is explained.  相似文献   

The dynamics of paranoia are complex. The cognitive and behavioral patterns of paranoia are well documented in the clinical literature. However, writings on the etiology of paranoia are sparse. Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein, and William W. Meissner are the three most comprehensive and recognized theorists on the etiology and psychodynamic functions of paranoia. Their theories are delineated and applied to a clinical vignette of a woman with a recently developed paranoid symptom.  相似文献   

The nature of power relations and the perceptions of power holders are explored by analyzing dominance and leadership structures in one male group and one female group of elementary school-age children. The results indicate that power structures can be specified for male and female groups. In both instances, power is most clearly indicated by dominance and play organization ranks. These hierarchic structures are, however, perceived differently by boys and girls. Powerful boys are linked by group members, but powerful girls are not well received. The implications for sex differences in power styles in adulthood are explored.  相似文献   

数字内容产业已成为上海经济、社会与文化发展的新增长点,三网融合又为上海数字内容产业的发展提供了更为广阔的空间。在三网融合发展背景下,推进上海数字内容产业发展的基本思路可以概括为"一二三四工程"和"五项落地政策"。"一二三四工程"分别指"一个指导思想"——科学发展观、经济发展方式转变;"两种发展机制"——市场机制、政府管理机制;"三个发展方向"——内容创意、整合运营与终端工程建设;"四个政策着力点"——产业发展、园区建设、平台服务和企业扶持。"五个落地政策"分别是财税政策、融资政策、人才培养引进政策、创新政策、知识产权保护政策。  相似文献   

Chinese Children's Changing Family and School Environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As a result of modernization, major changes are taking place in children's social relationships. Children are beginning to view their parents more as friends and colleagues rather than powerful authority figures. Parents are realizing that their children face a new, uncharted future and are more inclined to consider their children's point of view. The generation gap is viewed as evidence of social progress. Children and parents are growing into the future together. Increased pressure from economic development results in increasing demands on the educational system. Private schools, some of which are very costly, are on the rise. The entire educational system, including laws governing schools, student-teacher relations, and expectations about goals for educational quality are being revised.  相似文献   

In this paper, several aspects of autobiographical accounts of childhood are explored. The paper begins with a consideration of Freudian explanations of how recollections of childhood are bounded by memory. The distinctive form of definitions of oneself-as-child are then described and related to post-modern theories about the self. Finally, the ways in which recollections of childhood are framed by the subordinate position of children in the family and society are discussed. Six autobiographies were chosen for study. All were by Australian authors. The authors were Henry Handel Richardson, Ruth Park, Jill Ker Conway, Albert Facey, Hal Porter and Manning Clark.  相似文献   

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