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与"冯小刚"三个字相关的是光影世界中的嬉笑怒骂,冯氏幽默和冯式喜剧已经烙印在了中国电影史册中。他回忆说,《半夜鸡叫》是他小时候在礼堂中看过的最好的一部低成本影片,从此喜剧和想象力在他心里生根发芽,并在他成为一名电影导演后爆发了出来。然而他能拍的不止喜剧,《唐山大地  相似文献   

From 1965 through 1996 1.4 million people committed suicide in Russia. Approximately one-fifth of them were women. This ratio is quite stable and close to the world figure of 1 : 3 or 1 : 4. The proportion of women increased notably only in 1985-89, evidently a consequence of the unusual drop in male suicides during the anti-alcohol campaign. In recent years the increase of male suicides has considerably exceeded that of female suicides, which is not rising very rapidly. There were fewer female suicides in 1994 than in 1984, causing the proportion of female suicides to drop to 16.8 percent in 1994 (see Table [1]).  相似文献   

Editor's Note: Solomon Mikhailovich Mikhoels was an outstanding member of the Moscow State Jewish Theater, actor, director, producer and guiding spirit of the group. His characterizations of King Lear and Tevye the Milkman of Sholom Aleichem fame are considered classics and earned him the title of People's Artist of the USSR. Later he also received the Order of Lenin and in 1946 the Stalin Prize.  相似文献   

分别代表着温柔、勇气、自信的Selina、Hebe和Ella,依照她们她时代的跳跃式思考模式和无厘头的爆笑逻辑,不论在声音或在个性的表现上都能以最自然的、最纯粹的个人特质来发挥她们的个人魅力,呈现出最S.H.E的一面。当初高唱《不想长大》的三个女孩已经长大成熟,出道九年的S.H.E,第十二张专辑《SHERO》在3月如期跟歌迷见面了,这次不同  相似文献   

股票期权、独立董事与公司治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
股票期权制度克服了公司委托—代理矛盾 ,独立董事制度解决了公司的“内部人控制”问题股票期权 ,独立董事和公司治理三者之间相互依存、相互作用。实施股票期权制度和独立董事制度非常必要和迫切 ,以制度变革来改善公司的治理结构 ,从而推动现代企业制度的建设  相似文献   

在第100个三八妇女节这天,82岁的奥斯卡送来一份厚礼,首次把最佳导演"小金人"颁给了一位女性,而败给她的,不是别人,恰恰是曾经抛弃她的前夫.于是,今年的奥斯卡自编自导了这样一部励志、情感大戏:曾经的恩爱夫妻,如今"华山论剑";巾帼不让须眉,挥剑决胜天下!  相似文献   

Working moms risk being reduced to one of two subtypes: homemakers—viewed as warm but incompetent, or female professionals—characterized as competent but cold. The current study (  N = 122 college students) presents four important findings. First, when working women become mothers, they trade perceived competence for perceived warmth. Second, working men don't make this trade; when they become fathers, they gain perceived warmth and maintain perceived competence. Third, people report less interest in hiring, promoting, and educating working moms relative to working dads and childless employees. Finally, competence ratings predict interest in hiring, promoting, and educating workers. Thus, working moms' gain in perceived warmth does not help them, but their loss in perceived competence does hurt them.  相似文献   

唐代文献<诗人主客图>开创了诗歌流派研究的先河,并以其独特的内容和形式对后世产生了深远的影响.然而它的地位及文学理论价值并没有引起多数学者的足够重视,关于<诗人主客图>的研究只是散见于一些学者的著作中,因此对<诗人主客图>进行文献综述研究是很有必要的,从中可以窥见其研究中存在的不足及其在某些方面研究的良好前景.  相似文献   

王东 《唐都学刊》2006,22(5):81-85
北魏郦道元的《水经注》是南北朝时期代表北方语言特色的重要文献。从汉语词汇史研究的角度把该书的词汇分为上古词语层和中古词语层,其中中古词语层又包括南北朝时期通行的书面词语、佛教道教词语、实际生活的歌谣词语和方言词语、以及郦道元自创的新词等几个方面,以期对《水经注》词汇性质有清楚的认识,为深入研究该书词汇系统以及南北朝时期北方语言提供参考,也为专书词汇研究提供某些个案经验。  相似文献   

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