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世界发达国家的经验证明,在贫富差距不断扩大的时候,大力发展慈善事业,已经成为弥合社会裂痕、平抑仇富心态的一剂良药,而富人捐赠慈善事业则是一种极好的形式。富人要保障自己的财产权,就必须尊重穷人的生存权:  相似文献   

赵海林 《社会学》2008,(1):35-40
改革与发展造就了当今中国一大批富豪,而广大弱势群体却为此垫付了巨大的改革成本。富豪们的财富是弱者在社会转型期付出的代价,也是弱者为国家作出的贡献。富豪们的巨额财产中有相当一部分是弱者让渡的。这显然有悖于公正、公平和平等的原则。富豪们理所当然应对贫困群体给予一定的补偿,并主动回报社会。中国富豪应当高举振兴中华和人道主义两面旗帜,既要成为建设社会主义现代化的企业家,又要成为构建社会主义和谐社会的慈善家。  相似文献   

本文从企业家能力的角度出发,综述了促使企业成长的企业家能力的维度以及企业家能力对企业成长的影响等方面的研究成果,并对未来的研究做了展望。  相似文献   

他曾经是一个怀揣600元进京创业的浙江普通青年,如今却是身价几亿,连续多年企业产品销量在同类产品中雄踞榜首的公司老总;创业之初他只有高中文化,而现在已是拥有北大EMBA硕士学位的商界精英;身为北京市人大代表,他热心公益,对于教育的捐款已经有1000多万元;业余时间他醉心茶道,从博大精深的茶文化中体悟做人做事的真谛.  相似文献   

由于工业革命的出现,美国人的梦想产生了,即房子、工作、经济保障。而如今,美国20世纪的企业家们所拥有的梦与以前大不相同,他们不再向往房子、工作、经济保障,而是追求财富、安全、发展和权力。要实现这样的梦想,意味着疯狂地工作、忘我地牺牲和不断地进取。  相似文献   

企业和企业家历来是慈善的主体,他们手中的资源使得他们在慈善事业发展中具有广泛的社会影响力。随着中国民营经济的快速发展,中国民营企业家的慈善意识也大大增强.他们已经构成了中国慈善捐助的主力。  相似文献   

黄瑛 《社会学》2008,(3):62-64
老板在办公室里又大发雷霆了,于是员工们个个如临大敌,纷纷躲避,免得挨批……如果按照正常的眼光来看,老板为了这么点小事大动肝火,根本就不值得。老板们究竟为何经常发脾气呢?  相似文献   

SAYYES 《现代交际》2006,(8):24-25
明星级企业家的一举一动都是世人关注的焦点。他们的做派新奇大胆,甚至冒险刺激。尽管业界褒贬不一,但不论怎样,这些行为所带来的宣传效应的确非同凡响。  相似文献   

张文宏 《职业时空》2007,3(1):30-31
人们职业生涯规划的一个重要的目标就是发财致富,通过职业或事业的收入,或通过投资收入积累足够的财富,以达到终生财务自由的生活目的。在这个过程中,每个人职业生涯的路径不同,对财富的理解和偏好不同,导致个人生涯终点的财务状况的巨大差异。本文首先对个人财富、财务自由和致富等几个常见的基本概念进行剖析,以找出它们共同的物质实体是什么;其次是依据个人资产的成长机制,构建个人致富的基本模型;最后,结合个人职业生涯的不同阶段,有针对性的给出不同职业生涯阶段的致富技巧。  相似文献   

今天的时代是知识经济时代,企业对生产要素的依赖性已经发生了根本性的变化:物质要素不再是决定企业兴衰成败的核心因素,企业内在的精神要素已经越来越明显地显示出它强大的生命力。谁拥有先进的文化优势,谁就拥有了竞争优势、效益优势和发展优势。这些优势最终要落在企业员工内在的文化素养以及将其内化后迅速转化为行动的执行能力。企业员工文化素养的建构1.企业员工文化素养建构的内涵文化素养是由知识、能力、情感、态度、价值观等多种因素整合而成的相对稳定的内在品质。它是通过知识传授、环境熏陶及实践体验以不断将人类优秀的文化成…  相似文献   

A sample of 292 college students recalled a partner who had engaged in unwanted pursuit (46%) or recalled their most recent "normal" dating relationship. Subjects rated their own level of stalking victimization and rated the partner on a series of personality characteristics and social competence. Unwanted pursuers were perceived as less socially competent, more histrionic, more borderline, and less obsessive-compulsive, with discrimination of "normals" from unwanted pursuers of approximately 75% to 80% accuracy. These attributions also significantly predicted a continuous measure of unwanted pursuit victimization (R = .406). Implications for developing more precise and practical risk profiles of unwanted pursuers are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study of primary care patients, we examined the relationship between a history of domestic violence (measured with the Severity of Violence Against Women Scale [SVAWS]) and borderline personality (measured with the Self-Harm Inventory [SHI] and the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4 [PDQ-4]). We elected borderline personality for examination because several diagnostic criteria sets describe relationship features suggestive of partner abuse. In this study, both measures of borderline personality were highly related to each other (r = .73, p < .001) as well as to the SVAWS (r = .70, p < .001, for the SHI; r = .73, p < .001, for the PDQ-4). Using diagnostic cutoff scores on the measures for borderline personality, 64.0% of those with histories of domestic violence scored in the positive range on either or both measures, while only 11.1% of nonabused women did. We discuss the clinical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is one of the most common, complex, costly, and severely impairing personality disorders, affecting an estimated 2% to 9% of the general population and 40% to 44% of the inpatient psychiatric population. A review of the literature was conducted using a systematic methodology. By incorporating an ecological systems perspective, a holistic and comprehensive critique of the literature surrounding the etiology of BPD is presented. The findings reveal that the etiology of BPD is a complex integration of psychological, biological, and social factors. More specifically, however, this review found that: (1) the etiology of BPD is complex and has many factors, (2) the dominant discourse about the etiology of BPD is based primarily in the psychological and biological literature, and (3) the examination of BPD etiology has focused solely on the individual and microsystems levels, neglecting to consider systemic factors such as the impact of discriminatory health and mental healthcare practices. Findings and future directions are explored through the ecological systems theory lens.  相似文献   

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