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This article is designed to point out the close connection between recursive estimation procedures, such as Kalman filter theory, familiar to control engineers, and linear least squares estimators and estimators that include prior information in the form of linear restrictions, such as mixed estimators and ridge estimators, familiar to statisticians. The only difference between the two points of view seems to be a difference in terminology. To demonstrate this point, it is shown how the Kalman filter equations can be derived from an existing textbook account of linear least squares theory and the notion of combining prior information in linear models, that is, the Goldberger—Theil mixed estimators' point of view. The author advocates the inclusion of these ideas early when least squares estimation concepts are being taught.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new model for transaction prices in the presence of market microstructure noise in order to study the properties of the price process on two different time scales, namely, transaction time where prices are sampled with every transaction and tick time where prices are sampled with every price change. Both sampling schemes have been used in the literature on realized variance, but a formal investigation into their properties has been lacking. Our empirical and theoretical results indicate that the return dynamics in transaction time are very different from those in tick time and the choice of sampling scheme can therefore have an important impact on the properties of realized variance. For RV we find that tick time sampling is superior to transaction time sampling in terms of mean-squared-error, especially when the level of noise, number of ticks, or the arrival frequency of efficient price moves is low. Importantly, we show that while the microstructure noise may appear close to IID in transaction time, in tick time it is highly dependent. As a result, bias correction procedures that rely on the noise being independent, can fail in tick time and are better implemented in transaction time.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new model for transaction prices in the presence of market microstructure noise in order to study the properties of the price process on two different time scales, namely, transaction time where prices are sampled with every transaction and tick time where prices are sampled with every price change. Both sampling schemes have been used in the literature on realized variance, but a formal investigation into their properties has been lacking. Our empirical and theoretical results indicate that the return dynamics in transaction time are very different from those in tick time and the choice of sampling scheme can therefore have an important impact on the properties of realized variance. For RV we find that tick time sampling is superior to transaction time sampling in terms of mean-squared-error, especially when the level of noise, number of ticks, or the arrival frequency of efficient price moves is low. Importantly, we show that while the microstructure noise may appear close to IID in transaction time, in tick time it is highly dependent. As a result, bias correction procedures that rely on the noise being independent, can fail in tick time and are better implemented in transaction time.  相似文献   

The Buckley–James estimator (BJE) is a widely recognized approach in dealing with right-censored linear regression models. There have been a lot of discussions in the literature on the estimation of the BJE as well as its asymptotic distribution. So far, no simulation has been done to directly estimate the asymptotic variance of the BJE. Kong and Yu [Asymptotic distributions of the Buckley–James estimator under nonstandard conditions, Statist. Sinica 17 (2007), pp. 341–360] studied the asymptotic distribution under discontinuous assumptions. Based on their methodology, we recalculate and correct some missing terms in the expression of the asymptotic variance in Theorem 2 of their work. We propose an estimator of the standard deviation of the BJE by using plug-in estimators. The estimator is shown to be consistent. The performance of the estimator is accessed through simulation studies under discrete underline distributions. We further extend our studies to several continuous underline distributions through simulation. The estimator is also applied to a real medical data set. The simulation results suggest that our estimation is a good approximation to the true standard deviation with reference to the empirical standard deviation.  相似文献   

In this paper, three competing survival function estimators are compared under the assumptions of the so-called Koziol– Green model, which is a simple model of informative random censoring. It is shown that the model specific estimators of Ebrahimi and Abdushukurov, Cheng, and Lin are asymptotically equivalent. Further, exact expressions for the (noncentral) moments of these estimators are given, and their biases are analytically compared with the bias of the familiar Kaplan–Meier estimator. Finally, MSE comparisons of the three estimators are given for some selected rates of censoring.  相似文献   


The problem of obtaining the maximum probability 2 × c contingency table with fixed marginal sums, R  = (R 1R 2) and C  = (C 1, … , C c ), and row and column independence is equivalent to the problem of obtaining the maximum probability points (mode) of the multivariate hypergeometric distribution MH(R 1; C 1, … , C c ). The most simple and general method for these problems is Joe's (Joe, H. (1988 Joe, H. 1988. Extreme probabilities for contingency tables under row and column independence with application to Fisher's exact test. Commun. Statist. Theory Meth., 17(11): 36773685. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Extreme probabilities for contingency tables under row and column independence with application to Fisher's exact test. Commun. Statist. Theory Meth. 17(11):3677–3685.) In this article we study a family of MH's in which a connection relationship is defined between its elements. Based on this family and on a characterization of the mode described in Requena and Martín (Requena, F., Martín, N. (2000 Requena, F. and Martín, N. 2000. Characterization of maximum probability points in the multivariate hypergeometric distribution. Statist. Probab. Lett., 50: 3947.  [Google Scholar]). Characterization of maximum probability points in the multivariate hypergeometric distribution. Statist. Probab. Lett. 50:39–47.), we develop a new method for the above problems, which is completely general, non recursive, very simple in practice and more efficient than the Joe's method. Also, under weak conditions (which almost always hold), the proposed method provides a simple explicit solution to these problems. In addition, the well-known expression for the mode of a hypergeometric distribution is just a particular case of the method in this article.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a new class of estimators called the sK type principal components estimators to combat multicollinearity, which include the principal components regression (PCR) estimator, the rk estimator and the sK estimator as special cases. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the superiority of the new estimator over the PCR estimator, the rk estimator and the sK estimator are derived in the sense of the mean squared error matrix criterion. A Monte Carlo simulation study and a numerical example are given to illustrate the performance of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

The assessment of a binary diagnostic test requires a knowledge of the disease status of all the patients in the sample through the application of a gold standard. In practice, the gold standard is not always applied to all of the patients, which leads to the problem of partial verification of the disease. When the accuracy of the diagnostic test is assessed using only those patients whose disease status has been verified using the gold standard, the estimators obtained in this way, known as Naïve estimators, may be biased. In this study, we obtain the explicit expressions of the bias of the Naïve estimators of sensitivity and specificity of a binary diagnostic test. We also carry out simulation experiments in order to study the effect of the verification probabilities on the Naïve estimators of sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   

In this article, the variance of the duration of play in the asymmetric n-player gambler’s ruin problem is considered, when the players use equal initial fortunes of d dollars, 1 ? d ? n + 1, and ties allowed in each round. Some special games are simulated and the simulation results verify the validity of the proposed formulas. It is shown that when we do not have the possibility of tie in the game, the increase in the number of players will change the ruin time from a random variable to a degenerate random variable. Finally, the three-tower problem with one of its different definitions are introduced and their expected times as well as their variances of the duration are considered.  相似文献   

In regression analysis, to overcome the problem of multicollinearity, the r ? k class estimator is proposed as an alternative to the ordinary least squares estimator which is a general estimator including the ordinary ridge regression estimator, the principal components regression estimator and the ordinary least squares estimator. In this article, we derive the necessary and sufficient conditions for the superiority of the r ? k class estimator over each of these estimators under the Mahalanobis loss function by the average loss criterion. Then, we compare these estimators with each other using the same criterion. Also, we suggest to test to verify if these conditions are indeed satisfied. Finally, a numerical example and a Monte Carlo simulation are done to illustrate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this article the outgoing quality and the total inspection for the chain sampling plan ChSP-4(c 1, c 2) are introduced as well-defined random variables. The probability distributions of outgoing quality and total inspection are stated based on total rectification of non conforming units. The variances of these random variables are studied. The aim of this article is to develop procedures for minimum variance ChSP-4(c 1, c 2) sampling plans and their determination. In addition to minimum variance sampling plans, a procedure is developed for designing plans with a designated maximum variance, a VOQL (Variance of Outgoing Quality Limit) plan. The VOQL concept is analogous to the AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Limit) except in the VOQL plan, it is the maximum variance which is established instead of the usual maximum AOQ.  相似文献   

对数据最基本的描述统计可以分为集中趋势和离中趋势的测度,在研究数据离中趋势的时候,为了便于对不同样本,不同单位,不同量级上数据进行研究,在很多统计教材上  相似文献   

This article discusses the asymptotic theory of Taguchi’s natural estimators of the signal to noise ratio (SNR) for dynamic robust parameter design. Three asymptotic properties are shown. First, two natural estimators of the population SNR are asymptotically equivalent. Second, both of these estimators are consistent. Finally, both of these estimators are asymptotically normally distributed.  相似文献   

Some new upper and lower bounds for the extinction probability of a Galton–Watson process are presented. They are very easy to compute and can be used even if the offspring distribution has infinite variance. These new bounds are numerically compared to previously discussed bounds. Some definite guidelines are given concerning when these new bounds are preferable. Some open problems are also discussed.  相似文献   

The Metropolis–Hastings algorithm is one of the most basic and well-studied Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. It generates a Markov chain which has as limit distribution the target distribution by simulating observations from a different proposal distribution. A proposed value is accepted with some particular probability otherwise the previous value is repeated. As a consequence, the accepted values are repeated a positive number of times and thus any resulting ergodic mean is, in fact, a weighted average. It turns out that this weighted average is an importance sampling-type estimator with random weights. By the standard theory of importance sampling, replacement of these random weights by their (conditional) expectations leads to more efficient estimators. In this paper we study the estimator arising by replacing the random weights with certain estimators of their conditional expectations. We illustrate by simulations that it is often more efficient than the original estimator while in the case of the independence Metropolis–Hastings and for distributions with finite support we formally prove that it is even better than the “optimal” importance sampling estimator.  相似文献   

In a Gauss–Markov Model (GMM) with fixed constraints, all the relevant estimators perfectly satisfy these constraints. As soon as they become stochastic, most estimators are allowed to satisfy them only approximately, thereby leaving room for nonvanishing residuals to describe the deviation from the prior information.

Sometimes, however, linear estimators may be preferred that are able to perfectly reproduce the prior information in form of stochastic constraints, including their variances and covariances. As typical example may be considered the case where a geodetic network ought to be densified without changing the higher-order point coordinates that are usually introduced together with their variances and (some) covariances. Traditional estimators are based on the “Helmert” or “S-transformation,” respectively an adaptation of the fixed-constraints Least-Squares estimator.

Here we show that neither approach generates the optimal reproducing estimator, which will be presented in detail and compared with the other reproducing estimators in terms of their MSE-risks.  相似文献   

This comparative study of research productivity and publication habits in probability and statistics completes the paper that was published in this Journal at the end of 1997. It is based on a ten-year survey of eighteen international journals, half of which are specialized in probability theory and the other half in statistics. Paper, author and adjusted page counts yield cursory measures of productivity for countries and institutions that contributed to fundamental research in these two related fields during the period 1986-1995. These data also reveal significant cultural differences between probabilists and statisticians in the volume of research, the length of papers, coauthorship practices, etc. Canada is seen to be one of the strongest contributors to the development of these two disciplines.  相似文献   

The conventional random effects model for meta-analysis of proportions approximates within-study variation using a normal distribution. Due to potential approximation bias, particularly for the estimation of rare events such as some adverse drug reactions, the conventional method is considered inferior to the exact methods based on binomial distributions. In this article, we compare two existing exact approaches—beta binomial (B-B) and normal-binomial (N-B)—through an extensive simulation study with focus on the case of rare events that are commonly encountered in medical research. In addition, we implement the empirical (“sandwich”) estimator of variance into the two models to improve the robustness of the statistical inferences. To our knowledge, it is the first such application of sandwich estimator of variance to meta-analysis of proportions. The simulation study shows that the B-B approach tends to have substantially smaller bias and mean squared error than N-B for rare events with occurrences under 5%, while N-B outperforms B-B for relatively common events. Use of the sandwich estimator of variance improves the precision of estimation for both models. We illustrate the two approaches by applying them to two published meta-analysis from the fields of orthopedic surgery and prevention of adverse drug reactions.  相似文献   

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