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Detecting parameter shift in garch models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper applies recent theories of testing for parameter constancy to the conditional variance in a GARCH model. The supremum Lagrange multiplier test for conditional Gaussian GARCH models and its robustified variants are discussed. The asymptotic null distribution of the test statistics are derived from the weak convergence of the scores, and the critical values from the hitting probability of squared Bessel process.

Monte Carlo studies on the finite sample size and power performance of the supremum LM tests are conducted. Applications of these tests to S&P 500 indicate that the hypothesis of stable conditional variance parameters can be rejected.  相似文献   

In the framework of the Engle-type (G)ARCH models, I demonstrate that there is a family of symmetric and asymmetric density functions for which the asymptotic efficiency of the semiparametric estimator is equal to the asymptotic efficiency of the maximum likelihood estimator. This family of densities is bimodal (except for the normal). I also chracterize the solution to the problem of minimizing the mean squared distance between the parametric score and the semiparametric score in order to search for unimodal densities for which the semiparametric estimator is likely to perform well. The LaPlace density function emerges as one of these cases.  相似文献   

It is well known that Gaussian maximum likelihood estimates of time series models are not robust. In this paper we prove this is also the case for the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) models. By expressing the Gaussian maximum likelihood estimates as Ψ estimates and by assuming the existence of a contaminated process, we prove they possess zero breakdown point and unbounded influence curves. By simulating GARCH processes under several proportions of contaminations we assess how much biased the maximum likelihood estimates may become and compare these results to a robust alternative. The t-student maximum likelihood estimates of GARCH models are also considered.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that a simultaneous test for ARCH and bilinearity should be used to test for the possible nonlinearity of the error process in the regression model. We suggest such a joint test statistic. An empirical example shows that the individual tests of ARCH and bilinearity may not be conclusive while a joint test clearly rejects the linearity hypothesis. Our results are also applicable to pure time series models.  相似文献   

徐凤  黎实 《统计研究》2014,31(9):91-98
对固定效应模型,本文基于拉格朗日乘数(LM)原理提出了一种新的可混合性检验。不同于已有的LM型可混合性检验,这里使用每个截面个体的LM统计量构建可混合性检验统计量。数理分析表明,本文所提的方法有着渐进正态性,对于扰动项的异方差和非正态均稳健,且与PY检验(Pesaran&Yamagata,2008)渐近等价。Monte Carlo模拟实验表明,相对于PY检验及另外两种LM型的可混合性检验,对于不同大小的 ,本文提出的方法有着良好的水平表现和更优越的检验势。  相似文献   

贾婧等 《统计研究》2018,35(11):116-128
资产收益率时变高阶矩建模的首要前提是资产收益率的偏度和峰度具有时变性,即资产收益率存在类似于异方差性的异偏度和异峰度特征。目前文献中的时变偏度和时变峰度识别检验存在适用性较差且检验功效较低等不足。本文提出基于回归的检验方法识别资产收益率偏度和峰度的时变性。该检验一方面利用概率积分变换缓解了拉格朗日乘数检验对资产收益率序列的高阶矩存在性的限制,另一方面考虑了检验统计量中参数估计的不确定性对其统计性质的影响,具有良好的渐近统计性质且适用性更广。蒙特卡洛模拟表明该检验具有良好的有限样本性质,具有合适的检验水平和较高的检验功效。最后,将基于回归的检验运用于上证综指和深圳成指收益率的时变建模研究中。  相似文献   

This paper considers a modified CUSUM test, suggested by Dufour (1982) for parameter instability and structural change with an unknown change point in a linear model with serially correlated disturbances, in which a preliminary estimate of the autoregressive coefficient for the error process is obtained, and used to transform the data. Then the standard CUSUM statistic is calculated on the transformed data. This paper derives the asymptotic distribution of the modified CUSUM test. We show that the modified CUSUM test retains its asymptotic significance level, i.e., the modified CUSUM test has the same asymptotic distribution as the CUSUM test with serially uncorrelated errors.  相似文献   

This paper considers a modified CUSUM test, suggested by Dufour (1982) for parameter instability and structural change with an unknown change point in a linear model with serially correlated disturbances, in which a preliminary estimate of the autoregressive coefficient for the error process is obtained, and used to transform the data. Then the standard CUSUM statistic is calculated on the transformed data. This paper derives the asymptotic distribution of the modified CUSUM test. We show that the modified CUSUM test retains its asymptotic significance level, i.e., the modified CUSUM test has the same asymptotic distribution as the CUSUM test with serially uncorrelated errors.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Lagrange multiplier test of the normality assumption underlying the ordered probit model. The test is presented both for the standard ordered probit model and a version in which censoring is present in the dependent variable. The test is then compared to normality tests proposed here compares favorably to tests based on artificial regression techinques.  相似文献   

Change point monitoring for distributional changes in time-series models is an important issue. In this article, we propose two monitoring procedures to detect distributional changes of squared residuals in GARCH models. The asymptotic properties of our monitoring statistics are derived under both the null of no change in distribution and the alternative of a change in distribution. The finite sample properties are investigated by a simulation.  相似文献   

This study examines the statistical process control chart used to detect a parameter shift with Poisson integer-valued GARCH (INGARCH) models and zero-inflated Poisson INGARCH models. INGARCH models have a conditional mean structure similar to GARCH models and are well known to be appropriate to analyzing count data that feature overdispersion. Special attention is paid in this study to conditional and general likelihood ratio-based (CLR and GLR) CUSUM charts and the score function-based CUSUM (SFCUSUM) chart. The performance of each of the proposed methods is evaluated through a simulation study, by calculating their average run length. Our findings show that the proposed methods perform adequately, and that the CLR chart outperforms the GLR chart when there is an increased shift of parameters. Moreover, the use of the SFCUSUM chart in particular is found to lead to a lower false alarm rate than the use of the CLR chart.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the outliers in GARCH models. An iterative procedure is given for testing the presence of any type of the four common outliers. Since the distribution of test statistic cannot be obtained analytically, its distributional behavior is investigated via a simulation study. The simulation study is based on estimation of residuals standard deviation (σν), which are obtained using two methods, median absolute deviation method (MAD), and omit-one method. The proposed procedure is employed for testing the presence of outliers in weekly light oil price Indexes of Iran during 1997 to 2010.  相似文献   

Based on the multiplier method of constrained minimization, an algorithm is developed to handle the constrained estimation problem in covariance structure analysis. In the context of a general model which has wide applicability in multivariate medical and behavioural researches, computer programs are implemented to produce the weighted least squares estimates and the maximum likelihood estimates. The multiplier method is compared with the penalty function method in terms of computer time, number of iterations and number of unconstrained minimizations. The indication is that the multiplier method is substantially better.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of testing parameter constancy in GARCH(1,1) models. A cusum of squares test is propesed in analogy Of Incl´n and Tiao (1394)'s statistic. its limiting distribution is derived via using the invariance principle for mixingaie sequences obtained by McLeish(1975). Simulation results are illustrated to demonstrate the validity of the cusum test.  相似文献   

Tests derived from time series analysis play an important role in many empirical studies. These tests are frequently applied to the residuals obtained by fitting an econometric model using some standard estimator. We focus attention here on tests developed for univariate time series models. Various approaches to testing the adequacy of such models are discussed and compared. The validity and sefulness of applying these tests to econometric residuals are then examined and some Monte Carlo evidence is reported.  相似文献   

In this paper a test for outliers based on externally studentized residuals is shown to be related to a test for predictive failure. The relationships between a test for outliers, a test for a correlated mean shift and a test for an intercept shift are developed. A sequential testing procedure for outliers and structural change is shown to be independent, so that the overall size of the joint test can be determined exactly. It is established that a joint test for outliers and constancy of variances cannot be performed.  相似文献   

This paper derives Lagrange Multiplier tests based on double-length artificial regressions (DLR) for testing linear and log-linear regressions with AR(1) disturbances against Box-Cox alternatives These DLR tests are easier to compute than the corresponding likelihood ratio tests, and are easily generalized to test jointly for functional form and serial correlation. Two illustrative examples are given to show the importance of jointly testing for functional form and serial correlation.  相似文献   

Two Lagrange multiplier tests for time series nonlinearities in the presence of outliers are examined by simulation experiments. The nonlinearities studied are autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) and bilinearity; the outlier types are additive, innovative, temporary change and reallocation outliers. The results show that both the sizes and powers of the tests can be severely distorted by even a single outlier. The severity of the distortions depends on the outlier type and magnitude, but also on the underlying process generating 'the series.  相似文献   

We show that persistence of conditional volatility in large samples could be exaggerated by the existence of structural breaks in the ARCH and GARCH parameters. Our results suggest that extreme persistence frequently observed in index volatility does not necessarily indicate the same level of persistence over the sample period.  相似文献   

This paper derives a simple ANOVA-F-statistic which tests for random individual effects in a one-way error component model, using recursive residuals. Power comparisons are performed for this F-test when it is computed using true disturbances and recursive residuals from a panel data regression. Under the null, both statistics have an exact F distribution. The standardized version of the Breusch and Pagan (1980) Lagrange Multiplier test (SLM) as well as a fixed effects F-statistic (FE) recommended by Moulton and Randolph (1989), are also included in this comparison. The exact power function can be computed in all cases using Imhof's (1961) procedure. Our results suggest that the F-test based on recursive residuals is inferior to the popular SLM and FE tests based on computational simplicity, power comparisons and its sensitivity to the K observations starting the recursion.  相似文献   

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