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An essential ingredient of any time series analysis is the estimation of the model parameters and the forecasting of future observations. This investigation takes a Bayesian approach to the analysis of time series by making inferences of the model parameters from the posterior distribution and forecasting from the predictive distribution.

The foundation of the approach is to approximate the condi-tional likelihood by a normal-gamma distribution on the parameter space. The techniques illustrated with many examples of ARMA processes.  相似文献   

This paper provides a formulation for the additive Holt-Winters forecasting procedure that simplifies both obtaining maximum likelihood estimates of all unknowns, smoothing parameters and initial conditions, and the computation of point forecasts and reliable predictive intervals. The stochastic component of the model is introduced by means of additive, uncorrelated, homoscedastic and Normal errors, and then the joint distribution of the data vector, a multivariate Normal distribution, is obtained. In the case where a data transformation was used to improve the fit of the model, cumulative forecasts are obtained here using a Monte-Carlo approximation. This paper describes the method by applying it to the series of monthly total UK air passengers collected by the Civil Aviation Authority, a long time series from 1949 to the present day, and compares the resulting forecasts with those obtained in previous studies.  相似文献   

Consider a J-component series system which is put on Accelerated Life Test (ALT) involving K stress variables. First, a general formulation of ALT is provided for log-location-scale family of distributions. A general stress translation function of location parameter of the component log-lifetime distribution is proposed which can accommodate standard ones like Arrhenius, power-rule, log-linear model, etc., as special cases. Later, the component lives are assumed to be independent Weibull random variables with a common shape parameter. A full Bayesian methodology is then developed by letting only the scale parameters of the Weibull component lives depend on the stress variables through the general stress translation function. Priors on all the parameters, namely the stress coefficients and the Weibull shape parameter, are assumed to be log-concave and independent of each other. This assumption is to facilitate Gibbs sampling from the joint posterior. The samples thus generated from the joint posterior is then used to obtain the Bayesian point and interval estimates of the system reliability at usage condition.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a hysteretic autoregressive model with GARCH specification and a skew Student's t-error distribution for financial time series. With an integrated hysteresis zone, this model allows both the conditional mean and conditional volatility switching in a regime to be delayed when the hysteresis variable lies in a hysteresis zone. We perform Bayesian estimation via an adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling scheme. The proposed Bayesian method allows simultaneous inferences for all unknown parameters, including threshold values and a delay parameter. To implement model selection, we propose a numerical approximation of the marginal likelihoods to posterior odds. The proposed methodology is illustrated using simulation studies and two major Asia stock basis series. We conduct a model comparison for variant hysteresis and threshold GARCH models based on the posterior odds ratios, finding strong evidence of the hysteretic effect and some asymmetric heavy-tailness. Versus multi-regime threshold GARCH models, this new collection of models is more suitable to describe real data sets. Finally, we employ Bayesian forecasting methods in a Value-at-Risk study of the return series.  相似文献   

This investigation considers a general linear model which changes parameters exactly once during the observation period. Assuming all the parameters are unknown and a proper prior distribution, the Bayesian predictive distribution of the future observations is derived.

It is shown that the predictive distribution is a mixture of multivariate t distributions and that the mixing distribution is the marginal posterior mass function of the change point parameter.  相似文献   

This article presents a fully Bayesian approach to modeling incomplete longitudinal data using the t linear mixed model with AR(p) dependence. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques are implemented for computing posterior distributions of parameters. To facilitate the computation, two types of auxiliary indicator matrices are incorporated into the model. Meanwhile, the constraints on the parameter space arising from the stationarity conditions for the autoregressive parameters are handled by a reparametrization scheme. Bayesian predictive inferences for the future vector are also investigated. An application is illustrated through a real example from a multiple sclerosis clinical trial.  相似文献   

Most existing reduced-form macroeconomic multivariate time series models employ elliptical disturbances, so that the forecast densities produced are symmetric. In this article, we use a copula model with asymmetric margins to produce forecast densities with the scope for severe departures from symmetry. Empirical and skew t distributions are employed for the margins, and a high-dimensional Gaussian copula is used to jointly capture cross-sectional and (multivariate) serial dependence. The copula parameter matrix is given by the correlation matrix of a latent stationary and Markov vector autoregression (VAR). We show that the likelihood can be evaluated efficiently using the unique partial correlations, and estimate the copula using Bayesian methods. We examine the forecasting performance of the model for four U.S. macroeconomic variables between 1975:Q1 and 2011:Q2 using quarterly real-time data. We find that the point and density forecasts from the copula model are competitive with those from a Bayesian VAR. During the recent recession the forecast densities exhibit substantial asymmetry, avoiding some of the pitfalls of the symmetric forecast densities from the Bayesian VAR. We show that the asymmetries in the predictive distributions of GDP growth and inflation are similar to those found in the probabilistic forecasts from the Survey of Professional Forecasters. Last, we find that unlike the linear VAR model, our fitted Gaussian copula models exhibit nonlinear dependencies between some macroeconomic variables. This article has online supplementary material.  相似文献   

There is considerable question about how a Bayesian might provide a point estimate for a parameter when no loss function is specified. The mean, median, and mode of the posterior distribution have all been suggested. This article considers a natural Bayesian estimator based on the predictive distribution of future observations. It is shown that for the set of parameters that admit an unbiased estimate, this predictive estimate coincides with the posterior mean of the parameter. It is argued that this result provides some justification for use of the posterior mean as a Bayesian point estimate when there is no loss structure.  相似文献   

Lin  Tsung I.  Lee  Jack C.  Ni  Huey F. 《Statistics and Computing》2004,14(2):119-130
A finite mixture model using the multivariate t distribution has been shown as a robust extension of normal mixtures. In this paper, we present a Bayesian approach for inference about parameters of t-mixture models. The specifications of prior distributions are weakly informative to avoid causing nonintegrable posterior distributions. We present two efficient EM-type algorithms for computing the joint posterior mode with the observed data and an incomplete future vector as the sample. Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling schemes are also developed to obtain the target posterior distribution of parameters. The advantages of Bayesian approach over the maximum likelihood method are demonstrated via a set of real data.  相似文献   

A general framework is presented for Bayesian inference of multivariate time series exhibiting long-range dependence. The series are modelled using a vector autoregressive fractionally integrated moving-average (VARFIMA) process, which can capture both short-term correlation structure and long-range dependence characteristics of the individual series, as well as interdependence and feedback relationships between the series. To facilitate a sampling-based Bayesian approach, the exact joint posterior density is derived for the parameters, in a form that is computationally simpler than direct evaluation of the likelihood, and a modified Gibbs sampling algorithm is used to generate samples from the complete conditional distribution associated with each parameter. The paper also shows how an approximate form of the joint posterior density may be used for long time series. The procedure is illustrated using sea surface temperatures measured at three locations along the central California coast. These series are believed to be interdependent due to similarities in local atmospheric conditions at the different locations, and previous studies have found that they exhibit ‘long memory’ when studied individually. The approach adopted here permits investigation of the effects on model estimation of the interdependence and feedback relationships between the series.  相似文献   

The posterior predictive p value (ppp) was invented as a Bayesian counterpart to classical p values. The methodology can be applied to discrepancy measures involving both data and parameters and can, hence, be targeted to check for various modeling assumptions. The interpretation can, however, be difficult since the distribution of the ppp value under modeling assumptions varies substantially between cases. A calibration procedure has been suggested, treating the ppp value as a test statistic in a prior predictive test. In this paper, we suggest that a prior predictive test may instead be based on the expected posterior discrepancy, which is somewhat simpler, both conceptually and computationally. Since both these methods require the simulation of a large posterior parameter sample for each of an equally large prior predictive data sample, we furthermore suggest to look for ways to match the given discrepancy by a computation‐saving conflict measure. This approach is also based on simulations but only requires sampling from two different distributions representing two contrasting information sources about a model parameter. The conflict measure methodology is also more flexible in that it handles non‐informative priors without difficulty. We compare the different approaches theoretically in some simple models and in a more complex applied example.  相似文献   

To capture mean and variance asymmetries and time‐varying volatility in financial time series, we generalize the threshold stochastic volatility (THSV) model and incorporate a heavy‐tailed error distribution. Unlike existing stochastic volatility models, this model simultaneously accounts for uncertainty in the unobserved threshold value and in the time‐delay parameter. Self‐exciting and exogenous threshold variables are considered to investigate the impact of a number of market news variables on volatility changes. Adopting a Bayesian approach, we use Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to estimate all unknown parameters and latent variables. A simulation experiment demonstrates good estimation performance for reasonable sample sizes. In a study of two international financial market indices, we consider two variants of the generalized THSV model, with US market news as the threshold variable. Finally, we compare models using Bayesian forecasting in a value‐at‐risk (VaR) study. The results show that our proposed model can generate more accurate VaR forecasts than can standard models.  相似文献   

We consider likelihood and Bayesian inferences for seemingly unrelated (linear) regressions for the joint niultivariate terror (e.g. Zellner, 1976) and the independent t-error (e.g. Maronna, 1976) models. For likelihood inference, the scale matrix and the shape parameter for the joint terror model cannot be consistently estimated because of the lack of adequate information to identify the latter. The joint terror model also yields the same MLEs for the regression coefficients and the scale matrix as for the independent normal error model. which are not robust against outliers. Further, linear hypotheses with respect

to the regression coefficients also give rise to the same mill distributions AS for the independent normal error model, though the MLE has a non-normal limiting distribution. In contrast to the striking similarities between the joint t-error and the independent normal error models, the independent f-error model yields AiLEs that are lubust against uuthers. Since the MLE of the shape parameter reflects the tails of the data distributions, this model extends the independent normal error model for modeling data distributions with relatively t hicker tails. These differences are also discussed with respect to the posterior and predictive distributions for Bayesian inference.  相似文献   

In this article, an importance sampling (IS) method for the posterior expectation of a non linear function in a Bayesian vector autoregressive (VAR) model is developed. Most Bayesian inference problems involve the evaluation of the expectation of a function of interest, usually a non linear function of the model parameters, under the posterior distribution. Non linear functions in Bayesian VAR setting are difficult to estimate and usually require numerical methods for their evaluation. A weighted IS estimator is used for the evaluation of the posterior expectation. With the cross-entropy (CE) approach, the IS density is chosen from a specified family of densities such that the CE distance or the Kullback–Leibler divergence between the optimal IS density and the importance density is minimal. The performance of the proposed algorithm is assessed in an iterated multistep forecasting of US macroeconomic time series.  相似文献   

Inference, quantile forecasting and model comparison for an asymmetric double smooth transition heteroskedastic model is investigated. A Bayesian framework in employed and an adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme is designed. A mixture prior is proposed that alleviates the usual identifiability problem as the speed of transition parameter tends to zero, and an informative prior for this parameter is suggested, that allows for reliable inference and a proper posterior, despite the non-integrability of the likelihood function. A formal Bayesian posterior model comparison procedure is employed to compare the proposed model with its two limiting cases: the double threshold GARCH and symmetric ARX GARCH models. The proposed methods are illustrated using both simulated and international stock market return series. Some illustrations of the advantages of an adaptive sampling scheme for these models are also provided. Finally, Bayesian forecasting methods are employed in a Value-at-Risk study of the international return series. The results generally favour the proposed smooth transition model and highlight explosive and smooth nonlinear behaviour in financial markets.  相似文献   

The predictive distribution is a mixture of the original distribution model and is used for predicting a future observation. Therein, the mixing distribution is the posterior distribution of the distribution parameters in the Bayesian inference. The mixture can also be computed for the frequentist inference because the Bayesian posterior distribution has the same meaning as a frequentist confidence interval. I present arguments against the concept of predictive distribution. Examples illustrate these. The most important argument is that the predictive distribution can depend on the parameterization. An improvement of the theory of the predictive distribution is recommended.  相似文献   

A multiplicative seasonal forecasting model for cumulative events in which, conditional on end- of-season totals being given and seasonal shape being known, it is shown that events occurring within the season are multinomially distributed is presented. The model uses the information contained in the arrival of new events to obtain a posterior distribution for end-of-season totals. Bayesian forecasts are obtained recursively in two stages: first, by predicting the expected number and variance of event counts in future intervals within the remaining season, and then by predicting revised means and variances for end-of-season totals based on the most recent forecast error.  相似文献   

This paper will develop Bayesian inferential and forecasting techniques which can be used with any moving average process. By employing the conditional likelihood function, at-approximation to the predictive distribution and the marginal posterior distribution of the moving average parameters is developed. Several examples demonstrate posterior and predictive inferences.  相似文献   

Extending previous work on hedge fund return predictability, this paper introduces the idea of modelling the conditional distribution of hedge fund returns using Student's t full-factor multivariate GARCH models. This class of models takes into account the stylized facts of hedge fund return series, that is, heteroskedasticity, fat tails and deviations from normality. For the proposed class of multivariate predictive regression models, we derive analytic expressions for the score and the Hessian matrix, which can be used within classical and Bayesian inferential procedures to estimate the model parameters, as well as to compare different predictive regression models. We propose a Bayesian approach to model comparison which provides posterior probabilities for various predictive models that can be used for model averaging. Our empirical application indicates that accounting for fat tails and time-varying covariances/correlations provides a more appropriate modelling approach of the underlying dynamics of financial series and improves our ability to predict hedge fund returns.  相似文献   

This paper investigates robustness of multivariate forecasting in the Bayesian framework. The minimax approach is used to construct robust statistical procedures under deviations from hypothetical assumptions. The deviations are defined as functional distortions using the χ2-pseudo-metric. Two cases of deviations are considered: distortions of parameter distribution and distortions of joint distribution of observations and parameters. Explicit forms for the guaranteed upper risk functional are obtained and integral equations for robust prediction statistics are given for both cases.  相似文献   

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