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The Difficult Transformation of Marx's New View of History in The German Ideology: Comments on Marx's Criticism and Inheritance to Hegel's View of History/Weng hanbing (School of Marxism, Southeast University, Nanjing 210018, China) Abstract: The German Ideology is very significant in the logical development of young Marx and the formation process and historical position of Marx's new view of history is an important research topic. Based on young Marx's criticism and Inheritance to Hegel's view of history, the paper discusses how Marx jumps out of the framework of Hegel's historical idealism through the study of economics. At the same time, Marx insists the logical belief from Hegel's view of history, which goes beyond the ideological method of bourgeois economics research. However, due to the limitations of Marx's economics research level and horizon, the construction of the new view of history and its methodology still bears a transitional nature. Key words : Hegel ; bourgeois political economics ; view of history  相似文献   

( 1 ) Is New Poetry a Failure? ——Basic Experience of Chinese New Poety
——Viewpoints of the Forum of Second Modern Chinese Poetry Seminar, Nanjing, China (Abridged) Ye Lu, etc. 1
Abstract: Eight attendants expound the inevitability and rationality of Chinese new poetry from the perspective of poetics, sociology, new poetry history and the aesthetic consciousness of modem poetry, and exchange views with Ji Xianlin on the so-called failure of Chinese new poetry.  相似文献   

Questioning Rigby's Critique on Marx's Materialism/ WU Xuedong (Teaching Department of Ideological and Political Theory, West Anhui University, Ln'an 237012, China)
Abstract: Rigby critically evaluates materialism in Marxism and History and deconstructs Marxist productivity determinism by constructing an alternative theory about production relation with primary nature. From an academic point of view, Rigby's misreading of historical materialism mainly results from his shortcomings in research method and his misunderstanding on materialism.  相似文献   

The Tension of Sociology of Science: Comparison between Bernal's and Merton' s Research Methods on Tradition/Wang Ying ( School of Public Adminstration, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
Abstract: As to the theories in sociology of science, Bemal school and Merton school establish different research methods on tradition. Although Bernal and Merton have something common in research premise and research purpose, they do have differences. Bernal proposes his idea based on the standpoint of scientists, while Merton insists on the discourse of sociologists. From the perspective of epistemology,  相似文献   

Abstracts and Key Words of Major Articles Wang Guowei and Gong Zizhen PENG Yu-ping (Department of Chinese, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510275) Abstract: The poems and Ci of Gong Zizhen are unique in style. Besides, situated in the Chinese transitional stage, the internal world that his works carried and the historical responsibilities his works assumed co-existed paradoxically. The six volume Gongding'an quanji edited by Wang Guowei was thus logically influential on Wang's literature and academic practice. This paper has Gong Zizhen's influence on Wang Guowei as the basic thread, with the large number of uses of "renjian" (human world) by both, and exposes their likely common derivation and the differences between them. There is strongly theoretical co-relatlon between Gong Zizhen' s zunqing (respect of emotion) and the natural expression of the real scenes and real feelings stressed in Wang Guowei's Jingjieshuo (theory of state). "Wan"(~) illustrated by Gong Zizhen was actually the basic principle on which Wang Guowei interpreted the works of Qu Yuan. In the process in which Wang Guowei absorbed some of the thoughts of Gong Zizhen, Wu Changshou, who edited Ding'an wenji (Anthology of Ding'an) and compiled Ding'an xiansheng nianpu (Chronicle of Mr. Ding'an), played an important role. From Wang Guowei, some of the influence of Gong Zizhen on the creation of poetry and poetic thoughts in the 20th century can be seen.  相似文献   

Sensual Existence Transcending Spirit and Its Limitation: Interpretation of Hegel's Criticism of Legalist Philosophy and Its Introduction/LI Xiujuan (School of Marxism, Hohai University, Nanijing,210098, China)
Abstract: In Hegel's Criticism of Legalist Philosophy and its Introduction, Marx criticizes the ontological basis of Hegel's speculative idealism theory of the state built on Feuerbach's humanism materialism. It is asserted that existence comes from existence itself and thinking stems from sensual existence. Thus, thinking is interpreted by sensual existence and political state and the spirit are accounted for by realistic sensual existence to understand the relationship between civil society and political state.  相似文献   

On Schiller's Aesthetics of Drama --His Theory of Comedy
ZHA NG Yu-neng (College of Chinese Language and Literature,Central China Normal University,Wuhan,Hubei,430079) Abstract: Throughout his life Schiller never wrote a comedy or an essay specifically on comedy. His limited discussion of comedy, however, formed the most unique theories of comedy and comedy aesthetics in the history of Western Aesthetics and literary theory. Schiller thinks tragedy ranks higher than comedy in terms of dramatic subject and objectives, but seen from the freedom of representation comedy should be superior to tragedy. Comedy represents the beautiful mind, and helps maintain the freedom of soul, but the comedian pursues an even higher purpose, which, once achieved, will make all tragedies become redundant. Schiller's theories of comedy and comedy aesthetics ended the classical comedy theory which degrades comedy and comedy art, and returned comedy to its due position, sublime purpose and great function. Key words: aesthetics of drama;drama ;comedy ;theory of comedy; aesthetics of comedy  相似文献   

Decoding Internal Logic of Marx' s Theory of Social Formation/Wu Bo(Marxism Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732, China)
Abstract: As the fundamental component and the core part of materialism, Marx' s theory of social formation maintains that the development of the society is the regular historical process of changing and developing of social formation, which consists of horizontal and vertical interpretation of the society. From the perspective of horizontal interpretation, it is necessary to combine the activities of man with the changing of social formation.  相似文献   

Cultural Ways of Raising Moralities of Domestic Citizens
WANG Xiang-feng (School of Liberal Arts, Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, 110036)
Abstract:Raising the morals of domestic citizens is a basic task in the construction of socialist morality in China, which is fundamental for the revival of our nation. A comprehensive enhancement of citizens' morals can be realized in various ways. However, cultural ways of exerting silent transforming influences on the people, building up effectively the positive social atmosphere, raising the morality of domestic citizens, and promoting a steady development of moral construction are experiences proved right by history and reality. Moral declines, lack of credibility and integrity, and other phenomena violating socialist moralities as demonstrated mainly in some fields must be changed through the effective and comprehensive cultivation of people's minds, which also manifests the functions of culture, i.e. creating the positive social atmosphere, educating people, serving the society and promoting actual development.  相似文献   

The Progress and Tendency of China's Legislation Construction since China' s Reform and Opening up
CHANG Gui-xiang (School of Political Science and public Administration, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China)
During the reform and open policy for 30 years, China government' s legislation construction has achieved a remarkable achievement, simultaneously also faced some questions. In order to realize the comprehensive implementation to manage state affairs according to law and build socialism country under the rule of law goal, China' s government should try to ponder and to solve the following question in the future: to establish the authority of law and supremacy of law concept, to realize the authority movement government by law, as well as strengthening the protection of human rights and building the rule of law culture, to foster civil society.  相似文献   

Chinese People's Basic Experience of Insisting on the Ideal and Belief of Marxism;Scientific Outlook on Development and Establishment of Belief of Contemporary Youth;Karl Marx's Explanation of Economic Ethics on Exploitation and Poverty;On Fundamental Strategy of Ideology Work in Contemporary China;On Scientific Method of Research into Marxism;  相似文献   

( 1 ) CHEN Du-xiu's Ponderation and Criticism on the Revolution and Construction Mode of Soviet Russia LUO Xiao-hui (004) Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou Hunan 412007, China Abstract: CHEN Du-xiu disapproved Comintern's guiding Chinese revolution with the experience and mode of Russian revolution. He advocated that a backward country develop Capitalism first to construct Socialism and criticized Stalin's dictatorship and the highly centralized political system of the Soviet Union. CHEN's advocation and criticism, most of which was objective and practical, shows his good insight, precise prediction and conscience which have brought about his tragedy. Key words: CHEN Du-xiu; mode of Soviet Russia; Socialism; democracy; Stalin  相似文献   

Study on Legal Problems of Becoming a Shareholder of Rural Land Contractual Management Right in the Farmers' Specialized Cooperatives
--A Case of Zhejiang Province
DING Guan- liang&JIANG Li( 1 )
The circulation of rural land contractual management fight has been a hot spot in rural land issues even "Three Rural Issues" research in the academic circle. The farmers'specialized cooperatives which adopt the system of becoming a shareholder receive more attention. We choose Zhejiang province as an example, on the basis of the analysis of legal obstacles encountered in the running process of contributing land contractual management right as capital into farmers" specialized cooperatives, we puts forward the reform proposals concerning how to perfect the legal system of the circulation which is relevant to the running mechanism of farmers' specialized cooperatives.  相似文献   

JIANG Hu-min, LIU Xun, HE Wei-yi, LUO Qiang (Sichuan Sales Branch, PetroChina, Chengdu Sichuan 610015, China)JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST PETROLEUM UNIVERSITY( SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), VOL. 3 ,NO. 3,1 - 5,2010( ISSN 1674 -5094 ,in Chinese)
Abstract:The new refined oil pricing mechanism becomes a hot issue at present with fluctuation of international oil prices. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the current pricing mechanism, and studies measures to regulate the oil pricing mechanism and to make it suit China's national conditions. As a result,the following suggestions are presented:increasing national oil reserve,integrating state-owned retail outlet network to achieve orderly and monopolistic competition,using analytic hierarchy process to choose pricing plans and so on.  相似文献   

The Agricultural Educations Initiating and Influence in the Late Qing Dynasty in Shandong
YUAN Peng - xin( 1 )
The agricultural education's initiating in the Late Qing Dynasty in Shandong is the result of the vari- ous kind of factors, such as Shandong local authorities, the regional gentry combined to participate in positively, and the background is that the Qing government carries on the educational reformation and ag- ricuhural technology falls behind. The agricultural education has the modern nature that is greatly differ- ent from the old The agricultural style education regardless of being in the education system education's development in Shandong that not only has opened and in the course content.  相似文献   

A CHAOS THEORY ANALYSIS OF COMPLEXITY OF GLOBAL OIL PRICE FLUCTUATION Yang Bo- wen, Ma Jing- hui ( School of Arts and Law, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, 610500 )
Abstract :The paper,from the perspective of complex system's chaos theory, aims to analyze the complexity of international crude oil price fluctuations and of international crude oil market running system. The analysis suggests that international oil price fluctuation is a nonlinear system network constituted by international economy, finance, oil production, trade, consumption and geopolitics. And from the non- equilibrium between the supply of oil production and the spatial distribution of the consumer market( imbalance of the regional structure of oil supply and demand) and imbalance between the economic attributes of oil and political, financial speculative property, we analyze the characteristics of uncertainty and chaos of the international oil price fluctuations, as well as the factors causing uncertainty in international oil price fluctuations.
Key words: chaos ; complexity ; global price ; uncertainty ; nonlinearity  相似文献   

Risk Prevention of China's Future Economic Reform
LIU Ji-peng (Capital Research Center, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088)
Abstract: China has made considerable achievements in reform, but behind the interim success lurk significant risks for the future economic reform, embodied by the five bubbles and three barriers. To overcome these difficulties China should hold to the correct reform methodology.
Key words: economic reform, reform methodology, five bubbles, three barriers  相似文献   

Abstract:Jinggangshan spirit, a product of its historical conditions, is a great spiritual monument in the history of the Communist Party of China. It has abundant connotation but it core content is the creative spirit that includes two basic senses: pioneering spirit and combination of theory with practice. The Jinggangsgan creative spirit expired the Communist Party of China in leading the Chinese people to overcome all dangers and difficulties, win the victory of the New Democratic Revolution, and establish the socialist system. In today' s situation of reforming and opening up to the outside world and in the effort to build up socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics, the Jing- gangshan creative spirit is still worth to inherit and carry forward.  相似文献   

A New View of Essence of Mental Phenomena;Causes for Retranslating Croce's The Principles of Aesthetics;Recoanition of Literary Fabrication;Review and Reflection on the Concept of “Modern Conversion” of Ancient Chinese Literary Theories;New Solution to the Relationship Between Policy and Law: with a Constitutional Case Study;Muses in Nationalism: A Study of the Literary Works in Zhenli Zhoukan;  相似文献   

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