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大学生诚信缺失的原因与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
温锋 《唐都学刊》2006,22(5):42-44
大学生诚信缺失表现在思想、学习、生活等方面,不仅反映了当前大学生令人担忧的思想道德状况,同时折射出高校思想道德教育的不足。导致大学生诚信缺失的主要原因有社会消极因素的影响、学校教育的失误、制度建设的缺失等。在分析当前大学生诚信缺失的表现和原因的基础上,提出要重建大学生诚信道德,必须从以下几个方面着手:营造良好的社会信用环境,加强大学生诚信道德教育,发挥教师的诚信典范作用,建立大学生个人信用档案,从而将诚信道德教育和建设真正落到实处,切实提高当代大学生的诚信道德品质。  相似文献   

殷运岚 《社科纵横》2009,(9):152-154,23
大学生诚信教育机制的构建,一直是高校教育工作者高度关注的问题。当代大学生是社会的建设者,文化的传承人。如何完善高校学生诚信观念、诚信人格、诚信习惯的教育培养机制,使大学生在走上社会之前就具备较为完善的诚信人格,是高校德育工作亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

诚信是中华民族世代相传的重要道德品质,事关中华传统美德的继承、社会主义核心价值观的贯彻,是新时代公民道德建设的基本要求。然而,作为国家建设者和生力军的大学生却存在着普遍认同诚信价值、但实践还有提升空间,忽视日常诚信行为、诚信带有功利化倾向,将网络作为精神依托、冲击原有诚信道德观等问题。这需要从提高学生自律意识、发挥家庭基础引导作用、转变学校诚信教育方式、健全诚信法律制度保障体系以及营造社会诚信氛围等方面来优化大学生诚信教育,为提高大学生诚信道德水平创造有利条件。  相似文献   

杨樱 《社科纵横》2006,21(3):150-151
面对社会普遍存在的诚信道德问题,在全面建设小康社会过程中,增强全社会的诚信观念越来越成为人们的共识。高校如何构建大学生诚信道德体系,加强大学生诚信道德建设,是每个教育工作者必须直面的一个问题。  相似文献   

唐月芬 《社会工作》2008,(22):43-45
大学生的不诚信行为与一系列的心理因素有关,如躲避惩罚、获得更大利益、虚荣、从众、侥幸、恶作剧和逆反心理。诚信缺失对大学生的心理健康有不容忽视的消极影响,采取适当策略,对于促进大学生的健康发展,构建和谐社会,具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

大学生就业形式严峻,就业过程中的诚信问题层出不穷,为深入认识大学生就业诚信现状,我们对部分毕业生进行了问卷调查,通过对调查结果的分析,并结合工作经验提出了促进学生诚信就业的对策和建议。  相似文献   

诚信是人类社会共有的一项根本性道德原则和行为准则,大学生诚信教育是一项系统工程。近年来受到社会风气、社会环境和就业压力等等各方面因素的影响,大学生诚信缺失的现象较严重,加强大学生诚信教育尤为重要。随着新媒体的迅猛发展,研究新媒体的特点和趋势对大学生世界观、价值观、人生观的内在影响,发掘新媒体对大学生诚信教育的现实价值,已成为重要课题。  相似文献   

高校毕业生诚信缺失的原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
慕芳 《社科纵横》2007,(10):152-153
伴随着求职高峰期的到来,大学生在推荐材料上弄虚作假、签订就业协议后违约等问题日益突出,在很大程度上影响了社会对大学生的认可度,也违背了高等教育的基本要求。如何解决大学毕业生的诚信缺失问题并且提高毕业生就业率?重构高校毕业生诚信体系迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

大学生诚信与大学生信用析辨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李文爽 《学术交流》2004,(11):186-188
随着社会主义市场经济的不断完善,大学生诚信与大学生信用问题引起社会的关注。许多研究者都把二者当做同一概念来理解,实际上这是两个在内涵、历史形成和表现形式以及建立、维护和惩罚机制上都有着严格区别的概念。信用在本质上是一个经济范畴,诚信则是道德范畴。明确二者的联系和区别,对于促进大学生道德建设与信用建设,具有重大的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

大学校园的诚信缺失及其解决对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏洁 《唐都学刊》2006,22(5):45-47
诚信是一种伦理德性,也是一种经济伦理原则和社会责任信念。但在现代社会功利、利益等因素的冲击下,大学校园的道德诚信出现了下滑,导致了“诚信缺失”,请“枪手”、考试舞弊、假文凭假学历等屡见不鲜。这与社会主义道德风尚、大学人文主义精神、大学生理想人格是相背离的。因此,我们不能忽视这一现象,要深入探究诚信缺失背后隐藏的经济的、伦理的、社会的、心理的原因,并从教育改革、提高个人素质、建立信用档案、加强法律机制的建设等方面寻找其解决对策,使诚信回归大学校园。  相似文献   

徐秦法 《学术交流》2006,2(10):35-38
信仰作为人的最高意识形态,对人的行为具有一定的约束和激励作用,对社会伦理关系具有一定的维系和整合作用,是人类管理活动的原动力。科学的信仰能够为管理活动提供智力支持、文化条件、精神动力,进而对管理体制、管理人员、管理行为、管理职能等产生积极影响,推动管理目标的实现。马克思主义是人类最科学的信仰,在当代中国,只有马克思主义信仰才能凝聚和激发起亿万人民群众的力量和智慧,才能提高社会的管理水平,为构建社会主义和谐社会奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

Hospitals are commonly regarded as unpleasant places to be. The reason is that, as a total institution, the hospital creates a depersonalizing environment that forces the patient to relinquish control over his or her daily existence. It is suggested that patients cope with depersonalizing loss of control by assuming "good patient" behavior or "bad patient" behavior. Predictions are offered as to who will show which behavior pattern under which circumstances. However, a review of these patterns suggests that some "good patients" may actually be in a state of anxious or depressed helplessness, whereas "bad patients" are exhibiting anger and reactance against the perceived arbitrary removal of freedoms. An analysis of the behavioral, cognitive, affective and physiological correlates of these patterns, as well as the behaviors they elicit in staff, suggests that both the "good patient" and the "bad patient" sustain health risks. It is argued that a more informed and participative role for the hospital patient can eliminate or offset many of these risks and actually improve the level of physical and psychological health in the hospital setting.  相似文献   

王美凤 《唐都学刊》2007,23(4):84-86
“信”是先秦儒家伦理思想中重要范畴之一,真实无妄是其基本内涵,循物无违是它的基本道德要求,恪守“义”是它在社会实践中的行为准则。“信”以其特殊的道德功用,在先秦时期为儒家所重视,并在汉代被列入“五常”之中,成为中国人传统观念中最基本的行为准则。  相似文献   

Lysack M. Building capacity for environmental engagement and leadership: an ecosocial work perspective In the context of accelerating environmental decline and climate change, this article explores the opportunities for building capacity for leadership within the faith communities to advocate for the protection of the climate and environment. The author discusses the tools for building capacity through faith‐based environmental education to equip members of faith communities to move from being passive consumers to active environmental citizens. The ways in which ecosocial workers, particularly those interested in religion and spirituality, could play a role in facilitating the emergence of leadership capacity within faith communities to care and advocate for the earth are also examined. The article highlights the theoretical resources and practices of community engagement and public education that ecosocial workers could contribute to this project of building a broad ethically centred environmental movement.  相似文献   

善意履行条约必须以善意解释条约为前提。作为条约解释诸要素的灵魂,"善意"在个案中通过对诸解释要素和方法的指导、限制、评价、平衡和调节来得以实现、转化。善意原则适用于条约解释的全过程,包括对约文、上下文、嗣后惯例等审查,而不是仅适用于对条约特定词语或短语的解释。善意原则既是《维也纳条约法公约》条约解释要素体系的有机组成部分,可作为一般法律原则和国际法原则,又具有对其他解释要素的适用结果的评价和调节功能。善意的含义高度抽象,且内容难以穷尽,在条约解释中存在限制与局限性。  相似文献   

在当前新的历史时期,在国际国内复杂的社会环境中,应该把理想信念教育作为党的思想建设的核心内容.因为只有对党员加强理想信念教育,才能保证有中国特色社会主义伟大事业沿着正确的方向向前发展,才能抵制资本主义腐朽思想的侵蚀,才能从根本上遏制腐败现象的滋生和蔓延,才能彻底肃清封建主义的残余影响,才能克服和消除市场经济的消极影响.  相似文献   

中国人的信仰认同模式:以儒教信仰为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李向平  石大建 《社会》2008,28(6):71-89
英语中的“宗教”,就西方基督教而言,是一种制度宗教;汉语中的“宗教”,则不一定指称宗教制度。中国儒教当然不等同于西方语义中的制度宗教,但无疑是一种具有宗教特征的信仰结构。杨庆堃所谓“扩散宗教”的概念,与本文讨论的中国“信仰”,及其在权力秩序和制度宗教之外那种私人、扩散式的信仰认同模式非常相似。为此,本文把儒教的信仰认同模式作为个人信仰与他人信仰、儒教信徒与其他社会成员的互动结果,并以信仰“认同”作为儒教的行动单位,同时亦作为一种分析工具,经由对儒教信仰认同规则的考察,讨论儒教信仰及其信仰群体的建构逻辑,进而分析儒教信仰经纬中中国社会的模式及其演变路径。  相似文献   

This paper discusses some important dimensions of faith and of the social contexts surrounding faith that are illustrative of continuity and growth in spirituality in the lives of older adults. Examples of an evolving spirituality emerge in the analysis of a recent qualitative research study that probed the nature of religious experience among thirty-one community-dwelling elders and fifteen elders residing in long-term care facilities. Face-to-face interviews with these forty-six older adults and with seven people who directed or assisted with formal and informal programs of faith comprise the empirical base for this paper. The seven people, I refer to them mnemonically as faithreps, worked in various ways in the long-term care settings to provide programs involving faith to older adults. The faithreps came from a range of educational and religious backgrounds and are not accurately or handily categorized. An evolving spirituality is shaped by the older person's links to the structural and the socio-relational contexts that have been created through interaction in the past as well as through interaction in the present. Moreover, the interaction of older adults and faithreps encourages spiritual growth because as social actors engaged with one another over a sustained period of time in an institutional setting, questions and dialogue about life and its meaning are regularly evoked. The social interactions that foster spiritual evolution may be an admixture of the secular and the sacred. Such socio-relational contexts were once part of the naturalistic settings of daily life among the old, but now must emerge through the efforts and planning of others. The salience of faith among present cohorts of older adults sensitizes us to the necessity of devoting more consideration to optimal ways of strengthening and building contexts that are conducive to the evolution of spirituality.  相似文献   


In spite of growing interest in spirituality and religion, and the prominent position given to religion in social work's educational policies and ethical standards, no studies have explored the profession's level of spiritual sensitivity. Accordingly, we examined the visibility of faith groups and their characterizations in 71 influential social work textbooks. This study found that faith groups, in contrast to a number of comparison groups, were essentially invisible as populations worthy of students' direct attention. Further, when faith groups were discussed, they tended to be characterized in a biased, spiritually insensitive manner. To move toward spiritual competency, social work must increase the amount of material devoted to faith groups and ensure that they are depicted in a manner that is consistent with their worldviews.  相似文献   

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