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The problem of finding confidence regions (CR) for a q-variate vector γ given as the solution of a linear functional relationship (LFR) Λγ = μ is investigated. Here an m-variate vector μ and an m × q matrix Λ = (Λ1, Λ2,…, Λq) are unknown population means of an m(q+1)-variate normal distribution Nm(q+1)(ζΩ?Σ), where ζ′ = (μ′, Λ1′, Λ2′,…, ΛqΣ is an unknown, symmetric and positive definite m × m matrix and Ω is a known, symmetric and positive definite (q+1) × (q+1) matrix and ? denotes the Kronecker product. This problem is a generalization of the univariate special case for the ratio of normal means.A CR for γ with level of confidence 1 ? α, is given by a quadratic inequality, which yields the so-called ‘pseudo’ confidence regions (PCR) valid conditionally in subsets of the parameter space. Our discussion is focused on the ‘bounded pseudo’ confidence region (BPCR) given by the interior of a hyperellipsoid. The two conditions necessary for a BPCR to exist are shown to be the consistency conditions concerning the multivariate LFR. The probability that these conditions hold approaches one under ‘reasonable circumstances’ in many practical situations. Hence, we may have a BPCR with confidence approximately 1 ? α. Some simulation results are presented.  相似文献   

Consider an ergodic Markov chain X(t) in continuous time with an infinitesimal matrix Q = (qij) defined on a finite state space {0, 1,…, N}. In this note, we prove that if X(t) is skip-free positive (negative, respectively), i.e., qij, = 0 for j > i+ 1 (i > j+ 1), then the transition probability pij(t) = Pr[X(t)=j | X(0) =i] can be represented as a linear combination of p0N(t) (p(m)(N0)(t)), 0 ≤ m ≤N, where f(m)(t) denotes the mth derivative of a function f(t) with f(0)(t) =f(t). If X(t) is a birth-death process, then pij(t) is represented as a linear combination of p0N(m)(t), 0 ≤mN - |i-j|.  相似文献   

A Galton-Watson process in varying environments (Zn), with essentially constant offspring means, i.e. E(Zn)/mn→α∈(0, ∞), and exactly two rates of growth is constructed. The underlying sample space Ω can be decomposed into parts A and B such that (Zn)n grows like 2non A and like mnon B (m > 4).  相似文献   

We consider n pairs of random variables (X11,X21),(X12,X22),… (X1n,X2n) having a bivariate elliptically contoured density of the form where θ1 θ2 are location parameters and Δ = ((λik)) is a 2 × 2 symmetric positive definite matrix of scale parameters. The exact distribution of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient between X1 and X2 is obtained. The usual case when a sample of size n is drawn from a bivariate normal population is a special case of the abovementioned model.  相似文献   

Let X1X2,.be i.i.d. random variables and let Un= (n r)-1S?(n,r) h (Xi1,., Xir,) be a U-statistic with EUn= v, v unknown. Assume that g(X1) =E[h(X1,.,Xr) - v |X1]has a strictly positive variance s?2. Further, let a be such that φ(a) - φ(-a) =α for fixed α, 0 < α < 1, where φ is the standard normal d.f., and let S2n be the Jackknife estimator of n Var Un. Consider the stopping times N(d)= min {n: S2n: + n-12a-2},d > 0, and a confidence interval for v of length 2d,of the form In,d= [Un,-d, Un + d]. We assume that Var Un is unknown, and hence, no fixed sample size method is available for finding a confidence interval for v of prescribed width 2d and prescribed coverage probability α Turning to a sequential procedure, let IN(d),d be a sequence of sequential confidence intervals for v. The asymptotic consistency of this procedure, i.e. limd → 0P(v ∈ IN(d),d)=α follows from Sproule (1969). In this paper, the rate at which |P(v ∈ IN(d),d) converges to α is investigated. We obtain that |P(v ∈ IN(d),d) - α| = 0 (d1/2-(1+k)/2(1+m)), d → 0, where K = max {0,4 - m}, under the condition that E|h(X1, Xr)|m < ∞m > 2. This improves and extends recent results of Ghosh & DasGupta (1980) and Mukhopadhyay (1981).  相似文献   

A New Modified Latin square [NML i (m)] association scheme with i constraints for v = m 2 treatments was introduced by Garg (2008 Garg , D. K. ( 2008 ). New modified Latin square (NMLi) type PBIB designs . J. Math. Syst. Sci. 1 ( 4 ): 8389 . [Google Scholar]). In this article, a new association scheme known as Pseudo New Modified Latin square [Pseudo NML m (m)] type association scheme is defined. The parameters of Pseudo NML m (m) association scheme turned out to be parameters of NML i (m) association scheme by taking i = m in NML i (m) association scheme. The Pseudo NML m (m) association scheme will be the usual NML m (m) association scheme when m is a prime or a prime power. The PBIB designs following Pseudo NML m (m) association scheme will be called the Pseudo NML m (m) type PBIB designs. Analysis of Pseudo NML m (m) designs along with a construction method of these designs is also given in this article.  相似文献   

Let X be a normally distributed p-dimensional column vector with mean μ and positive definite covariance matrix σ. and let X α, α = 1,…, N, be a random sample of size N from this distribution. Partition X as ( X 1, X (2)', X '(3))', where X1 is one-dimension, X(2) is p2- dimensional, and so 1 + p1 + p2 = p. Let ρ1 and ρ be the multiple correlation coefficients of X1 with X(2) and with ( X '(2), X '(3))', respectively. Write ρ2/2 = ρ2 - ρ2/1. We shall cosider the following two problems  相似文献   

Consider the canonical-form MANOVA setup with X: n × p = (+ E, Xi ni × p, i = 1, 2, 3, Mi: ni × p, i = 1, 2, n1 + n2 + n3) p, where E is a normally distributed error matrix with mean zero and dispersion In (> 0 (positive definite). Assume (in contrast with the usual case) that M1i is normal with mean zero and dispersion In1) and M22 is either fixed or random normal with mean zero and different dispersion matrix In2 (being unknown. It is also assumed that M1 E, and M2 (if random) are all independent. For testing H0) = 0 versus H1: (> 0, it is shown that when either n2 = 0 or M2 is fixed if n2 > 0, the trace test of Pillai (1955) is uniformly most powerful invariant (UMPI) if min(n1, p)= 1 and locally best invariant (LBI) if min(n1 p) > 1 underthe action of the full linear group Gl (p). When p > 1, the LBI test is also derived under a somewhat smaller group GT(p) of p × p lower triangular matrices with positive diagonal elements. However, such results do not hold if n2 > 0 and M2 is random. The null, nonnull, and optimality robustness of Pillai's trace test under Gl(p) for suitable deviations from normality is pointed out.  相似文献   

If (X1,Y1), …, (Xn,Yn) is a sequence of independent identically distributed Rd × R-valued random vectors then Nadaraya (1964) and Watson (1964) proposed to estimate the regression function m(x) = ? {Y1|X1 = x{ by where K is a known density and {hn} is a sequence of positive numbers satisfying certain properties. In this paper a variety of conditions are given for the strong convergence to 0 of essXsup|mn (X)-m(X)| (here X is independent of the data and distributed as X1). The theorems are valid for all distributions of X1 and for all sequences {hn} satisfying hn → 0 and nh/log n→0.  相似文献   

Following the paper by Genton and Loperfido [Generalized skew-elliptical distributions and their quadratic forms, Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 57 (2005), pp. 389–401], we say that Z has a generalized skew-normal distribution, if its probability density function (p.d.f.) is given by f(z)=2φ p (z; ξ, Ω)π (z?ξ), z∈? p , where φ p (·; ξ, Ω) is the p-dimensional normal p.d.f. with location vector ξ and scale matrix Ω, ξ∈? p , Ω>0, and π is a skewing function from ? p to ?, that is 0≤π (z)≤1 and π (?z)=1?π (z), ? z∈? p . First the distribution of linear transformations of Z are studied, and some moments of Z and its quadratic forms are derived. Next we obtain the joint moment-generating functions (m.g.f.’s) of linear and quadratic forms of Z and then investigate conditions for their independence. Finally explicit forms for the above distributions, m.g.f.’s and moments are derived when π (z)=κ (αz), where α∈? p and κ is the normal, Laplace, logistic or uniform distribution function.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the joint distribution of X and two linear combinations of order statistics, a T Y (2) and b T Y (2), where a = (a 1, a 2) T and b = (b 1, b 2) T are arbitrary vectors in R 2 and Y (2) = (Y (1), Y (2)) T is a vector of ordered statistics obtained from (Y 1, Y 2) T when (X, Y 1, Y 2) T follows a trivariate normal distribution with a positive definite covariance matrix. We show that this distribution belongs to the skew-normal family and hence our work is a generalization of Olkin and Viana (J Am Stat Assoc 90:1373–1379, 1995) and Loperfido (Test 17:370–380, 2008).  相似文献   

This paper presents a new Laplacian approximation to the posterior density of η = g(θ). It has a simpler analytical form than that described by Leonard et al. (1989). The approximation derived by Leonard et al. requires a conditional information matrix Rη to be positive definite for every fixed η. However, in many cases, not all Rη are positive definite. In such cases, the computations of their approximations fail, since the approximation cannot be normalized. However, the new approximation may be modified so that the corresponding conditional information matrix can be made positive definite for every fixed η. In addition, a Bayesian procedure for contingency-table model checking is provided. An example of cross-classification between the educational level of a wife and fertility-planning status of couples is used for explanation. Various Laplacian approximations are computed and compared in this example and in an example of public school expenditures in the context of Bayesian analysis of the multiparameter Fisher-Behrens problem.  相似文献   

Methods: Based on the index S (S = SENSITIVITY (SEN) × SPECIFICITY (SPE)), the new weighted product index Sw is defined as Sw = (SEN)2w × (SPE)2(1-w), where (0≤w≤1). The Sw is developed to be a new tool to select the optimal cut point in ROC analysis and be compared with the other two commonly used criteria.

Results: Comparing the optimal cut point for the three criteria, the wave range of the optimal cut point for the maximized weighted Youden index criterion is the widest, the weighted closest-to-(0,1) criterion is the narrowest and the weighted product index Sw criterion lays between the ranges of the two criteria.  相似文献   

Let X1, X2,… be an independently and identically distributed sequence with ξX1 = 0, ξ exp (tX1 < ∞ (t ≧ 0) and partial sums Sn = X1 + … + Xn. Consider the maximum increment D1 (N, K) = max0≤nN - K (Sn + K - Sn)of the sequence (Sn) in (0, N) over a time K = KN, 1 ≦ KN. Under appropriate conditions on (KN) it is shown that in the case KN/log N → 0, but KN/(log N)1/2 → ∞, there exists a sequence (αN) such that K-1/2 D1 (N, K) - αN converges to 0 w. p. 1. This result provides a small increment analogue to the improved Erd?s-Rényi-type laws stated by Csörg? and Steinebach (1981).  相似文献   

Consider k( ? 2) normal populations with unknown means μ1, …, μk, and a common known variance σ2. Let μ[1] ? ??? ? μ[k] denote the ordered μi.The populations associated with the t(1 ? t ? k ? 1) largest means are called the t best populations. Hsu and Panchapakesan (2004) proposed and investigated a procedure RHPfor selecting a non empty subset of the k populations whose size is at most m(1 ? m ? k ? t) so that at least one of the t best populations is included in the selected subset with a minimum guaranteed probability P* whenever μ[k ? t + 1] ? μ[k ? t] ? δ*, where P*?and?δ* are specified in advance of the experiment. This probability requirement is known as the indifference-zone probability requirement. In the present article, we investigate the same procedure RHP for the same goal as before but when k ? t < m ? k ? 1 so that at least one of the t best populations is included in the selected subset with a minimum guaranteed probability P* whatever be the configuration of the unknown μi. The probability requirement in this latter case is termed the subset selection probability requirement. Santner (1976) proposed and investigated a different procedure (RS) based on samples of size n from each of the populations, considering both cases, 1 ? m ? k ? t and k ? t < m ? k. The special case of t = 1 was earlier studied by Gupta and Santner (1973) and Hsu and Panchapakesan (2002) for their respective procedures.  相似文献   

This paper offers a predictive approach for the selection of a fixed number (= t) of treatments from k treatments with the goal of controlling for predictive losses. For the ith treatment, independent observations X ij (j = 1,2,…,n) can be observed where X ij ’s are normally distributed N(θ i ; σ 2). The ranked values of θ i ’s and X i ’s are θ (1) ≤ … ≤ θ (k) and X [1] ≤ … ≤ X [k] and the selected subset S = {[k], [k? 1], … , [k ? t+1]} will be considered. This paper distinguishes between two types of loss functions. A type I loss function associated with a selected subset S is the loss in utility from the selector’s view point and is a function of θ i with i ? S. A type II loss function associated with S measures the unfairness in the selection from candidates’ viewpoint and is a function of θ i with i ? S. This paper shows that under mild assumptions on the loss functions S is optimal and provides the necessary formulae for choosing n so that the two types of loss can be controlled individually or simultaneously with a high probability. Predictive bounds for the losses are provided, Numerical examples support the usefulness of the predictive approach over the design of experiment approach.  相似文献   

Background: On the basis of statistical methods about index S (S = SEN × SPE), we develop a new weighted ways (weighted product index Sw) of combining sensitivity and specificity with user-defined weights. Methods: The new weighted product index Sw is defined as Sw = (SEN) (Youden 1950)2w × (SPE) (Youden 1950) 2(1?w) Results: For the large sample, the test statistics Z of two-independent-sample weighted product indices can either be a monotonous increasing/decreasing function or a no-monotonous function of weight w. Type I error of this statistics can be guaranteed close to the nominal level of 5%, which is more conservative than the weighted Youden index from simulation.  相似文献   

Let {S n : n ≥ 0} be a random walk with light-tailed increments and negative drift, and let τ(x) be the first time when the random walk crosses a given level x ≥ 0. Tang (2007 Tang , Q. ( 2007 ). The overshoot of a random walk with negative drift . Statist. Probab. Lett. 77 : 158165 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) obtained the asymptotics of P(S τ(x) ? x > y, τ(x) < ∞) as x → ∞, which is uniform for y ≥ f(x) for any positive function f(x) → ∞ as x → ∞. In this article, the uniform asymptotics of P(S τ(x) ? x > y, τ(x) < ∞) as x → ∞, for 0 ≤ y ≤ N for any positive number N will be given. Using the above two results, the uniform asymptotics of P(S τ(x) ? x > y, τ(x) < ∞) as x → ∞, for y ≥ 0, is presented.  相似文献   

A sequence of independent lifetimes X 1, X 2,…, X m , X m+1,… X n were observed from geometric population with parameter q 1 but later it was found that there was a change in the system at some point of time m and it is reflected in the sequence after X m by change in parameter q 2. The Bayes estimates of m, q 1, q 2, reliability R 1 (t) and R 2 (t) at time t are derived for symmetric and asymmetric loss functions under informative and non informative priors. A simulation study is carried out.  相似文献   

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