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We use the martingale approach to study large deviations and laws of the iterated logarithm for certain multidimensional diffusion processes. The criteria for the validity of these properties are expressed in terms of averaging properties of the coefficients of the infinitesimal generator. In particular we apply our results to diffusion processes with random coefficients.  相似文献   

We discuss parameter estimation for discretely observed, ergodic diffusion processes where the diffusion coefficient does not depend on the parameter. We propose using an approximation of the continuous-time score function as an estimating function. The estimating function can be expressed in simple terms through the drift and the diffusion coefficient and is thus easy to calculate. Simulation studies show that the method performs well.  相似文献   

We consider inference of the parameters of the diffusion term for continuous time stochastic processes with a power-type dependence of the diffusion coefficient from the underlying process such as Cox–Ingersoll–Ross, CKLS, and similar processes. We suggest some original pathwise estimates for this coefficient and for the power index based on an analysis of an auxiliary continuous time complex-valued process generated by the underlying real-valued process. These estimates do not rely on the distribution of the underlying process and on a particular choice of the drift. Some numerical experiments are used to illustrate the feasibility of the suggested method.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to develop a general, unified approach, based on some partial estimation functions which we call “Z-process”, to some change point problems in mathematical statistics. The method proposed can be applied not only to ergodic models but also to some models where the Fisher information matrix is random. Applications to some concrete models, including a parametric model for volatilities of diffusion processes are presented. Simulations for randomly time-transformed Brownian bridge process appearing as the limit of the proposed test statistics are performed with computer intensive use.  相似文献   

We deal with parametric inference and selection problems for jump components in discretely observed diffusion processes with jumps. We prepare several competing parametric models for the Lévy measure that might be misspecified, and select the best model from the aspect of information criteria. We construct quasi-information criteria (QIC), which are approximations of the information criteria based on continuous observations.  相似文献   

We consider a risk-reserve process for an insurance company where premium income and the claim sum process are modeled as a renewal reward processes. Moreover, dividends are paid out according to a barrier rule. The aim of the article is to establish a diffusion approximation of this model and to compute ruin probabilities (in finite and in infinite time) and other relevant statistics approximately using the limiting diffusion process. We also demonstrate that, under special circumstances, there exists a stationary distribution for the limiting diffusion.  相似文献   

We suggest a new approach to hypothesis testing for ergodic and stationary processes. In contrast to standard methods, the suggested approach gives a possibility to make tests, based on any lossless data compression method even if the distribution law of the codeword lengths is not known. We apply this approach to the following four problems: goodness-of-fit testing (or identity testing), testing for independence, testing of serial independence and homogeneity testing and suggest nonparametric statistical tests for these problems. It is important to note that practically used so-called archivers can be used for suggested testing.  相似文献   

Central limit theorems play an important role in the study of statistical inference for stochastic processes. However, when the non‐parametric local polynomial threshold estimator, especially local linear case, is employed to estimate the diffusion coefficients of diffusion processes, the adaptive and predictable structure of the estimator conditionally on the σ ‐field generated by diffusion processes is destroyed, so the classical central limit theorem for martingale difference sequences cannot work. In high‐frequency data, we proved the central limit theorems of local polynomial threshold estimators for the volatility function in diffusion processes with jumps by Jacod's stable convergence theorem. We believe that our proof procedure for local polynomial threshold estimators provides a new method in this field, especially in the local linear case.  相似文献   

Most applications in spatial statistics involve modeling of complex spatial–temporal dependency structures, and many of the problems of space and time modeling can be overcome by using separable processes. This subclass of spatial–temporal processes has several advantages, including rapid fitting and simple extensions of many techniques developed and successfully used in time series and classical geostatistics. In particular, a major advantage of these processes is that the covariance matrix for a realization can be expressed as the Kronecker product of two smaller matrices that arise separately from the temporal and purely spatial processes, and hence its determinant and inverse are easily determinable. However, these separable models are not always realistic, and there are no formal tests for separability of general spatial–temporal processes. We present here a formal method to test for separability. Our approach can be also used to test for lack of stationarity of the process. The beauty of our approach is that by using spectral methods the mechanics of the test can be reduced to a simple two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedure. The approach we propose is based on only one realization of the spatial–temporal process.We apply the statistical methods proposed here to test for separability and stationarity of spatial–temporal ozone fields using data provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  相似文献   

Summary.  We propose an approach for estimating the age at first lower endoscopy examination from current status data that were collected via two series of cross-sectional surveys. To model the national probability of ever having a lower endoscopy examination, we incorporate birth cohort effects into a mixed influence diffusion model. We link a state-specific model to the national level diffusion model by using a marginalized modelling approach. In future research, results from our model will be used as microsimulation model inputs to estimate the contribution of endoscopy examinations to observed changes in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality.  相似文献   

We consider estimating functions for discretely observed diffusion processes of the following type: for one part of the parameter of interest we propose to use a simple and explicit estimating function of the type studied by Kessler (2000); for the remaining part of the parameter we use a martingale estimating function. Such an approach is particularly useful in practical applications when the parameter is high-dimensional. It is also often necessary to supplement a simple estimating function by another type of estimating function because only the part of the parameter on which the invariant measure depends can be estimated by a simple estimating function. Under regularity conditions the resulting estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal. Several examples are considered in order to demonstrate the idea of the estimating procedure. The method is applied to two data sets comprising wind velocities and stock prices. In one example we also propose a general method for constructing diffusion models with a prescribed marginal distribution which have a flexible dependence structure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to survey a number of the technical tools and models that have found use in the study of human and other populations, and to indicate some problems of current interest. These tools and models are varied: integral equations, nonlinear oscillations, differential geometry, dynamical systems, nonlinear operations, bifurcation theory, semigroup theory, martingale theory, Markov processes, diffusion processes, branching processes, ergodic theory, prediction theory and state-space models. A fairly extensive bibliography is provided. Also an Appendix has been added describing the analysis of a classical entomological data set.  相似文献   

Parametric inference for spatial max-stable processes is difficult since the related likelihoods are unavailable. A composite likelihood approach based on the bivariate distribution of block maxima has been recently proposed. However modeling block maxima is a wasteful approach provided that other information is available. Moreover an approach based on block maxima, typically annual, is unable to take into account the fact that maxima occur or not simultaneously. If time series of, say, daily data are available, then estimation procedures based on exceedances of a high threshold could mitigate such problems. We focus on two approaches for composing likelihoods based on pairs of exceedances. The first one comes from the tail approximation for bivariate distribution proposed by Ledford and Tawn (Biometrika 83:169–187, 1996) when both pairs of observations exceed the fixed threshold. The second one uses the bivariate extension (Rootzén and Tajvidi in Bernoulli 12:917–930, 2006) of the generalized Pareto distribution which allows to model exceedances when at least one of the components is over the threshold. The two approaches are compared through a simulation study where both processes in a domain of attraction of a max-stable process and max-stable processes are successively considered as time replications, according to different degrees of spatial dependency. Results put forward how the nature of the time replications influences the bias of estimations and highlight the choice of each approach regarding to the strength of the spatial dependencies and the threshold choice.  相似文献   

This article discusses the discretization of continuous-time filters for application to discrete time series sampled at any fixed frequency. In this approach, the filter is first set up directly in continuous-time; since the filter is expressed over a continuous range of lags, we also refer to them as continuous-lag filters. The second step is to discretize the filter itself. This approach applies to different problems in signal extraction, including trend or business cycle analysis, and the method allows for coherent design of discrete filters for observed data sampled as a stock or a flow, for nonstationary data with stochastic trend, and for different sampling frequencies. We derive explicit formulas for the mean squared error (MSE) optimal discretization filters. We also discuss the problem of optimal interpolation for nonstationary processes – namely, how to estimate the values of a process and its components at arbitrary times in-between the sampling times. A number of illustrations of discrete filter coefficient calculations are provided, including the local level model (LLM) trend filter, the smooth trend model (STM) trend filter, and the Band Pass (BP) filter. The essential methodology can be applied to other kinds of trend extraction problems. Finally, we provide an extended demonstration of the method on CPI flow data measured at monthly and annual sampling frequencies.  相似文献   

Innovation diffusion represents a central topic both for researchers and for managers and policy makers. Traditionally, it has been examined using the successful Bass models (BM, GBM), based on an aggregate differential approach, which assures flexibility and reliable forecasts. More recently, the rising interest towards adoptions at the individual level has suggested the use of agent based models, like Cellular Automata models (CA), that are generally implemented through computer simulations. In this paper we present a link between a particular kind of CA and a separable non autonomous Riccati equation, whose general structure includes the Bass models as a special case. Through this link we propose an alternative to direct computer simulations, based on real data, and a new aggregate model, which simultaneously considers birth and death processes within the diffusion. The main results, referred to the closed form solution, the identification and the statistical analysis of our new model, may be both of theoretical and empirical interest. In particular, we examine two applied case studies, illustrating some forecasting improvements obtained.  相似文献   

Some popular parametric diffusion processes have been assumed as such underlying diffusion processes. This paper considers an important case where both the drift and volatility functions of the underlying diffusion process are unknown functions of the underlying process, and then proposes using two novel testing procedures for the parametric specification of both the drift and diffusion functions. The finite-sample properties of the proposed tests are assessed through using data generated from four popular parametric models. In our implementation, we suggest using a simulated critical value for each case in addition to the use of an asymptotic critical value. Our detailed studies show that there is little size distortion when using a simulated critical value while the proposed tests have some size distortions when using an asymptotic critical value in each case.  相似文献   

Some popular parametric diffusion processes have been assumed as such underlying diffusion processes. This paper considers an important case where both the drift and volatility functions of the underlying diffusion process are unknown functions of the underlying process, and then proposes using two novel testing procedures for the parametric specification of both the drift and diffusion functions. The finite-sample properties of the proposed tests are assessed through using data generated from four popular parametric models. In our implementation, we suggest using a simulated critical value for each case in addition to the use of an asymptotic critical value. Our detailed studies show that there is little size distortion when using a simulated critical value while the proposed tests have some size distortions when using an asymptotic critical value in each case.  相似文献   

Numerical methods are needed to obtain maximum-likelihood estimates (MLEs) in many problems. Computation time can be an issue for some likelihoods even with modern computing power. We consider one such problem where the assumed model is a random-clumped multinomial distribution. We compute MLEs for this model in parallel using the Toolkit for Advanced Optimization software library. The computations are performed on a distributed-memory cluster with low latency interconnect. We demonstrate that for larger problems, scaling the number of processes improves wall clock time significantly. An illustrative example shows how parallel MLE computation can be useful in a large data analysis. Our experience with a direct numerical approach indicates that more substantial gains may be obtained by making use of the specific structure of the random-clumped model.  相似文献   

This article analyses diffusion-type processes from a new point-of-view. Consider two statistical hypotheses on a diffusion process. We do not use a classical test to reject or accept one hypothesis using the Neyman–Pearson procedure and do not involve Bayesian approach. As an alternative, we propose using a likelihood paradigm to characterizing the statistical evidence in support of these hypotheses. The method is based on evidential inference introduced and described by Royall [Royall R. Statistical evidence: a likelihood paradigm. London: Chapman and Hall; 1997]. In this paper, we extend the theory of Royall to the case when data are observations from a diffusion-type process instead of iid observations. The empirical distribution of likelihood ratio is used to formulate the probability of strong, misleading and weak evidences. Since the strength of evidence can be affected by the sampling characteristics, we present a simulation study that demonstrates these effects. Also we try to control misleading evidence and reduce them by adjusting these characteristics. As an illustration, we apply the method to the Microsoft stock prices.  相似文献   

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