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Leptokurtosis and skewness characterize the distributions of the returns for many financial instruments traded in security markets. These departures from normality can adversely affect the efficiency of least squares estimates of the β's in the single index or market model. The proposed new partially adaptive estimation techniques accommodate skewed and fat tailed distributions. The empirical investigation, which is the first application of this procedure in regression models, reveals that both skewness and kurtosis can affect β estimates.  相似文献   

A generalized Pareto or simple Pareto tail-index estimate above 2 has frequently been cited as evidence against infinite-variance stable distributions. It is demonstrated that this inference is invalid; tail index estimates greater than 2 are to be expected for stable distributions with α as low as 1.65. The nonregular distribution of the likelihood ratio statistic for a null of normality and an alternative of symmetric stability is tabulated by Monte Carlo methods and appropriately adjusted for sampling error in repeated tests. Real stock returns yield a stable α of 1.845 and reject iid normality at the .996 level.  相似文献   

Modeling asset returns with alternative stable distributions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In the 1960's Benoit Mandelbrot and Eugene Fama argued strongly in favor of the stable Paretian distribution as a model for the unconditional distribution of asset returns. Although a substantial body of subsequent empirical studies supported this position, the stable Paretian model plays a minor role in current empirical work.

While in the economics and finance literature stable distributions are virtually exclusively associated with stable Paretian distributions, in this paper we adopt a more fundamental view and extend the concept of stability to a variety of probabilistic schemes. These schemes give rise to alternative stable distributions, which we compare empirically using S&P 500 stock return data. In this comparison the Weibull distribution, associated with both the nonrandom-minimum and geometric-random summation schemes dominates the other stable distributions considered-including the stable Paretian model.  相似文献   

In the 1960's Benoit Mandelbrot and Eugene Fama argued strongly in favor of the stable Paretian distribution as a model for the unconditional distribution of asset returns. Although a substantial body of subsequent empirical studies supported this position, the stable Paretian model plays a minor role in current empirical work.

While in the economics and finance literature stable distributions are virtually exclusively associated with stable Paretian distributions, in this paper we adopt a more fundamental view and extend the concept of stability to a variety of probabilistic schemes. These schemes give rise to alternative stable distributions, which we compare empirically using S&P 500 stock return data. In this comparison the Weibull distribution, associated with both the nonrandom-minimum and geometric-random summation schemes dominates the other stable distributions considered-including the stable Paretian model.  相似文献   

Most of the samples in the real world are from the normal distributions with unknown mean and variance, for which it is common to assume a conjugate normal-inverse-gamma prior. We calculate the empirical Bayes estimators of the mean and variance parameters of the normal distribution with a conjugate normal-inverse-gamma prior by the moment method and the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method in two theorems. After that, we illustrate the two theorems for the monthly simple returns of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index.  相似文献   

The observed high kurtosis of stock market returns and other variables of a speculative nature has aroused interest in stable law distributions. This paper makes the point that most historical findings that returns indeed follow stable laws may have been caused by conditional heteroskedasticity. This presumption is enhanced by Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

The daily evolution of the price of Abbey National shares over a 10-week period is analysed by using regression models based on possibly non-symmetric stable distributions. These distributions, which are only known through their characteristic function, can be used in practice for interactive modelling of heavy-tailed processes. A regression model for the location parameter is proposed and shown to induce a similar model for the mode. Finally, regression models for the other three parameters of the stable distribution are introduced. The model found to fit best allows the skewness of the distribution, rather than the location or scale parameters, to vary over time. The most likely share return is thus changing over time although the region where most returns are observed is stationary.  相似文献   

随着基准利率地位的不断变化,上海银行间同行业拆放利率(SHIBOR)市场风险管理对金融机构将会越来越重要。然而同正态分布相比而言,SHIBOR收益率变量具有偏态等特征。提出采用广义双曲线分布来拟合收益率序列。为了解决参数估计难的问题,提出利用强有力的EM算法对于解决像包含Bessel函数这样复杂、具有大量局部最优解的优化问题,具有很现实的意义,同时利用蒙特卡罗模拟方法来计算广义双曲线分布下的VaR值、ES值,最后讨论广义双曲线分布在SHIBOR市场风险度量中的应用。  相似文献   


The class of stable distributions plays a central role in the study of asymptotic behavior of normalized partial sums, the same role performed by normal distribution among those with finite second moment. In this note, by exploiting the connection between stable laws and regularly varying functions, we present weighted similarity tests for stable location-scale families. The proposed weight functions are based on the 2nd-order Mallows distance between the empirical distribution and the root stable distribution. And the resulting statistics converge weakly to functionals of Brownian bridge.  相似文献   

This paper uses the empirical characteristic function (ECF) procedure to estimate the parameters of mixtures of normal distributions. Since the characteristic function is uniformly bounded, the procedure gives estimates that are numerically stable. It is shown that, using Monte Carlo simulation, the finite sample properties of th ECF estimator are very good, even in the case where the popular maximum likelihood estimator fails to exist. An empirical application is illustrated using the monthl excess return of the Nyse value-weighted index.  相似文献   

This paper uses the empirical characteristic function (ECF) procedure to estimate the parameters of mixtures of normal distributions. Since the characteristic function is uniformly bounded, the procedure gives estimates that are numerically stable. It is shown that, using Monte Carlo simulation, the finite sample properties of th ECF estimator are very good, even in the case where the popular maximum likelihood estimator fails to exist. An empirical application is illustrated using the monthl excess return of the Nyse value-weighted index.  相似文献   

By taking into account the thick-tail property of the errors, cointegration analysis in vector error-correction models with infinite-variance stable errors is a natural generalization of cointegration analysis in error-correction models with normally distributed errors. We study the Johansen test for cointegrated systems under symmetric stable innovations with discrete spectral measures. The results show that the distributions of the Johansen test statistics under these innovations involve nuisance parameters. To overcome the problem of nuisance parameters, we implement a nonparametric subsampling procedure. We document some subsampling simulation results and demonstrate in an empirical example how the test can be used in practice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the estimated weights of the tangency portfolio. We derive analytical expressions for the higher order non-central and central moments of these weights when the returns are assumed to be independently and multivariate normally distributed. Moreover, the expressions for mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis of the estimated weights are obtained in closed forms. Later, we complement our results with a simulation study where data from the multivariate normal and t-distributions are simulated, and the first four moments of estimated weights are computed by using the Monte Carlo experiment. It is noteworthy to mention that the distributional assumption of returns is found to be important, especially for the first two moments. Finally, through an empirical illustration utilizing returns of four financial indices listed in NASDAQ stock exchange, we observe the presence of time dynamics in higher moments.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the mixture of left–right truncated normal distributions, from the spreads between bid and ask prices, as a statistical model for handle non-normality of asset price returns. It has been proved that there is only one maximum for the likelihood function of the new model.  相似文献   

We present a simple but effective procedure for determining whether a reasonably large sample comes from a stable population against the alternative that it comes from a population with finite higher moments. The procedure uses the fact that a stable population sample has moments of the fourth and sixth order whose magnitudes increase very rapidly as the sample size increases. This procedure shows convincingly that stock returns, when taken as a group, do not come from stable populations. Even for individual stocks, our results show that the stable-population-model null hypothesis can be rejected for more than 95% of the stocks.  相似文献   


Conditional risk measuring plays an important role in financial regulation and depends on volatility estimation. A new class of parameter models called Generalized Autoregressive Score (GAS) model has been successfully applied for different error's densities and for different problems of time series prediction in particular for volatility modeling and VaR estimation. To improve the estimating accuracy of the GAS model, this study proposed a semi-parametric method, LS-SVR and FS-LS-SVR applied to the GAS model to estimate the conditional VaR. In particular, we fit the GAS(1,1) model to the return series using three different distributions. Then, LS-SVR and FS-LS-SVR approximate the GAS(1,1) model. An empirical research was performed to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. More precisely, the experimental results from four stock indexes returns suggest that using hybrid models, GAS-LS-SVR and GAS-FS-LS-SVR provides improved performances in the VaR estimation.  相似文献   

This paper derives an application of the minimum chi-squared (MCS) methodology to estimate the parameters of the unimodal symmetric stable distribution. The proposed method is especially suitable for large, both regular and non-standard, data sets. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare the efficiency of the MCS estimation with the efficiency of the McCulloch quantile algorithm. In the case of grouped observations, evidence in favour of the MCS method is reported. For the ungrouped data the MCS estimation generally performs better than McCulloch's quantile method for samples larger than 400 observations and for high alphas. The relative advantage of the MCS over the McCulloch estimators increases for larger samples. The empirical example analyses the highly irregular distributions of returns on the selected securities from the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The quantile and maximum likelihood estimates of characteristic exponents are generally smaller than the MCS ones. This reflects the bias in the traditional methods, which is due to a lack of adjustment for censored and clustered observations, and shows the flexibility of the proposed MCS approach.  相似文献   

The flexible class of Archimedean copulas plays an important role in multivariate statistics. While there is a large number of goodness-of-fit tests for copulas and parametric families of copulas, the question if a given data set belongs to an arbitrary Archimedean copula or not has not yet received much attention in the literature. This paper suggests a new, straightforward method to test whether a copula is an Archimedean copula without the need to specify its parametric family. We conduct Monte Carlo simulations to assess the power of the test. The approach is applied to (bivariate) joint distributions of stock asset returns. We find that, in general, stock returns may have Archimedean copulas.  相似文献   

Limiting distributions play an important role in approximating the exact distributions, especially when they have a rather cumbersome analytic form, or simply when they do not have a closed from. The question that naturally arises is how good the approximation is. In this article, we propose a procedure for the numerical assessment of the “goodness” of some easy-to-calculate limiting distributions, originally proposed in Bar-Lev and Enis, in various cases of the underlying distributions, some of which are inherently computationally challenging. The details of the procedure are provided in three examples. The first example deals with the gamma distributions; the second deals with Bessel distributions related to a symmetric random walk, and the third example deals with positive stable distributions. The details of two additional variations of these examples are also discussed. These examples illustrate the ease with which the limiting approximations could be applied in the various cases, well-demonstrating their computational simplicity and attractiveness.  相似文献   

The discrete stable family constitutes an interesting two-parameter model of distributions on the non-negative integers with a Paretian tail. The practical use of the discrete stable distribution is inhibited by the lack of an explicit expression for its probability function. Moreover, the distribution does not possess moments of any order. Therefore, the usual tools—such as the maximum-likelihood method or even the moment method—are not feasible for parameter estimation. However, the probability generating function of the discrete stable distribution is available in a simple form. Hence, we initially explore the application of some existing estimation procedures based on the empirical probability generating function. Subsequently, we propose a new estimation method by minimizing a suitable weighted L 2-distance between the empirical and the theoretical probability generating functions. In addition, we provide a goodness-of-fit statistic based on the same distance.  相似文献   

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