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据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,在北京市西城区的文昌胡同深处,一间小小的、不起眼的、甚至杂草丛生,可以说有点破败的房子,刚刚卖出了相当于20公斤黄金的价格。这处仅仅11.4平米的房产,卖出了530万元人民币的天价,每平米房价达到46万元人民币。卖出如此高价的原因,就因为它是北京最著名的小学之一实验二小的学区房。46万的单价,也创造了北京最贵学区房的记录。  相似文献   

宋臻 《职业》2016,(4):18-19
奥地利是一个仅有八百万人口的小国家,处于欧洲的中心;也是当今世界最富裕的国家之一,人们的生活质量名列世界第四,其经济的发展得益于优质的职业教育.奥地利驻华大使艾琳娜女士曾介绍说,在奥地利有一种独特的制度,那就是在义务教育结束以后,你可能并不一定去上大学,而是去一个特殊的学校,这个特殊的学校能够帮助你学习某一种特殊的技能.  相似文献   

时代在变。开放的社会.快节奏的工作.数字化的生存.工作与生存环境的改变.使人们更多了彼此接近的机会。寻求理解与渴望渲泄,盼望着能交上桃花好运便也成了一些人藏匿在心底的美梦。当情感在婚姻与道德的夹缝中游离的时候.有的人在频繁的交友,联谊、网络和娱乐等等各种机会和场合还真的就和那“桃花女神”不期而遇美梦成真了。可人们期待的桃花运到底是什么?不乏有交了桃花好运的——一位出租车司机朋友曾非常得意地告诉过我.他说一天晚上他将一位女士拉到了目的地.可是那女士就是不下车.说是要请他吃饭。司机有点手足无措,可那女士坚持要请并说只要他肯答应.她会给司机一定的报酬.以赔偿司机的时间损失。司机何乐而不为?吃饭过程中2人海阔天空聊得很融洽.原来那女士的丈夫去国外工作已半年多了.女士寂寞难耐.看着司机英  相似文献   

相比人造的七大奇迹的巧夺天工,自然界锻造出的地貌美景显得更加大气磅礴。从我国的赤水丹霞地貌到美国的波纹岩,再到至今形成机理仍然是迷的撒哈拉之眼,无不让我们感叹自然造物主的鬼斧神工。  相似文献   

陈建明 《安家》2006,(7):130-133
社区商业作为商业的一个组成部分,在中国长期以来一直处于一个少人关心的地位,一直是以自发性的零散商业形式为主进行发展,属于比较落后的商业形式.但实际上其对城市商业的发展和结构的优化起着重要的作用.在市场竞争中,尽管比起超市、百货、购物中心等商业形态有诸多的劣势,但也有其核心的竞争力--便利性和多样性.这样的核心竞争力决定了其商业功能的亲和力.  相似文献   

杨大威 《安家》2006,(10):252-255
九月的最后一个周末,秋高气爽,阳光怡人,距今已有800多年历史的香山公园今天迎来了一批特殊的客人,安家传媒机构联合香邑山项目在西贵香山宝地举办了游香山寻宝藏活动. 平日里坐在办公室日理万机的地产界精英们也放下繁忙的工作齐聚即将翠红处处的香山,参加安家·香邑山今天举办的寻宝活动.香山饭店是今天活动的始发点,体贴的健康体测,刺激的寻宝,舒心的缆车赏景,诱人的自助餐会,还有丰厚的奖品,一切都从这里开始.  相似文献   

倪元锦 《安家》2006,(6):217-222
前言 顾虑-- "商品房"一词,是近十年国家逐步取消单位分房制度的过程中悄然兴起的.而"开发商"也曾一度被认为"不是暴发户,就是和上面的人有点关系".因为只有这样,才能拿到地. 作为一项大手笔的、甚至是倾注购房者未来一辈子辛勤劳动的投资,商品房的品质、价格以及同样作为商品的房子的售后服务是否如广告宣传般理想等一系列问题,长久以来一直备受关注.  相似文献   

1960年的夏天,26岁的珍·古道尔(Jane Goodall)与母亲一起到达东非坦噶尼喀湖岸,研究当地的黑猩猩种群。尽管对于一位女性来说,到非洲森林里的野生动物世界去冒险是骇人听闻的,但这次旅行对珍·古道尔却有着不同寻常的意义——为了实现孩提时代的梦想。珍在坦桑尼亚获得的成绩超出了任何人的想象。  相似文献   

王林生 《城市》2015,(2):75-79
现代化的进程,是一个不断探索的进程.在城市现代化过程中,支撑城市发展的各种要素随着城市社会经济实践的变化,其功能和地位亦相应调整.从1949年至今的60多年中,北京的城市状貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,而基于政治和经济等不同方面的发展需要,文化在城市发展中充当的角色、展示的形式、发挥的作用也发生着相应变化.在北京实现现代化的进程中,文化的命运大致经历了一个由中心向边缘“抛离”的过程,但在当前又呈现出“回归”中心的趋势.  相似文献   

一部电影《红樱桃》,让人们了解到上世纪三四十年代,一批中国共产党领导人的孩子在前苏联国际儿童院度过的一段鲜为人知的不寻常的经历。他们中有毛泽东的孩子毛岸英、毛岸青;刘少奇的孩子刘允斌、刘爱琴;朱德的孩子朱敏;林伯渠、张闻天的孩子;烈士向警予的孩子蔡博、蔡妮;罗亦农之子罗西北等。如今,这群当年一同前往苏联的中国孩子中,只剩下了三名幸存者。  相似文献   

Five macroeconomic concepts are presented which are prominent in the business sections of newspapers, but which are not given equivalent prominence in macroeconomic textbooks. These are the discouraged worker phenomenon, the use of inventories in forecasting, the effect of changes in the money supply on the bond market, and the effects of inflation and nominal interest rates in the foreign exchange market. These concepts are presented via news clips illustrating the way they typically appear in the press. Instructors are urged to place extra emphasis on these concepts.  相似文献   

A cohort analysis of female labor participation rates in the U.S. and Japan   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Aggregate data of female labor participation rates in U.S. and Japan, classified by period and by age, are decomposed into age, period, and cohort effects using innovative Bayesian cohort models that were developed to overcome the identification problem in cohort analysis. The main findings are that in both countries, age effects are the largest and period effects are the smallest; in both countries, age effects are roughly consistent with life-cycle movements expected by labor economics, but the negative effects of marriage and/or childbearing on women?’s labor supply in Japan are much larger than those observed in the U.S.; and in both countries, upward movements of cohort effects during 1930s–1960s were found. However, cohort effects are larger for the U.S. than for Japan. All the cohort results are roughly consistent with the marriage squeeze hypothesis and the Easterlin hypothesis.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the well-being and capacities of 1759 new fathers in seven cities using data from the Fragile Families Study. Comparisons are made between married (N=478) and unmarried fathers (N=1281). With the unwed fathers, we compare those who are cohabiting, who are stably romantically involved but not cohabiting, who are involved in an unstable romantic relationship, who are not romantically involved but friends, and who have no relationship with the mother. The six indicators of fathers' well-being capacities include physical health, depressive symptoms, drug and alcohol use, smoking, and physical abuse of the mother. These findings show that married fathers are more advantaged than unwed fathers vis-à-vis education, income, and age; they also are in better physical and mental health. Among the unwed fathers, those who are cohabiting are more advantaged and healthier than those who are not cohabiting, although the differences are not as great as those between married and unmarried fathers. Non-resident fathers who are romantically involved are similar in income, age and education to fathers who are not romantically involved but are friends, although the former are less likely than the latter to be using drugs, to be depressed or to have hit or slapped the mother. The fathers who are romantically involved in an unstable (i.e., off-and-on) relationship are less healthy than those in a more sustained romantic or cohabiting relationship. The fathers who have no relationship with the mother are most likely to exhibit unhealthy behaviors. About two percent of the married fathers, 3% of the unmarried cohabiting and stably romantically involved, 5% of the unstably romantically involved, 7% of the friends, and 11% of those with no relationship had hit or slapped the mother as reported by her. About one-half of the married fathers, a little over a third of the unwed fathers who are cohabiting, stably romantically involved or unstably romantically involved or friends, and only one-sixth of the fathers with no relationship have none of the six behaviors. In contrast, one-fifth of the unwed fathers with no relationship and one-eighth of the unstably romantically involved fathers have three or more of the six risky behaviors, as compared to one-tenth of the unwed fathers with involvement and 3% of the married fathers. Implications for welfare reform and child support are discussed.  相似文献   

An analysis of the brain drain from the Andean countries of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru to the United States is presented. The data are from a survey of 62 persons from those countries who are currently residing in the United States and are listed in the current edition of "American Men and Women of Science". The reasons why they left their country of origin and are staying in the United States are considered. (summary in FRE, SPA)  相似文献   

Most of the studies of the employment and income levels of disabled people focus on a specific disability or on severely disabled persons. A few studies are cross disability ones, but they fail to go beyond simple associations or else have extremely small sample sizes. There is a need for studies which are cross disability and which have an adequate sample size in order to determine if there are structural variables in society—like a class system-which operate upon the employment opportunities of disabled persons. Using a sample (n = 733) of the Disability Community in Massachusetts, socio-economic variables related to employment and income are studied. Statistically significant relationships are found. Several models are developed and the implications for social theory are discussed.  相似文献   

The last fifteen years have seen an exponential growth in research on women professionals and managers in organizations. However, much less attention has been paid to the small but growing number of women who are embracing international careers. This paper describes some of the main findings of a two-year longitudinal study of the experiences of 92 women expatriates in a variety of UK-based companies. The results show that while there are a growing number of women opting for international assignments (IAs), they are overwhelmingly concentrated in junior and middle management positions, have less options in terms of the countries to which they can be posted and are handicapped by cultural prejudices about ‘proper’ gender roles in some countries. The reasons for these problems are explored and some suggestions are made for improving international opportunities for women employees in the future.  相似文献   

It is argued that decisions are processes that occur in the ordinary course of a human life and that actions taken in life, when they are not habitual, follow such decisions. Decisions are undertaken in the framework of socially validated identities and are accompanied by vocabularies of motive which serve to guide action as well as to justify them. How then are these decisions reached? These decisions are reached, it is argued, by using various objective structures and three cases—Astrology in Ceylon, the Cuban Missile crisis and the Azande Oracles are used to support this claim and to propose a dialectical and interactionist theory of the relationship between actor and motives. The availability of such objective structures allows an actor to use them to legitimize his lines of action as well as to justify them in any future challenges.  相似文献   

Information on the role of cultural factors in abnormal behavior and experience is selectively reviewed, and several conclusions are drawn about the nature, extent, and impact of such influence. Although a number of demonstrated universals exist in the manifestations of schizophrenia and depression, the scope of cultural variation in all aspects of psychopathology is vast. Both universalist and relativist positions in their pure or exclusive form are rejected and the view is espoused that psychological manifestations are the joint result of panhuman and culture-specific factors. Several conclusions concerning the operation and the results of such influences are presented and the issues that are as yet unresolved are identified. The self is introduced as the key concept in explaining both the constancy and the variation of experience across cultures and four dimensions derived from Hofstede's worldwide multicultural research are described. Their potential relevance is spelled out for systematically investigating the culturally preferred and/or characteristic modalities of psychotherapy.  相似文献   

It is argued in this paper that a significant number of definitions of terms provided in currently available methodological texts are inadequate or positively misleading. Some do not cover the main meaning of the term but focus instead on a non-standard one. Others fail to pick out the distinctive features of what is being defined. There are also those that fail to indicate relationships to related terms or those with similar meanings. Finally, there are some definitions that are simply incorrect in significant respects. It is argued that defective definitions are worse than useless and are a disservice to students.  相似文献   

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