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过去的一年,老龄政策法规体系建设取得重大突破,老年社会保障制度建设取得重大进展,社会养老服务体系建设取得重大成效,基层老龄工作取得重大成果,老年文化、教育、体育等活动蓬勃开展,老龄宣传、国际交流合作、老龄科研、信息统计、"银龄行动"、"三个创建"等工作也取得了显著成绩.新的一年,是实施"十二五"规划承前启后的关键一年.下一步,如何突出重点、狠抓落实、夯实"十二五"老龄事业基础?全国老龄委副主任、民政部部长、全国老龄办主任李立国表示,要在宣传贯彻《中华人民共和国老年人权益保障法》上下足功夫,在落实老龄事业"十二五"规划上做好文章,在推进社会养老服务体系建设上抓出成果,在强化基层老龄工作上务求实效.  相似文献   

我国《物权法》虽然规定了善意取得制度,但对于诸如赃物的善意取得等颇具争议的问题并没有作出详尽的规定。在当代市场经济飞速发展的今天,某些法律依据已经不能适应社会发展的需求。鉴于此,笔者结合我国目前实际情况,参酌其他国家善意取得制度适用的立法模式的基础上,并以遗失物、赃物为例,对善意取得制度的适用作更深入的分析与探讨。  相似文献   

一、充分肯定水资源管理工作取得的成绩 在中华文明的历史长河中,治水兴水历来是兴国安邦的大事.新中国成立以来,党和政府领导人民开展了大规模的水利建设,取得了举世瞩目的成就.  相似文献   

改革开放30年,我国在政治.经济、社会等领域均取得了突破性的成就。社会福利制度也得到了跨越式发展,作为社会福利制度重要组成部分的老年社会福利,同样取得了很大的进展。  相似文献   

体育课是教师教和学生学的双边活动,如何激发学生学习的主动性、积极性,使其能愉快、满意地接受教学内容,是取得良好教学成果的重要环节。文章就如何提高学生体育课兴趣进行了论述,期望能取得很好的效果。  相似文献   

张裘  张珍 《职业》2013,(27):144-145
为了使学生在瓜类嫁接技能训练中取得预期成效,笔者对训练模式进行了改革,通过多媒体演示、真人示范、基本功训练和真品训练,让学生在短时间内掌握瓜类嫁接技术。改良后的训练模式取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

张莹  刘健 《城市》2016,(10):47-52
2010年,国家发改委将天津列为我国首批低碳城市试点之一.近几年,天津在低碳产业、低碳能源及绿色建筑等方面取得初步进展,低碳城市建设初见成效.笔者回顾分析了天津低碳发展取得的成绩、阶段性特点和存在问题,提出“十三五”期间低碳发展激励、补偿政策建议.  相似文献   

周红 《职业》2016,(33):95-96
本文结合笔者所在学校的实践,介绍了制药实训基地建设运行及所取得的绩效、成果.实训场所的扩建、布局的调整、资源的整合、设备添置及师资培养,有效改善了实验实训条件,提高了人才培养水平,促进了学校发展,满足了企业需求,提升了社会服务能力,取得了良好的绩效.  相似文献   

环境保护部副部长潘岳近日向新闻媒体通报了环境污染责任保险工作进展情况.在环境保护部、保监会大力推动下,各地稳步推进环境污染责任保险试点工作,在部门协调、立法推动、市场运作等方面迈出可喜步伐,湖南、江苏、湖北、宁波、沈阳等省市试点工作取得成效,全国首个污染责任保险理赔事件圆满完成,绿色保险取得了阶段性进展.  相似文献   

2009年在世界汽车制造业的市场变革中,我国自主品牌轿车取得了一定成绩。我国企业如果能够充分认识本国消费者的需求特性、巩固中低端市场、提高企业管理和服务水平,在此基础上高度重视产品质量和增强品牌意识,发展自主品牌轿车是可以取得成功的。  相似文献   

Contemporary work on the development of status and power structures is reviewed. It is shown that theorists have conceptualized the relationship between these structures in opposite ways. Some have held that the structures tend toward alignment. Specifically, they have held that persons tend to be equally high or low in both structures. Others have held that the structures tend toward non-alignment. Specifically, they have held that the range of persons statuses tends to be greater than the range of their power. An attempt is made to reconcile the different theories underlying these two conceptions by postulating that one conception is correct under certain conditions and that the other is correct under other conditions. The conditions specified involve an important but somewhat neglected aspect of the overall stratification structure, what is called the secondary stratification structure, and the importance persons assign to this structure.  相似文献   

去阳朔不能不去西街。这里被称为中国第一条洋人街,最大的外语角、名副其实的地球村。踏着石板路一路走走逛逛,累了坐下歇歇,渴了喝杯饮料,  相似文献   

A critique of a report prepared for the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the U.S. House of Representatives titled "China's experience in population control: the elusive model is presented. The title is criticized, pointing out that the Chinese have done nothing "elusive," but, instead, have used methods familiar to family planning experts the world over. They have brought services close to home, used a variety of paramedical and lay people drawn from the community, have made services free, have offered a choice of services, and have used people from within the community for family planning education. Neither have the Chinese been secretive about it, as the report implies. It is the American refusal to admit that the People's Republic of China was the accepted government of the region which made Americans ignorant of developments. The report's author also seems unwilling to admit that the reason for the success of the program is that it has been integrated into a total plan for the improvement of socioeconomic conditions for the average person. Since 1949 some 200 million people have been added to the population of China, nearly the population of the U.S. Despite this large population growth, conditions have improved and the starvation which used to be common has been eliminated. Population growth has not been a bar to development. Any country which tries to reduce family size without putting it in a total context of development will find it difficult to succeed. Other developing nations cannot borr ow China's experience in toto as circumstances vary from country to country, but the essence is that no viable solution to population problems can be brought be fertility reduction invest as such. Meaningful socioeconomic change is also essential.  相似文献   


The theme of this conference is Children, Loss and Growth. To have gathered together 87 people must mean there is a considerable interest and investment in the theme. It is fair to say that we, between us, have achieved a conference: right up until last week people were still applying to come. If we had closed the books on the closing date, there would have been no conference. So the organisers have lived with a certain amount of anxiety, risk and uncertainty, especially knowing that a previous G.A.P.S. conference had had to be cancelled through lack of interest. The conference has grown up around and for the membership; more workshops have been added and more leaders asked to take small groups. Organising an event without knowing how many members will be present means that the programme remains unclear until almost everyone is committed to coming. This will inevitably give rise to people feeling a bit dissatisfied with the groups they end up in and that the whole thing could have been organised better. But this conference evolved-it could not have been organised in detail until people had committed themselves to coming.  相似文献   

Prolapse is an extremely common condition, for which 11% of women will have a surgical procedure at some point in their lives. The recurrence rate after most of the traditional surgical procedures is high and upto 29% of women who have had surgery for prolapse will require a further operation. In order to improve the surgical outcome, there is currently much interest in the use of grafts to augment traditional repairs and new procedures have been developed using specifically developed grafts. These have been combined with minimally invasive surgical techniques in an attempt to reduce surgical morbidity. These procedures may improve the outcome of surgery for prolapse. However, there is currently a lack of long-term data from randomized trials to demonstrate their effectiveness and safety.  相似文献   

Elderly drivers are increasing in number and some statistics show they are more likely to be involved in fatal accidents than all other age groups but those under 25. States have attempted to address the problem in various ways, but very few have required mandatory retesting at license renewal for those beyond a particular age. Why have so few states chosen to act? The key is how the issue is framed for the public and decision makers. Several phases of problem definition are explored to explain the political dynamics of the older driver issue: incidence, causality, severity, crisis labeling, problem population characteristics, and linkage of values to the issue and solutions. Based upon this analysis, it is not surprising that elder interest groups have been successful in containing policy initiatives designed to restrict elderly driving.  相似文献   

The medical systems which most of the developing countries have, are ad hoc adoptions inherited from their colonial masters and have met with little success in making health planning as part of their national planning. Very few countries have been able to overcome the resistance of the medical profession and the bureaucratic inertia which is a major obstacle in the transformation of this system to a broad based social service and integrating it with the process of socio-economic development planning. The adoption of this system by developing countries is a typical example of technological misfit. A cheap and labour intensive model for developing countries shall be a proper solution for the development of a health care delivery system for the masses. A solution to this problem is a mix or hybrid of the traditional and modern medicines which very recently have been exploited both in India and China. How far India and China have been successful and what is needed to be done is the subject matter of this paper.  相似文献   

The career experience of men and women in British university sociology since 1950 is compared, using published data for the whole group and fresh data from a sample of departments. It is shown that, when like is compared with like, the outcomes for men and for women have not been as different as is often suggested; family reasons were more salient in women's careers, but in the end have not made much difference to their destinations. But the proportions of women recruited have varied over time, and the experience of both sexes has been strongly influenced by historical factors affecting different periods. Within the constraints which those have imposed, individuals have not all made the same choices, and that too has affected the outcomes.  相似文献   

For some time, sociologists have called for the study of the temporal characteristics of social life. Ethnomethodology and Symbolic Interactionism are two sociological theories which have begun to develop analyses of social timing. In this report, exemplary research efforts from each perspective are examined and evaluated along the temporal dimensions of the past, order, sequence, and the future. It is shown that research methods are key in elaborating or hindering the study of temporality. Specifically, Symbolic Interactionists' strategies have allowed a rich temporal orientation to be developed and specified whereas strategies employed by Ethnomethodologists have resulted in research that is confined to the immediate realm of experience and thereby have been narrow in temporal scope.  相似文献   

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