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I propose a Lagrange multiplier test for the multinomial logit model against the dogit model (Gaudry and Dagenais 1979) as the alternative hypothesis. In view of the well-known drawback of the restrictive property of independence from irrelevant alternatives implied by the multinomial logit model, a specification test has much to recommend it. Finite sample properties of the test are studied using a Monte Carlo experiment, and the test's power against the nested multinomial logit model and the multinomial probit model is investigated. The test is found to be sensitive to the values of the regression parameters of the linear random utility function.  相似文献   

Abstract. Continuous proportional outcomes are collected from many practical studies, where responses are confined within the unit interval (0,1). Utilizing Barndorff‐Nielsen and Jørgensen's simplex distribution, we propose a new type of generalized linear mixed‐effects model for longitudinal proportional data, where the expected value of proportion is directly modelled through a logit function of fixed and random effects. We establish statistical inference along the lines of Breslow and Clayton's penalized quasi‐likelihood (PQL) and restricted maximum likelihood (REML) in the proposed model. We derive the PQL/REML using the high‐order multivariate Laplace approximation, which gives satisfactory estimation of the model parameters. The proposed model and inference are illustrated by simulation studies and a data example. The simulation studies conclude that the fourth order approximate PQL/REML performs satisfactorily. The data example shows that Aitchison's technique of the normal linear mixed model for logit‐transformed proportional outcomes is not robust against outliers.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the distribution of price sensitivity across consumers. We employ a random-coefficient logit model in which brand-specific intercepts and price-slope coefficients are allowed to vary across households. The model is estimated with panel data for two product categories. The implications of the estimated model are deduced through an optimal retail pricing analysis that combines the panel data with chain-level cost figures. We test parametric distributional assumptions using semiparametric density estimates based on series expansions.  相似文献   

Categorical longitudinal data are frequently applied in a variety of fields, and are commonly fitted by generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) and generalized estimating equations models. The cumulative logit is one of the useful link functions to deal with the problem involving repeated ordinal responses. To check the adequacy of the GLMMs with cumulative logit link function, two goodness-of-fit tests constructed by the unweighted sum of squared model residuals using numerical integration and bootstrap resampling technique are proposed. The empirical type I error rates and powers of the proposed tests are examined by simulation studies. The ordinal longitudinal studies are utilized to illustrate the application of the two proposed tests.  相似文献   

The generalized linear model (GLM) is a class of regression models where the means of the response variables and the linear predictors are joined through a link function. Standard GLM assumes the link function is fixed, and one can form more flexible GLM by either estimating the flexible link function from a parametric family of link functions or estimating it nonparametically. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm that uses P-spline for nonparametrically estimating the link function which is guaranteed to be monotone. It is equivalent to fit the generalized single index model with monotonicity constraint. We also conduct extensive simulation studies to compare our nonparametric approach for estimating link function with various parametric approaches, including traditional logit, probit and robit link functions, and two recently developed link functions, the generalized extreme value link and the symmetric power logit link. The simulation study shows that the link function estimated nonparametrically by our proposed algorithm performs well under a wide range of different true link functions and outperforms parametric approaches when they are misspecified. A real data example is used to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to compare the Bayesian and sample theory model selection criteria in choosing the univariate probit and logit models. We use five criteria: the deviance information criterion (DIC), predictive deviance information criterion (PDIC), Akaike information criterion (AIC), weighted, and unweighted sums of squared errors. The first two criteria are Bayesian while the others are sample theory criteria. The results show that if data are balanced none of the model selection criteria considered in this article can distinguish the probit and logit models. If data are unbalanced and the sample size is large the DIC and AIC choose the correct models better than the other criteria. We show that if unbalanced binary data are generated by a leptokurtic distribution the logit model is preferred over the probit model. The probit model is preferred if unbalanced data are generated by a platykurtic distribution. We apply the model selection criteria to the probit and logit models that link the ups and downs of the returns on S&P500 to the crude oil price.  相似文献   

First a comprehensive treatment of the hierarchical-conjugate Bayesian predictive approach to binary survey data is presented, encompassing simple random, stratified, cluster, and two-stage sampling, as well as two-stage sampling within strata. For the case of two-stage sampling within strata when there is more than one variable of stratification, analysis using an unsaturated logit linear model on the prior means is proposed. This allows there to be cells containing no sampled clusters. Formulas for posterior predictive means, variances, and covariances of numbers of successes in unsampled portions of clusters are presented in terms of posterior expectations of certain functions of hyperparameters; these may be evaluated by existing methods. The technique is illustrated using a small subset of Canada Youth & AIDS Study data. A sample of students within each of various selected school boards was chosen and interviewed via questionnaire. The boards were stratified/poststratified in two dimensions, but some of the resulting cells contained no data. The additive logit linear model on the prior means produced estimates and posterior variances for boards in all cells. Data showed the additive model to be plausible.  相似文献   

Several authors have recently explored the estimation of binary choice models based on asymmetric error structures. One such family of skewed models is based on the exponential generalized beta type 2 (EGB2). One model in this family is the skewed logit. Recently, McDonald (1996, 2000) extended the work on the EGB2 family of skewed models to permit heterogeneity in the scale parameter. The aim of this paper is to extend the skewed logit model to allow for heterogeneity in the skewness parameter. By this we mean that, in the model developed, here the skewness parameter is permitted to vary from observation to observation by making it a function of exogenous variables. To demonstrate the usefulness of our model, we examine the issue of the predictive ability of sports seedings. We find that we are able to obtain better probability predictions using the skewed logit model with heterogeneous skewness than can be obtained with logit, probit, or skewed logit.  相似文献   

Binary dynamic fixed and mixed logit models are extensively studied in the literature. These models are developed to examine the effects of certain fixed covariates through a parametric regression function as a part of the models. However, there are situations where one may like to consider more covariates in the model but their direct effect is not of interest. In this paper we propose a generalization of the existing binary dynamic logit (BDL) models to the semi-parametric longitudinal setup to address this issue of additional covariates. The regression function involved in such a semi-parametric BDL model contains (i) a parametric linear regression function in some primary covariates, and (ii) a non-parametric function in certain secondary covariates. We use a simple semi-parametric conditional quasi-likelihood approach for consistent estimation of the non-parametric function, and a semi-parametric likelihood approach for the joint estimation of the main regression and dynamic dependence parameters of the model. The finite sample performance of the estimation approaches is examined through a simulation study. The asymptotic properties of the estimators are also discussed. The proposed model and the estimation approaches are illustrated by reanalysing a longitudinal infectious disease data.  相似文献   

Regression models for discrete responses have found numerous applications. We consider logit, probit and cumulative logit models for qualitative data, and the loglinear and linear Poisson model for counted data. Statistical analysis of these models relies heavily on asymptotic likelihood theory, i.e. asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimator and the likelihood ratio as well as related test statistics. In practical situations, previously published conditions assuring these properties may be too strong, or it is difficult to see whether they apply. This paper contributes to a clarification of this point and characterizes to some extent situations where asymptotic theory is applicable and where it is not. In particular, sharp upper bounds on the admissible growth of regressors are given.  相似文献   

This article describes a convenient method of selecting Metropolis– Hastings proposal distributions for multinomial logit models. There are two key ideas involved. The first is that multinomial logit models have a latent variable representation similar to that exploited by Albert and Chib (J Am Stat Assoc 88:669–679, 1993) for probit regression. Augmenting the latent variables replaces the multinomial logit likelihood function with the complete data likelihood for a linear model with extreme value errors. While no conjugate prior is available for this model, a least squares estimate of the parameters is easily obtained. The asymptotic sampling distribution of the least squares estimate is Gaussian with known variance. The second key idea in this paper is to generate a Metropolis–Hastings proposal distribution by conditioning on the estimator instead of the full data set. The resulting sampler has many of the benefits of so-called tailored or approximation Metropolis–Hastings samplers. However, because the proposal distributions are available in closed form they can be implemented without numerical methods for exploring the posterior distribution. The algorithm converges geometrically ergodically, its computational burden is minor, and it requires minimal user input. Improvements to the sampler’s mixing rate are investigated. The algorithm is also applied to partial credit models describing ordinal item response data from the 1998 National Assessment of Educational Progress. Its application to hierarchical models and Poisson regression are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The assumption of normally distributed disturbances in the linear regression model implies that the disturbances are both uncorrelated and independent. Recently however, attention has focussed on possibly nonnonnally distributed disturbances, and in this case a distinction needs to be made between only uncorrelated disturbances and independently distributed disturbances. In this paper, general specification errors associated with misspecifying uncorrelatedness and independence for student - t distributed disturbances is examined. This class of distributions is a reasonable way of modelling tails that are fatter than those of the normal distribution which has applications to the modelling of series such as prices in financial and commodity markets, growth -curve models and astronomical data. Specification tests which test for only uncorrelatedness versus independence are also discussed.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) in nonlinear panel data models with fixed effects is widely understood (with a few exceptions) to be biased and inconsistent when T, the length of the panel, is small and fixed. However, there is surprisingly little theoretical or empirical evidence on the behavior of the estimator on which to base this conclusion. The received studies have focused almost exclusively on coefficient estimation in two binary choice models, the probit and logit models. In this note, we use Monte Carlo methods to examine the behavior of the MLE of the fixed effects tobit model. We find that the estimator's behavior is quite unlike that of the estimators of the binary choice models. Among our findings are that the location coefficients in the tobit model, unlike those in the probit and logit models, are unaffected by the “incidental parameters problem.” But, a surprising result related to the disturbance variance emerges instead - the finite sample bias appears here rather than in the slopes. This has implications for estimation of marginal effects and asymptotic standard errors, which are also examined in this paper. The effects are also examined for the probit and truncated regression models, extending the range of received results in the first of these beyond the widely cited biases in the coefficient estimators.  相似文献   

This paper extends the balanced loss function to a more general setup. The ordinary least squares estimator (OLSE) and Stein-rule estimator (SRE) are exposed to this general loss function with quadratic loss structure in a linear regression model. Their risks are derived when the disturbances in the linear regression model are not necessarily normally distributed. The dominance of OLSE and SRE over each other and the effect of departure from normality assumption of disturbances on the risk property are studied.  相似文献   


Logit-linear and probit-linear two-part models can be used to analyze data that are a mixture of zeros and positive continuous responses. The slopes in the linear part of a model can be constrained to be proportional to the slopes in the logit or probit part. In this article, it is shown that implementing such a constraint will decrease (in Loewner ordering) the asymptotic covariance matrix of the maximum likelihood estimates. A case study is provided using coronary artery calcification data from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Seongyoung Kim 《Statistics》2015,49(6):1189-1203
For categorical data exhibiting nonignorable non-responses, it is well known that maximum likelihood (ML) estimates with a boundary solution are implausible and do not provide a perfect fit to the observed data even for saturated models. We provide the conditions under which ML estimates for the generalized linear model (GLM) with the usual log/logit link function have a boundary solution. These conditions introduce a new GLM with appropriately defined power link functions where its ML estimates resolve the problems arising from a boundary solution and offer useful statistics for identifying the non-response mechanism. This model is applied to a real dataset and compared with Bayesian models.  相似文献   


Formulas for A- and C-optimal allocations for binary factorial experiments in the context of generalized linear models are derived. Since the optimal allocations depend on GLM weights, which often are unknown, a minimax strategy is considered. This is shown to be simple to apply to factorial experiments. Efficiency is used to evaluate the resulting design. In some cases, the minimax design equals the optimal design. For other cases no general conclusion can be drawn. An example of a two-factor logit model suggests that the minimax design performs well, and often better than a uniform allocation.  相似文献   

韩本三等 《统计研究》2015,32(1):102-109
本文提出了带异质线性趋势的动态二元面板模型的极大似然偏误纠正估计量和近似条件Logit估计量。我们给出了通常极大似然估计量偏误的解析形式,并提供了相应的估计方法。小样本实验表明近似条件似然函数可以很好的消除异质性参数的影响,而偏误纠正估计量可以显著的修正极大似然估计量的偏误。最后我们将本文提出的方法应用到现金红利支付模型。  相似文献   

This paper explores the effect of sample size, scale of parameters and size of the choice set on the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameters of the multinomial logit model. Data were generated by simulations under a three-way factorial experimental design for logit models containing three, four and five explanatory variables. Simulation data were analyzed by analysis of covariance and a regression model of the performance measure, the log root mean-squared error (LRMSE), fitted against the three factors and their interactions. Several important conclusions emerged. First, the LRMSE improves, but at a decreasing rate, with increases in the model's degrees of freedom. Second, the number of choice alternatives in the decision makers' choice sets has a significant impact on the LRMSE; however, heterogeneity in the choice sets across the sample has little or no impact. Finally, the scale of parameters and all of its two-way interactions with the other two factors significantly affect the LRMSE. Using the regression results, a family of iso-LRMSE curves are derived in the space of model degrees of freedom and scale of parameters. Their implications for researchers in choosing sample size and scale of parameters is discussed.  相似文献   

In contrast to the common belief that the logit model has no analytical presentation, it is possible to find such a solution in the case of categorical predictors. This paper shows that a binary logistic regression by categorical explanatory variables can be constructed in a closed-form solution. No special software and no iterative procedures of nonlinear estimation are needed to obtain a model with all its parameters and characteristics, including coefficients of regression, their standard errors and t-statistics, as well as the residual and null deviances. The derivation is performed for logistic models with one binary or categorical predictor, and several binary or categorical predictors. The analytical formulae can be used for arithmetical calculation of all the parameters of the logit regression. The explicit expressions for the characteristics of logit regression are convenient for the analysis and interpretation of the results of logistic modeling.  相似文献   

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