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Building on previous results at the individual level, this study tested the differential effects of three forms of group incentives on aspects of group goal setting, and group performance. Relationships among group incentives, spontaneous goal setting, chosen group goal level, goal commitment, and group performance were examined. Results indicate that placing pay at risk increased the level of spontaneous group goal setting. Also, groups with the most pay at risk chose higher goals. For these groups, chosen group goal level mediated the group incentives-group performance relationship.  相似文献   

Goal setting is a promising strategy for improving performance in organizational settings. This paper reviews goal setting from a behavior analytic perspective, discussing the function of goals and a number of key variables related to goal setting: goal difficulty, feedback on goal attainment and participation in goal setting. The advantages of utilizing behavior analytic methodology, such as objective measurement, clear specification of independent variables, intensive experimental designs and a behavioral theoretical framework are presented, along with suggestions for future research in the area.  相似文献   


Baked anodes are used in finished aluminum production. Employees of a large multinational aluminum smelter were responsible for the production of more than 3500 baked anodes per week. During a 74 week long baseline (A) condition, production of unusable anodes exceeded 300 per week or 8.6 percent of their nominal 3500 anode production requirement. A problem analysis suggested that this high rate of defective anodes might have been due to weak antecedents, inefficient work procedures and weak performance contingencies. An intervention package that included a combination of goal setting, performance feedback, and tangible rewards was designed to strengthen antecedents and consequences of job performance. A performance feedback system was introduced with and remained constant across the three types of performance contingent rewards and three successively higher goal levels. The three reward and goal combinations were introduced to “strengthen” antecedents and performance contingencies within an A-B1-B2-B3-A with reversal to baseline conditions design. Anode reject rates were lower (better performance) during the three intervention phases compared to both the pre- and post-intervention baseline phase data. A dramatic performance improvement (lowered rate of rejects) was observed during the B3 phase that included the highest performance goal. These data demonstrate that a treatment combination of specific goal setting, feedback and tangible rewards can “strengthen” antecedents and performance contingencies resulting in improved objective performance in a manufacturing environment.  相似文献   

Some organizations have begun to target their goal-setting method more closely to the ability levels of their employees. In this article, we report the results of a laboratory study of 138 undergraduate students, which shows that these “ability-based” goals are more effective at improving performance than a “one goal for all” approach, where everyone is assigned the same performance target. Results from repeated measure tests and other analysis of variance tests show that lower-ability individuals in the ability-based goal condition outperform those in the one goal for all condition. Lower- and moderate-ability participants in the one goal for all condition also experienced larger decreases in performance in later rounds.  相似文献   

团队冲突、冲突管理与绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在组织研究领域,冲突一直被视为重要的团队交互过程变量.然而.关于团队冲突与绩效的关系存在很多争议,且以往的研究很少同时考虑团队冲突和冲突管理行为,这就忽视了冲突管理对团队冲突的潜在引导作用.通过对76个工作团队的冲突、冲突管理行为和绩效的实证研究,发现冲突管理和冲突的交互作用对团队绩效的影响显著.竞争型冲突管理行为会导致关系冲突的增加,进而导致团队绩效的降低;回避型冲突管理行为和关系冲突显著负相关;任务冲突与团队绩效之间显著正相关.本文的研究结果对于企业管理人员发挥任务冲突的正面效用、降低关系冲突的负面影响有一定的启示.  相似文献   

Winfried Schmhl 《LABOUR》1998,12(1):143-168
The article provides an overview of the structure of pension protection in Germany. Recent changes in statutory pension insurance (the “1992 Pension Reform”), as well as changes concerning retirement ages and the present discussion on early retirement are considered. The article also provides an analysis of occupational pension schemes and of their different types and coverage. The problem concerning the long-term development of the pension system in Germany is discussed.  相似文献   

供应链协同与信息共享的关联研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
蔡淑琴  梁静 《管理学报》2007,4(2):157-162,179
将协同分成管理协同、技术协同与人机协同3类。据此定义了供应链协同,分析了信息共享在不同条件下存在的价值差异,探讨了供应链协同与信息共享的内在关联。研究结果表明,信息共享是供应链协同实现的必要但不充分条件。在某些条件下,信息共享并不能解决供应链中的协同问题,相反还可能增大协同工作量。要避免这种情况发生,提前进行合理的信息共享设计是必须的。  相似文献   

Because of budgetary constraints, human service organizations frequently expect consultants to recommend methods to enhance staff performance that require little or no additional funding. The current study utilized a multiple baseline across settings design to evaluate and compare the effects of a single intervention and a packaged intervention including graphic feedback and goal setting on approximately 200 direct care staff as a group, to improve the data collection procedure at a residential treatment facility. The single intervention showed some improvement, whereas the packaged intervention yielded substantial improvements and was maintained.  相似文献   

田莉  秦剑 《管理学报》2013,10(6):853-861
在创业情境下考察工作与家庭的双向冲突对新生企业初期绩效的影响,以及冲突处理策略与创业者自我效能的调节效应。研究发现,当创业活动侵占家庭活动的时间投入而发生冲突时将提升新生企业的绩效,若采取家庭退让策略会使绩效更好;家庭对于创业的干涉对绩效有负面影响,即使采取了家庭退让策略,绩效也不会改善。在创业与家庭双向冲突与新生企业初期绩效的关系中,创业者自我效能均发挥了正向调节作用。  相似文献   

The current study investigated the effects of task-clarification, and manager verbal and graphic feedback on employee busing times at a pizza restaurant. Using an ABC design, task-clarification was provided in a memo, which described the process, priority, and goal time of busing. The busing time decreased slightly, from an average of 315 seconds during baseline to an average of 284 seconds after the task clarification memo. The majority of this change was accounted for by servers decreasing the time it took them to arrive at the table to begin busing. Subsequent to the employee memo, group feedback was administered in the form of verbal feedback and a weekly graph of average server busing times. This feedback was associated with reductions in busing time to an average 152 seconds. Changes in the feedback phase were caused almost exclusively by reductions in the time it took to clean the table once the server was there. A reversal to near-baseline busing times was observed in a follow-up phase. Prebusing and cross-busing were not associated with shorter busing times.  相似文献   

The authors of this study sought to quantify the beneficial effect of goal setting on work performance, and to characterize the persistence or deterioration of goal-directed behavior over time. Twenty-six participants completed a computer-based data entry task. Performance was measured during an initial baseline, a goal setting intervention that consisted of either a high, unattainable goal (high goal condition) or a low, attainable goal (low goal condition), followed by a return to baseline, and a second goal setting intervention (the alternate goal to the first goal). In the fifth condition, each participant was given the choice to work in either the high or low goal condition. Greater performance increases were reliably observed during the high goal condition than during the low goal condition, but patterns of persistence or deterioration varied across participants. The implications of the findings for the development and understanding of goal setting interventions in the workplace are explored.  相似文献   

随着中国资本市场的日渐成熟,上市公司投资者关系管理水平对于提高上市公司价值,提升上市公司治理水平有着重要的现实意义。通过对中国上市公司2007年发布的自查报告进行整理,利用多元统计中的因子分析法对投资者关系实践进行分析,得出我国上市公司投资者关系管理活动的实施状况,并进一步探讨了其对公司绩效的影响。结果发现在中国资本市场上,有效的投资者关系管理对公司绩效有着积极的意义;上市公司投资者关系实践活动中,双向互动的沟通对于投资者关系管理实践有着更重要的意义。  相似文献   


The current study used a multiple baseline design to investigate the effects of graphic feedback, goal setting, and manager praise on customer service behaviors in a large retail setting. Direct observation of customer greeting, eye contact, and smiling was used to collect data. After baseline data were collected feedback graphs were posted twice each week in the employee break room. A second intervention phase included goal setting and manager praise. Goals were developed based on employees' prior performance and were posted on the graphs. Managers then delivered immediate, verbal praise to employees. Graphic feedback produced slight increases in the customer interaction variables in the front of stores 1 and 2. Another small increase in performance was seen in the back of store 1 and the front and back of store 2 with the implementation of the interventions.  相似文献   

Energy conservation is an important factor in both sustainability programs and operating costs faced by organizations. The current study used visual prompts, performance feedback, and goals setting to reduce unnecessary classroom lighting on a college campus. A package intervention was applied weekly over a semester using a multiple baseline design across three units, with one unit serving as a baseline-only control. Signs were hung in classrooms and updated weekly. The signs asked users to conserve energy by turning off the lights when the room is not in use, and indicated progress toward a goal for the current room as well as the building overall. The combined treatment successfully reduced unnecessary classroom lighting and generated interest in campus sustainability programs.  相似文献   

随着组织政治和管理伦理成为理论界和实践界共同关注的热点问题,越来越多的学者开始研究管理者在绩效考核过程中的政治性操作对员工工作场所行为的影响.基于结构方程技术的实证分析发现,积极绩效考核政治性对员工知识共享行为具有显著正向作用,消极绩效考核政治性对员工知识共享行为具有显著负向作用;绩效考核政治性通过成就感知、个人兴趣、集体情感与责任动机的完全中介作用间接影响员工知识共享行为;绩效考核政治性与员工知识共享动机和行为之间的关系并不随着员工工作控制点的差异而变化.研究结论既具有理论价值,又富含管理启示.  相似文献   

A stochastic model for setting performance objectives for Salmonella in the broiler supply chain was developed. The goal of this study was to develop a model by which performance objectives for Salmonella prevalence at various points in the production chain can be determined, based on a preset final performance objective at the end of the processing line. The transmission of Salmonella through the broiler production chain was modeled. The prevalence at flock level was calculated from the measured prevalence at sample level. The transmission model is based on data on the occurrence of Salmonella collected in the Dutch broiler production chain during several years. The developed model can be used by policymakers and industry to determine economically and politically acceptable performance objectives for various points of the production chain and to draw conclusions about which interventions are most appropriate.  相似文献   


Appointment coordinators at a mid-western medical clinic were to provide exceptional telephone customer service. This included using a standard greeting, speaking in an appropriate tone of voice during the conversation, and using a standard closing to end the call. An analysis suggested performance deficiencies resulted from weak antecedents, poor knowledge and skills, and weak performance contingencies. An intervention package consisting of task clarification, goal setting, feedback, and performance contingent consequences was designed to improve customer service behaviors of four participating appointment coordinators. An ABAB reversal design was used, and overall performances of all four participants increased during intervention phases. This study indicates that a multi-component intervention may be an effective strategy to increase telephone customer service behavior in medical clinic settings.  相似文献   

The Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) schedulingdiscipline is an important scheduling mechanism that can support both class isolation and bandwidth sharing among different service classes, thus making itan appealing choice for networks providing multiple services with Quality-of-Service guarantees. In this paper, we study a broad classof GPS networks known as Consistent Relative Session Treatment}(CRST) GPS networks and establish closed-form end-to-end performance boundsfor CRST GPS networks. This result generalizes the results of Parekhand Gallager (1994) where simple, closed-form end-to-end performancebounds are derived for a special sub-class of CRST GPS networks, theso-called Rate Proportional Processor Sharing (RPPS) GPS networks, but performance bounds for the general CRST GPS networks do not haveclosed-form. Our result is obtained through the notion of CRSTpartition, which in fact yields a broader class of CRST GPS networksthan the one originally defined in (Parekh and Gallager, 1993). Moreover,our approach is quite general. It not only applies to the deterministicanalysis of GPS networks, but can also be employed in the study of GPSnetworks in a stochastic setting.  相似文献   

曾德明  查琦  龚红 《管理学报》2006,3(3):347-353
通过一个多元固定影响模型对基金绩效的影响因素——基金特征、管理特性进行了分析。研究发现,在列出的7大类22个影响因素中,上一年度的基金超额收益、折价率、单位净资产、基金经理从业经历以及市净率是与基金绩效最密切相关的因素。前3个因素给基金绩效带来显著的积极影响,后2个因素与基金绩效有显著的负相关性。当投资者进行投资决策时,除了上述5个因素外,还要注意基金年龄和周转率,其会对基金绩效产生消极影响。此外,基金绩效在样本观察期内也表现出了明显的持续性。  相似文献   

本文针对小团队的特点,从知识的获取、应用、传播和可持续发展等四个方面,分析了影响小团队内部知识共享绩效的主要因素,构建了绩效评估的递阶层次结构模型。给出了各评价因素的测度方法,并运用层次分析法确定了各因素的权值。最后给出了一个评价实例,表明该方法具有良好的实用性。  相似文献   

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