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As thin therapists, who work with eating-disordered patients, we have found that our bodies have an appreciable impact on the treatment. In this article, we discuss issues of transference–countertransference, disclosure, the use of the therapist’s self including the body, and the vicissitudes of the treatment. Patients use the therapist’s thin body in various ways: as evidence to support a number of distorted beliefs and assumptions; as a target of envy; as a container for projections and fantasies. We illustrate through case examples, the importance of including the therapist’s body in the therapeutic dialogue, so that it can be used as a tool, rather than a barrier to recovery.  相似文献   

Acknowledging and overcoming hostile countertransference is a major problem in treating borderline personalities, especially for clinicians in training. Borderline personality dynamics and transference/countertransference phenomena are described, and a compendium of trainess' negative countertransference reactions is offered, following Maltsberger's and Buie's (1974) schema. Myths of omnipotence, seen as antecedents to countertransference reactions, are discussed briefly. A case example illustrates some of the ways that a trainee may inadvertently foster a negative transference/countertransference experience; it also discusses the roles of supervision and consultation in explicating the particular difficulties that the therapist and patient created. The necessity for and nature of limit-setting with borderline patients is noted.  相似文献   

Pornography in the clinical psychoanalytic situation is an ordinary problem that is most effectively approached in the manner a psychoanalyst would any other part of a patient's experience that registers in the transference/countertransference in order to be worked with. However, because pornography often seems to do with sexual excitement, it may evoke more anxiety than other kinds of material in an analysis and so may lead to a transference/countertransference situation that can feel difficult to handle. This essay examines several aspects of pornography—how it produces its effects and what sort of product it is—but also discusses how an analyst works to regain what feels like a useful therapeutic stance when pornography has been part of the clinical dialogue. This involves the tension that grabs hold when ideas generated by applied psychoanalysis combined with volatile subjective experience of pornography produce a specific countertransference situation.  相似文献   

Envy strongly influences many spheres of social life. However, the psychology of envy is still in its infancy. A theoretical and empirical examination of envy was performed with a psychosocial focus via two exploratory studies. In Study 1 (N = 141), participants were asked to describe an event in which they experienced envy, indicating which people they envied and the reasons for that envy. In Study 2 (= 311), the relationship between envy and several psychosocial variables such as self-efficacy, self-esteem and perceived control were analysed, as well as the predisposition to express aggressive behaviours in response to this emotion. The results of Study 1 revealed that friends were the most envied people, and abilities or personal skills were the most frequent sources of envy. Likewise, the results of Study 2 showed that self-efficacy, self-esteem and perceived control predicted envy, which in turn predicted the expression of verbal aggressive behaviours.  相似文献   

A number of factors contribute to social workers' states of mind including exposure to intense emotionality and disturbance, job satisfaction, burnout, secondary stress, and the perceived value attached to social work. Together these can lead to placing social workers at risk of vicarious traumatisation. While vicarious traumatisation can lead to posttraumatic stress, it may be important to explore whether posttraumatic growth is a possibility. The aim was to provide evidence for growth in social workers and to test for its association with factors that are known to contribute to the state of mind of the social worker, and thus affect countertransference reactions. Sixty-two social workers completed self-report measures showing those who felt more valued in their professional role scored lower on burnout, higher on job satisfaction, and positive growth. The role of these variables as factors influencing countertransference reactions is discussed.  相似文献   

The definitions of countertransference are examined and a new definition is offered. A model is suggested that facilitates exploration of countertransference data.We have become aware of the countertransference which arises in [the physician] as a result of the patient's influence on his unconscious feelings... and have nearly come to the point of requiring the physician to recognize and overcome the countertransference in himself. (Freud, 1910, pp. 144–145)  相似文献   

1. As the nurse-patient relationship evolves through a series of ongoing interactions, both participants become "known" and stir in each other a range of positive and negative emotional reactions. 2. When working with severely psychologically disturbed patients, the nurse's affective and behavioral response can be valuable clues to understanding the patient's early experiences that contribute to the pattern of relatedness and to the formulation of change, enhancing therapeutic interactions. 3. The goals of the countertransference peer supervision group were to recognize unconscious countertransference reactions; unravel the origin and meaning of those countertransference reactions; and collaboratively develop therapeutic nursing interventions.  相似文献   

This article explores a culturally sensitive topic, envy, among Bolivian migrants in Spain. Following a constructivist approach to emotions, we examine discourses of envy, as they are shaped by the cultural contexts in which they emerge. Our study uses a sample of 30 transnational households and multi-sited ethnography to illustrate the ways emotions and their effects on sociality serve as a mechanism of social control, especially when the boundaries of such a community have been stretched transnationally. Envy is an important component of a belief system central to understanding the emergence, or lack thereof, of trust and solidarity among migrants and can shape the types of social relations and conflicts between migrants and non-migrant households back in Bolivia. These conflicts have been exacerbated by economic instability, high unemployment rates and precarious wages especially for the undocumented migrant community in Spain.  相似文献   

This article explores how envy influences affective performance in the service industry. Utilizing the first‐person accounts of 12 women working in one Manhattan bar, it examines how the experiences these women have with male and female customers are differently intersected by expectations for gendered performance. It further explores how envy — as the emotion most prompted in the servers in the face of these expectations — can in response be harnessed as a force for their critical agency. Seeing envy as both an antagonizer and central defence mechanism, the paper goes on to dissect the various strategies employed by the serving women to both adopt the differing embodiments of affective gender performance expected by their male and female customers, and protect themselves from the emotional damage that is risked in adopting such externally dictated subjectivities.  相似文献   

This article proposes a cardinal or an intensity measure of interpersonal envy by directly measuring the distance between the envied person's consumption bundle and the envious person's equilibrium indifference curve. The individual's intensity of envy is aggregated to form a social envy index, which in turn is combined with the Pareto criterion to form a social choice rule. This social choice rule generates a non-empty choice set with the fair set (envy-free and Pareto efficient social states) as a proper subset of the choice set. The intensity measure of envy is then applied to the Rawlsian problem of the worst-off person. It turns out that the person with the greatest envy need not be the poorest person. Finally, it is shown that if individuals have homothetic and identical preferences the measure of envy collapses into a measure of income inequality. This measure of income inequality satisfies soem appealing axioms.I am grateful to William Vickrey and Duncan Foley for orginally encouraging the idea of intensity of envy. This version has benefited greatly from suggestions and criticisms made by F. William McElroy  相似文献   

In 1986 research the author described a constellation of gender related issues emergent in the transference and countertransference of women psychotherapists treating women patients. Shared gender-linked issues appear to foster special resonance between women psychotherapists and their patients. This paper posits that shared themes in the interplay of transference and countertransference can be reparative and growthful for the psychotherapist as well as her patient. Three examples from the author's clinical experience are used to demonstrate the process by which countertransference can give the patient greater access to unconscious material while simultaneously promoting growth in the therapist.  相似文献   

This article addresses countertransference in therapeutic relationships involving therapist and client from the same ethnicity. A case illustration of a Japanese adolescent and a Japanese therapist is used to develop the thesis that obvious similarities in race, or culture may lead to invalid assumptions about shared beliefs and values and subtle countertransference manifestations which have the potential to disrupt or prevent the development of a working relationship.in private practice.  相似文献   

Envy is an undesired and painful emotion. It’s also socially sanctioned. Envy is at the same time an emotion which is difficult to recognize because it is shown in a masked form. The article explains the genesis and the dynamic of envy in affected persons as well as in a social field. It’s clearly shown that envy has a depressive, a hostile as well as a growth encouragement dynamic.  相似文献   

This paper describes specific transference and counter-transference issues that commonly emerge in therapeutic work with adolescents and parents who are in the midst of family transitions such as divorce and remarriage. Psychoanalytic understanding and definitions of transference and countertransference are applied to short-term family-centered cases in which the parent-adolescent relationship is at particular risk. Case vignettes are presented in order to illustrate how transference and countertransference may guide or interfere with clinical interventions that are especially indicated with adolescents whose family structure has changed. Such interventions as well as the use of consultation are briefly described.At the time this paper was prepared, Ms. Springer was Associate Director and a senior clinician at the Center for the Family in Transition in Corte Madera, California. Funds for the research and clinical work that provided the basis for this paper were supplied by grants from the San Francisco Foudation. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Orthopsychiatry Association, New York City, March 31–April 4, 1989.  相似文献   

《Journal of Child Custody》2013,10(3-4):77-89

The authors' reply to Martindale and Gould's critique of Pickar's article (2007a, this issue), “Countertransference Bias in the Child Custody Evaluator.” Martindale and Gould's objections to considering an evaluator's countertransference reactions as a potential source of bias are addressed by focusing on these four areas: (1) Whether it is useful to introduce the term “countertransference bias” to identify a potential source of distortion in custody evaluations; (2) How the empirical literature on countertransference in the context of psychotherapy might apply to the child custody evaluation process; (3) Clarification of areas of agreement and disagreement with Martindale and Gould, and (4) The importance of evaluator attempts at “debiasing.” We conclude that gaining awareness of countertransference reactions can only enhance the evaluator's ability to provide the most objective custody evaluation possible.  相似文献   

Conclusion I have tried to show how a patient who presented with debilitating anxiety around getting her Ph.D. and with concomitant feelings of envy for those with, and disdain for those without a Ph.D. has a psychical equivalent to what has been described in the literature as penis envy. Although the interpretation of penis envy was seen as a crucial part of the initial stages of the work together, the fact that it emerged from the outset as preconscious suggested that its understanding would have only limited value. Further I have tried to demonstrate how Freud's (1937) interpretation of penis envy and the patient's acceptance of the same as being bedrock is potentially harmful since it has the function of distorting the patient's psychic reality. Furthermore the importance of penis envy as a resistance to the exploration of a more primitive disturbance in the mother-daughter dyad is discussed. Further evidence for the understanding of this case in terms of a pre-Oedipal disturbance has to do with the patient's use of masochism with its anal-sadistic components and profound difficulties with eating. The understanding of penisenvy as a metaphor is emphasized and in particular its expression as an example of severe narcissistic injury has been a way of understanding this patient's own sense of maternal deprivation. References were also made to the patient's relationship to the penis as being a metaphor for the same conflicts toward the maternal breast, trapped between the desire to be loved and the wish to destroy the one who stands in her way.  相似文献   

Using vignettes and online photos, this study explored the relationship between touch intimacy, biological sex, attachment, and the experience of jealous emotions in the context of seeing one’s partner touch a close, opposite-sex friend. Results indicated that hypothetical scenarios elicited significant emotional responses and increases in touch intimacy (as depicted in digital photos) heightened these responses. Males indicated more sexual arousal when seeing their partners interacting with a friend, while females indicated more sadness, fear, and envy. In terms of attachment, preoccupied individuals expressed the most anger and fear, dismissives and secures expressed the least envy and embarrassment, dismissives expressed the least fear, and fearfuls expressed the most sexual arousal. The two forms of touch (face touch and lower back touch) elicited stronger jealous emotions (anger, sadness, fear, and embarrassment) than no touch. Lastly, in regards to lower back touch, fearfully attached males responded with the most fear, females with the most anger, sadness, fear, and envy, and fearfully attached individuals the least amount of fear. This occurred despite the fact that face touch was characterized as more intimate than lower back touch; our results suggest that this form of touch may have been perceived as sexual. We relate our findings to the context of viewing digital photos on social networking websites.  相似文献   

The Person‐of‐the‐Therapist Training (POTT) is a program designed to facilitate clinicians' ability to consciously and purposefully use their selves to effectively connect, assess, and intervene with clients. This study explored CFT students' perceptions of the effects of POTT on their ability to create positive therapeutic relationships. Course papers and final reflections were collected from 70 CFT students. Directed content analysis looking for evidence‐supported elements of positive therapeutic relationships revealed 5 elements: empathy, management of countertransference, balancing multiple alliances, positive regard, and bond. Findings support the idea that a structured program focused on the training of the personal aspects of the therapists, like POTT, can promote the evidence‐supported elements that make a therapeutic relationship effective.  相似文献   

《Journal of Child Custody》2013,10(3-4):91-100

Bias can taint the forensic work product to a far greater degree than many lawyers and judges, as relatively unsophisticated consumers of psychological expertise, are aware. Daniel Pickar's article, “Countertransference Bias in the Child Custody Evaluator” (this issue) describes the deep roots and potential impact on evaluations that can emerge from countertransference thoughts and feelings forming in the shadows of the evaluator's psyche. This article examines countertransference bias primarily from the perspective of the cross-examining attorney charged with the obligation of revealing possible sources of invalidity underlying the expert's conclusions. It addresses also the legitimate concerns raised by David A. Martindale and Jonathan W. Gould that the wholesale importation of a highly nuanced and potentially confusing lexicon from psychoanalytic theory may yield more confusion than clarity. Finally, this article cautions as to the potentially fatal implications to evidentiary admissibility which may be encountered if an evaluator should, as suggested by Pickar, premise his or her conclusions, in part, on the subjective interpretation of counter-transference thoughts and feelings.  相似文献   

This article examines the sources of relational difficulties inherent in clinical work with forensic clients. Left alone, common countertransference feelings, responses, and defense mechanisms can disrupt and ultimately derail treatment. Concepts relating to the management of countertransference offer a path with which to integrate therapists’ affective reactions as a mechanism of therapy. A relational framework utilizing the affective dynamics between client and therapist to develop and promote treatment goals is introduced and the process of formulating it is described. Practice examples are offered.  相似文献   

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