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如果说六月的青岛还有什么值得我们回忆,那就不得不提一提2004年6月30日上午在青岛香格里拉大饭店举办的一汽M62.0L豪华型首发仪式。来自全国150多家从事汽车相关媒体人员聚集一堂,与中国一汽轿车销售公司高层一起将备受关注的MAZDA6 2.0L豪华型价格悬念最终揭晓——市场售价为21.88万元人民币。而本次活动的最高奖项:Mazda6 2.0豪华型免费试驾两年的大奖.由一汽轿车销售有限公司总经理与吉林电视台的刘冬君共同抽取出两名。 相似文献
A recent report by the Department of Health and Society Security (DHSS) has argued that a 10% reduction in the intake to dental schools is needed if an oversupply of dentists over the next forty years is to be avoided. Whilst welcoming this recommendation it is likely that it may not go far enough. In this article we describe the approach used in the DHSS report to estimate the demand for and supply of dental care and examine the relevance and implications of the methods used and assumptions made in that report.
It is argued that the use of extrapolations of past trends and the absence of sensitivity analysis in much of the analysis implies that little confidence can be placed in the estimates and that on balance the conclusions of the report are likely to lead to an excess supply of dentists over the next forty years. Recommendations are made for improving the planning of the future supply of dentists. 相似文献
It is argued that the use of extrapolations of past trends and the absence of sensitivity analysis in much of the analysis implies that little confidence can be placed in the estimates and that on balance the conclusions of the report are likely to lead to an excess supply of dentists over the next forty years. Recommendations are made for improving the planning of the future supply of dentists. 相似文献
《Journal of social service research》2013,39(2):49-73
This paper reports on a study of the organizational effectiveness of small human service organizations serving indigent clients. Four important organizational activities of public health clinics were evaluated, namely providing services acceptable to clients, obtaining and retaining clients, resolving tension and conflict among the members of clinic staff, and maintaining organizational flexibility. Within a goal framework based on the dual-goal concept, the activities were identified either as externally -or internally-oriented goal activities. The extent to which the clinics carried out these activities was investigated by administering questionnaires to 709 indigent clients and 133 members of clinic staffs at 18 clinics. Findings concern the attainment of organizational goals, the interrelatedness of achievements of various effectiveness measures, and structural and human characteristics of the clinic organizations associated with the achievements. 相似文献