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何雪松 《南方人口》2007,22(1):37-44
本研究旨在采用纵贯质性研究探索新移民妇女移居香港后第一年的社会支持的变动状况,15个香港新移民妇女参与了这项研究.研究发现,社会支持的类型和来源是因时而变的,重要的决定因素是香港特定的社会文化背景和移民在不同时期的特殊需要.  相似文献   

魏莉莉  孙抱弘 《西北人口》2009,30(4):48-52,57
本文通过对18名在沪香港人的个案访谈实证研究。探讨了香港人在上海的社会融合情况,主要从经济、生活、心理和文化几方面展开,同时对香港人在上海发展面临的机遇和挑战以及上海存在的优点和不足等进行了分析和思考。研究中。许多香港人表达了对上海生活的满意,但同时认为上海在政府管理体制、工作理念和个人素养等方面与香港存在一定差距.需要上海在未来的建设中加以关注和改进。  相似文献   

景志铮  郭虹 《西北人口》2007,28(2):33-36
本文以社会排斥理论作为概念工具,对城市新移民的城市社区融入问题进行研究。笔者从新移民和城市居民两个不同的角度收集资料,根据新移民的职业、在城市的居住时间和长期居住意愿选取典型个案。笔者从经济排斥、社会关系排斥和文化排斥三个方面进行分析。认为社会排斥是新移民社区融入的壁垒所在,缓解消除社会排斥,实现社区参与、社会交往的“破冰”,是形成社区内社会关系“互构共变”的基础,是城市新移民真正融入社区的前提。  相似文献   

社会排斥视角下移民问题研究:理论发展与欧洲实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄叶青 《西北人口》2011,32(3):88-93
20世纪80年代以来无论是走向统一的欧盟还是正在加速进入城市化和工业化轨道的中国,都经历着大规模的人口迁移,并引起广泛的学术界讨论。已有的研究对人口迁移的动因、方向、迁移的人口学特征、劳动力市场重组等问题进行了详尽的阐述;然而关于迁移人口的社会排斥问题分析还较少。本文系统地回顾了关于人口迁移与社会排斥的研究,以期对我国内部迁移的研究提供新的研究视野。本文主要分为四个部分。第一部分回顾欧盟人口迁移的历史背景以及移民危机的产生;第二部分提出迁移背景下的社会排斥问题;第三部分从劳动力市场和福利国家两个角度分析了迁移人口社会排斥的机制与特点;最后一部分是结论和启示。  相似文献   

来京人口的就业、权益保障与社会融合   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文利用中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心2004年12月在北京的调查数据,对来京人口及其子女就学状况等进行了分析。结果表明,大部分来京人口是单独或者全家租房居住,但居住条件较差。他们在京居住的时间较长,职业转换比较频繁,就业方式主要依靠传统的社会资源寻找工作。来京人口的权益得到了一定程度的改善。来京的家长在带孩子就学方面,没有表现出性别偏好,主要是因为家中没有人照看和便于自己管教,孩子在京就学比较好,受当地孩子的歧视较少,但给家长增加了很大的经济负担;同时,不同类型的学校以及不同类型的教学方式对孩子的学习、社会融合有不同的影响。子女外出后对留守老人的生活照料和家庭地位带来了较大的影响。  相似文献   

陈玮  任晓军 《西北人口》2009,30(5):97-101,106
改革开放特别是实施西部大开发战略以来,西宁市流动人口迅速增加,这一方面加速了城市经济社会的发展,另一方面也对城市社会融合带来了诸多问题,妥善解决城市流动人口社会融合问题是当前城市社会管理中一项迫切任务,为此必须从转变政府职能,强化服务意识等方面入手,加速流动人口的社会融合,进而构建和谐西宁。  相似文献   

孟庆梓 《南方人口》2007,22(4):39-44
改革开放近30年来,我国东南沿海侨乡地区海外新移民潮发展迅速.作为当代农村社会变迁的一种新动力,出国移民潮的兴起对迁出地乡村经济变迁的影响是显著而深刻的.这种变迁中既有机遇也有挑战.如何尽快制定合理的应对之策以抓住机遇、迎接挑战已成为一个迫切而必要的研究课题.  相似文献   

农民工的城市融合问题是中国城市化和工业化进程中必须面对的社会问题,亦是构建和谐社会的关键。已有对农民工城市融合的研究大多从个体层次出发,探讨社会资本因素和人力资本因素对农民工融合的影响。但却忽略了这个群体的制度身份对他们融人城市的限制,且未能从群体的层次将他们的现实处境与融合之间的关系做进一步的探讨。本文以建筑业农民工群体为例,从融合的社会经济维度探讨该群体城市融合的现状与困境,并提出以制度身份为基础的该群体社会地位的边缘化,才是阻碍农民工城市融合的症结所在。  相似文献   

万国威 《西北人口》2010,31(2):80-84,88
在中国经济快速增长的过程中,城市新贫困社群的福利供给出现了贫困陷阱的困境。对于这种福利供给所形成的贫困陷阱。当前学术界的主要研究是从个体的福利依赖角度来进行的。但是,基于湖南省长沙市区400余住新贫困社群的调研和对政府的走访资料.本研究解析了城市新贫困社群在现行福利供给体系下出现贫困陷阱的政策原因:缺乏赋权参与社会政策的建设理念,是制约当前新贫困社群需要满足得以实现的症结。建议政府采取针对社会发展需要与社会参与需要的社会政策来优化政府的福利供给效率。  相似文献   

融入与接纳:互动视角下的流动人口社会融合实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用2010年国家人口计生委流动人口动态监测调查数据,从群体和个体两个层面对城市居民对流动人口的接纳意愿进行了理论解构和实证分析;进一步分析了城市居民对于流动人口的群体认同和个体接纳意愿,流动人口的主观融入意愿和客观融入评价的影响方式及作用机制。结果表明城市居民共享对流动人口社会群体期望,但对流动人口个人接纳态度则存在明显的结构差异;城市居民对流动人口整体持肯定态度,但在日常交往中对流动人口仍持疏离甚至排斥的态度。城市居民对于流动人口的接纳意愿影响甚至决定着流动人口的融入意愿和行为。而要实现城市居民接纳意愿和流动人口融入意愿的匹配,需要一个思路上统一、逻辑上一致的促进流动人口全面融合政策体系的支持。  相似文献   

This study aims at ascertaining how Hong Kong people perceive Hong Kong as a harmonious society. It also identifies the elements that are most conducive to social harmony in Hong Kong, so that the government could take reference when formulating new policies. 1,062 adults residents were asked to rate their perceived level of social harmony and their satisfaction with 36 items (divided into three dimensions: public governance, society, and economy, family and work) for which the research team believes would be influencing the perceived level of social harmony. Results show that the average rating of social harmony was 5.57 (out of 10), delineating a moderate level of social harmony. Subsequent multivariate factor analysis and regression analysis show that the four extracted factors (from the three dimensions) had significant impacts on the level of social harmony. These were, in order of significance: (a) public governance, (b) social solidarity and respect, (c) economy/family/work and, (d) social tolerance and progressiveness. According to the factor loadings of each significant factor, we identified four core values which we hope the government would consider when formulating new policies, as follows: (1) A Justice Government with Sincerity on Communication, (2) Mutual Support and Respect with Integrity and Dedication, (3) Dedication to One’s Job and Community by Helping the Needed and, (4) Creativity and Progressiveness with Tolerance. Implications for policy making are discussed. The study was conducted under the direction and guidance of the Fostering Social Harmony Task Force of the Hong Kong Professionals and Senior Executives Association (HKPASEA). The authors acknowledge the kind support and assistance provided by the Council Members of HKPASEA and staff members of the Centre for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy at Hong Kong Baptist University. We are also grateful to Prof. Alex Michalos and Prof. P. K. Ip for their comments and suggestions given at the International Conference on National Well-Being held in November 2006 at the National Central University, Taiwan.  相似文献   

丁华 《西北人口》2007,28(1):1-6
近两年来,随着老龄程度的加深和养老新问题的出现,在对既往服务体系的全面反思的基础上,香港福利署对养老服务体系进行了调整和改革。强调回归社区、突显养老机构的特殊职能和整合资源、实现福利服务综合化成为这次政策调整的突出特点。本文试图分析这些特点在老年社区服务、机构服务和发展性服务上的体现,希望对改革中的我国老年福利服务体制有所借鉴。  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(10):1403-1423
The removal of homosexuality from the list of mental disorders and the repeal of restrictive sexual laws deem that Foucault's argument on the discursive control of homosexuality requires refinement to take into consideration the continual modernization and improvement of power. This article examines the multilayered discursive terrain in Hong Kong where homosexuality is created, regulated, and contested in the contemporary era. With the popularization of human rights discourse, sexual dissidents are not simply treated as criminal or pathological; rather, legal and medical discourses have shifted to an increasing reliance on notions of risk to put mechanisms of social regulation in place.  相似文献   

A community-driven survey of 106 transgender people (the first such survey in Hong Kong) showed that: (1) more than half the sample (50.9%) had a university degree or higher qualification; (2) despite this, 43.4% had a monthly income below HK$6,000 (about USD$775); (3) 66% reported “fair” or “poor” quality of life; (4) 67% of the sample (87.1% of respondents aged 15–24 years) had contemplated suicide; and (5) 20.8% of the sample (35.5% of respondents aged 15–24 years) had attempted suicide. It was found that (1) those who were single, had a lower monthly income, and identified as transgender women reported lower quality of life; and (2) those who were younger and on a lower income expressed higher suicidality. The findings suggest that service providers and policy makers urgently need to address the mental health needs of transgender people, particular younger transgender people.  相似文献   


Informed by the framing of queer Asia as disjunctive modernities, this article argues for the analytic relevance of class to Hong Kong queer culture amid proliferating sexual progress. Based on ethnographic research concerning a support group for middle-aged, working-class gay men in a non-governmental organization (NGO), the findings demonstrate how their understanding and experiences of class were displaced into the culturally specific discourses of aging and generational difference. By examining the ideological work underlying three sets of local discourses (namely, generational experiences, urban redevelopment, and industrial transformation), the analysis reveals a temporal logic of class relation that governed the informants’ class displacements and, in turn, safeguarded the reproduction of inequalities in their lives. This article concludes by highlighting the interferential potential of class for understanding the queer cultural and subjective formations in other East Asian societies that went through similar processes of postwar economic development and class formation.  相似文献   

本文利用“浦东新区外来人口调查”数据,定量研究了社会网络、社会融合以及流动因素对妇女的理想婚龄、实际婚龄和初次流动后5年内结婚风险的影响。研究发现,社会交往、居住环境和在城市的滞留时间对妇女的初婚年龄均存在显著影响。本文的研究有助于理解农村流动人口初婚观念与行为转变的过程、途径和机理。  相似文献   

邓晓梅 《西北人口》2011,32(1):67-72
目前国内关于农村婚姻移民的社会适应研究还处于空白。本文利用《2010年吴江市居民生活质量调查》研究中236份婚姻移民的数据,从社会性别视角出发,从主观感知、经济层面、社会关系、文化适应等方面探索农村婚姻移民的社会适应状况和性别差异。实证研究发现,婚姻移民的主观适应感较好,其总体经济适应程度要低于本地居民,在社会关系、文化等方面也仍有少数人未能融入当地生活;社会性别因素对社会适应的主观感知没有显著影响,但在社会适应的经济、社会关系、文化等不同方面存在显著的性别差异。  相似文献   

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