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We propose to use the term standard distance for the quantity in univariate analysis and show that it can be easily generalized to the multivariate situation, where it coincides with the square root of the Mahalanobis distance between two samples.  相似文献   

Most of the times, the observations related to the quality characteristic of a process do not need to be independent. In such cases, control charts based on the assumption of independence of the observations are not appropriate. When the characteristic under study is qualitative, Markov model serves as a simple model to account for the dependency of the observations. For this purpose, we develop an attribute control chart under 100% inspection for a Markov dependent process by controlling the error probabilities. This chart consists of two sub-charts. For a given sample, depending upon the state of the last observation of previous sample (if any), one of these two will be used. Optimal values of the design parameters of the control chart are obtained. Chart’s performance is studied by using its capability (probability) of detecting a shift in process parameters.  相似文献   

A new control chart is proposed by using the belief statistic for the exponential distribution. The structure of the proposed control chart is given to measure the average run length for the shifted process. The comparison of the proposed chart is given with the existing charts in terms of the average run lengths, which shows the outperformance of the proposed chart. The performance of the proposed control chart is also discussed with the help of simulated data.  相似文献   

This paper derives first-order sampling moments of individual Mahalanobis distances (MDs) in cases when the dimension p of the variable is proportional to the sample size n. Asymptotic expected values when n, p → ∞ are derived under the assumption p/nc,?0 ? c < 1. It is shown that some types of standard estimators remain unbiased in this case, while others are asymptotically biased, a property that appears to be unnoticed in the literature. Second-order moments are also supplied to give some additional insight to the matter.  相似文献   

For the univariate case, the R chart and the S 2 chart are the most common charts used for monitoring the process dispersion. With the usual sample size of 4 and 5, the R chart is slightly inferior to the S 2 chart in terms of efficiency in detecting process shifts. In this article, we show that for the multivariate case, the chart based on the standardized sample ranges, we call the RMAX chart, is substantially inferior in terms of efficiency in detecting shifts in the covariance matrix than the VMAX chart, which is based on the standardized sample variances. The user's familiarity with sample ranges is a point in favor of the RMAX chart. An example is presented to illustrate the application of the proposed chart.  相似文献   

In this article, an attribute control chart is proposed for time truncated tests using the Weibull distribution. The design of proposed control chart is presented using the multiple dependent state (MDS) sampling. The control chart coefficients are determined for various specified average run length. The efficiency of the proposed control chart is elaborated with the help of a simulation data and a real data. The proposed control chart perform better than the existing control chart in terms of average run length.  相似文献   

In this paper, a control chart has been developed for the Conway–Maxwell Poisson (COM-Poisson) distribution using the modified exponentially weighted moving average statistic. The proposed chart provides an efficient detection of smaller changes in the location parameter of the COM-Poisson distribution. The performance of the proposed control chart has been evaluated by the average and the standard deviation of the run length distribution for various parameters. Better detecting ability has also been compared with the existing control chart using EWMA statistic. Using simulation, we also showed the detecting ability over the traditional EWMA chart.  相似文献   


In this article, a new non parametric control chart based on the modified or controlled exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) statistic is developed to monitor the process deviation from the target value. The proposed control chart is evaluated for different values of design parameters using the average run length as a performance criterion under various sample sizes. The proposed chart is compared with the existing non parametric EWMA sign control chart. It is observed that the proposed chart is better than the existing EWMA sign control chart in terms of run length characteristics. An empirical example is provided for the practical implementation of the proposed chart.  相似文献   

Consider the case of classifying an incoming message as one of two known p-dimension signals or as a pure noise. Let the noise co-variance matrix (assumed to be same in all the three cases) be unknown. We consider the problem of estimation of “realized signal to noise ratio matrix”, which is an index of discriminatory power, under various loss functions. Optimum estimators are obtained under these loss functions. Finally, an attempt is made to provide a lower confidence bound for the realized signal to noise ratio matrix. In the process, the probability distribution of the smaller eigenvalue of a 2 × 2 confluent hypergeometric random matrix is obtained.  相似文献   

For the characteristic values T1 of the matrix V:=Diag(p)-ppT with p=(p1,...,pk), p1≥p2≥...≥pk≥pk+1>0 and p1+p2+...+pk+pk+1=1 the inequalities p1≥τ1≥p2≥τ2≥...≥pk≥τk>0 are given by RONNING (1982). These inequalities give, if p and pk+1 are unknown, the upper bound 1≥T1. However, in this note the bound 1/2≥T1 is derived. V is proportional to the covariance matrix for multinomial, Dirichlet and multivariate hypergeometric distributions. A statistical application for the multinomial distribution is given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the class of inflated modified power series distributions (IMPSD) where inflation occurs at any of the support points. This class include among other the generalized Poisson, the generalized negative binomial, the generalized logarithmic series and the lost games distributions. We give expressions for the moments, factorial moments and central moments of the IMPSD. The maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the IMPSD and the variance – covariance matrix of the estimators is obtained. We derive these estimators and their information matrices for mentioned above particular members of IMPSD class. The second part of this paper deals with the distribution of sum of independent and identically distributed random variables taking values s, s+1. s + 2, …, s ≥ 0, with modified power series distributions inflated at the point s.  相似文献   

This article describes an algorithm for the identification of outliers in multivariate data based on the asymptotic theory for location estimation as described typically for the trimmed likelihood estimator and in particular for the minimum covariance determinant estimator. The strategy is to choose a subset of the data which minimizes an appropriate measure of the asymptotic variance of the multivariate location estimator. Observations not belonging to this subset are considered potential outliers which should be trimmed. For α less than about 0.5, the correct trimming proportion is taken to be that α > 0 for which the minimum of any minima of this measure of the asymptotic variance occurs. If no minima occur for an α > 0 then the data set will be considered outlier free.  相似文献   

Control charts using repetitive group sampling have attracted a great deal of attention during the last few years. In the present article, we attempt to develop a control chart for the multivariate Poisson distribution using the repetitive group sampling scheme. In the proposed control chart, the monitoring statistic from the multivariate Poisson distribution has been used for the quick detection of the deteriorated process to avoid losses. The control coefficients have been estimated using the specified in-control average run lengths. The procedure of the proposed control chart has been explained by using the real-world example and a simulated data set. It has been observed that the proposed control chart is an efficient development for the quick detection of the nonrandom change in the manufacturing process.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to a new randomization method that yields unbiased adjustments of p-values for linear regression model predictors by incorporating the number of potential explanatory variables, their variance–covariance matrix and its uncertainty, based on the number of observations. This adjustment helps control type I errors in scientific studies, significantly decreasing the number of publications that report false relations to be authentic ones. Comparative analysis with such existing methods as Bonferroni correction and Shehata and White adjustments explicitly shows their imperfections, especially in case when the number of observations and the number of potential explanatory variables are approximately equal. Proposed method is easy to program and can be integrated into any statistical software package.  相似文献   

A new S2 control chart is presented for monitoring the process variance by utilizing a repetitive sampling scheme. The double control limits called inner and outer control limits are proposed, whose coefficients are determined by considering the average run length (ARL) and the average sample number when the process is in control. The proposed control chart is compared with the existing Shewhart S2 control chart in terms of the ARLs. The result shows that the proposed control chart is more efficient than the existing control chart in detecting the process shift.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a three-parameter lifetime distribution following the Marshall and Olkin [New method for adding a parameter to a family of distributions with application to the exponential and Weibull families. Biometrika. 1997;84(3):641–652] approach. The proposed distribution is a compound of the Lomax and Logarithmic distributions (LLD). We provide a comprehensive study of the mathematical properties of the LLD. In particular, the density function, the shape of the hazard rate function, a general expansion for moments, the density of the rth order statistics, and the mean and median deviations of the LLD are derived and studied in detail. The maximum likelihood estimators of the three unknown parameters of LLD are obtained. The asymptotic confidence intervals for the parameters are also obtained based on asymptotic variance–covariance matrix. Finally, a real data set is analysed to show the potential of the new proposed distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose five types of copulas on the Hotelling's T2 control chart when observations are from exponential distribution and use the Monte Carlo simulation to compare the performance of the control chart, which is based on the Average Run Length (ARL) for each copula. Five types of copulas function for specifying dependence between random variables are used and measured by Kendall's tau. The results show that the copula approach can be fitted the observation and we can use copula as an option for application on Hotelling's T2 control chart.  相似文献   

Necessary and sufficient conditions on the observation covariance structure and on the set of linear transformations are given for which the distribution of the multivariate maximum squared - radii statistic for detecting a single multivariate outlier is invariant from the distribution assuming the usual independence covariance structure. Thus, we extend the work of Baksalary and Puntanen (1990), who have given necessary and sufficient conditions for an independence-distribution-preserving covariance structure for Grubbs' statistic for detecting a univariate outlier. We also extend the work of Marco, Young, and Turner (1987) and Pavur and Young (1991), who have given sufficient conditions for an independence-distribution-preserving dependency structure for the multivariate squared - radii statistic.  相似文献   

In this paper, an attribute control chart under repetitive group sampling is designed for monitoring the production process where the lifetime of the product is considered as quality of the product. We assume that the lifetime follows the Pareto distribution of second kind with known shape parameter. The performance of the proposed chart is evaluated by average run length. The control limits coefficients as well as the repetitive group sampling parameter such as sample size are determined such that the in-control average run length is as close as to the specified average run length. Out-of-control average run length is also reported for different shift constants with corresponding optimal parameters. In addition, performance of proposed control chart is compared with the performance of existing chart. An economical designing of proposed control chart is also discussed.  相似文献   

The density of the multiple correlation coefficient is derived by direct integration when the sample covariance matrix has a linear non-central distribution. Using the density, we deduce the null and non-null distribution of the multiple correlation coefficient when sampling from a mixture of two multivariate normal populations with the same covariance matrix. We also compute actual significance levels of the test of the hypothesis Ho : ρ1·2…p = 0 versus Ha1·2…p > 0, given the mixture model.  相似文献   

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