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宋艳丽 《唐都学刊》2003,19(4):107-110
清末新政时期,清政府积极与英国进行鸦片交涉,迫使英国答应10年内逐步减少向中国输入鸦片,直至完全停止.这是清政府外交史上的一次重大胜利,有力地促进了国内禁烟运动的开展.  相似文献   


This study examined risk and protective outcomes by comparing homeless sexual minority youths to heterosexual homeless youths regarding family, peer behaviors, school, mental health, stigma, discrimination, substance use, and sexual risk behaviors. Structured interviews (N = 147) were conducted with individuals aged 16 to 24 years old in Toronto. Bivariate analyses indicated statistically significant differences between homeless sexual minorities (n = 66) and their heterosexual counterparts (n = 81) regarding all variables: family, peer behaviors, stigma, discrimination, mental health, substance use, and sexual risk behaviors, with the exception of school belonging. Implications for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in children's relationships with their mothers and older siblings between 33 and 69 months of age were investigated in a longitudinal study of 47 families, through an examination of family conversations and affect expressed during unstructured home observations. Mother-child interaction decreased and sibling interaction increased markedly over the period. The prominence of reflective commentary in children's discourse increased while self-interested moves decreased with both partners; however differences in emotional expression and in patterns of change in the two relationships were marked, with more positive and negative emotion and play with siblings. Individual differences in the trajectory of these changes were correlated with early differences in social understanding, and with SES. The association between children's developing social understanding and these changes in relationships is discussed.  相似文献   

In the psychological literature, love is often seen as a construct inseparable from that of close, interpersonal relationships. As a result, it has been often assumed that the same motivational factors underlie both phenomena. This often leads researchers to propose that love does not exist in itself—that it is an emotion which stems solely from a need for attachment, fulfillment of reproductive aims, or for social exchange. The popular cultural imagination, however, perceives love as a unique, mysterious, altruistic, ever-lasting bond between two people—a vision of love which is at odds with its supposed psychological origins. We propose that an ideal of love and its enactment in our culture is a result of two intertwining factors. Within the last few centuries, interpersonal relationships and love have replaced religion as islands of existential comfort. Toward this end, lovers project illusory meaning on their partners. The laborious and turbulent process of withdrawing these projections can lead to what many thinkers think "love" is: bestowal of value on another, and consequent respect for, and care for that person, unmotivated by one's own needs, within the context of a real relationship.  相似文献   

对于发展城市经济而言,城市化和高新技术的发展是驱动现代城市经济的两个轮子.一方面,城市化可以促进要素(包括资本、劳动力、信息)的积聚,从而为高新技术的发展提供良好的环境和基础;另一方面,高新技术的发展本身又积极地推动着城市化的进程,从而可以更有效地配置城市资源.城市化和高新技术产业发展互相联系、互相促进的内在关系,推动现代城市经济的更快发展.在回顾已有相关理论和经验的基础上,本文展开了对城市化和高新技术产业发展的互促机制的研究.  相似文献   

Negotiation support: Development of representations and reasoning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The general importance of negotiations and bargaining as means of decision making has given rise to considerable research within two broad paradigms. The behavioral paradigm has attempted to discover rationality in specific situations in order to generalize. The formal paradigm has assumed a general rationality which could be applied to specific problems. This strict dichotomy imposes unnecessary restrictions on the use of formal approaches to structure, represent, and support negotiators. Logic-based approaches, such as rule-based formalism, make it possible to blend unique and specific aspects of a problem, with general reasoning mechanisms and rationality postulates. This paper introduces rule-based formalism and discusses its advantages and disadvantages. It attempts to present its ability to represent complex decision processes and to reason using formal structures. The approach is illustrated with several simple examples.  相似文献   

The status-role of the epileptic in the United States and elsewhere is such that he is handicapped in gaining employment and education. In fact, it is not epilepsy per se which prevents epileptics from adequately participating in our society, but the beliefs about epilepsy. These beliefs have a long history and are derived from ancient and mythical sources. They have no validity in the light of medical advances made in this field over the past thirty years. Hence it is now necessary to give epileptics those educational and vocational opportunities which others have and of which epileptics have been unjustly deprived.  相似文献   

1948年5月,印度向中国国民政府提出在疏附建立领馆的要求,虽然国民政府认识到印度的设馆目的并不单纯,但仍然决定同意对方在疏附建馆。作为一种对等行动,国民政府亦提出在印度的葛伦堡设立中国领事馆,并经中国驻印大使罗家伦向印度提出。虽经罗家伦与印度外交部长梅农多次交涉,印度方面始终未予以明确支持,而是借故推脱、阻延。罗家伦坚持印度须同意中国在葛伦堡设领的原则后,中国方能同意印度在疏附设领,但国民政府外交部最终向印方作出妥协。中印设领交涉凸显出印度独立后国家主权意识空前膨胀,刻意继承英帝国侵略所得的边界及利益。  相似文献   


Early childhood development is inseparable from health care, parental education, and child care services. Empirical data were gathered in this study from 131 children at age 3 to assess coexisting effects from those area-specific services at 21 preschool communities across Kern County, CA. While muscle and bone growth occurs on scales of height and weight to support improvement of motor skills, more dramatic development has been found across communication, problem-solving, and personal-social skills within the broad context of environmental interactions that are otherwise not detectable from an isolated investigation of a single service. To examine the well-rounded early childhood development in a county as large as the state of New Jersey, a comprehensive Context, Input, Process, and Product model was employed to identify pertinent variables from the current research literature and reconfirm the relationship through empirical data analyses. The result suggests additional needs of incorporating culture-dependent variables for future investigation.  相似文献   

应星 《社会》2018,38(1):30-53
田野工作具有实证性格与人文气质的双重特性,所谓“田野工作的想象力”介于科学的探究与艺术的想象之间,将真实的观察和想象的再现紧密结合在一起。本文以《大河移民上访的故事》为例展示了“田野工作的想象力”的一种可能性。从田野与理论的关系来看,田野研究的基本问题既不是从经验现实中直接生发出来,也不是从中层理论中推演出来,“田野工作的想象力”的空间是由经典理论的问题域给定的,但在实际进入田野后,理论的力量需要完全融化在对经验现实的敏感中。从微观与宏观的关系来看,复杂性成为田野工作由微观通向宏观的关键所在。这种复杂性表现在诸多方面:对“家乡社会学”的自然正当性的反省;对功能主义分析范式的突破;把行动者分析而非结构分析作为田野工作的焦点;将历史视野带入田野中。“田野工作的想象力”具有手工技艺的特点,其养成需要特别的耐心。  相似文献   

First Communion: The Emergence of Vocal Relationships   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human infants engage in vocal communion with their mother and other prospective caregivers as soon as it becomes possible to do so. As the term is used here, 'communion' refers to a continuous state or feeling of connectedness owing to the existence of a communications link that is maintained largely by the vocalizations of infants and caregivers. It is proposed that certain types of vocalization that infants place in this channel encourage physical approach and caregiving. Several of the social behaviors that predict lexical learning, including joint attention and vocal imitation, are also, in theory, associated with maternal attachment. Since quality of attachment also predicts language development, research is needed to determine which behaviors are functionally related to language learning and which are only symptomatic of a relationship that is independently influential.  相似文献   

This paper makes a comparison between Finnish and Italian working dual carers. Dual carers have responsibilities simultaneously at two different fronts. The selected Finnish and Italian samples of carers are doing similar care work in different settings. They negotiate care with a variety of actors and under differing circumstances. A care life story has been constructed for each participant. Then these care life stories have been compared with each other, especially at points where the need for negotiation has been evident, at life's various turning points. There are many individual similarities in negotiations performed in Finland and in Italy. However, their divergent contexts create considerable variation.  相似文献   

We examined the conversations of 14 preschool children to explore differences in communication between friends and nonfriends in a well-established group. Children's social preferences were identified by analysing relative utterance frequencies which revealed a network structure of 4 cliques. We then examined whether the integration (inclusion/exclusion) and social theme (person/action) content of children's utterances, and the responses (accept/oppose) to these utterances, discriminated relationships in the social network. Our main findings were 1) Exclusive utterances were more likely to occur between nonfriends and to be opposed. Inclusive utterances were more likely to occur between friends and to be accepted. 2) Person and action themes were used differentially. In exclusion statements, nonfriends were more likely to be personally rejected whereas friends were more likely to have their actions rejected. In inclusion statements, personal references were more likely to be accepted between friends whereas references to a peer's actions tended to be accepted by both friends and nonfriends. We concluded that children adapted the integration and social theme content of their utterances to relationship context in order to establish more intimate interactions between friends and more distant interactions between nonfriends.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Lena Dominelli, Department of Applied Social Studies, The University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL. Summary Feminist analyses of incest have revealed that this is a highlyprevalent form of sexual abuse which is perpetrated primarilyby male assailants against young girls. Feminists have focusedon incest as the expression of unequal power relations withinthe family, and demonstrated that it is more than the genitalpenetration of a young girl by her father or step-father. Thispaper examines incest from a feminist perspective and highlightsthe significance for the incest victim/survivor of the abuseof power taking place within intimate ‘family’ relationships.This abuse of power cannot be seen as anything other than abetrayal of trust which undermines the young girl's view ofherself as a sexual being and reinforces her feelings of powerlessnessand subordination. These feelings are very difficult to overcomeeven after disclosure, though dealing with them provides a cornerstonefor feminist work with incest victims/survivors. Moreover, workfeminists have already undertaken in this area holds significantlessons for practitioners wishing to improve their practicewith those experiencing incest abuse.  相似文献   

Low-income working mothers face significant child care challenges. These challenges are particularly salient in an era of welfare reform, when welfare recipients are under increased pressure to find a job. The current study examines how child care demands are negotiated for an urban sample of low-income mothers. The sample includes a racially and ethnically diverse group of 57 respondents with and without welfare experience who are mothering children under 13 years of age and working in entry-level jobs. Findings suggest that respondents seek arrangements that are affordable, convenient, and safe, and informal arrangements may be most compatible with convenience and cost considerations. Informal care is not universally available, however, andmay be less reliable. Implications for child care policy are discussed.  相似文献   

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